I really can't control myself

Chapter 1906 Attraction

Belial was apparently not the first demon to attempt a ranged attack on Susanoo. The demons in this demon army are quite talented. Some of them breathe fire, ice, and thunder. A large group of demons around them are gnawing and biting Susanoo, and the other demons who can't squeeze in have no time to spare. Then, they all launched attacks on Susanoo.

It's just that Susanoo's reaction to these attacks is not very big. Not only does it mean that the reaction to the attacks is not very big, but also he has no intention of fighting back. Basically, it can be described in two words, that is "ignore."

Linton's current magic value can no longer be consumed by Susanoo's level of consumption after several additions. Only the super three consumption will have some reaction. Susanoo's magic is lost faster than before. The speed of the demon is far behind, and the magic bar can't even move it.

Linton actually didn't care about the reaction of these demon army at all. They could do whatever they wanted and just act according to the script. Anyway, it was not for these demons, but for Azmodan on the other side. .

Belial's attack was the same. It was indeed nothing special in Linton's opinion. It meant such contempt. Belial here finally read it after trying it himself. Of course, he couldn't accept it at all.

Furious, Belial's whole body flashed with green light, and then a large number of green fireballs emerged from in front of him and rushed toward Susanoo.

"Bang bang bang..." A series of explosions, various green sparks flying, accompanied by various screams and wails. Of course, these screams all come from Susanoo and the demon soldiers around him. Belial will naturally not care about the life and death of these soldiers. The attacks are all covering the enemy and friends, and his hell demons The power of flame is indeed not small, at least it is very effective against these demon soldiers.

However, the chaos passed, and Susanoo's intact body still appeared in front of Belial. Susanoo stopped moving at this time and looked towards Belial. Of course, this was not because the other party's attack made Linton notice him, but... all the surrounding soldiers were cleared by the other party.

"That's it?" Although the other party hindered his performance, Linton's ridicule did not delay him.

Two simple words can activate all the anger of Belial, because its attack does not cause any harm to Susanoo. Belial here did not engage in any verbal dispute with Linton, but directly raised his arms, and the blades of his hands were instantly dyed with green flames. It looked like he had enchanted his blades. He rushed directly in the direction of Susanoo.

But before Belial could launch an attack, a black hand suddenly pinched the devil's horn above his head, and Belial was suddenly pulled up completely by a huge force. Before he could recover, there was a loud "bang", and Susanoo directly picked up his whole body and smashed him to the ground next to him.

A large number of demon soldiers were directly killed by this blow, and Belial was also thrown to pieces. Before he could react, his body was lifted up again and smashed to the other side.

Yes, Linton obviously used Bile here as a weapon, because after thinking about it, although this thing was already in the bowl, there was no guarantee that this guy might have any means of escape. After all, this thing There is teleportation magic in the world, and demons may also do it. It would be quite troublesome if it escapes. No matter what, catch the person in your hand first to save the other party from running away. Linton still couldn't believe that the other party could use teleportation magic to escape at the same time when he hit him like this.

I have to say that this Belial is actually quite easy to use. It is just right to hold and feels pretty good when smashed. Not only that, Belial here still has to struggle. While struggling, the opponent also wants to release the hellish demonic flames to attack Susanoo. This causes it to release a lot of demonic flames after a few hits, which is very harmful to Susanoo. Nenghu didn't do any damage at all, but he was able to clear out a large wave of demons, and he really enchanted the weapon.

Just when Linton took Belial and started smashing it, the thing in the pot that he was thinking about on the other side finally started to act.

As Linton thought, the two sides were still fighting, and Azmodan would naturally support Belial's side. The demon here who was responsible for keeping an eye on Belial also reported to Azmodan the situation ahead. Although they didn't know what happened over there, they had already felt Andariel's aura, and then saw a commotion that seemed to be a fight over there.

All this clearly shows that Andariel is really taking her demon troops to attack Belial's troops as she said before.

Azmodan was quite surprised when he heard the news. To be honest, he didn't believe Andariel's promise at all. He still hasn't figured out what the other party wanted to do. However, it seems that she has really kept her promise?

Azmodan expressed considerable doubts about this, there must be something wrong. The relationship between Andalil and himself is not good, so why should the other party help him? Of course, the relationship between Andariel and Belial is not good, and Azmodan also feels that Andariel will not unite with Belial.

Because it is currently at a disadvantage in the fight with Belial. If Andariel unites with Belial and destroys itself, do you expect Belial to fulfill its promise and share hell with you? That's the King of Lies. No matter how stupid you Andariel is, you can't believe it, right?

Looking at it this way, it is not impossible for Andalil to fight for this hell talker and join forces with him to deal with Belial, who is currently the most powerful. Azmodan did believe Andariel's words in this regard, but he really didn't expect that Andariel would attack Belial's troops at this time. He thought that Andariel would make some conditions to him, such as They jointly sent troops with themselves, but they really just asked a question and then went to fight? Aren't you afraid of stabbing yourself in the back?

At this time, Azmodan didn't know how many troops Andariel had behind him, because the opponent did appear suddenly. Could it be that Andariel had gathered enough troops to destroy Belial? Otherwise, why would Andariel take the initiative to attack there?

Thinking of this, Azmodan couldn't sit still. If Andariel really had more troops than Belial, wouldn't he be finished if he eliminated him and integrated the other party's troops? Suddenly, he felt a little panicked. Compared to Belial, who knew the situation, he suddenly felt that Andariel, who had no idea about the situation at all, frightened him.

So after thinking about it, Azmodan here decided... to stab him in the back. No matter who is stronger or weaker between you two, since we are fighting now, I will take care of you. Anyway, if he is asked to wait for both sides to produce a result, it is impossible for one side to be absorbed by the other side. At that time, it will be a bit late for him to make a comeback, and he must take action now.

Preparing the army, Azmodan pulled up the army and immediately headed towards the goal. At this time, it naturally doesn't know who he regards as a formidable enemy on the other side, and is now being used as a mallet.

Because he was afraid of not being able to make the trip, Azmodan marched very quickly. There was no concept of protecting the generals in the war between these demons. Azmodan himself was the first one to rush, and he was also the first batch to arrive. people.

Of course, Linton already knew the good news before it arrived. After all, there is a demon detector next to it, although the detection distance is not very far.

Andariel didn't take much action here, she just stayed on Susanoo's body most of the time, but when some demons climbed up next to her, she would attack casually a few times. Her strength is naturally enough to deal with these demon soldiers.

"Azmodan is coming." Andariel approached Linton and said, "With his troops, a large number of demons are approaching here."

"Really?" Linton was overjoyed. Such a good thing actually came to his door. "Which way?"

Yes, Linton couldn't wait to "greet" Azmodan. After all, everyone was hooked out, and the remaining demon soldiers around were completely meaningless.

"This way." Andalil pointed directly in the direction and said.

"Let's go and greet you." Linton said, picking up the weapon "Believe" and sweeping the circle next to him, sweeping away a large number of demons. Then he dragged the weapon and headed directly towards Anda. Leer walked in the direction pointed by him.

To be honest, by now, the demon soldiers under Belial are actually a little scared. The current situation is really getting worse the more they fight. Although there are still a lot of troops left, the casualties are equally astonishing. The surroundings are full of demon fragments, flesh and blood, as well as blackened corpses.

And their attacks seemed to have no effect on Linton's unknown magic. Whether it was bite or magic attack, it seemed to have no reaction at all.

What's more important is that their boss, Belial, is being carried and thrown around by the opponent. It seems that his struggle is getting less and less. How can he continue to fight like this?

Seeing Linton suddenly dragging Belial away, these demons didn't know what to do. Is this chasing? Are you going to get their boss back? Can you beat it? What to do now, no one knows.

The only bad thing about the devil's army is that there is only one boss. Although the power is concentrated enough, without the boss, it is a big problem who to listen to. As soon as Linton left, the fighting here strangely stopped automatically.

On the other side, Azmodan was rushing towards this side in a hurry, but suddenly he found a black giant walking towards him in front of him. Azmodan didn't realize what was going on at first, until he was surprised to find that the person the other party was dragging seemed to be one of the people he was looking for, Belial.

"What's going on?" Azmodan couldn't help but ask.

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