I really can't control myself

Chapter 1905 Contempt

Andalil's words really made Belial a little confused, because he really didn't understand what Andalil meant. Is this guy really joining forces with Azmodan? But according to his understanding, Andariel would never be able to succumb to Azmodan, right? Is there any follow-up plan to seize power? But it's impossible for Azmodan to trust Andariel.

What's even more strange is why Andariel appears here now. Not only alone, but also with another human being, just two people. What is he trying to do? Anyway, Belial didn't feel that the other party was really here to fight. No matter what, if Andariel wanted to raise an army of demons, it would definitely be no problem. If he really wanted to start a war, wouldn't he raise an army?

In short, the current situation is simply confusing, and even Belial cannot understand it. Even so, with the thousands of troops behind him, he would definitely not be intimidated, especially since he was very familiar with the strength of Andariel in front of him. The big demon kings don't fight each other just once or twice.

"Although I don't know what you are planning, Andariel, it is a mistake for you to appear in front of me now." Belial said with an evil smile, "Since you have chosen to be my enemy, then I will destroy you here. !”

"You are the one who will be destroyed, stupid guy." Andalil also mocked directly to his face.

"Who gave you and me the courage to shout, this human being?" Belial said in an obviously sarcastic tone.

This surprised Andalil: "I didn't expect you have a good sense..."

"Huh? Hahahahahahaha..." Here Belie suddenly laughed after hearing this, and the laughter was naturally extremely harsh and unpleasant. "I didn't expect that the majestic Queen of Pain would actually rely on an insect-like human being... …”

"It seems that I look up to you." Andariel said calmly, "Mephisto, Baal and Diavolo were all defeated by humans who they regarded as insects, not those angels. Demons The stupidity of this family is that they can’t even recognize who their enemies are. It’s a sad ending and a sad race.”

"Andalil! Are you trying to provoke me?" Belial shouted directly.

"I don't need to do that kind of meaningless thing. Your anger is worthless." Andalil said.

"You succeeded in irritating me, Andariel. No matter why you came here, you will pay the price for it!" Belial said and waved his hand towards the back, "Tear them to pieces!"

The army of demons at the rear naturally obeyed Belial's orders. Although they had some natural fear of Andariel, this was another demon king's order. With Belial's support, they naturally had no scruples and headed directly towards Andariel. There was a surge of people coming from the direction of Lear and Linton.

Andalil aside, this human being is a delicious ingredient. Most of the demons under Belial were recruited from Hell. Because the plan of the three demon gods failed, the demon army could not directly invade the sanctuary. These demons are now quite greedy for humans. Looking at what appeared in front of them There is no reason to let go of the big meal.

But just as they were swarming towards the target, a huge black palm suddenly appeared and struck with a blow. The demons that were the first to rush forward were instantly knocked away. Fragments of various demons were flying everywhere, and the scene became bloody in an instant.

Probably because they didn't realize that this human being would still resist, the demons who were about to swarm him were stunned for a moment. Only then did they clearly see a black giant appearing behind this human being.

Although most demons are intelligent, they speculate that this is probably some kind of human magic, but they have never seen it. However, the hesitation only lasted for a moment, and soon the demon started to act again, rushing towards the human again without any scruples.

Although the black giant behind the opponent looks quite scary, humans are just humans after all, and they have no scruples at all. No matter what kind of magic he uses here, it's just food anyway.

However, in reality, this "last struggle" of mankind is more intense than they imagined. Linton did not talk nonsense to these demons this time. Susanoo grabbed the main body and directly charged into the demon army. Mainly because he had rested for three days and it was almost time for activities. Linton was not in a hurry to solve the battle. , just play a few rounds and then talk.

Besides, he was still waiting for other people's reactions. This other person is naturally Azmodan on the other side.

Since the two sides are at war, Linton certainly knows that Azmodan will definitely pay attention to Belial's situation here, and maybe he has received the news now. Then you said that if you just open a big fire and clear this place in an instant, what will happen to Azmodan? What if he is frightened and runs away to the ends of the earth to hide? This shouldn't scare the kids.

Linton felt that the best case scenario was that Azmodan received the news here and felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he came here to participate. Of course, the other party may also suspect that this is a conspiracy. For example, Andariel and Belial conspired to perform a cruel trick to lure his large army to ambush. Although he didn't know what Azmodan's judgment was, Linton was also prepared.

It's best for the other party to come over. However, Linton will know the other party's location by directly interrogating Belial. In short, just don't scare the children away. Therefore, there is no rush in the battle here. Linton can slightly delay the time for the opponent's group to be destroyed. After all... this is indeed just a matter of time, and the result is not controversial.

Since at least the fighting intensity shown was not that high, these demons continued to rise up one after another. Many demons even pounced on Susanoo, tearing and biting him. It looked like the black giant here was about to be devoured by the demon army.

Although every time Susanoo waved his arms, he could knock away and smash a large number of demons, but because there were so many demons, Linton looked like he was making a final struggle, and even Belial here didn't pay much attention at all. He seemed to be just waiting for the human and Andariel to collapse from exhaustion.

Then, five minutes passed, and Susanoo was still unparalleled in the demon army. Ten minutes passed, and Susanoo was still activating Musou. Gradually, Belial here couldn't hold himself any longer. At this time, Susanoo was surrounded by an army of demons, and it seemed that he would be pushed at any moment, but for some reason he did not fall down, and he still kept clearing monsters at a speed that knocked away a large group of demons with one blow. He even looked a little calm.

Belial was inevitably a little irritated when he saw this situation. It was not that he thought he would fail, but that the loss of his army was too great and he could not accept it. Isn't there still Azmodan's army to deal with? Now he still feels that Azmodan is his biggest enemy at the moment, and he doesn't want to lose too many of his troops here.

The situation in front of him really made him a little confused about how to deal with it. The thing summoned by human magic could not be destroyed for a long time, and the casualties of his own troops were increasing. You can tell how uncomfortable this was.

"Get out of the way, you useless guys." A somewhat annoyed Belial pushed the demon in front of him and prepared to go up and kill it himself. After all, he couldn't bear the loss.

However, something he didn't expect happened. Belie, who was full of confidence, had just arrived in front of Susanoo, and Susanoo just punched towards him. This was not directed at him, because Susanoo had been killing monsters there at the same frequency and leisurely.

Facing this attack, Belial didn't take it seriously at all. It is true that the opponent's attack can easily smash the surrounding demons away, but those are just demon soldiers, and he is the demon king. Belial raised his hand confidently, and even wanted to cut off Susanoo's arm with one blow, but the next second.

With a "bang" sound, Belial took off directly on the spot. After vomiting blood and flying in the air for a while, he slammed to the ground. With a loud noise, another group of demons below were overwhelmed, but these demons helped him offset a little of the impact and acted as a backstop.

However, after this blow, Belial suddenly became a little doubtful. When he saw Susanoo's attack before, it even felt a little cumbersome, but when he tried it in person, he suddenly understood how powerful the opponent's attack was. He even I can't bear it. Have their armies always been fighting against things like this?

What made him even more speechless was that after knocking him away, Susanoo showed no intention of stepping forward to hit him and continued to hit him unhurriedly. Belie even felt that the other party didn't seem to care about him at all. If he was beaten away, he would be no different from the other soldiers beside him. In other words, in the eyes of the other party, he was just the kind of thing that could be beaten away casually. Just a child.

His guess was quite accurate. Linton really didn't take him seriously. From Linton's point of view, he had already reached the contents of the bowl, and his attention was still on the pot on the other side.

"Damn it! How dare you despise me! You will pay the price!" Belial roared, and at the same time a large ball of green flames was sprayed out of his mouth, which exploded directly on Susanoo's body in front. The power of this flame is obviously not small, at least... a bunch of demons around him were burned to death, and those who had no time to escape were all set on fire by this flame.

However, the problem was that there was no response from Susanoo, and he did not even pay attention to Belial. Although his hand was indeed burned, he quickly recovered in the next second, and then continued to attack the demons around him. , I didn’t mean any special treatment at all.

At this moment, Belial really couldn't hold it in any longer.

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