Obviously, what he has seen so far is far beyond Azmodan's imagination. Although he has imagined many situations that he will see, he has also thought about the worst case scenario, such as Belial and Andariel teaming up to trick him. But the scene before him was something he never expected.

So who is this black guy? Azmodan obviously didn't understand what he was facing, and he couldn't even feel the magic power of Susanoo. After all, this thing was actually made of chakra. As for Linton in Susanoo, it was obviously ignored by Azmodan again.

"Stop...who are you?" Azmodan stepped forward without any fear.

Linton didn't even mean to talk nonsense with the other party this time. The last few words I had with Belial were mainly to wait for someone to show up. Now that Azmodan has been delivered, all you have to do is pick it up.

And as I said before, apart from Andariel, these demon kings are indeed quite fun. The other ones feel like they just changed their skins. Their personalities are basically printed from the same mold, at least in their attitude towards humans. all the same. If he really talked to them, Linton would probably have to repeat what he said before several times.

Silent, he continued to approach the demon army ahead. Susanoo here is just a lone figure. Opposite is the vast army of demons, and there are a large number of demons arriving from behind, approaching here.

However, in this seemingly disparate situation, Azmodan was the first to panic. Although he didn’t know the specific situation or who the black guy on the other side was, Belial, who was a little deformed after being hit, was dragging him on the opponent’s hand. At this time, Azmodan didn’t even know what he was facing. It's a human being. It's obvious that as long as the person facing him is not a human being, he can think normally.

"Go! Kill him!" Not knowing the other party's details, Azmodan's only thought here was to let his men go up first to test the other party's quality. Taking two steps back, Azmodan began to call on the demon army behind him to surround Susanoo first.

But before these demons could come up, Susanoo directly picked up the Belial in his hand and swung it forward. Originally this was just a relatively ordinary swing, but what I didn't expect was that the horn of Belial in his hand suddenly broke when he swung it out, and then the whole thing flew towards the opposite side.

A group of demon soldiers who couldn't escape were smashed into pieces and completely wiped out. Belial here rolled on the ground several times before finally breaking away from Linton's control.

"Damn it! Hateful!" Feeling mixed with grief and anger, Belial here started scratching and scratching on the ground because he couldn't tell the direction.

"Stop you idiot!" Azmodan was not far from it and stepped forward and said, "Who is that guy?"

Although he and Belial had a hostile relationship before, Azmodan now felt a greater threat to Azmodan from the unknown guy in front of him. Naturally, Azmodan asked to see how much information Belial knew.

"It's just a weak human being. Kill him, Azmodan!" Belial, who didn't want to be here, was a little concerned about eating rather than fighting, and pointed directly in Linton's direction and said.

"Human?" Azmodan was slightly stunned.

"That black guy is just the summoning spell of that human! The human on the shoulder is the real body!" Belial suddenly pointed at Susanoo's shoulder and said.

It seemed that he had not completely lost his mind. Belial now felt that his previous method of dealing with the enemy was wrong. This Susanoo was huge, so he really regarded this thing as a target, but thinking about it, he must have lost his head at the time. Not to mention Susanoo's strength, the person who summoned him was just a human. It would be much easier to deal with a human than a summoned creature.

Azmodan also looked along where Belial was pointing, and finally spotted Linton on top of Susanoo. It seemed that only then did he notice that there was someone there.

"Hahaha...hahaha..." Azmodan suddenly burst out laughing, "You idiot, you actually lost to a human... Hahahaha... Belial, you are trying to make me laugh to death. ?"

"Shut up!" Belial roared, but obviously he couldn't make Azmodan stop.

"I didn't expect you to be so stupid. No wonder your army began to collapse. Such a fool is not worth following anyone." Azmodan continued to laugh. Of course, he also sensed the remaining demon troops in Belial at the rear. As mentioned before, these demons were stunned by Linton, and there were even many deserters. Azmodan felt that these demons should be watching. It was due to the foolishness of their master that they gave up following Belial.

Belial was so choked up that he was speechless. After all, he himself felt that it was too ugly to be beaten like this by a human being. Angered with embarrassment, Belial stood up and said, "Get out of the way, Azmodan, and I will deal with this human being myself!"

"Back off, idiot, how much more shame do you want to lose?" Azmodan was in a good mood. He suddenly felt that the position of the talker in the Burning Hell was stable. Something unexpected happened. Belial was inexplicably captured. Pulled down the water. Of course, he would not thank Linton, but would also let him experience the most authentic torture of hell.

"So is it true that humans are the anti-demon Noble Phantasms?" Linton looked at the two people in front of him and couldn't help but hold his forehead. Azmodan seemed to have some intelligence when he just saw Susanoo before, but the moment he saw himself, his IQ dropped to the bottom again.

If you think about it carefully, humans seem to be the nemesis of demons. You see, when humans are away, most of the demon soldiers are intelligent, but as soon as humans arrive, they turn into mad dogs and lose their intelligence. The devil himself has a very high IQ and knows all kinds of conspiracies, but when humans are present, he will not play any conspiracies anymore, he will only act recklessly, and the superior will give up.

When it comes to Azmodan, his IQ is even lower than a certain level, because Linton has a deep impression of him, mainly because in the original book, this guy often appears in front of the players every three days and comes to their doorstep to deliver the goods in person. Harsh words. But what is the actual effect of these harsh words? Surprisingly, it actually shows the player the way.

Yes, because when the game was designed, it was worried that players would not be able to find the way and walk in the wrong direction while walking through the maze, so the game production team thoughtfully arranged a "guidance sign". If you want to take the right path, Azmodan will make a remote call and taunt you to tell you that you are on the right path. He will guide you to his location until he is killed by the player. It can be said that It's quite considerate.

It's a pity that it didn't really reproduce such an operation this time. Linton still spent some effort to seduce it. To be honest, if this guy didn't show up, Linton really wanted to ask Andariel to call him and say, "I, a human, want to kill you, please give me directions" to see what the other party would do. I won't be a guest guide.

Of course, now that the person is in front of him, Linton is no longer prepared to be polite and resolve it quickly. While Azmodan and Belial were talking, Linton controlled Susanoo to grab his body, then pulled it back, and the next second he threw it directly towards the two of them. Throw it where it is.

Azmodan and Belial obviously noticed Susanoo's actions, but the other party's choice was obviously beyond their imagination. This Belial just said that he should deal with Linton, but he didn't expect that the summoned Susanoo here not only had no intention of protecting his master, but actually threw Linton directly towards him. Of course, they still think that Susanoo is a summoned creature with its own consciousness.

Because it was so sudden, the two of them didn't even know how to react. However, the throwing speed was extremely fast, and Linton was in front of the two of them in an instant. When passing by Belial, Linton grabbed Belial's right hand and directly lifted the opponent up, without using any force in the air. He threw it over his shoulder, and with a loud "bang", Belial fell directly onto Azmodan's body.

The ground shook, and the surrounding demons looked at this exaggerated scene in a daze. A human smashed their demon king away?

But after a brief daze, the demons came to their senses again. At this time, Linton happened to fall in the middle of a large number of demons, and the nearby demons once again rushed towards Linton as if they had lost their minds.

"Super. Shinra Tianzheng." Linton didn't say anything here, he directly clasped his hands together, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and a huge repulsive force spurted out.

A force like an explosion erupted in the middle of the demon army. A large number of surrounding demons were directly shattered by this force, and various strange pieces of flesh splashed out in all directions with blood.

Here, Azmodan and Belial had just been smashed to pieces, and they didn't even recover what was going on. The next second, another huge force struck in front of them. Although both of them were very large, they were completely unable to resist the force and flew out directly.

As the repulsive force continued to spread, soon all that was left in the original position was a large, flattened pit. The surrounding demons have been completely defeated. Although they are not completely destroyed, there are not many left standing now. Most of the demons were either directly crushed into powder, or were knocked away and disappeared into nowhere.

As for Azmodan and Belial, Azmodan's side was slightly better. They were shocked and flew to the wall behind them and got stuck in the wall. It seemed that the injuries were relatively minor and they could still move. As for Belial on the other side, it was forced into the ground after lying on the ground, and the ground was flattened directly.

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