Linton's acceptance of this task was indeed beyond everyone's expectations and strange in every sense of the word. First of all, is it a bit too unprofessional for you, a saint-level person, to suddenly engage in city construction? Although most people have never seen Linton working hard on cultivation, at least he didn't mind other business. Yes, things like building a city are indeed a no-brainer for the Saint level.

What's more important is that in everyone's eyes, Linton is not that concerned about national affairs. It is true that the establishment of a new city is also an important matter for the empire, but even when there was rebellion, treason, or war with other countries before, Linton never came out to take care of the matter. Compared with those things, building a city was nothing. Isn't it strange that Linton took over such a "little thing" instead?

Of course, the main reason why Linton took over this task was because he received the task. And this task is not simple. It can be said to be the most troublesome construction task Linton has received so far.

The goal of the mission is to build a main city. The most troublesome construction mission Linton has done before was only to build a medium-sized city. However, the mission requirements for building a main city received this time are completely different from those of building a medium-sized city before. Incomparable.

There are a lot of building requirements in the mission requirements, and there are even regional planning requirements. It is not only required to have buildings, but also to have plans, such as the Magistrate's District, the Knights' District, etc. Each plan also has Various subdivisions of buildings.

Originally, Linton would definitely not accept such a troublesome construction task. Because of such stringent requirements, it is estimated that the existing urban transformation will not be enough. Even if it is forced to change, the final score of the task will not be too high. If it is high, then what you get is probably not proportional to what you pay.

However, at this moment, he received news from Yalan that the empire was planning to build a new city in Midrand, and he immediately had an idea. Since the existing city cannot be reformed, what about rebuilding a city directly? Isn't this just right?

What made him even more determined was what Yalan discussed with him later. Why does Yalan want to discuss the new city with Linton? The reason is that Yalan means to let the Meloway family be responsible for the construction of the city.

There are two reasons. One is the matter of the previous city lord. The previous city lord dragged all the people in the city to heaven in a real sense. If you want to rebuild now, the people will definitely have to transfer from other cities, but Learning from the past, who would dare to go there now? You can never build a new city and then no one will live in it. The breakthrough point comes to the Melowei family. No matter how many people from other families you say, they will still worry about you rebelling and starting another Feitian City or something like that. But for the Melowei family, you can't rebel against yourself.

Yes, for most people, the Meloway family is considered the "royal family" now, but it just doesn't bear the name of the royal family. The Queen is about to give birth, and the child will be the blood of Meloway, so Meloway The family came to build this city, and no one had any objections.

The second reason is of course also very important, and that is the issue of money. Yes, building a city is not a trivial matter. In addition to manpower, money is also a top priority. Although the empire is rich, if a big city is suddenly built, it will be very difficult to bear the burden alone. So who has the money? Of course, the Meloway family is one of them, and the Meloway family is already very rich now.

In short, the result of the discussion was that the Melowei family would provide people, money and effort, and of course the empire would also provide support and build a new city in the south. And this city was built to belong directly to the Merowei family as the fiefdom of the Merowei family. From now on, the south gate of the imperial city will be watched by the Merowei family, so everyone can rest assured.

This matter had already fallen on the Meloway family. Linton looked at the task list he had drawn up here, and it seemed very logical. So I thought about it and took over the task directly, saying that I would build this city as the general supervisor.

This surprised Yalan. Yalan was just saying hello to Linton. In her opinion, Linton was too lazy to care about such things. But she didn't expect that Linton really wanted to build a city?

"I thought about it carefully, just in case." Linton said, "What if we are twins or something, and the eldest brother becomes the emperor, the second brother can also be made a city lord, and this city is just south of the imperial capital. Lu is not afraid of anything happening to him, so as to eliminate the possibility of the two brothers quarreling."

"Uh..." Yalan was stunned for a moment, not expecting Linton to think so far, "This... I have already asked, they are not twins..."

"Uh... I took such a hard time to make up this paragraph, so can't you save some face for me?" Linton said, "Forget it, I'm just too busy, okay."

"Oh, then it would have been better if you had said so earlier, and you didn't have to worry about me." Yalan said.

"It's not like I'm free to build the city casually, so you don't have to worry about it, right?" Linton held his forehead.

"Then...what's there to worry about?" Yalan asked.

"..." Linton probably understood. Although no one in the ministers objected to Linton building a city, no one believed that he could build a normal city.

Linton said that he had to speak out. Although he did not understand anything, he had auxiliary tools. Since he saw Asuna's arrangements for expanding the underground laboratory last time, Linton said that you understand this, right? Then someone will help plan his construction tasks.

So Linton also directly found Asuna. At this time, Asuna was continuing to expand the underground laboratory. Of course, Linton had already completed the basics, and the rest could be said to be the hard part.

The easier aspect of working with Asuna is that her and System Ji's logical routes are very close. Linton only needs to tell her all the mission requirements, and Asuna will directly come up with the best solution based on the needs of these missions. Suitable drawings. But when this drawing was sent to Linton...

"Why does this city always feel so familiar?" Linton couldn't help but ask.

"Because we want to get a high rating, I think the rationality and background of the city are more important, not just the practical planning. Otherwise, even if all areas meet the requirements, judging from the previous situation, the rating will not be very good. High." Asuna said, "In short, I have referred to the main cities in some online games and made some modifications according to the actual requirements of the mission. This version is based on Stormwind City as a prototype. If you are not satisfied, It’s no problem to change it to something else like Norton Marr, Zaun, etc. The map will be out within half an hour.”

"I..." Linton said that it was no wonder he always felt familiar, "No, you are just taking it too easy, forget about the others, are you copying the design drawing a bit too much, this way? What’s going on with the river in the city? Have you looked at the topographic map over there? There’s no river there at all, okay?”

The location of the new city is roughly next to the original site of Midrand City. The location is mainly in a hilly area, and of course there is no river. Therefore, the design drawing Asuna gave had a river running through the city inexplicably, which Linton felt was too perfunctory.

"That's not a river, it's just a passage." Asuna said, "You know the Panama Canal, it's something similar. In order to highlight the importance of the new city, I think this passage is very necessary. Look at the location of this city , not far from the left and right to the sea, so you only need to tear the entire continent into two halves from here, and then build a city on it. In this way, whether it is land or sea, this city will become the most important main traffic."

Linton was stunned for a moment, then looked at the terrain map. Yes, the original location of Midrand City was on a narrow strip of the mainland. The left and right belonged to two sea areas. Of course, the two seas were not connected. Because although it is a long and narrow strip, the distance between them is not more than ten or dozens of kilometers, but hundreds of kilometers.

You must know that Midrand City was not a port city at all before. It was not close to the sea. Regardless of whether you count it to the west or to the east, this city is hundreds of kilometers away from the coastline, and no one can imagine this distance. I never thought of digging a canal. Although the distance from the West China Sea to the East China Sea is indeed shortened a lot, who can dig a canal of hundreds of kilometers?

However, Linton thought that Asuna was on the first level and was just casually copying it to deal with him. Unexpectedly, the opponent was actually in the atmosphere and wanted to build a canal to separate the entire continent. After the separation, a bridge will be built to connect the north and south banks. Naturally, this bridge will be built near the new city. Whether you want to go from the south bank to the north bank or from the north bank to the south bank, you must pass through the new city. There is also a port area in the new city plan. As a channel connecting the East and West seas, it is natural that there will be a lot of ships in the new city.

In short, the new city has indeed become a real transportation artery connecting north, south, east and west. Can this still be developed? It's just... the movement was too big. It wasn't as easy as Linton thought, but you went too far. It reminded me of the long list of duels Asuna gave him before. a feeling of.

"Building a city will cut off the entire continent..." Linton touched his chin, "Isn't it a bit too much?"

"I am analyzing the evaluation of the tasks here. No matter how I look at it, I feel that the better and more reasonable the development of the city, the higher the score should be. Generally speaking, city construction starts with the planning of the terrain, but it is not very easy to change the terrain here. It’s casual, I don’t think there’s any problem.” Asuna said.

So that night, a strong earthquake occurred on the mainland, and the entire southern part of the continent was broken into two parts. The next day, the design drawings of the new city were also sent to the desks of the imperial ministers. The unexpectedly beautiful design of the drawings surprised everyone, but no one cared about it at this time, and they all looked at Linton with strange eyes. This way.

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