I really can't control myself

Chapter 1635 Discussion

After hearing Linton's words, Toliman here breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, seeing the other party's expression, Linton probably knew that the other party didn't know much about it at first, so he just mentioned it to give it a try.

The actual situation is similar to what Linton thought. The Holy Association has been investigating the matter of the Second Son Alliance. Of course, it is inevitable to investigate the operating technology of the flying city. The situation of this flying city is also very strange to people in the main world. Although magic exists in this world, it is not easy for even a saint-level mage to lift such a large city into the sky. Yes, or there is no need to do so at all.

With the destructive power of a holy mage, it is not enough to directly use magic to launch a magical attack on the imperial city. Why should the entire city be lifted up and smashed into the imperial city? This seems quite strange. In fact, the city lord of Midrand City under investigation did not look like a holy mage, so the Holy Association was also curious for a long time about how this city became so popular.

When I finally understood what was going on, it was naturally when I destroyed the Second Son Alliance branch, because I found that they were also making some renovations to a castle, but they just didn't complete it. Through continuous interrogation of the arrested people, they probably also understood that this organization has mastered a rather strange technology of making magic props, which can probably be understood as a new type of magic floating device.

This magical floating device can even lift an entire city into the air. However, the power source of this technology is not the traditional magic crystal or magic core, but a strange orange that even the Holy Association has seen. crystal. The Saint-level Association of course asked the Saint-level mage to study this strange crystal. Of course, because the research time was relatively short, no one understood what this thing and the energy contained in it were, but it contained energy. There should be no doubt about it, but of course they would not use such energy now.

As for how he knew Linton needed this thing, that was of course very simple. Since the Flying City relies on this thing to fly, the problem is that this energy crystal should also be found in the ruins of Midrand City where it took off before. But the problem is that they sent people to look for it, and it was not found at all. No such thing is found, so where does it go?

Midrand City indeed relied on this world core to fly, and the world core inside it has now been handed over to Asuna by Linton to study the world core radar. Of course, the people from the Holy Association are looking for less than. Of course Linton understood this. The people from the Holy Association just speculated that he had taken this thing. Toliman also came here to test and ask about the situation. Now of course both parties understand what is going on.

"Does Sword Saint Linton know what is going on with this orange gem?" Toliman asked.

"I have also done a little research here. These gems are indeed very interesting. At present, I really need a large number of samples to continue research." Of course, Linton would not explain anything, but said in a more general way.

"Is this a new type of magic source?" Toliman asked. "According to Saint Vitra, he currently does not know how to extract the energy contained in these gems. Of course, it cannot be used as a traditional magic source for the time being. , the energy inside should not be magic power."

"That's probably it. I can only say that what I have discovered so far is probably similar to what you know. The energy inside this thing can be used now. It seems that only the Second Son Alliance has the technology to master it." Linton said, "But Since they can develop a method of using it, I think I can do it too, and I am very optimistic about this thing."

"I see." Toliman here nodded slightly. In short, Linton was curious about this organization's technology that can send an entire city into the sky, so he wanted to study it, right? To be honest, Toliman still feels a little strange. Although this technology is indeed very shocking visually, the actual effect is just that, especially for the holy level.

You said that other people who have not reached the holy level are eager to fly and build a floating city, which he thinks is understandable, but you, a holy level, can fly, so what are you trying to do? However, Linton is not an ordinary Saint. Most of the other Saints that Toliman has come into contact with are martial arts idiots who are dedicated to studying martial arts. After all, that type of person is most likely to be promoted to the Saint level. As for Linton, he is now so strong that he is number one in the mainland, but Toliman still hasn't figured out how he did it.

Although it feels a bit strange, Toliman doesn't care. Because although they might have guessed what kind of new energy this crystal might be, the Holy Association was actually not interested at all. They are a Saint-level association, not a commercial organization. They take these things back to study, and then even if they develop some new energy source, what happens next? Sell ​​for money?

Or maybe these new energy sources can make some new magic props and the like, making them stronger, so they need to study them? Don't be kidding. Several saint-level mages in the association are not interested in doing this. In their view, magic is the root of everything. Doing other things is simply heresy. Isn't this a departure from the origin? In this regard, For those who are interested, he won't be able to reach the Saint level at all.

So the purpose of Toliman's test was not this thing at all, but Linton's attitude. No matter what the use of this thing is, it is a good thing that Linton wants it, so that the matter of extending the time limit can be discussed. As for the purpose of Linton's research on this thing, he doesn't care at all. After all, Linton really wants to Toliman didn't believe that he could use it to do bad things. Why would he need this thing to do such bad things? The mainland is the strongest, why don't you just draw A?

In Toliman's opinion, the biggest reason why Linton wanted this thing was probably... to make his name last forever. Yes, this thing is not in the category of magic, and the thing contained in it is not magic power. If Linton can really use this energy, can he develop a brand new path different from magic or fighting spirit? But Toliman didn't care, and he wasn't optimistic about it. The main reason was, of course, that this thing was really too rare.

To save their investigation from the Saint-Level Association, he only knew that there was such a thing in the world not long ago. If there were already a lot of this thing, he still thought it was possible. But is there any value in researching something that is so rare in itself?

No matter what, the communication between the two suddenly became harmonious, and Toliman's goal was naturally achieved. After taking out what Linton wanted, Linton naturally did not raise any time limit issues. Instead, he said that he still needed a lot of these things for his research and hoped that people from the Holy Association would help find them.

This time, Linton took the initiative to ask the Holy Association for help. As mentioned before, Linton did not take action last time and chose to accept the mediation of the Holy Association. This was already a loss of face for the Holy Association. The Holy Association was originally I owe you a favor, so let them do a favor now. This will help you repay the favor. Of course Toliman immediately said there was no problem and he would help.

Anyway, this matter is not a trouble for the Saint-level Association. After all, if they are asked to help find it, it is not their people who really go out to look for it. How can a bunch of Saint-level masters have time to find anything? They only care about cultivation. interest. What the Holy Association has to do is to send a notice saying that the Holy Association needs such a thing, and then ask those forces who want to flatter them and curry favor with them to help them find it. This is just a simple effort. , and can build a good relationship with Linton.

The matter of the Holy Association and the mysterious organization Second Son Alliance can only be handled in this way for the time being, and the current situation can only wait for them to continue investigating. This time, Toliman did not give Linton an exact time. After all, he also felt that the affairs of this mysterious organization were quite troublesome.

Of course, Linton didn't have to wait for their investigation. Although this organization was indeed quite disgusting, one of the main reasons why Linton found them was also for the core of the world. Now that the Holy Association has offered to help Linton collect it, it's good news. What's more important is that Asuna should be able to get the radar of the World Core. After that thing comes out, Linton can directly pass through the World Core. It may be more convenient to find an organization. After all, the only people who know the role of the core of the world now, except for the Holy Association, are people from this organization.

Next, Linton was busy for a whole month. In this month, Linton's main job is of course to accompany Yalan. After all, now is the time when Yalan needs company. Of course, even a couple can't stay together all day long. Linton still found a side job, that is... city building.

Yes, just before, after the entire Midrand City south of the Imperial City took off and was destroyed by Linton's blow, the problems left were still quite big. As one of the important cities south of the Imperial City, Midrand City is a hub city in terms of business. Many commercial activities related to the Imperial City originally relied on Midrand City for transit links, but now there are suddenly fewer A city, this has a huge impact.

Secondly, in terms of military affairs, Midrand City is also a barrier to the south of the Imperial City. It is located in a strategic location. If any enemy really attacks from the south, this city cannot be bypassed. Now it is completely gone, and there are also problems with the defense and security of the imperial city.

In short, after several court meetings on this side of the empire, it was decided that the city should be rebuilt. But who was responsible for this project caused controversy again. After all, the previous city lord almost smashed the entire city on top of the imperial city. But while everyone was arguing, Linton unexpectedly appeared at the court meeting and directly took over the task.

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