I really can't control myself

Chapter 1637 Construction

"Um, Lord Sword Master, can I ask you a question?" Mikov, the 75-year-old deputy prime minister here who has not yet retired, couldn't help but said, "So... how did you come up with the idea of ​​building a bridge here in the new city? of?"

"Ah? Oh, isn't this beautiful? Look at the bridge at the city gate, leading all the way to the main city gate. It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Linton said while holding Asuna's concept drawing.

"But as of this morning, there seems to be no water there..." Mikov said.

"Who stipulates that there must be water to build a bridge? The mountain road there is rugged and difficult to walk. Is there anything wrong with me designing a mountain bridge for everyone?" Linton said.

"Then...you should tell me what's going on in the port area in this design..." Mikov couldn't help but said after listening to Linton's nonsense.

"Uh... well... this is just in case. When I got the drawings, I went to the local area to learn about the local situation. I heard from the local people that earthquakes often occur there. I thought it would be just in case. One day there was a big earthquake here, and a canal suddenly opened up. It is better to be prepared than not to be prepared at all, so I designed a port area first. As expected, as soon as I drew the map here, there was an earthquake over there. , a canal appeared directly, isn’t it a coincidence?” Linton said.

Everyone looked at Linton a little speechless. Even if they were talking nonsense, they had never heard people say such nonsense. It was just a small mountain town, hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest river bank. You told me that in order to prevent an earthquake from shaking out a river, Set up a port area? Now people here have determined that last night's earthquake was definitely related to Linton.

"In short, this is the current design drawing. Have you seen my talent for planning ahead?" Linton said, "Does anyone have any opinions? If not, I will build it according to this design."

"That... Master Sword Master." Another minister came out and said.

"Do you have any more questions?" Linton said impatiently. In fact, he was too lazy to make it up.

"I would like to ask Mr. Sword Master if the Meloway family has encountered any problems in raising funds. After all, the city designed by Mr. Sword Master is indeed extremely gorgeous, but if it is built like this, it will probably exceed the original plan. Budget. Our Kraft family is willing to provide part of the construction funds." The minister suddenly said.

"Oh?" Linton looked at the minister whose name he couldn't name and was stunned for a moment. Is this guy planning to give him money? When he thought about it, he understood. The location of the new city today is really good. Although this city was a key city in the south of the imperial city before, it was not as important as it is now. Now... this city is a link between things. I want to participate in investment in the north-south transportation arteries.

"Master Sword Master, our Serug family is also willing to provide construction funds." After this person's reminder, other ministers next to him also wanted to join. It is indeed conceivable what kind of benefits this city will get once it is completed. , this investment cannot be lost no matter how you look at it.

Of course, the position of the city lord is definitely beyond their ability to spy on. They said that this city was granted to the Meloway family, so they did not dare to compete with Linton. But they spent money to fund the construction of the city. Later, when planning the city's commercial district, they allocated several shops with good locations. This is not too much. In the port area, they allocated a dock and a warehouse. This is not excessive. Do you think this is too much? Will I lose money on my investment?

"Oh, that's it... ok, I'll do some statistics here later. If there are really any funding problems, I'll have someone contact you." Linton didn't finish what he said, because he really didn't know that Jian was like this. How much money does a city need? Now this city only has a blueprint, and there is no project budget at all. When building things in the main world, there is never a habit of making a budget first. Anyway, they are all estimated while building.

In short, after the review by the Chaohui is passed, the work will start directly. Generally speaking, such a big city cannot be built in just a few years. However, Linton does not want to complete the construction of the entire city in one go. Instead, it needs to complete the main planning and main buildings first, and then the rest. For example, residential areas in the city can be built slowly after people arrive.

Of course, even these main buildings cannot be built in a short time. It is really not a joke to say that it will take a few years. But as for Linton, everyone is required to get it done within half a year. On the one hand, Linton calculated the time. Now Yalan is five months old, and there are still five months left for the baby to be born. In another month of full moon, the city has just been built. Do you think this is a full moon ceremony? On the other hand, the more important reason is that this is a task after all, and the task time is only half a year, 180 cycles, so Linton can't delay it even if he wants.

Can a city that originally took several years to be built be completed in half a year? In fact, it can be done. After all... this is a world where the profession of magician exists. Of course, it is not easy to hire magicians. Even if the city is approved by the empire, civil engineering is a bit too expensive for magicians. In theory, these arrogant magicians do not want to participate in such a project.

But this matter is not a big deal to Linton. In fact, he didn't take the initiative to look for it. Instead, a magician had already found him. The reason for finding him was...Linton planned a mage area in the main city.

Yes, the new city here in Linton is completely designed based on the main city of the online game, and the mage, a popular profession in online games, has a dedicated city area. To be honest, this is still very novel in the main world. In the main world, except for a few cities originally established by mages, other cities rarely have a city area specifically designated for magicians.

The emergence of such a city is a signal to all mages. Obviously, all fools now know that this new city will be on the fast track of development in the future. The traffic location alone is enough to satisfy everyone, so whoever occupies it will be the best.

So soon, a group of mages came to the door, helping to build the city and other small things. After the city was built, they were also willing to be responsible for the city's magic defense. Of course, the price was that they had to settle in the mage area. of.

In addition to this group of mages, people from the Holy See of Light are also here. Doesn’t this city also have a Holy See area? Of course they can also come and take part.

In short, the construction of the new city has not started yet, and the distribution of benefits in various aspects has already begun. Of course, it did save Linton a lot of trouble. Thanks to Asuna's "guidance", otherwise these people would not have come to the door proactively. Linton was not as proactive as he is now in sending people to look for him. If something bothers him, Linton is not afraid of causing trouble, he is just worried that it will affect the progress of the project.

Of course, Linton left the construction work to two people. One is Uncle Eke, who is responsible for coordinating the entire project, and is the butler of the Mellow family. Uncle Eke also said before that he is one of his own. Although he has no other skills, he is still very experienced in dealing with people.

Of course, the other chief engineer could only go to Asuna. Only she knew what the requirements of the city she wanted to build would be, and she would not make any mistakes. Besides, Linton had seen her design and planning abilities before. With her in charge of the construction, Linton felt more at ease. Otherwise, if someone else builds something that doesn't meet Linton's requirements, that's not asking for trouble.

Of course, Asuna is a robot and can only do work, and other things are really not suitable. For example, communication with the mage group and the Holy See, these are all handled by Ekko, and the two complement each other. With this combination, Linton decided that there should be no problems.

Of course, Asuna said that this project will take half a year to complete. Do you want to continue the other tasks assigned by you? Of course Linton understood what she meant, so the T-X model No. 3 appeared again and was directly responsible for the city's construction projects.

I have to say that this intelligent robot is really convenient to use. Linton now understands why the humans in the Terminator would kill themselves. Some people may have discovered the danger of these robots in advance, but it is really It feels so good to use it, I can't stop using it. For example, if such a big thing as building a city was left to other humans now, Linton would probably have to communicate for a long time, explaining all aspects of the matter to him and explaining it clearly. But even if you say it clearly, there may still be problems.

But as for the robot, as soon as all the information is input, it can directly help you design the best plan and ensure that you complete the task. So far, there have been no problems except overdoing it. Who wouldn't want this? A tool man.

Linton's investment in Asuna is quite large. The two clones are worth 8 million points. Plus other materials and the like, the amount is tens of millions, but I always feel that it is very worth it. It is really It helped so much. This is better than the few cats, dogs, etc. that he keeps at home that eat and drink for free... Speaking of them, Linton suddenly pulled a few pets over to do cool labor.

Of course these cats and dogs are not willing to hear about this kind of thing. Of course they will not refuse if they are asked to build a city, but building a city is too much trouble. Isn't it good to just eat and drink at home for free? But after all, due to Linton's YIN power, it seems that there is no choice. There is really no way to defeat him.

In short, the construction site soon started to become lively, and the basic foundation planning work had begun. Linton also said before that he has been supervising the construction site for a month and the progress is quite gratifying. Of course, he had to start working at this time, mainly because... there were not enough points.

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