Sati's super-spiritual body Thousand Hands was the only one not entangled by the Wood Release. She directly made the Thousand Hands here float in the air as soon as the vines appeared, so the Thousand Hands here were the only ones that could move at this time.

If she wanted to avoid the range of the meteorite, Sati could do it, but it was obvious that the Buddha statues of other people in Gandala were entangled, and it was impossible for her to leave the others and leave alone, so She chose to face it directly.

Flying under the meteorite, Qianju opened a large number of arms and directly hugged the lower part of the meteorite. It was obvious that he wanted to resist the meteorite. However, such a huge meteorite was not something she could block if she wanted to. Soon the meteorite hit the ground with the Thousand Hands below.

But just when the meteorite was about to hit the ground, a dozen other hands suddenly pressed against the bottom of the meteorite. Yes, after hearing Sati's previous order, the super-spiritual bodies of the remaining Gandhara people all raised their hands, and a total of eight Buddha statues worked together to miraculously withstand the huge falling meteorite.

At this time, the eight Buddha statues were holding up the falling "sky" like giants holding up the sky. Although it looked very difficult, they were indeed holding on. Of course, their situation is not very good. The meteorite above cannot always hold up like this, and below them, giant vines are still spreading. While they are focusing on the meteorite above, these vines continue to move towards They were wrapped around their bodies, obviously trying to entangle them to death.

"Throw it to the side!" Shati directly commanded. Because they are entangled in vines, these Buddha statues are now unable to move. The only way is to forcefully push out the meteorites. Although this will obviously consume a lot of magic power, there is no other way now.

"Is it a forced connection?" Linton's voice suddenly came from not far away from Shati. Shati turned around and saw that Linton was standing on the top of a huge vine, right next to her. edge. Yes, Linton was right under the meteorite at this time, which was similar to Madara's situation. At that time, when Uchiha Madara summoned the meteorite, he also directly smashed himself into it. However, because Uchiha Madara was the reincarnated body of the dirty earth, it would not be destroyed. And Linton, have you ever seen Saiyan killed by a meteorite? person? It might not work if you just smash a planet over there, right?

Seeing the scene in front of him, Linton also smiled. After all, Banye's first meteorite was also forcibly blocked back then. Linton continued to perform the subsequent operations: "The first meteorite can be blocked, but what about the next one?"

"What?" Shati looked at Linton in surprise, and suddenly there was a warning sign in her heart. I saw Linton's very familiar hands next to him about to close together, and Shati suddenly seemed to understand what he wanted to do.

"Wait..." Shati called to stop because she wanted to ask for mercy. If there was another one, this Gandala would probably destroy the whole group here. This guy is really fierce and can't be stopped at all.

But before she could finish her words, a sudden change occurred. It wasn't that Linton summoned a second meteorite, but a huge beam of light suddenly shot over from the side.

"Truth Cannon!"

Of course, Linton noticed it in advance. When he saw the sex and called the police, Linton looked over there, and was surprised to find that the attacker was actually Graeme, who had been beaten to pieces by him before.

Yes, Graeme had been mostly broken into pieces by his uppercut before, and Linton didn't care about it anymore. However, now it seems to be intact, and the damaged part has been completely repaired. The mechanical body seems to be somewhat deformed. The robot used to look like an equilateral triangle, which looked a little squat, but now the mechanical part below has turned up and turned into an inverted triangle, which is obviously more powerful.

The beam at this time was the giant beam released by Graeme, emitted from the launch port on his chest. Compared with the light beams just released, not only the color has changed from orange to yellow-white, but the attack range has also been enlarged by a full circle. It seems that this is the opponent's ultimate move.

This sudden attack, let alone Gandala's people, even Linton was a little unable to react. The next second, a huge beam of light engulfed Thousand Hands directly below the meteorite, followed by Linton behind.

Without the support of Thousand Hands, it was obvious that the meteorite in the sky could no longer hold it. Although the remaining seven Buddha statues were still exerting their strength, the meteorite soon fell again.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, accompanied by huge vibrations on the ground, as if there was a big earthquake all around. Everything on the ground was shaken away by the impact of the meteorite. The huge forest Linton had just created with the advent of the tree realm was instantly turned into ashes. Of course, both the people below Gandara and Linton were directly affected. Swallowed by a meteorite.

The overwhelming smoke and dust seemed to have rolled up a sandstorm, and the ground was in chaos. At this time, the only person who was not affected by such a scene was Graeme, who was now floating in mid-air. At this time, Graeme changed into another form, his arms opened and expanded, as if they had turned into wings, and the entire robot also changed into the shape of an eagle and stopped in the air.

"Have you dealt with them? Silam." Rudrob, the boy who had been protected by Graeme before, asked the cockpit at this time. Yes, the attack just now was not controlled by him. The robot was always operated by Silam, his sister, but it was usually his orders.

It was just because of the impact of Linton's punch that he was sent flying out, almost fell to death, and was also stunned. When he came back to his senses, it was already in Graeme's hands, and Graeme's attack just now was launched directly without his instructions.

Silam in the cockpit did not answer, looking at the chaotic field below with a dull look. Ludrobe felt a little strange at this time, although since her father was killed, her sister seemed to be a little autistic, especially when operating Graeme. Siram's current situation is a bit like a split personality. Sometimes he seems to forget his father's things and become a very innocent child. Sometimes he suddenly turns into an autistic girl. When he is in a posture, he suddenly becomes... Somewhat cold.

Originally, Rudrobe didn't care so much about this. He was used to his sister's weird behavior, but this time he felt something was different. His sister seemed even more strange. Of course, this was just his feeling. Now he is a little worried about what happened to Silam.

"Search for witch power reaction, reaction 1, witch power 800,000, judged to be extremely dangerous." At this time, Siram suddenly spoke, and when she spoke, she could not be said to be cold, and even felt a bit mechanical.

There was a "bang", as soon as Silam finished speaking, a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the ground below that had been flattened by the meteorite. Soon the palm of this hand opened, and Sati, the leader of Gandhara, appeared in the palm.

Sati's current condition is a bit embarrassing. The monk's robes on her body are obviously torn, and she is covered in mud. She is extremely dirty. The first thing she did when she came out was to take a deep breath. Although there was still a lot of smoke and dust in the air, for a person who was almost buried alive, this was not the time to dislike it.

The big gulps of oxygen caused Shati's brain to immediately return to thinking. The next moment, she immediately thought of her companions and looked directly around. However, it is obvious that although the surrounding visibility is not high now, there is no one else in the visible place, which means...the remaining people are still buried underneath.

Sati was really panicked. The next moment, the huge Buddha statue stretched out its hands from the ground and pulled herself out. Without any rest, Shati quickly started digging to the side. She could probably still remember where the few people were standing before, and now she just hoped that they were in the same place and hadn't been knocked out by the impact just now.

However, Shati's actions were definitely in vain. Not to mention the remaining people, she herself was not in the same position as before. She was also thrown far away by the impact, and she didn't even notice it. The situation just now was too chaotic. Sati's previous super-spiritual body had been destroyed once, and with the backlash of witchcraft, she was actually a little unconscious at this time.

"Zunji, Darong... where are you?" The anxious Shati shouted a little lost her temper.

"Here it is." Suddenly a voice came from the side, and Shati was happy when she heard the response. However, she quickly realized that something was wrong, because the voice was not her companion's voice at all, and she had also heard this voice before. .

Sure enough, as the smoke and dust were slowly blown away, a familiar figure appeared not far in front of her. The person standing there was Linton, but he was not just playing tricks, because he was really holding two Gandhara people in his hands.

The two people in Linton's hands were obviously unconscious. Of course, Linton dug them out. It's more troublesome for Shati to find someone, but it's very simple for him. Just look for the system prompts. The valuables prompts have already come out.

The two people on hand, an old man with 1.21 million points and a little girl with 1.14 million points, are indeed over one million points. Although they are not as many as Xia Xiujiu, Linton is already quite satisfied. Ten million points seems to be really stable.

Of course, in addition to Sati in front of him and the two people on his hands, there were six other people buried underneath. But Linton was not in a hurry, because the valuables would not be lost even if they died, and the prompts were always there, but it was a bit troublesome to dig out.


"Bang bang" twice, before Shati finished speaking, Linton had thrown the two of them to the ground, and the uploaded things were naturally useless. These two people are still alive, so they are lucky.

"..." I have to say that the Linton in front of her really made Shati confused. What on earth is going on with this guy.

"Why don't you just sleep and forget it? It's such a waste of my time." Linton said, then looked to the other side, "You are here too, why are you so troublesome."

On the other side, where Linton was looking, the robot Graeme changed into his previous fighting form and landed on the ground.

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