Currently, there are only four people left on the field, Linton, Shati, and the two children operating Graeme. Linton turned his head and looked at Graeme here. He was quite curious about its rapid self-repair. Generally speaking, machines were for defense, but he didn't expect that there was a robot that could restore health.

Shati here was also looking at Graeme, but what she was looking at was obviously different from Linton.

"Who are you?" Shati suddenly asked in the direction of the cab, "Why are you attached to this girl?"

"What are you talking about?" Hearing Shati's words, the boy here, Ludrobe, was stunned for a moment. What does it mean to possess his sister? Indeed, he just felt that there was something wrong with his sister's situation. Now that Shati said this, he immediately began to doubt whether someone really controlled his sister.

However, the girl in Graeme's cockpit here didn't seem to have any intention of answering Sati's question. She directly raised her right hand. A launch port in the palm of the robot was pointed at Sati, obviously preparing to attack.

"Wait! Stop Siram!" Ludrobe immediately shouted, he also wanted to figure out the current situation. However, it was obvious that his command could no longer control Graeme. The next second, Graeme's hand still emitted light.

Of course, Graeme's attack had no effect. The Thousand-Armed Buddha was right next to Shati and took a slight step to the right to block Graeme's attack. However, Grom had no intention of stopping. He suddenly started and rushed directly in the direction of Sati.

At this time, Rudrobe, who was standing on top of Graeme, lost his footing and fell down again. Originally, because Graeme was under control, Rudrobe was prepared for his actions. When he started to move, he would naturally use force to pull it steady. However, now Graeme was completely out of control, and he was not prepared for the sudden acceleration. Just fell down.

I mentioned before that Graeme is about 20 meters tall, so falling down is of course very dangerous. Shati was originally planning to control Thousand Hands to fight the enemy, but she didn't expect to see Rudrobe fall down. Without saying a word, she subconsciously threw herself towards the position where the opponent fell.

It was obvious that she was distracted because she wanted to save the child. Qianju stood still and did not move at all. Of course, Graeme noticed Shati who was actually rushing towards it. It didn't understand what was going on for a moment. Because he didn't notice Rudrobe falling down at all.

With a "swish", a ray of light shot out from the emission port on Graeme's chest and passed directly through the unsuspecting Sati's abdomen. Yes, Sati's attention was not on her opponent at all, but on the falling Rudrobe, which directly caused her to be hit hard.

But at this time, Shati didn't care about her injuries at all. She suddenly pounced forward, stretched out her hands forward, and hugged Rudrobe who fell in the air. The next moment, the two of them directly Fell to the ground.

"Fa...what happened?" It was obvious that what happened made a six-year-old child unable to react. When it fell from Graeme, his mind went blank. He thought he was going to die, but now it's what happened.

After a while, he turned his head and looked to the side. Sati was now leaning over and fell to the ground. It was she who caught him with her hands. Seeing this situation, Rudrobe was even more confused. Why did this woman want to save herself? They should obviously be enemies, right? What on earth is going on?

"Are you...are you okay?" Ludrobe's mind was in confusion, and he slightly pushed Sati next to him and asked. Although he didn't understand the situation, he didn't want the person who saved him to die.

However, with this push, he discovered that a large pool of blood was flowing out from the bottom of Shati's body. The warm blood quickly flowed to his hand that was supporting the ground. For a moment, he was suddenly frightened. .

Although he has been acting crazy, he is only a six-year-old child after all, and he has not realized the weight of life at all. Until now, when his hands were covered with blood, he seemed to suddenly understand something, and suddenly let out a scream of fear. This... was too scary.

At this time, the giant Buddha Thousand Hands next to him seemed to have just reacted. He lowered his body as if he wanted to pick up the sati on the ground. However, as soon as he started to act, his body suddenly began to become transparent. Yes, if the psychic cannot provide magical power, it is obvious that the super-spiritual state cannot be maintained.

The Buddha Qianshou was stunned for a moment, and the next second he suddenly glanced at Linton, and then his whole body slowly disappeared.

However, what I didn't expect was that at this desperate time, someone would still want to make up for it. The chaotic Rudrobe was still roaring over there. Suddenly, his body was blocked by a huge shadow. He raised his head and saw that Graeme had already arrived above them and was fiercely moving towards the place where Sati had fallen below. A sprint, does it look like you want to do a last-ditch attack?

Ludrobe was even more speechless, because Graeme's attack range obviously included him. It was obvious that Graeme was indeed controlled by others. If it was his sister Silam, it would definitely be controlled by others. It's impossible to do that.

Seeing that Graeme's attack was about to come, Shati below had lost too much blood and lost consciousness, while Rudrobe's feet had become weak. It seemed that the two of them could only wait for death to come. However, at this moment, a black shadow flashed across the sky.

"A normal blow..."

With a loud "bang", the robot Graeme, which was rushing downwards, suddenly disintegrated in mid-air and exploded into a pile of parts scattered on the ground.

The situation changed so fast that the six-year-old boy here obviously couldn't react. He raised his head and saw Linton, who had just taken action, landing right in front of him.

"I really can't stand's too small." Linton said lightly, "As for a child, he should still be breastfed..."

Before Ludrobe could react, Linton came directly to the side of the fallen Shati, lowered his body and grabbed a spirit body, and clicked to upload it.

"System prompt: Upload valuables successfully and get 1.5 million points."

"Okay, it's quite a lot." Linton nodded.

"Siram!" The boy Rudrobe didn't care what Linton was doing. After regaining his consciousness for a moment, he suddenly remembered that his sister was still in the cockpit. Linton's blow just hit Graeme completely. If they break up, then my sister is not...

Immediately looking in the direction of the pile of debris, he saw the cockpit for the first time. Rudrobe here felt a little relieved. Yes, although other parts were shattered into a pile, the cockpit seemed to be in good condition, so my sister should be fine.

However, the next moment, his body suddenly began to tremble again. Because he saw that Graeme, who had been broken into a pile, moved again.

I saw a lot of things like wires and oil pipes sticking out from the main position of the robot, that is, around the cockpit, which were connected to other broken parts. Then these fragments were quickly destroyed by unknown force. After being integrated, what was clearly a large pile of scraps before was quickly gathered into parts of arms and limbs again.

However, there seems to be some problems with the combination this time. I don’t know if it was too broken this time. When combined, it did not completely return to what Graeme looked like before, but seemed to have mutated. The newly assembled robot has various cracks and barbs on its body, and even a mouth full of metal fangs appears on its head. It looks sinister, as if this thing has mutated.

If the previous Graeme was still a robot, the new combination of Graeme now looks more like a mixture of a vicious life form and a mechanical body. Seeing Graeme like this, Rudrobe completely understood that this thing was definitely not the original thing.

"This...what's going on, who controls Graeme?" Rudrobe murmured.

"It's not over yet." Of course Linton also noticed the movement behind him. This robot's recovery ability is really amazing. Just when he wanted to simply deal with the other party, the spirit body in his hand suddenly flashed. Linton's mind seemed to suddenly receive some information. It was obviously what the spirit body in his hand said to him.

"I see. I didn't expect Buddha to be angry sometimes." Linton nodded slightly, "Okay, anyway, the points required are more than enough. I have the money to grant your wish."

Speaking of which, Linton directly opened the store and clicked to buy. Then he clasped his hands directly and lined them up on the ground: "Immortal method. Wood escape. Thousands of hands!"

With a "boom", the huge thousand-armed Buddha statue rose from the ground, and at the same time, one hand of the Buddha statue directly caught Sati and Rudrobe on the ground. This 100-meter-tall Buddha statue made Graeme, who was originally quite big, look like a small man. Of course, it also stunned him a little.

Of course, Linton wasn't done yet. He held the spirit body with one hand and pressed the other hand directly on Qian Shuzhen's hand: "Psychic technique, Qian Shu IN Zhen Qian Hand, Super Spiritual Body Zhen Qian Hand."

Yes, what Linton just bought is the witchcraft of this world. It's not expensive, 1 million A-grade. Because now 100 million points are enough, Linton does not need to continue saving.

Temporarily borrowing Sati's holding spirit to create a super-spiritual body, and directly pouring it with witchcraft power. The real thousands of hands as a medium seem to be quite suitable, and there is no resistance reaction when the witchcraft power is poured into it. At this time, Zhen Qianshou also showed some changes. A monk's robe appeared on his body, a huge scepter appeared in his hand, and his appearance became more sacred, but the overall appearance was still recognizable.

"Buddha said: Tooth for tooth! Eye for eye! Brother Buddha! Fuck him!" Linton pointed directly at Graeme below and shouted.

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