I really can't control myself

Chapter 1615 Confrontation

This question is too simple. What Linton wants to do is, of course, to earn points. But obviously the answer is very simple, but how to answer it is quite difficult.

Linton thought for a while, then looked at Rudrobe beside him, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just can't stand it anymore. There are nine Gandalas from the three major forces, bullying a six-year-old child. This is not good." Is that great? I, Linton, am the honorary consultant of the World Association for the Protection of Children, the protector of minors, and the protector of the flowers of the motherland. I shoulder the important task of guarding the future of this world. When you see such a scene, you must stand up, Any questions?"


"You go back first, you have nothing to do here. Didn't you see that I was talking nonsense?" Linton yelled before Woz could finish his words.

There was a flash of white light, but before the person came out, Linton yelled back, mainly because Linton thought this congratulatory message was ridiculous when he thought about it.

Even he himself felt so, and the others present felt even more so. At this time, the people on Gandara's side were also speechless looking at Linton. If they hadn't intervened, the magic cannon fired by this kid would have burned your face, okay? And they chose not to help Linton block the gun, but to save the child.

Yes, although Gandara blocked Ludrobe's attack, it was actually to help him. Linton had already issued a warning before, and Linton would fight back if he attacked him. Rudrobe was ignorant, but the people in Gandara could tell that what Linton said was true.

As for Linton's abilities, they are still better than Asakura, and they already know this. Therefore, this witchcraft cannon is considered a very powerful skill in the eyes of other contestants, but in Gandala's view, it is impossible to hurt Linton. And once a war breaks out, it will definitely be Rudrobe's side that will be dealt with.

That's why Gandala's talents appeared between the two to prevent the conflict from continuing to develop. However, now Linton comes out and says that they are bullying this child. Isn't this lying? Don't tell me that you really can't see that they are just trying to save this child and prevent him from going crazy.

"Linton, what I'm asking is your purpose." Shati, the leader of Gandhara here, asked again, "What do you want to do after you get the great spirit?"

"Anyway, this is something that you Gandala cannot accept. Stop talking nonsense and come directly." Linton really didn't bother to make it up. Anyway, Linton had memorized the auras of the Gandalas. These people wanted to run away. You can't run away either, so just stop pretending and go straight to work.

The attitude was so obvious that several people on Gandara's side also understood it. In fact, they had expected such a situation. Not only did Linton have a fight with Asakura before, but X-LAWS was also beaten to pieces by Linton. Two people were killed, except the leader. Except for Maiden Jeanne, all the others were seriously injured. Of course Gandara knew this.

So after getting the news that Linton was looking for them to go to Dala again, the leader here, Shati, chose to avoid it. Two of the three major forces had already done it. It was obvious that he was looking for them just to deal with them. It seemed that Linton's strategy was If all the three major forces were to retreat before the start of the second round, naturally there would be no suspense about the ownership of the great spirit in the end.

Shati was really confused about Linton's purpose, but she also vaguely felt the malice emanating from Linton. It was obvious that this guy was not a good person, and it seemed that he had no intention of hiding it. He directly stated that the result he wanted was unacceptable to Gandhara and the others, and Shati also believed what he said.

"Your Highness, Princess." A person next to him asked Shati.

"Let's do it." Shati nodded, and the current solution was indeed to fight first.

Following Shati's order, several people nearby immediately began to increase their witchcraft power. This group of people suddenly released their witchcraft power in such a way that the reaction could even be seen directly with the naked eye.

Accompanied by a faint, sacred and pure light on several people, everyone's super-spiritual bodies were soon completed. Eight huge Buddha statues appeared neatly in front of Linton. Just like the information he had received before, the super spirits used by everyone in Gandhara were indeed Buddhas.

Counting the military god Tali who had just been knocked away, none of the eight Buddha statues that appeared in front of him were the same. Some were gritting their teeth and glaring angrily; some were smiling with their red lips slightly open; some were sitting cross-legged with their hands clasped together. Linton felt as if he had entered the main hall of a large Buddhist temple, surrounded by various Buddhist sculptures.

Although the current scene is huge, in Linton's eyes, these Buddha statues are moving points. Now that a full 10 million points were placed in front of him, of course Linton couldn't help it.

"The people in Gandara are nice, at least they don't talk nonsense." Linton nodded, "Then..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand suddenly grabbed Linton directly. Linton was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and realized that it was the robot Graeme who had caught him. Yes, Linton is standing on Graeme's head now. Before this thing didn't do anything, it was probably because the two children were shocked by the previous situation. But now that they have come to their senses, Linton was not the one they were going to attack. The enemy.

I saw the robot here directly holding Linton in its hand, and then raising it high, as if it was about to throw. When Linton saw this situation, he said directly: "Hey guys, is the second YYDS Dodgeball Competition about to start? Wait a moment, my microphone is not in place yet..."

There was a "bang", but what I didn't expect was that the robot here grabbed Linton and threw him to the ground without any intention of throwing it towards the Buddha statue.

"Go to hell!" Rudrobe, the boy here, roared again, and then Graeme directly raised his foot, raised it high towards Linton's position below, and then dropped it with one foot.

With a "dong" sound, Graeme's foot landed, but it did not land completely. Looking down carefully, Linton was lying on the ground below, with one hand raised to directly support Graeme's fallen foot. Although Graeme was exerting great force, it obviously had no effect. Even if he put all his weight on it, he could not push forward any further.

"Really, can't you play well and have to commit a foul?" Linton said while suddenly throwing an uppercut.

There was a crisp sound of "bang", and Graeme here stepped on his right foot and suddenly the entire ladder was lifted. A huge force spread up the machine body, and soon the right half of the machine exploded and shattered into a pile of parts.

"What..." Rudrobe on Graeme didn't even finish his words. The huge force knocked his whole body away. His tiny arms couldn't grasp the armrest at all. Of course, most of Graeme's body was destroyed at this time. It's impossible to protect him with nothing.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground from a height of more than 20 meters, a huge black shadow next to him had already arrived near Graeme. A huge palm directly caught Rudrobe flying in the air and protected him. Come down.

Yes, the person who saved Ludrobe was naturally Gandala, and the person who quickly came to Graeme's side was Sati who was closest to him.

Shati is also a little speechless. You are the one who just said that you want to protect the flowers of the motherland. Now you are the one who almost made the flowers of the motherland fall to death. Even if you know that you are talking nonsense, can you at least pretend?

At this time, Linton had just stood up from the ground and dusted himself off a little. Of course, he also saw Sati coming to the side, as well as the other seven Buddha statues coming towards this side. Since they were all surrounding him, he didn't have much to say and just got to work.

"Wooden Escape. The tree world is coming!"

He put his hands together and slapped the ground directly. As the surrounding ground shook, a large number of branches and vines stretched out from the ground. The range naturally included all the surrounding Buddha statues.

"What is it?" Linton's skills were obviously beyond the expectations of Gandara and the others. Although he had seen many special psychic techniques and those who manipulated plants were not that rare, the problem was that Linton used This technique obviously does not contain such things as witchcraft. This aspect also surprised them. The higher the level, the more they would find that this thing is not simple.

Even Ma Canghao would be surprised when he saw it, and of course the people in Gandala here were also surprised. Moreover, the growth rate of these branches and vines was very crazy. By the time they came to their senses, these things had already begun to wrap around their Buddha statue.

Of course these people made the same choice the next moment. It was obvious that these vines wanted to entangle them, so of course the several Buddha statues here left and began to struggle, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the vines, but while they were still there When doing this, Linton had already started his next move.

"Heaven hinders the earthquake star!"

Yes, the tree world came just to control the position of these Buddha statues, and the next move was the killing move. Linton clasped his hands together, and the Sharingan in his eyes moved for a while. Before Gandara's people could react, the next moment, a huge meteorite fell from the sky. This time, it fell directly to the ground vertically and hit the ground below.

"How is that possible?" Even though he was well-informed, the people in Gandala had never seen such a scene. Such an exaggerated meteorite actually hit them directly on their heads. The pressure of such a scene was too great. No one expected that they would enter such a situation at the beginning of the battle.

"Hold on!" Suddenly a voice came from the side, making everyone in Gandala calm down a little. The person shouting was the leader Sati, and just as she finished shouting, her super spiritual body Thousand Hands had already rushed towards the meteorite. The Buddha statue originally only had two hands, but now a large number of arms stretched out from behind. , directly hug the lower part of the meteorite head-on. Are you preparing to directly catch the meteorite with your hands?

When other people in Gandala heard Sati's words, they also acted immediately. The lower bodies of these Buddha statues were entangled in vines and could not move, but the upper bodies could still move. The seven Buddha statues all raised their hands at this time, actually preparing to receive the meteorite's attack head-on.

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