I really can't control myself

Chapter 1561 Breaking up

"What?" The sudden situation made Toliman here bewildered. On the one hand, no matter which side the Feikong City on the opposite side belonged to, they didn't give their Saint-Level Association any face. They just opened fire. On the other hand, the power of the opponent's weapon was far beyond his imagination, and it actually shot down the Kuran Sword Master with one shot.

Although there was some distance, Toliman's eyesight could still see the condition of the fallen Kuran Sword Master. The injury should be serious, and he should have lost consciousness immediately. This attack can directly defeat a saint. Although it is partly due to Kulan's carelessness, it is enough to illustrate the attack power of this thing.

Of course, this kind of attack looks familiar to Linton. The previous floating city seems to have a similar attack mode, but it feels slightly improved, so the thing in front of him is probably the same thing as that one, and it is indeed the work of the mysterious organization.

"This is definitely not something that the orcs can develop." Toliman here immediately said, "Swordmaster Linton, this should be the magic fortress made by the mysterious organization I mentioned!"

"Oh? It seems like this is really happening." Linton acted as if he had just learned about it, and it sounded like he only now believed in the existence of such a mysterious organization. Indeed, there is no way not to admit it now, because it is really impossible for the orcs to develop such a thing. Their country is so poor that they even have to study the problem of surviving the winter every winter. How can they possibly develop such a thing.

"Linton Sword Master, what should we do?" Soon two more saints appeared behind them. These two were the saints who guarded the palace of the Holy Empire of Yilan. Originally, one person was stationed in the palace all year round, but Haven't the Holy War started recently, so most of the Saints have been on standby, and these two are stationed in the Imperial City.

"Let me take care of this thing." Linton said directly.

The original intention of these two people who took the initiative was probably that the five saints present would come together to deal with the flying city. Because they had knocked down the Kuran Sword Master with one shot before, the attack of the flying city made these saints Somewhat panicked. However, Linton seems to be planning to solve this problem alone?

"I also want to see what kind of confidence this mysterious organization has in provoking me." Linton said.

Linton was indeed preparing to take action himself. On the one hand, the flying city here was about to enter a dangerous area. The other party's target is obviously the imperial city, or to be precise, it may be the palace. This palace cannot really be destroyed. His wife is the emperor of the Holy Empire of Yilan. The palace is destroyed because of his wife's face. Besides, His laboratory is just below the palace.

On the other hand, he was basically certain that the thing in front of him was probably used to drive energy, which was the core of the world he was looking for. The power source of the previous floating city was to take things, and I guess the same is true for the one in front of me. As for the core of the world, Linton would definitely get it. It would be safer to get it directly by himself.

Finally, Linton seriously suspects that the Guards may have an enemy backhand, but it seems that no one has taken action yet. The reason why you didn't take action is of course because there are still five saints standing here. If you take action, you are not looking for death. It is estimated that the original plan was that while these saints were busy dealing with the flying city, the people at the rear would take action. If Linton went directly, the remaining saints would be able to keep an eye on this side.

"Linton Sword Master, this thing is not easy to deal with." Toliman next to him said immediately. After all, Kuran Sword Master was just shot down. Although Linton should be said to be the strongest in the mainland now, the problem is that he is now facing It's not an opponent, but a magic fortress, a flying one.

"Just watch." Linton didn't continue to talk nonsense. He put his hands together and Susanoo appeared directly behind him, and then grabbed Linton's body.

Holding Linton, Susanoo's arm waved violently in a circle, and then threw it in the direction of the flying city, throwing Linton directly out.

I have to say that the situation in front of them made several sword masters next to them really dumbfounded. Although they already knew that Linton used this somewhat weird "Dou Qi Golden Body", they had never seen it used in this way. .

Yes, most people on the mainland already know about Linton's Susanoo. Of course, most people understand it as the Golden Body of Fighting Spirits, but compared to other saints, this Golden Body of Fighting Spirits is actually a bit weird. But a few days ago, wasn't Garsain promoted to the Saint level, and Garsain was also able to use Susanoo, so later on, this Susanoo was regarded as a special fighting spirit training method passed down by the Meloway family. product.

But even though he knew that this thing was something special, in fact it was still a bit unbearable when Linton used it. Can you still throw it yourself and play with it?

The direction of the throw was naturally the direction of the flying city. This forceful throw was much faster than the flying speed of Kuran Sword Master just now. However, despite the high speed, the Feikong City here still reacted.

"That orange light is not good!" Toliman below immediately saw the orange light above the tower of the castle that emitted the light before. After this thing flashed for a moment, the Kuran Sword Master was shot down. Apparently the same attack.

The target of the attack was obviously Linton. At this time, Linton and their Holy Association were on the same front. Of course, he didn't want anything to happen to Linton. But in this situation, it was too late for him to catch up and provide support. Linton came up too suddenly.

Sure enough, the next second, a beam of light similar to the one before was shot from the top of the castle in the middle of the flying city, aiming at Linton. Seeing that the same situation seemed to be happening again, everyone below looked at the sky nervously.

There was a "ding", and the beam hit Linton directly in the next second. The huge beam seemed to engulf Linton's entire body. However, something surprising happened soon. Linton, who was hit by the light here, seemed to be flying forward at a speed that was not greatly affected. He was not directly shot down, but instead faced the light all the way. Keep going.

The light split directly when it hit his body, and it looked like it was forced to disperse by Linton. The scattered light also illuminated the entire sky. Suddenly, the sky above the imperial city here was orange, as if an orange filter had been added, and suddenly it even became somewhat beautiful.

"Lord Linton is just like a god." Everyone below was stunned. At this time, the people in the entire imperial city were watching the movement in the sky. With such a big movement, of course the people in the entire imperial city were stunned. As they watch, if this flying city in the sky really falls, they will all suffer. Of course, the people didn't know where this flying city came from, but they could see who was stepping forward to save the entire imperial city.

Linton, who now continues to rush forward against the light, looks to the people below like a god sent by heaven to save them. Not to mention ordinary people, several saints here were dumbfounded. Isn't this the beam that just killed Kuran Sword Master with one strike? Linton just hit it directly?

"Anyway... we can get close to the city this way." Toliman here said at this time. It is obvious that this beam is the defense mechanism of this magic fortress. Linton can now break through this layer of defense. As long as he rushes in Inside the city, immediately deal with the controller of this magic fortress. This should still be enough to prevent the flying city from entering a dangerous position.

However, Toliman felt that Linton's purpose was to forcefully rush into the Sky City, but Linton didn't think so. Do you need to rush in? This is already his attack, blocking the light is just an additional performance.

"The law of heaven is like the earth."

Seeing that the distance was close, Linton also immediately used the skill of Fa Tian Xiang Di. The next second, Linton's body began to grow rapidly.

Originally, the size comparison between him and Feikong City was quite disparate, just like a bug rushing towards an elephant. However, during the rush, the size of the bug quickly grew larger. Of course, no one expected this. Case.

"What happened?" Yes, even the well-informed Saint did not expect to see such a scene. Linton's body suddenly began to grow in size, at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. They have never heard of such an ability. This is beyond their scope of knowledge. Not to mention that Linton is a sword master, even magic has never heard of such magic, okay?

"Illusion? Wait..." Toliman here thought it was illusion magic or something like that at first, but he soon overturned it, because now the side of the Sky City is still attacking Linton with light, and As Linton grew larger, the impact of the light was obviously affected.

This is not something that illusion can do. Illusion can withstand light? So this thing is an entity? Has Linton really grown up? How on earth is this done?

Before he could figure it out, a loud "boom" sound came from the horizon the next second. At this time, Linton was estimated to be hundreds of meters taller, and he finally rushed to the front of the Feikong City. Following the speed of the past, he directly aimed his shoulder at the Feikong City in the sky and gave it a sharp blow.

With a loud noise, the flying city here was suddenly smashed into pieces. Linton's huge body swept through the air, directly disintegrating the entire city. A large number of building debris flew into the sky, like a sand castle that was scattered, and collapsed in one blow. Seeing such a scene, everyone below stayed in place.

"System prompt: Found the core of the world." Linton was close enough at this time, and he heard the prompt as expected.

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