Yalan naturally did not refuse. If it were just her, she would certainly not choose to take refuge at this time. But she still had children, so she nodded immediately. Linton also pulled lightly and sent Yalan directly into the Shenwei space. The other space is naturally the safest. He should be the only one in the world who can enter and exit this space.

After setting up Yalan, Linton looked outside the palace with some displeasure. He also wanted to know who was causing trouble for him. Like Yalan, Linton's first suspect was also a saint from the Madrama Empire, because there must be no troops near the imperial city. If there were any troops, they would have been discovered long ago. It is impossible to be like this. So sudden now. The only thing I can think of is the situation where the Holy Level flies directly over. Indeed, they are also in the period of the Holy Level War. It is also possible that the Holy Level from the Madrama Empire really flies over.

Although Linton had already considered this situation when he announced the Holy War, he did not expect that the Holy Level of Madrama Empire would really dare to do so. His current strength has been certified. Everyone on the mainland should now know that he is the strongest on the mainland. Are the saints in the Madrama Empire really so reckless? Did he really rush forward directly?

No matter what, if anyone dares to find trouble with him at this time, Linton will definitely not let him go. The original purpose was to mobilize the whole continent to help him find people, but Linton's goal has always been on this mysterious organization. The Madrama Empire didn't even take it seriously, but you have to do it yourself. If he died, of course Linton would have no choice but to fulfill their wishes.

There was nothing to say. After arranging Yalan, Linton walked directly outside the palace. The people from Toliman Sword Master here also followed with doubts. Their thoughts were consistent with Linton's. Although they couldn't believe it, the person who might appear now is obviously from the Madrama Empire. Saint level, but how dare they? What about the mission sent by yourself? Did something unexpected happen? Is it really a conspiracy of the Madrama Empire? Doesn’t the mysterious organization they say exist?

When he reached the entrance of the palace, Linton saw a large number of guards gathered in the square in front of him. They had obviously come after hearing the sirens. When Linton arrived, all the soldiers raised their heads and looked at the sky, looking horrified. This is not surprising. The enemy is a saint and naturally flies in the air. When seeing a saint, ordinary people will naturally panic.

However, what he didn't expect was that when Linton looked up at the sky, what he saw was a scene completely different from what he had imagined. Because when I raised my head at this time, I saw a huge city floating in the sky in the south.

Yes, what Linton saw here was really a city floating in the air, a rock as big as a mountain, with an entire city above it, not just the castle in the middle, but also some obviously civilian buildings around the castle. With the surrounding walls, it was truly the size of an entire city. Of course, this city is not as big as the Imperial City. The entire city is about one-fifth of the size of the Imperial City. It should be considered a medium-sized city on the mainland.

Seeing this city, Linton was really stunned for a while. He really didn't expect that a city would fly directly to it. No wonder someone raised the alarm. The soldiers nearby were shocked when they saw such a situation.

Not to mention ordinary people, even saint-level people have never seen such a situation. For example, the Toliman Sword Master people following Linton, their current expressions are no different from those of the stunned soldiers next to them.

"Levitation magic? No, it's impossible to reach this scale." Sword Master Toliman said, "It should be a magic circle."

"Your Highness, this city in the sky seems to be Midrand City." Suddenly there was a general next to him whose name Linton couldn't name, and reported to Linton.

"Midrand City?" Of course Linton didn't recognize it. Hearing Linton's tone, the general here gave a brief explanation. It turns out that this is a medium-sized city south of the imperial city, which means it was originally their city. Judging from this situation, someone made some changes to the city and created some magic circles to make the city take off directly.

It's obvious that the people who came here are not good-natured, and they obviously didn't come to say hello to them. If nothing else, you can think about what would happen if the whole city fell into the Imperial City. It's obvious that the person who floated this city should also be like this. Purpose. But there is still some time before the city flies over the Imperial City, so of course it must be prevented from coming.

Of course, most people thought of the other party's purpose when they saw this city, and everyone became a little panicked, except of course Linton. At this time, Linton was thinking about other things.

First of all, the scene in front of me should have nothing to do with the Madrama Empire. Even if they really have this kind of technology, it is obviously impossible to send people to transform the cities in their territory and let him float and smash the palace. So of course Linton immediately thought of who did this.

Secondly, this was actually not the first time Linton had seen this scene. He had seen it once before. Yes, do you remember the floating city last time? Now it's obviously the same thing, except that the floating city I saw last time was just a castle, but this time it was an entire city. Linton estimates that this technology is also the same, related to the core of the world, and it is this organization that is now known to use this technology.

Although he knew who was causing trouble, Linton really didn't expect the current situation. But after turning a slight corner, Linton suddenly understood what was going on. Linton found that he really seemed to underestimate this organization. He had sent Gasein out specifically to attract the organization's attention. However, Gasein had not encountered any danger in the past few days. Linton still had to do this. It was strange, but now he figured it out. It was not that the organization was unresponsive, but that his target this time was not Gasain's side, but the Imperial City's direct target.

As I thought before, it is estimated that the purpose of the organization is to subvert their empire, and it is simply just Garsain. It is estimated that they should have thought that Linton had deliberately released Garsain and was suspected of seducing them, so they chose to find another way and directly took advantage of Garsain's absence to raid the palace in this way. In other words, what happened later? The hand may not be as simple as this city.

"Everyone obeys the order. Now all the guards will guard the inner gate of the palace for me." Linton suddenly raised his hand and shouted to the surrounding soldiers.

Yes, the city in the sky has attracted the attention of almost everyone. If any rebel troops appear at this time, they will probably suffer a heavy blow. Linton directly used rebellion, because there should be no other armies around the imperial city. The only possible situation is that the enemy instigated part of their imperial guards to rebel in advance. Of course, it must only be a small part. , the Imperial Guards cannot all instigate rebellion at once, this is simply impossible.

"Yes, Your Highness." Linton's words brought the surrounding soldiers back to their senses. Naturally, they immediately started executing Linton's order without any dispute. Although it was indeed strange that Linton asked them to guard the gate of the palace when a city flew from the sky, but an order was an order, and there was nothing to say.

"With a magic circle of this size, this is simply impossible." At this time, several people from the Holy Association here did not care about the affairs of the Imperial Guards, but continued to be surprised by the city flying in the air, "Don't say it yet What kind of thing does this thing use to supply magic power? Just to make this city fly into the sky, at least thousands of magic arrays will be needed to support each other. Just the layout of these magic arrays is estimated to take several years. What on earth is this..."

"Does this mean that the city has been undergoing the current transformation since it was built?" Linton's eyes suddenly lit up. If this is the case, the person in charge of the city's construction had some problems.

"It should be like this. These magic arrays must have been arranged when they were built." Another saint behind Toliman said. Judging from his appearance, he should be a saint-level magician. He probably knows magic arrays. of things.

"Speaking of which, does the Holy Association care about this matter?" Linton suddenly asked.

Toliman frowned. Of course he knew that the flying city was definitely aimed at Linton or the Holy Empire of Elan. It had nothing to do with them originally, but the problem was that they saw it and it had something to do with them. . Anyone who can create such a flying city must be at least a saint-level mage. And if a saint-level mage uses such power to deal with a country, isn't this the scope of management of their holy-level association? Regardless of whether the mage is an insider of the association or not, he cannot do such a thing.

"Kulan Sword Master, would you like to go up there and take a look first?" Toliman turned to the previous Sword Master who couldn't help being scolded by Linton and asked. The general idea is to go to the city above to see the situation first, see if you can find the saint who controls this flying city, and ask him what he wants to do.

"I'll go take a look." The Kuran Sword Master here didn't shirk, or he was very brave. After saying that, he jumped up, flew into the air, and rushed towards the flying city ahead. At this time, Feikong City is still a little far away from the Imperial City. Judging from its speed, it will take some time to come over, so it should be too late.

However, what I didn't expect was that just when Kuran Sword Master flew to a place about three or four kilometers away from Feikong City, an orange light suddenly flashed on the tallest tower of the castle in the middle of Feikong City, followed by a ray of light. It cut through the sky and hit the Kuran Sword Master in the air.

Following this intense flash, the figure of Kuran Sword Master fell directly from the air, and this light also passed directly over the imperial city, almost hitting the city.

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