It can only be said that this crisis went away as quickly as it came. Just a few minutes ago, when the huge flying city flew towards the imperial city, everyone in the city felt the fear of the coming doomsday. , but what I didn’t expect was that in a moment, the crisis disappeared.

With just one blow, this huge city was directly reduced to nothing. At this time, there was only flying sand and dust in the sky. This flying city was hit with almost nothing left. Now those who had not seen the situation before Looking back, I can’t even imagine that there was a city in the sky before.

At this moment, Susanoo, who was sitting next to Linton, began to slowly fly back towards the imperial city. Wherever he passed by, the people below cheered. At this moment, in the hearts of the people, Linton simply changed. He has become an existence like the patron saint of the empire. Of course, the people don't know what happened in Feikong City just now, but of course they know who saved them.

Linton ignored the people below and flew directly back to the square of the palace. Looking at the situation in the square, the current situation is very stable. I don't know if the guess I just made about the traitors in the Guards is accurate, but even if there are traitors now, they don't dare to do anything. What else can you do in this scene? If you want to make a fuss, you can't. Anyway, I will definitely ask you to check here later.

Seeing Linton falling down again, Toliman and others here couldn't help but swallowed. After being promoted to the Saint level for so long, this was the first time that he felt a little afraid. He originally thought that he had a high opinion of Linton's ability. Before, the three Saints did not dare to attack Linton, but now it seems that he is still the one His knowledge is too shallow, this guy is simply a monster.

As soon as he landed, Linton quickly took Yalan out of the Shenwei Space. Although it was safe inside, it was like being in a dark room with nothing to do. It was easy to depress people, and Ya Lan is a pregnant woman, so of course she can't stay there for a long time. Despite the short time, Yalan didn't have any mood swings.

"Has it been dealt with?" Of course Yalan also knew that the danger must have been eliminated when Linton took her out.

"Well, there should be no danger." Linton nodded. The flying city has been solved, and the only possible threat now is the rebellion of the Imperial Guards that Linton had guessed before, but now it seems that they are not ready to act, that is, there is no threat.

"Saint level of the Madrama Empire?" Yalan asked at this time because she didn't know what was going on inside.

"Oh, there was a city that flew over from the south for some reason and asked me to smash it to pieces." Linton said.

"Huh?" Yalan was also stunned for a moment. Although what Linton said was indeed true, Yalan, who had not seen the situation, could not even imagine what had just happened.

"Anyway, let's stabilize the situation first," Linton said.

Although Yalan was a little confused, she immediately began to order the ministers to do things. Linton walked up to Toliman and the others again.

"Linton Sword Master, did you use a fighting spirit skill or magic just now?" Toliman asked impatiently. The question was naturally about the skill that Linton suddenly grew in size before.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things." Linton directly bypassed the problem and said, "Now it seems that the secret organization you mentioned should be true, and it seems that it is our empire that is targeting us now. It looks like this We want to attack the palace directly, but the Saint-Level Association probably won’t stand idly by in this matter.”

They had also seen what this mysterious organization was doing against the human empire. Toliman thought for a while and said: "Please rest assured, Sword Master Linton. Just as I promised before, the Holy Association will not stand idly by in this matter. This mysterious organization hides such energy, which has great influence on the entire continent." They are all a huge threat. The purpose of our Holy Association’s existence is to contain such factors that undermine the stability of the mainland, so we will definitely investigate immediately and let this mysterious organization surface.”

It was previously thought that the purpose of this mysterious organization was to provoke an all-out war between continents, but this attack made Toliman see clearly the target of this organization. But even so, Toliman still chose to side with Linton this time. On the one hand, the organization did not give face to the Holy Association. Sword Master Kuran was injured by the organization's magic fortress. If they stood idly by and watched If so, where should they put their face?

Another point is that after seeing Linton's monster strength, Toliman is really convinced now. This organization definitely has some capabilities, and the magic fortress just now is a reflection of its strength. However, such a thing is simply vulnerable to Linton and will collapse at the first touch. In the battle between these two sides, Toliman naturally knew to follow the winner.

In short, Toliman's promise is still the same as before. In half a month, they will definitely investigate the situation of this organization. Linton was giving him face. Since Toliman had made a guarantee, he would take a step back.

On the same day, the Holy Empire of Yilan also announced that after the coordination of the Holy Association, the previously announced Holy War was suspended pending the investigation results of the Holy Association. This is of course a great honor to the Holy Association. Of course, this result makes everyone feel relieved. After all, the Holy War involves too much, and people in both countries are afraid.

However, the previous war between the Holy Empire of Elan and the Empire of Madrama was still in an unfinished state. It had just dropped from the scale of a holy war to that of an ordinary war. Of course, the one that suffers more in this regard is the Madrama Empire.

The previous great victory made the Madrama Empire almost reverse the situation. However, the sudden declaration of a holy war by the Holy Empire of Yilan stopped the Madrama Empire army who originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Hands, at this time the holy class is participating in the war. Of course, they also know that they cannot be the opponent of the Yilan Holy Empire in this regard. There is a gap in the number of holy classes between the two sides. At this time, they attack and face the holy class who may be the opponent. In holy war level battles, ordinary troops are just auxiliary.

Therefore, in the past few days, the troops of the Madrama Empire did not dare to attack at all. Both sides sat quietly and waited for the situation. As for the Holy Empire of Yilan, they had lost almost all their supplies in the previous defeat, and they were worried about the other party's pursuit, so they suddenly paused.

As I said before, there is no comparison between the two sides in terms of national strength. After this sit-in, all the supplies from the Holy Empire of Elan were replenished. In terms of the number of troops, the Holy Empire of Elan still has the advantage. Now that the supplies have been replenished and morale has recovered, will the Madrama Empire still have the advantage if they fight again?

Obviously, it will be time for the Holy Empire of Elan to counterattack. At this time, Queen Yalan's order also arrived at the military camp, temporarily letting Esdeath act as marshal, which helped her confirm her command status.

The development of the war was indeed different from Linton's previous plan. After all, Linton did not expect that the organization would suddenly come out like this and directly want to throw the city over the imperial city. According to his original plan, he was prepared to resolve this war in one go, but now that there have been changes, he can only make this arrangement temporarily.

Leave it to Esdeath to perform on her own on the battlefield. Linton didn't pay much attention to this at first. However, the mysterious organization has made such a big noise this time, and it has revealed a lot of flaws.

The first investigation was in Midrand City. Flying directly to such a big city was definitely premeditated. It is estimated that someone has been planning this since the city was built or renovated, and the city lord of Midrand City was definitely involved. The previous castle in the middle of the city was obviously the city lord's castle. How could he not know about this.

It's just that now the entire city has been torn to pieces by Linton. It's not known whether the city lord was in the city before, because it's unlikely that the body will be found, but there are definitely clues. Both the Holy Association and the Empire have sent people to investigate.

Next is the Imperial Guard, who really caught someone alive this time. Just as Linton guessed, someone was indeed planning to cause trouble at that time, but because the saint-level people had not left, they wanted to cause trouble but did not start it.

The person who was caught came from the Empire's Armines family and was the fourth son of the current head of the Armines family. Because there was no possibility of inheriting the family business, he was sent to be a guard by the father of the family early as a way out. Because of the support of his family, he became one of the six captains of the guard, which is considered a relatively high-ranking member of the guard. General.

When the incident occurred, the general of the Armines family was greeting his subordinates. He was originally expected to take action, but an accident occurred and he did not dare to take action. As a result, as soon as the investigators came, his subordinates immediately sold him out, and he was immediately arrested. Of course, the entire Aminis family who was implicated were also under control, and are currently being investigated one by one.

A lot of clues have been brought out, but Linton is not sure whether the investigation can yield results. Anyway, the Holy Association has already given him a guarantee, so he can just go to them directly when the time comes.

At this time, Linton came to the laboratory and directly handed an orange gem in his hand to Asuna.

"What is this?" Asuna asked.

"It should be something called the core of the world." Linton said, "Can your technology develop a radar-like thing that can detect this thing? I think this thing can release energy. Can it also be used? What specific spectrum, radiation, etc. are emitted.”

"It's theoretically possible, you can try it." Asuna said.

"There is a Dragon Ball Radar here. Do you want to refer to it?" Linton asked.

"You have so many good things."

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