The military camp on the other side that Linton mentioned is naturally the camp of the Holy Empire of Elan. No matter how good the relationship is now, the Church of Light and the Empire's legions are two forces after all. The church's military camp is independent, although it is also Inside the military camp, the two sides are clearly divided.

Seeing the chaos in the military camp over there, Linton's first reaction was whether Asuna was running the wrong way. But after thinking about it carefully, he quickly rejected this guess. It's easy for people to make mistakes, but the possibility of Asuna making a mistake is really slim. This is a rigorous robot that launches a detector to check the surrounding situation every time it explores the world. Linton also explained it very much just now. It is clear that the target refers to the military camp on the side of the Church of Light. How could this go wrong.

What's the situation over there? The marshal was assassinated? And it happened to be the time when Asuna was sent from his side? It was really too strange, so Linton suddenly felt like he had been tricked into something.

After thinking about it for a while, Linton decided to go directly to see the situation. Although it was unclear what happened now, Linton was certainly not afraid. With a wave to the side, Linton walked directly through the portal and arrived at the camp below in the next second.

The first thing I saw was a large camp surrounded by people. The entire camp was now filled with soldiers. There was obviously some kind of battle going on here, but after Linton scanned it, there were not many people lying on the ground. Except for a few people who looked like guards at first glance, the most obvious one was an old man who looked a bit old. Although he had already said He was an old man, but this guy was strong and tall. He looked like a warrior at first glance, and he had the most people around him. Linton estimated that this old man was the marshal.

After taking a quick look, I saw that the good old man had been chopped into two pieces. When Linton arrived, he was already out of breath. This was obviously not a problem of "injury" anymore. But Linton can understand that you can't shout "The Marshal is dead" at the top of your lungs.

Of course, it was obvious that the person who assassinated the marshal was no longer in the camp. Of course, Linton scanned the area with his breath sense, but he could not determine the assassin's location. Now it's chaos, with people running around everywhere, and auras everywhere. It's really difficult to tell who is the assassin from inside.

Breath perception is not very useful at this time, because breath can be faked, especially for assassins who have obviously learned concealment skills and want to quickly distinguish someone they have never seen before. Human breath is really troublesome.

Especially since there was already a fight next door. Yes, at this time, Linton had already discovered through his breath perception that something was going on at the church's camp next door. Needless to say, Asuna's side had already started to take action, which meant that Asuna's side had really made the right move. , there was someone else who assassinated the marshal.

Linton didn't immediately go over to stop the situation over there. Instead, he was more concerned about the assassins here. Just as Linton was scanning, it was obvious that everyone in the tent had noticed the man who suddenly appeared inside. In an instant, many guards' weapons were aimed directly at Linton.

The marshal was killed, and everyone was on alert at this time. For this unknown guy who just appeared in the camp, of course many people subconsciously thought that he was an accomplice of the assassin this time. But although many people don't know him, there are also people who know Linton.

"Lord Sword Master Meroway?" One of the people who looked like a general asked Linton.

His words made everyone around him stunned. Master Meroway Sword Master, isn't that Linton? His Majesty's royal consort, the actual controller of the current empire? Yes, in fact, another reason why Yalan can firmly hold the position of emperor now is that most people think that she is just a puppet emperor introduced by Linton. In a society like the main world, they are more willing to recognize Linton than the Queen. Dayton location.

But why did Linton appear here? Not to mention that Linton has always been very understanding and simple, and most of the time he doesn't see anyone at all. What's more important is that at this time, why is he here? Even if everyone knows that he is a saint, a saint cannot come here directly from the imperial city.

Everyone in the camp looked at the general who spoke before. Most of them had seen Linton himself, but they believed that the general was from the Imperial City.

But now it was his turn to have some doubts. Although he could recognize Linton, he was currently dealing with assassins. Although the Linton in front of him looked like Linton, even he felt strange to appear at this time. There are also some ways to pretend to be others on the mainland, such as magic, props, etc. Obviously, you cannot rely on appearance alone.

"Master Sword Master, what are you doing..." The general here was about to ask, but Linton didn't have time to accompany him in guessing.

"Is this the marshal?" Linton asked, pointing to the old man who was already hanging on the ground.

"..." The people around him looked at Linton speechlessly. This question really caught everyone's surprise. No matter who this person is, it's obviously a bit strange to ask such a question. Is he an assassin? You don't know your target? If it's Lord Sword Master, can't you recognize your own marshal?

However, when the general named Redes who asked Linton before heard these words, his eyes immediately lit up. The next second he immediately knelt down on one knee and said: "Master Sword Master, Marshal Tommen was attacked by an assassin. I am waiting for the escort." You failed and let the assassin escape, what should you do now?"

Everyone around was stunned, and a few people who reacted quickly quickly bowed to Linton. Several of them had seen Linton before, but because of their relatively low status, many of them only glanced at him from a distance. As for General Redes, he often follows Marshal Tommen in and out of the palace. Since he recognizes Linton, he must be right.

Of course, more people around were still confused. Just now they had clearly discovered that Redes had doubts, but now they recognized him directly. How did he recognize Linton here? It seems that he didn't take out anything that could identify his identity. On the contrary, he didn't even seem to recognize his own marshal. Shouldn't this be even more suspicious?

However, Redes did recognize Linton, or Linton simply did not recognize Marshal Tommen. It was precisely because he often went in and out of the palace that he knew that this gentleman really didn't recognize anyone at all. It seemed that the ministers in the entire court whose names could be called out by him could be counted on one hand, so much so that the ministers in the Imperial City now regarded being named by Linton as a symbol of honor.

There's no way this guy really doesn't recognize anyone. During the last court meeting, he even remembered the Prime Minister's name only after His Majesty Yalan reminded him. This made the Prime Minister depressed and worried for a long time, but later he found out that he really wasn't targeting her. he.

Therefore, it was too normal for Linton not to recognize Tommen. On the contrary, it made Redes more sure that the person in front of him was Linton.

Of course, Linton didn't have as many twists and turns as Redes did in his heart. He didn't care at all whether the other party had doubted him and asked directly: "Where is the assassin?"

"The assassin was gone when we arrived." Redes here immediately replied, but after thinking about it, he immediately added, "General Esdeath, who arrived first, must have gone after the assassin."

"Esdeath?" Linton was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered. Yes, Esdeath is in the military camp, isn't it? Linton almost forgot about this guy after not seeing him for a while, but he often heard Yalan talk about her, and I heard that she was really doing well. The water is rising, as if he has taken the template of the protagonist.

After receiving this information, Linton naturally stopped talking nonsense. He didn't know the assassin's aura, but of course he knew Esdeath's aura. He is very good at finding specific auras. Sure enough, the next second, he locked onto Esdeath's aura.

With a wave of his hand, the portal appeared again next to him, and Linton stepped directly into it. Until he disappeared in front of everyone, most people still didn't understand what was going on.

"General, is this really the Sword Master?" Another general next to him asked Redes.

"Don't worry, this is Lord Sword Master." Redes said with certainty.

"Then why is Lord Sword Master here?" asked another person next to him.

"I don't know, anyway..."

Redes here was about to say something when a soldier next to him rushed to the gate of the camp anxiously and was immediately stopped by the guards, but he still shouted immediately: "Assassins also appeared over there in the Holy See camp and are attacking the religious order. "

"Go to the rescue immediately!" Redes immediately ordered.

Regardless of the chaotic situation here, Linton passed through the portal and came directly to Esdeath's aura. This place is obviously not in the military camp. It seems that the assassin has run far enough.

Linton immediately looked to the side and saw Esdeath immediately. Esdeath was indeed in the middle of a battle at this time, and the enemy opposite him was a guy wearing a shabby cloak covering his whole body. This assassin outfit was obviously the person Linton was looking for.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Linton saw the assassin here slashing towards Esdeath's position with his sword. With a "ding", the ice sword in Esdeath's hand was cleanly broken into two pieces. The next second, just as his sword was about to hit Esdeath's body, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed the sword directly, stopping his attack abruptly.

"Huh?" Esdeath, who was fighting here, was stunned for a moment. Before she could turn her head to see the person clearly, Linton flew up and kicked the assassin in front of him in the chest. The next second, the assassin here moved towards The rear flies out in a straight line.

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