I really can't control myself

Chapter 1554 Assassination

At this point, the assassin organization's purpose of assassinating the cardinal is obvious. Wisnir is now in the military camp. Once he is assassinated, conflicts will obviously break out between the Empire and the Holy See of Light. This is their purpose.

Thinking of this, Linton also felt that this mysterious organization actually had a good vision. The empire was actually very stable at present. Even if there was a war going on, the country was extremely stable. And they happened to seize the only flaw that can be said to be the Church of Light, because the Church of Light is the only organization in the empire that can compete with the Imperial Government.

Because the two sides now have a cooperative relationship, while the empire is developing steadily, the Church of Light is also growing. Of course, the two sides are in the honeymoon period now, and they can't live without each other, so there are no problems at the moment. However, Linton also knew that there was no room for two tigers in one mountain, and as long as the imperial power and the religious power were not unified, it would only be a matter of time before conflicts broke out.

Now, because the emperor of the empire is Yalan, she is the kind of person who has no ambitions, is not very tough, and is also a believer in the Illuminati, so it is not surprising that the relationship is harmonious. But later on, if the subsequent emperor appears dissatisfied with the church, or if the subsequent pope is ignorant and wants to strengthen his power, then conflicts will definitely break out.

But although Linton understood this very well, did he want to take care of it? In fact, I don't want to care at all. It was too easy to deal with the Church of Light. He just had to hit the door alone. But the main trouble with the Church of Light is not their organization, but their believers. Now that believers have spread throughout the empire, they can't kill all the believers.

To solve this problem, either let the emperor become the pope, or directly change the state religion, or promote scientism and anti-superstition. Linton knew about it from the beginning, but he was too lazy to do it. He was not here to benefit the people. He had previously let the Church of Light take over the task of deceiving the people to save trouble, but he was just as lazy to do it now.

Regarding this matter, Linton thought about it and decided to say hello to the people from the Light Church. Because the Church of Light has really demonstrated their dominance among the people before, and it is indeed very useful. They really played a big role in why the people of the two empires except the Holy Empire of Elan could be pacified now, and Linton decided to continue to use them.

The meaning of greeting them this time is also very obvious. Tell them in advance that Wisnir may be assassinated, and the Light Church will naturally send more manpower for defense. Of course, Linton would not explain that the assassin here was actually one of his own people pretending to be one of his own, because what Linton wanted was the reaction of this mysterious organization.

Judging from the situation of this narrow escape mission, Linton had a hunch that this organization might be preparing to give up Segras. Because even if his assassination is successful, he will face the pursuit of both the empire and the church later. The trouble that trying to keep him will bring to the organization is too great. Judging from the previous situation where the other party pretended to change their contact information, the organization's premonition that the best result would be that Segras assassinated successfully and was killed on the spot.

If Segras really succeeded in the assassination and escaped successfully, Linton estimated that the organization would probably leave him alone. After all, there is a limit to what Seglas knows. At most, it just reveals that there is such a mysterious organization, but he doesn't know the other core contents.

Even if the bishop is killed, Linton estimates that people from the organization will not contact Segras. However, if the cardinal is not dead, the organization should still send people to continue to take action. Yes, we already know it now The target of the organization was changed to the bishop as the bait. Linton just had to keep an eye on him.

Of course, if Segras didn't take action, the organization would definitely notice that there was a problem, and naturally they wouldn't send anyone else. So Linton simply arranged a scene. He first informed the church people that there might be an assassin, and then asked Asuna to pretend to be Seglas to assassinate him, and then was "killed".

This death is naturally staged, and it is of course the best if it can be staged well. If it is not staged well, the only loss is the No. 2 unit. After all, the T-X model body Linton can buy it at any time, modify it at any time, and use it at any time. There is no need to worry about damage at all.

The simple bait plan was arranged, and Linton also started preparations. The first thing is to inform the church that it is very simple for Linton to find Pope St. Reno. After informing him of the situation, it is very easy for St. Reno to believe Linton's words because the excuse used by Linton is still Excuses for the Church of Cthulhu.

Linton's right to speak in this regard is higher than that of the church. No one knows the Church of Cthulhu better than me, so whatever Linton says is what he says. It was said that people from the Church of Cthulhu were preparing to attack Bishop Wisnier. Pope Saint Reno here immediately said that he would immediately strengthen the protection, and did not ask Linton how he knew the news. Of course, if he asked, Linton would make nonsense.

Of course, Linton also said that the empire would also help strengthen the protection work. After all, Bishop Wisnier's current location is within the empire's military camp. But the purpose of what he said was actually to say hello in advance. I have told you that it is the people from the Church of Cthulhu who are looking for trouble. I also informed you of the danger. We also helped to strengthen the defense. If Bishop Wisnier really If something goes wrong, the empire doesn't have much responsibility.

The Pope naturally understood. It was obvious that he did not want to cause trouble with the Empire. The current relationship between the Church and the Empire was indeed good.

After notifying the church, the next step is to act. Linton estimated that there were spies from mysterious organizations in the army, and they must be paying attention to the situation, so this scene must be arranged. After the scene was over, Linton was discussing with the church how to expose the flaw and let people from the mysterious organization send people to assassinate him again.

Soon, two days passed and it was time for the day of the assassination mission. Yes, Linton was a little surprised about this, because the previous secret message actually specifically told them the time for the assassination mission, which was today.

Generally speaking, this kind of assassination mission does not stipulate a time. At most, it is a deadline, within a certain amount of time. But this task has a set time limit, which is really rare. Of course, what is special about today is that Cardinal Wisnel will indeed be in the military camp today because it is a sacramental day of the Church of Light.

Linton is not very clear about the specific situation. It is said that it was the date of the baptism of a saint from the Church of Light hundreds of years ago. Over time, it became a festival of the Church of Light. There are actually many such small festivals. Most of them are about something. The time for a saint to be baptized, enter the religion, or ascend to heaven may add up to more than thirty days in a year, so you can say it is special, but it is not very special. At most, this day can guarantee that Wisnel will not go out because of the sacrament. It is definitely not possible to commit any killings on that day, and of course it is impossible to go to the front line to participate in the war.

Linton came here secretly with Asuna's Unit 2, and had already arranged the scene. Of course, Linton didn't say hello to anyone here, and he wasn't planning to show up. He was just waiting for the reaction of the people in this organization. As soon as the main opponent's person appears, Linton can follow them directly and follow the clues.

As soon as he arrived here, Linton also felt that the Holy See had strengthened its security. Probably for insurance, the Holy See directly sent a saint-level person to take charge. After all, he had experienced the power of the Church of Cthulhu before. If it happened again, If there are any "Ten Blades" or something like that, ordinary people will just give them to them when they come over.

Of course, these people didn't show up, and the church wasn't that stupid. Of course, they also wanted to catch people from Crusu Church to get more information. The cardinal-level person who came to assassinate him was obviously not a low-level minion in the Church of Cthulhu.

All the forces from various parties were gathered together, and it soon came to night. At this time, the prayer and worship ceremony of the Holy Liturgy Day has passed, and Bishop Wisnier and the members of the pastoral pair led by him are conducting Holy Communion. Of course, Wisnil himself didn't know the situation at this time. The church didn't even say hello to him. If he knew that he was facing an assassination, Wisnil would definitely be afraid. Even if he knew that there was a protection team, he would be afraid. I'm really panicking, what should I do if the assassin notices me?

Anyway, night has fallen by now. Linton couldn't wait any longer. He looked at Asuna next to him and said, "It's almost there. You can go straight in. Just keep an eye on the target and hit it to death. It doesn't matter if you really kill it. I'll try my best." If you can save it, save it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll buy you a new one.”

"Understood." Asuna said, while also stuffing blood packs into her body, because being hacked to death would bleed, and as a robot, she could only use props and acting skills instead.

After the call of a night bird, the action officially begins. Asuna pretended to be Seglas and began to sneak into the church camp where Bishop Wisnir was located. According to the plan, the first step was to infiltrate. Asuna was very experienced in this aspect. After clearing a few secret sentries, she successfully entered the camp.

Linton was checking the situation from a distance. Not long after, a shout came from the camp below: "Assassin! There is an assassin...ah..."

It seems that Asuna has been discovered. Of course, this was originally planned. If she is not discovered by the people in the camp, she will be discovered by the people of the protection team. Originally, Linton was not surprised, but not long after, Linton suddenly realized that something was wrong. The camp where the church was located below did not seem to react that much, but the camp on the other side seemed to suddenly be in chaos.

"There is an assassin! The marshal is injured!"

Sure enough, if you look carefully, something really seems to have happened over at the camp. Linton was also stunned when he heard the soldiers shouting. The marshal was injured? what's going on? Why was the marshal injured? Did he fall into some kind of trick?

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