"I see, have you got any clues yet?" Linton was explaining the situation to Yalan in the palace at this time. Yalan is currently four months old, and the changes in her belly have begun to become obvious. But in fact, her physical condition has begun to stabilize. Compared to the previous three months of tension, she has relaxed now and has more time to intervene in state affairs.

Linton came to Yalan not only to visit her and the children, but also to explain that he was prepared to personally solve the mysterious organization's affairs. Linton had no clue before, but now he has. Thanks to Asuna's undercover, the other party finally took the initiative to contact her, so naturally this clue cannot be let go. Linton thought for a while and decided that it would be more appropriate to solve the problem himself.

Linton was so concerned, so naturally he was still a little worried about Yalan and the child. As mentioned before, I don’t know whether this unborn child Linton is a person now or whether he can be resurrected. This is indeed somewhat dangerous. It is very necessary to deal with this threat early.

Of course, Yalan is not that surprised. On the one hand, she can also feel that Linton is worried about herself and her children. On the other hand, this organization is the organization that assassinated Linton's father. It is not normal to avenge his father. situation? Although Linton himself said that he had no dealings with his father, Yalan felt that he was Linton's father after all.

However, the actual situation is that Linton's words about not dealing with him were all casual. He didn't know or met this cheap father at all. If there is another reason for the flower, of course the factor of the World Core is involved. After all, the organization has shown that it can use the energy contained in the World Core before. Linton suspects that they should have enough samples to study it. The method used, in short, they should still have this thing.

Anyway, Linton decided to have a little fun with the people in this organization. But judging from what we know so far, this is a bit troublesome. I have to say that these people are really a bit cautious.

As mentioned before, the person they sent to deliver the letter was actually a beggar kid randomly found on the roadside. The letter he sent was an encrypted letter that could not be read by anyone else if it fell into their hands. When the other party found the beggar child, he did not let the child see his face the whole time. He always turned his back to him. The reward was only two pieces of bread and it was not a specific currency. It had no traceability. Now he wants to find this for the child. It is obviously too difficult for people to believe.

The person who asked the child to deliver the message should be the liaison officer whom Segras had learned about before, the one nicknamed the Red Mountain Man. However, the method of delivering the letter this time was a little special. Asuna said that she had never delivered a letter in this way before. In the previous method, either the Red Mountain people came to Segras in person, or the letter was delivered directly. This was the first time that the transfer was done through an intermediary.

This made Linton wonder if the other party had discovered something, but because the method of sending letters was not very fixed before, he could still get through it. Linton was just keeping an eye on it, but no matter whether the other party discovered something, Linton would definitely pursue it.

To be honest, the current situation of Segras is really quite suspicious. If Linton were his superior, he would also doubt his situation, so he may be really suspicious, or he may want to pass this Directly deal with Segras in this mission? Because this mission looks very troublesome.

Yes, the secret message here has been translated. In fact, it is not that difficult. The encryption of MeSign in this era is not as complicated as imagined. After all, there are no random numbers or random functions. Most of them use a fixed "codebook".

There are a total of 13 types of "code books" used by the organization. Each secret message can only use three types at most. Ordinary people must not be able to read it. However, these "code books" are combined with the previous torture of Segras to obtain After receiving the information, there will definitely be no problem in deciphering the other party’s secret message. Asuna spent some time here, mainly to verify, because even if it was the confession that Seglas tortured, she would not 100% believe it. As long as it was said by someone, it existed in the Xu family. possible.

In short, after translation, the goal of this mission has been clarified. This is also the trouble Linton mentioned, because the target they asked Segras to assassinate this time was actually someone from the Church of Light.

That's why Linton wondered if this mysterious organization felt that Segras was a little suspicious and wanted to give up on him. This person from the Church of Light is definitely not an easy target to assassinate, even if Segras has reached the level of a saint, or even It's not an ordinary level saint, but the Church of Light is not a place where saints can run wild.

What's more, the assassins this time were not ordinary church members, but cardinal-level executives. In the hierarchy of the church, the first one is naturally the pope, and below the pope are the five cardinals, the powerful figures in charge of the five dioceses respectively. If you want to compare, they are equivalent to the duke-level people in the empire. In this way The person is obviously not easy to assassinate.

To be able to achieve the position of a cardinal, this person must be a person of some strength. The Vatican's guards are all elites, and there are a lot of saint-level people in the church. Even if you can really successfully assassinate the other party, you will still have to face revenge from the church. Even for a saint-level person, this is a life of narrow escape.

If you think about it this way, it is not so strange that this liaison officer suddenly used a safer contact method than before. After all, if something happens, the Church of Light will definitely pursue it with all its strength, and their investigation intensity is very strong. It's understandable to treat it with caution if it's strong.

So the question is, why did the people of this organization assassinate the cardinal of the Church of Light? Obviously, this question made Linton confused. What happened to the Light Church that provoked them? Judging from the current situation, this organization is very hidden. The Light Church may not even know about their existence.

After a little investigation, Linton seemed to suddenly figure out what was going on. Just after Linton learned that the target of the mission was the cardinal, of course Linton immediately found someone to investigate the other party. According to the current relationship between the Church of Light and the Imperial Government, this investigation was still very easy. As a result, Linton soon discovered the problem.

According to the information sent by the people below, the patriarchate of the nearby Cardinal named Wisnier is located in the southeast of the empire, and the southeast of the empire at this time is the direction of the battlefield.

The war between the Holy Empire of Elan and the Empire of Madrama has been going on for more than a month. Currently, the Holy Empire of Elan is completely dominant. The attack was initiated by the Madrama Empire before, but now it has returned to the territory of the Madrama Empire.

Originally, Linton had no intention of getting involved in this war, and there was no need for his help at all. The victory of the war was basically certain. But this time the mysterious assassin organization involved him.

Cardinal Wisnier is actually in the empire's military camp now, and he is actually here to express condolences on behalf of the Church of Light. The Pope had previously decided to further cooperate with the Empire, and the cooperation between the two parties was quite pleasant. At present, almost the entire human empire is composed of believers of the Church of Light, and the church also helped a lot when the empire integrated the three major countries and quickly stabilized the people's hearts. It is desirable for both sides to cooperate with each other.

But now it's time for the empire to fulfill its promise. When Linton conquered the Pope, he promised him that when the empire expands its territory, he will also bring the Church of Light with him to expand. What they want is land, and the church wants faith.

This is naturally an acceptable plan for the empire. When they fight other empires to cede territory and pay compensation, let the church people go there to cleanse the religion. When everyone believes in the Illuminati, then the subsequent rule will of course be easier and resistance will be easier. It won't be that big. People from the Light Church are naturally willing to do this.

So the purpose of Cardinal Wisnier appearing in the military camp at this time was because of this, because the victory or defeat between the Holy Empire of Yilan and the Empire of Madrama was already obvious, even though they had only fought for more than a month. , the Madrama Empire is really a little unable to bear it.

Since we couldn't bear it anymore, we entered the stage of drawing up a treaty while fighting. Although the Holy Empire of Yilan is powerful, it is impossible to eat the Madrama Empire in one go. Over there is the Orc Empire. If you eat it in one go, you will suffer from indigestion and bring down the entire country. The advantage is, because the orcs up there will never listen to you, and there is no possibility of collecting any taxes. Who wants the land that just loses money?

The current plan of the empire is to pay reparations to various places, because there are actually cities or towns at the junction of the two empires where humans live, or where humans and orcs live together, and these territories can be converted. Obtaining these territories is the first step, and these lands are also the goals of the Church of Light to promote its teachings.

The Church of Light attaches great importance to this matter, because this is the first step for their church to expand into the human empire. If other races can completely believe in the God of Light, it will be of extraordinary significance. The Pope personally ordered Cardinal Wisnel to go to the front lines to supervise the matter. Wisnier brought a team of priests here. On the surface, it was like a medical team to rescue the wounded. In fact, it was to clear the ground with the Reformation.

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