I really can't control myself

Chapter 1556 Confrontation

"Why are you here?" At this time, Esdeath also saw clearly who the person next to him was, and he was even a little happy when he spoke.

Linton hadn't seen Esdeath for some time and looked at her condition. I always feel that her current appearance is closer to the way she was before she changed her body. If they were 80% similar when they were first reborn, they are at least 90% similar now.

Is this from the heart? Is it because of her dressing habits and the like that slowly move her closer to her original appearance, or is it because she has modified her body in some way? Linton was not very clear.

Looking at the half-ice sword held in the opponent's hand, this ability is...familiar. Linton could recognize that the other party was using the telekinesis ability, which meant that the other party had awakened the ice-type telepathy. Considering that she originally used ice-type skills, this was not surprising. She was familiar.

Previously, the opponent's ice ability seemed to be something similar to blood inheritance. Linton asked Asuna to study it to see if it could be restored, but it seemed that there was no result yet. But now that the other party has awakened the ice element, he is not so anxious. From what she has sensed so far, her strength has recovered very quickly. No wonder she has been doing so well in the military camp recently.

Although she had recovered a lot, it was obvious that the assassin on the opposite side was stronger. If Linton had not arrived in time, the assassin's blow just now would have at least seriously injured her. So now Esdeath is probably close to the holy level?

He wasn't quite sure that was because he didn't know whether the assassin on the opposite side was a saint or not. After all... he was too weak, so weak that Linton couldn't tell the difference. He was not a combat power detection device and could read 100 and 101. the difference between.

"Arrest people first." Although they hadn't met each other for some time, Linton certainly didn't have time to reminisce with her at this time. As he said this, he took a step forward and rushed directly towards the direction where the assassin flew out.

"Okay." Esdeath also followed with one step. It is not difficult to see that she has become very skilled in using telekinesis. The instant speed increase of this step is a test of basic skills. Although it is a little slow, she can still keep up. Linton.

Following the direction in which the opponent flew out, Linton quickly arrived about 200 meters ahead. Looking at the fallen assassin in front of him, Linton frowned.

Yes, the person in front of him is dead. Of course, it was not caused by Linton's kick just now. Although this kick sent him flying more than 200 meters and broke several large trees as thick as the mouth of a bowl, Linton had already restrained his strength. This was not intended to kill him in the first place. Living is obviously more useful.

At this time, Esdeath also followed. She frowned when she looked at the assassin on the ground. She leaned down to check it out and said, "It should have been poisoned. He was a dead soldier type assassin."

"Are we going to send dead soldiers directly this time?" Linton certainly guessed the cause of the other party's death.

"This time? Do you know who sent these assassins?" Esdeath said and pulled off the other party's cloak. "Is it an orc? Someone from the Madrama Empire across the way?"

"Don't make trouble, even the Madrama Empire cannot train such level of death warriors." Linton said.

Esdeath nodded slightly. During this time, she also learned something about the world. The strong are respected in all worlds. The orc on the ground is obviously a strong man, and is called a saint here. As a saint, he has his own pride, and he also has to sacrifice his life. The strong man is willing to do the profession of death warrior.

"Then where did he come from?" Esdeath asked.

"Tell me about today's situation first." Linton asked directly to Esdeath without answering.

Of course, Esdeath didn't hide anything, and immediately explained the situation she encountered. As mentioned before, Esdeath is now one of Marshal Tommen's adjutants. Because of her activeness and charm these days, she can be said to be the default second-in-command of the entire military camp at this time. And with Marshal Tommen's deliberate cultivation, she is actually in charge of most things in the military formation.

Of course, her actual military rank was only that of an adjutant, and her camp was naturally next to Marshal Tommen's. She was originally going to rest tonight, but as a cautious person, she would also keep some vigilance when resting, and her way of vigilance was naturally through chanting.

Because of this power that does not exist in this world, she became the only one to discover the invading assassins. When the assassin entered the marshal's camp next to her, she spotted him before the guards. When she woke up, she immediately rushed to the nearby camp, but she was still a step too late. When she arrived, Marshal Tommen was gone. When she found out that the assassin had hit him and ran away immediately, she had no time to do anything else and started to chase him all the way. She only just caught up with him when he got here.

Linton nodded. This assassin seemed to be a real assassin. The few people he saw falling down in the camp before were only a few soldiers except Tommen. They seemed to be the guards of the camp. There was no direct conflict between the two sides at all. The other side retreated directly after killing the target and a few guards. If Esdeath hadn't discovered it, the alarm might not have been triggered.

After learning of the situation, Linton began to analyze. At present, it is almost certain that the unknown assassin in front of him is a member of the mysterious organization he is tracking. In other words, they can control those saints to work for them through brainwashing. It is estimated that the assassin in front of him is similar to the previous Segras. Case. According to their style, this guy may be the second son of some family, and he is grateful to them for being favored by the organization. Only then will there be such a dead soldier who will commit suicide without hesitation as soon as he misses.

But what exactly is going on today? The information provided by Esdeath made Linton consider the consequences. If she had not discovered the assassin, the marshal's body would have been discovered later, and the circumstances in which it was discovered were probably like this. Asuna's side attacked the Church of Light's camp, and if something happened, of course someone would report it to Marshal Tommen, only to find his body that had also been assassinated.

Didn't he say that he obviously wanted to put the blame on his head? Let Asuna be blamed for the assassination. After all, anyone would think that Asuna first assassinated the marshal and then attacked the church. In other words, the other party has discovered that Segras is fake? Or do you plan to give up Segras completely?

Linton tended to think that the other party discovered that Segras was pretending, which was not very difficult. Although Asuna should be strictly pretending to be Segras from her appearance to her voice to her habits, she is a robot after all. As long as she observes the other person for enough time, it is estimated that she can still find a flaw, and it may even be Segras. There was something wrong with the confession at that time, and there was some authentication method that they didn't know about.

According to Linton's guess, this may be the case. The other party discovered that this Segras was fake, but probably didn't know the purpose of this fake Segras and the person behind it, so he used this trick to ask for directions.

Now that the Imperial Marshal has been assassinated, and the Bishop of the Church of Light has also been assassinated, should we track down the murderer? Of course, we must turn everything upside down to find the person. You said you won’t check? Then the other party doesn’t know that the people behind the scenes are the Empire and the Church of Light.

Of course, not only that, the assassination of the marshal also affected the situation of the war. It is estimated that this news will soon reach the ears of the orc army. After being beaten and retreating, they heard that the other side's marshal was dead. Can you seize this opportunity?

Moreover, the point mentioned before that caused the conflict between the ZHENG government and the Holy See within the empire still exists. Regardless of whether the imperial marshal is dead or whether the bishop of the church was assassinated in your military camp, the empire is responsible.

In short, looking at it this way, this plan is simply killing three birds with one stone, and it is surprisingly powerful. Linton realized that he was really being led away, so he kept things simple. This organization was a bit difficult to deal with.

It seems that it has been a bit inflated recently. After all, the strength is too strong. Linton really hasn't looked at this mysterious organization. He thinks that he can just find someone to kill their whole family. Positive A. But people won't confront you head-on at all, and it's easy to hide from them and hard to defend against them. It's still very uncomfortable for people who are playing dirty tricks.

"It seems that we really need to spend some time to have fun with them." Linton said with a smile.

Although the current situation seemed to be a headache, Linton suddenly discovered that this organization was actually quite weak. A very simple point, although this strategy of throwing stones to ask for directions seems good, the problem is that it also means that the other party does not know where the road is.

Looking at the dead assassin on the ground, the road was obviously cut off. It was obviously impossible to find out any information about the organization from this dead soldier. In other words, now that the organization has escaped into the shadows again and has created a lot of chaos, the next step is probably to see the reactions of all parties.

Linton's purpose was to lure them out, but the previous method probably wouldn't work. If you want to attract them, what you need to know now is their real goal. The other party should be targeting the empire by creating all this trouble. Do you want to subvert the empire? Thinking of this, Linton suddenly had an idea.

"I see..." Linton said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Do you know his identity?" Esdeath asked next to him.

"I asked, will you lose the battle?" Linton suddenly asked.

Esdeath was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he immediately seemed to understand what Linton meant, and said with a smile: "Yes, how do you want to lose the battle?"

"The military camp on the Holy See's side should have been attacked. You go back now and forcefully demand to take over the command. It's best to say hello to the other adjutants and have a fight. I'll go find the people from the Holy See and let them come. Trouble," Linton said.

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