I really can't control myself

Chapter 1538 See you again

"Of course." Linton nodded directly, "If you don't want to be affected, leave immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure that you are not hurt."

"I don't quite understand, Mr. Linton. I am also a monster. If your goal is to eliminate all monsters, then why don't you eliminate me too?" Kurama asked.

Of course it's because you have already earned the battle points. Because there is no detailed list of battle points, Linton can only make a guess about the generation of battle points. However, it is estimated that it is useless to use them against the same person, because there is such an anti-swipe mechanism for valuables, so The same should be true for points-earning battles. Otherwise, if you keep beating one person to death and resurrecting him, you will get unlimited points. The system is definitely not that stupid.

When he was helping Hiei practice before, Linton also gave Kurama some pointers. Of course, the main purpose was to get his points first, so it is true that Kurama is of no use now.

Of course, you can't tell Kurama this directly. Linton was thinking of making it up. Kurama here continued: "I really can't think of a reason why Mr. Linton must destroy the demon world. In my opinion, you don't It’s not that you hate monsters that much, or to be precise, these monsters are not that important in your eyes, they are just ants.”

It's not ants, it's points. Linton said there is still a big difference between the two.

"So, why must Mr. Linton destroy the demon world?" Kurama continued to ask.

This is really difficult to answer. You can't really explain the points to them. After thinking about it, Linton decided to bullshit. Of course, there are levels of bullshit. Linton chose the most bullshit method, which means that a lot of nonsense seems very reasonable, but in fact you can’t connect it. If you know what it means.

"I know what it feels like to lose. I know that I am not wrong, but I still fail in the end. It is terrible and makes people shudder. I ask you what is the ending? Fear it, escape from it. Fate will eventually come, and now, fate has already Coming, or I should say, destiny, is me." Linton said, clenching his fist directly, "I am destiny."

"..." The people in front of me actually showed confused expressions. It was the kind of feeling that although I didn't understand very well, I was greatly shocked.

"Destiny?" The Sensui Ninja lying behind suddenly laughed, "So in the end, am I just a person toyed with by fate?"

"No, you're just an idiot." Linton said that you just confessed for a long time and he didn't understand what was going on. The purpose was to die in the devil world? I don’t understand this idea at all. He had indeed forgotten what was going on with the Sensui Ninja. It was because this guy was talking about Linton inexplicably and he couldn't understand the purpose, so Linton was competing with him to see who was more qualified.

Linton's words were indeed incomprehensible, and he truly did not speak human words. Kurama here can probably still hear some meaning, roughly saying that this is fate, so is this Linton's own fate, or the fate of the demon world? Kuwahara, who was standing next to him, had not even graduated from high school, so it was even more impossible for him to understand what he meant. He was truly confused.

After thinking about it, Kurama said: "Although I don't know what fate Mr. Linton is talking about, I believe that the human race and the demon race can coexist peacefully. The outcome of the two worlds will never be that one side is destroyed. way. I believe what Master Huan Hai said, although the current conflict between the two sides is unavoidable, one day in the future, there will definitely be a happy ending for both worlds."

"So, are you still going to stop me?" Linton said.

"If Mr. Linton insists on destroying the demon world." Kurama said.

"I don't know what's going on, but let's start the fight anyway." Kuwahara here had never understood the conversation between the two, but now he understood. Of course, he stood directly next to Kurama.

Linton didn't pay attention to Kuwahara, but looked at Feiying beside him. Hiei didn't say anything, but he stood beside Kurama and made his position clear.

"It's really unfortunate for our family." Linton held up his forehead, "Okay, I can play with you for a while, there will be a big project later."

There was a "bang", and as soon as Linton finished speaking, a huge plant emerged from the ground behind Linton. This was a plant that looked like a giant piranha. It opened its bloody mouth as soon as it appeared. Bite directly in Linton's direction.

Needless to say, this is the demonic plant summoned by Kurama. It is obvious that Kurama here is already making arrangements while chatting. This is also his usual fighting method.

Although he looked like he was about to be swallowed by the piranha, Linton certainly wasn't nervous at all. He didn't even clap his hands this time. He stepped on the ground with his left foot, and a huge tree suddenly rose up behind him. , directly piercing the head of the piranha at the rear. Of course, it is not Kurama's ability that is used. Of course, Kurama's ability is now available in Linton's store, but it is of no use and there is no need to buy it at all. Linton already has a similar skill, which is the Wood Escape he is currently using.

"What?" Kurama was of course stunned, because Linton had never shown the ability to control plants before. For a thinking guy like him, a guy like Linton who suddenly came up with a new ability was the most troublesome. .

"Fire Kill Black Dragon Wave!" Compared to Kurama, Hiei here knew Linton better. No need to talk nonsense, just throw the big move directly. Because he had practiced with Linton before, he knew that facing this kind of monster, he had no qualifications to hold back.

Fei Ying's strength has indeed increased, and the power of this black dragon wave is obviously much greater than before, but Linton feels more relaxed when dealing with it this time, because he just opened his mouth and blew in a purple light Ejected from his mouth, the next second the black dragon wave here was directly penetrated by purple light, and the whole thing suddenly exploded.

This time he used the power of the power gem. At this time, Linton's use of the power gem can be said to be extremely proficient. When he used it before, his body might even collapse, but now he doesn't know whether it is because of his high proficiency or his physical condition. The intensity keeps up, or both, and it's no problem to release it so casually.

Just as he defeated Black Dragon Wave, a figure appeared on his left side. Yes, Kuwahara, who was holding a dimensional sword, also attacked.

Looking at the dimensional knife in the opponent's hand, Linton studied it with interest. Yes, Kuwahara, as a human, moved too slowly. Linton even had time to study the weapon in the opponent's hand.

Although the opponent's fighting ability is not good, Yuandao has some ideas this time. If he can divide space, it would be a good auxiliary ability. Although he can solve most of the space skills by just shouting, he still needs a specialized skill.

Speaking of space skills, Linton thought of his previous decision to buy another space gem, and he would arrange it first after earning points this time.

Yes, with just one swing of Kuwahara's sword, Linton's mind was already distracted and he didn't know where to go. On the one hand, the opponent's speed is really slow, and on the other hand, he is already used to this kind of fighting method, and he is not used to it from previous battles. Linton still hasn't gotten rid of this bad habit.

If the opponent is more powerful, it is possible to hit Linton at this time, but the opponent is just a mere Kuwahara. While Linton was distracted, he could still raise his hand at will and flick the dimensional knife that the opponent was slashing at.

With a "bang" sound, the entire knife exploded into pieces, and the huge impact sent Kuwahara flying away. Linton was only concerned about the actual effect of the Yuan Dao this time. It has to be said that it seems a bit fragile now, and he doesn't know if it can be enhanced by covering the weapon color.

When he was distracted again, another figure flashed beside him. This time the opponent's speed was much faster than Kuwahara. Linton tilted his head slightly and deflected the opponent's blow. He turned around and saw that it was Kurama. The opponent's hand was now wrapped with a circle of vine-like plants. Although it was just a plant, it was obviously very sharp. Originally, these plants were used as sharp blades.

Linton took a step forward and pointed a finger directly at the opponent's chest. The next second, Kurama's chest suddenly exploded, and his entire body was covered in blood and flesh in an instant.

Turning his head again, Linton saw that Feiying next to him had entered the bursting state enhanced by the black dragon wave. Before the other party could rush forward, Linton clasped his hands together.

"Wood escape. The tree world is coming."

A large number of huge trees suddenly rose from the ground, directly engulfing Kuwabara and Kurama who had just been injured by Linton. Fei Ying here was stunned for a moment, then stood up and smashed two approaching trees. But there were more trees coming up around him, and they were overwhelming and soon swallowed him up.

Just when Linton thought the battle was over, he suddenly called the police. Linton suddenly raised his head, and a huge light ball flew directly in his direction. Linton frowned slightly and raised his right hand.

A huge explosion sounded, and the ball of light hit the ground with a huge explosion, directly breaking a large piece of the still-growing trees. Because of this, the advent of the tree world has been somewhat disturbed, and the spread of trees has significantly slowed down.

At this time, Fei Ying, who had just been surrounded by trees, suddenly got a chance to breathe. One of the trees before was broken and two were surrounded. It was impossible to fight them all. At this time, he seized the opportunity and burst out of the encirclement with a single blow. As soon as he came out of the pile of trees, Feiying saw a person who surprised him standing in front of him.

"Hey, I'm late." The man here waved his hand. He was holding someone in his right hand at this time, and it was Kuwahara who had just been ejected.

"Yusuke?" Hiei asked in surprise.

"I knew you wouldn't die so easily!" Kuwahara also shouted happily.

"I've been waiting for a long time. Now, leave it to me." Urameshi Yusuke said with a smile.

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