I really can't control myself

Chapter 1537 Falling to the ground

Having said that, Qigang Douyi's defensive ability is actually quite good. Linton naturally cannot continue to show off with a dead man, so it is obvious that although the Sensui Ninja was knocked away, he is at least still alive, and facing Linton, being able to survive the next blow is considered good. .

Sure enough, within a few seconds, a figure in the distance stood up. Holding the wound on his right shoulder, he looked at Linton in shock.

A seemingly ordinary slash of the knife directly cut through his Qigang Fighting Clothes? If the Sensui Ninja had not experienced it personally, he would not be able to believe such a thing. Although Linton had not taken action many times before, the Sensui Ninja had actually raised him to the highest threat level. However, every time he would find that he was still a small person. Looking at this monster, it seems that he can't see his trump card at all.

Of course, it is obvious that now is not the time to talk about trump cards. If this blow hits one's vital position, the others will be gone. Thinking of this, the Sensui Ninja clenched his fists with both hands again, exerted force, and the Qigang Fighting Clothes on his body suddenly dissipated in the next second. Although the Qigang Fighter Clothes were removed, the opponent's momentum was still increasing.

This was a spot on Linton's side. He disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the Sensui Ninja. However, at this time, the Sensui Ninja had completed another "transformation", but only his clothes had changed. It still looks like he is wearing a Qigang battle suit, but the form has changed from the previous full-body covering to a form similar to light clothing, which only protects the chest and hands.

The "fabric" seemed to be missing a lot, but the aura was obviously stronger, so Linton thought it was the second form or something. Of course, only Xian Shui himself actually knew that this was not a second transformation, but that the Qigang Fighting Clothes had been transformed into a form more suitable for attack, and the defensive ability was actually reduced compared to before.

However, he also figured out that defense was useless, since he would be penetrated by the opponent with one blow anyway, so it would be better to use all his energy for attack. The increase in aura was not due to the change in Qi Gang Dou Yi's form, but because he really used all his strength.

The Sensui Ninja in this form obviously gave up defense, so all he could do was attack. Linton, who was just in front, had just stood firm. The Sensui Ninja did not wait, and stepped forward directly, attacking Linton with more than a dozen punches in an instant.

The attack speed was visibly accelerated a lot, but Linton just stretched out a hand and gently blocked the continuous attacks for the same moment, with a relaxed expression as if he was teasing a cat.

"Just..." Just as he was about to continue taunting, what he didn't expect was that the Sensui Ninja's offensive hadn't stopped yet. The moment Linton spoke, the opponent suddenly threw an uppercut.

"Breaking Wind Formation Fist!"

Following this uppercut, a strong hurricane rolled up around Linton, directly rolling up Linton's entire body. Yes, this move really surprised Linton. The sudden hurricane obviously had a strong cutting ability, and the surrounding stones were instantly cut into powder in the hurricane. However, the suddenness was still of no use to Linton.

"Such a scattered attack can't even break through the defense." Linton said as he clasped his hands together, "Shenra Tianzheng!"

With a "bang", the repulsive force directly dispersed the surrounding hurricane, and the Sensui Ninja's move was instantly broken. Before he could recover, Linton struck with his heel and ax and struck towards the Sensui Ninja from the air.

"What?" The Sensui Ninja was indeed surprised, but his reaction was not slow. He directly raised his hands and crossed them over his head in a defensive posture.

However, as soon as the two sides came into contact, there was a "click" sound of bone cracking, and the Sensui Ninja's expression was obviously distorted in pain. The right hand that was blocking the front was broken immediately upon contact, and Linton's attack obviously still had some remaining power, but the Sensui Ninja tried his best to fight the injury and quickly moved to the side to relieve Linton's attack.

With a "boom", the kick hit the ground directly. With a huge vibration, the ground around the two people sank a few centimeters. The Sensui Ninja didn't care about the situation on the ground at all. The moment Linton landed, his unbroken left hand struck directly at Linton's head.

But before his attack could hit, a faster blow had already hit him in the face. Linton, who landed on the ground, quickly turned half of his body, and hit the Sensui Ninja with an elbow directly on the right side of his face. The Sensui Ninja felt as if his consciousness was about to be knocked out of his body by this blow, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. , the whole person was spinning and flying out to the side, but before the person could completely fly out, Linton grabbed his ankle again as soon as his feet left the ground.

With a "bang", Linton picked up the opponent and smashed him to the ground again. The Sensui Ninja, who had almost lost consciousness just now, was awakened by this heavy blow and spit out a mouthful of blood. The Sensui Ninja only felt All the bones in his body were making cracking sounds.

There was a "click", and a sharp pain came again. When he turned his head, Linton stepped on his left hand, and the entire left hand was completely broken. The Sensui Ninja wanted to resist, but at this time, his body seemed to have completely lost control. , completely unable to move.

"Isn't this going to work?" Linton looked at the immortal water ninja on the ground. At this time, the energy in his body was slowly dissipating, and it seemed that he was not ready to continue.

"That's it for now, I already understand that I am no match for you." The Sensui Ninja here sighed, "Now I understand why you would say that you want to destroy the entire demon world. You should indeed have that kind of power. "

"What's wrong with this? I really haven't used any strength." Linton said.

"I know." Sensui Nin said calmly, "This is also where I am not willing to accept it."

Linton was originally ready to say a few words, but as soon as he finished speaking, Linton suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. Several figures appeared where he was looking. A long-haired man wearing a silver robe was slowly falling from the air with two people in his hands. Behind this man was a pair of strange wings that gave him the ability to fly.

This was the first time Linton saw this person, but Linton knew both of the two people he held in his hand. One is his nephew Hiei, and the other is Kuwabara. Now that the two of them could recognize each other, Linton looked at the long-haired man. Could this guy be Kurama? Although his appearance had changed a bit, Linton felt the aura and realized that it was indeed his monster's true form.

"Is it over?" Of course, the three of them also saw the Sensui Ninja lying on the ground. Although they could infer from the previous situation that the Sensui Ninja might not be Linton's opponent, they did not expect it to end so quickly. In the short time they arrived, the Sensui Ninja had already fallen to the ground. From the looks of it, his whole body was covered in blood, his left hand was gone, and he was probably unable to fight.

"Damn it!" Kuwahara here wanted to rush up when he saw the Sensui Ninja lying on the ground, but was directly stopped by Kurama next to him. Yes, Kuwahara wanted to come up and kill Sensui Ninja directly, "You guy actually killed Urameshi!"

Kuwabara was indeed very excited. He had the deepest relationship with Urameshi Yusuke. The two were both classmates and brothers. At this time, he saw that it was really difficult for Sensui Shinobu to control his emotions. However, Kurama next to him was very calm, because the problem now was no longer the Sensui Ninja's problem.

"If you want revenge, come and kill me." The Sensui Ninja here said calmly as before.

"Damn it, Kurama, let me go, I'm going to kill him." Kuwahara roared angrily.

"Calm down, Kuwabara." Kurama here quickly advised, "Have you forgotten what Master Genkai said before?"

Speaking of this, Kuwahara calmed down a little, but he gritted his teeth and stared at the Sensui Ninja on the ground.

"Did you break through the barrier?" asked the Sensui Ninja here. Kurama and Hiei knew that they were A-level monsters just by looking at their monster power, so they obviously couldn't pass the barrier. If you want to come over, you can only use Kuwabara's ability to cut through the barrier. In other words, now that the barrier has been lifted, monsters above level A can also go to the human world through the barrier.

"Your plan is impossible to realize. The special investigation team from the spirit world has arrived and is working hard to repair the realm passage. No monsters will reach the human world." Kuwahara said directly here.

"My plan?" Sensui Ninja chuckled, "When I came here, my plan has been completed."

"Huh?" Several people were stunned.

"My purpose is just to come and see the Demon World, that's really all." Sensui Ninja said.

"Look? What do you mean?" Kurama asked.

"Because Lord Sensui only has half a month left to live." Suddenly a voice sounded from the side. Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound. The space next to them was suddenly separated by two hands, and the monster called tree that they had seen came out of the crack. Get out.

"What?" There was nothing surprising when the other party appeared here. After all, the barrier was broken and he could naturally come in. What surprised everyone was what he said.

"Shinobu's body is in a mess due to the malignant virus. Ordinary people have already entered the grave. With the help of Dr. Kamiya, he can persist here." Shu said.

Doctor Kamiya was talking about the guy who attacked Urameshi Yusuke and others in the hospital last time, and he was also a subordinate of Sensui Ninja.

"The realm passage is my souvenir to the residents of the demon world. My purpose is just to die here." The Sensui Ninja here continued, "But now, I regret it very much. I didn't realize that I was being used by others. It opened the door to the real devil."

Having said this, everyone looked at Linton again. Kurama here frowned and said, "Mr. Linton, do you really want to destroy the demon world?"

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