I really can't control myself

Chapter 1536 Demon Realm

"This is the Demon World? It doesn't look like it." At this time, Linton appeared in a very dark place with nothing around him, as if he was floating in the universe. Although Linton's memory of the original work was not very deep, he still managed to remember that there were mountains and waters in the demon world, but when he entered the passage, it was such a completely black scene, which made him a little strange.

"This is the subspace between the human world and the demon world, the gap between the two." The voice came from the front. Linton looked not far ahead. The speaker was the Sensui Ninja who came one step ahead of him. .

At this time, he was also standing in the void, but in front of him there was a network-like structure of light. If you guessed correctly, this thing should be the barrier they mentioned before to block A-level monsters and above. .

The Sensui Ninja was now standing behind the net, indicating that he had passed the barrier. Linton was also a little strange when he faced him: "What's wrong? It seems like you are still waiting for me."

"Go through here, and behind you will be the entrance to the Demon Realm." Sensui Ninja pointed to the back and said.

"So, are you going to stop me here?" Linton asked.

"After entering, let's find a place to resolve the battle between us." Sensui Ninja suddenly said.

It looked like he was actively asking for a duel. Linton didn't know if the other party was really brave enough to die, or if he had figured something out. But of course he was not afraid: "No problem."

"Let's go." Sensui Ninja said.

Linton also walked directly towards the direction of the barrier, which was a bit unexpected. He originally thought that the net-like barrier would block him, but Linton also wanted to try to directly break it with violence. Well, Linton didn't feel any obstruction until he walked through the barrier. Is this really a barrier?

"It seems that I feel right." The Sensui Ninja here said, "This barrier can only block demonic power, but the Holy Light Qi in my body is sacred power and can directly pass through the barrier. Yours It seems that power is not a kind of demon power or spiritual power."

Linton nodded, probably understanding. Although I have exchanged spiritual power and demonic power, as long as I don't take the initiative, no power will be reflected in my body. I look like an ordinary person. Such a shield-like hidden ability of the system seems to be undetectable by the barrier, so it does not stop him.

"Follow me." The Sensui Ninja turned his head as he said this, and of course Linton followed him directly. Before walking too far, a bright light flashed, and then the surrounding scene suddenly changed. This was not the kind of situation where you saw the exit and walked through it. Instead, you took a step and suddenly passed through the entire passage and entered another world. Before Linton could react, he suddenly began to fall.

Yes, the exit of the passage seemed to be at a high altitude in the demon world. Linton stepped out of the passage and began to fall freely.

Of course Linton was not panicked and looked around. Sure enough, it was similar to what I remembered. The demon world did have mountains and waters. The location where he is now looks like it is above a huge forest. All he can see around him is a sea of ​​trees and some huge rocky flat-topped mountains.

Just looking at the huge trees and strange things like mushroom forests below, you can see that it is different from the human world. The scenery in the demon world is actually quite good. Linton watched curiously for a while. The man had fallen hundreds of meters and was now close to the ground. Linton also saw a giant "human tower" directly below.

Looking carefully, a large number of monsters gathered on the ground below the entrance of the cave. They had already piled up into a tower. It seemed that these monsters couldn't wait to rush to the human world to enjoy the food, but they were lucky. What's interesting is that this time the passage appears at high altitude, so it seems that if these monsters want to go up, they still need some method. In addition to stacking human towers, it is also necessary to build some kind of stairs or use some flying tools.

Speaking of flying, Linton looked at himself and saw that he was almost ready to land. Originally, I was planning to use Wu Kong Technique. Although I am really not good at Wu Kong Technique, there should be no problem in using it as a slow descent. But when he saw the large number of monsters directly below, Linton immediately changed his mind.

"Look, it's a human! The human has fallen!" The monsters below also saw Linton falling.

"Human! I haven't eaten human flesh in a long time. Give it to me!"

"First have a meal to fill your stomach, and then go to the human world for a big meal!"

Yes, when they saw Linton falling down, a bunch of monsters below went crazy with joy. Isn't this a feast delivered to their door? As I said before, if he didn't take the initiative, there would be no breath on Linton's body. To the monsters below, he would just be a human who accidentally fell into the passage. Since he is here, he should take care of his stomach first.

The greedy monsters gathered towards Linton's whereabouts, and each one stretched out his hand to snatch the delicious food. Linton also saw this situation, and simply stopped descending slowly. Instead, he bent his feet, and an orange magic circle appeared directly under his feet. He relied on the magic circle in the air to accelerate towards the ground.

"What is that?" Seeing Linton's magic circle, the monsters were stunned for a moment. They originally thought it was an ordinary human being, but what was that orange thing? Of course, they have never seen Kama Taj's magic, nor do they recognize it, but they just find it a bit strange.

However, it is strange that most monsters' desire for food has exceeded their rationality at this time. Besides, it is only human beings. It is food. How can it be a threat to them? There was nothing more to say. A group of monsters gathered closer and closer, and they all moved to the place where Linton landed.

Linton didn't expect these monsters to be so cooperative. The automatic gathering of monsters was okay. Suddenly, he felt that this trip to increase points became easier. You see, this was a good start.

"Super..." While thinking, Linton clasped his hands together, "Shenra Tianzheng!"

There was a loud "bang", and the moment it landed, it was like a missile hitting the target. A huge explosion sounded, and the huge force instantly lifted everything around it. Before these monsters gathered together had time to figure out what was going on, the next second they were squeezed into pulp by the huge repulsion and dissipated in an instant.

Of course, it wasn't just these monsters, the nearby trees, rocks, and even the ground were directly cut off by this repulsive force. By the time Linton actually landed, a circular vacuum zone had appeared on the ground, so everything that could be seen was flattened and nothing was left.

It is obvious that these monsters who regard Linton as food have never figured out who the real hunter is until their death. They regard Linton as food, but in Linton's eyes, they are just points for each activity. , this wave of battle points should still be quite a lot.

Turning on his breath perception, Linton instantly scanned the entire demon world. The good news is that these monsters also have breath, and Linton can also distinguish between strong and weak, but it's just a little blurry. To put it simply, it is not as clear as directly feeling the demon power, but it can be used barely.

The destination has been reached, now it is time to arrange a plan to eliminate all monsters. But just as Linton was planning his route, a figure from the sky slowly landed in front of Linton.

Looking up, he saw that the person coming was of course the Sensui Ninja. At this moment, he is directly floating in the air. It seems that this guy can also fly? No wonder he came in before me but didn't see him land.

At this time, the Sensui Ninja looked at the large pits that had been razed to the ground around him, and frowned slightly: "What a pity for this beautiful forest."

"It's a pity that there is something strange about it." Linton said, "The group of monsters I just solved should have been the first batch of monsters to reach the passage to the human world. According to your plan, once the passage is opened, the monsters will swarm. They came out to destroy the world, but now that I have solved these first batch, it can be regarded as ruining your plan. It seems that you don’t care too much about this."

"As long as the passage remains open, the monsters will take action soon." Sensui Ninja said, "I don't have to worry about this at all. At the moment, there are more important things to solve."

After saying that, the Sensui Ninja also stopped flying and landed directly on the ground with his feet: "Originally, I wanted to find a place suitable for fighting, but now that the surrounding area has been cleared, let's just stay here."

"Come on." Linton also waved directly, "That Holy Light Qi just now, said to be the secret among the secrets, could it be your trump card? If that's the case, I will be disappointed."

"Don't worry, I'm also prepared here." As the Sensui Ninja said, he squeezed his hands fiercely, and a powerful breath surged directly from his body. The surrounding sand and soil were stirred up by this breath. When the smoke cleared, When I went there, the Sensui Ninja here actually changed his appearance.

To be precise, he has an extra layer of golden clothes on his body. The previous holy light aura was just a layer of body-protecting aura, and it didn't look like a physical thing. But now, the golden clothes on his body look like a protective layer. It even looks like an entity rather than a breath.

"The Qi Gang Dou Yi, the strengthened Qi will turn into matter and become the strongest weapon and defensive tool." Sensui Ninja took the initiative to explain his skills.

"Oh." Linton nodded slightly, and then the next second, he suddenly disappeared in place. The Sensui Ninja was stunned for a moment, and then instantly felt Linton's position. He raised his hand to defend himself, but even though he noticed it, he didn't have time.

With a "bang" sound, the Sensui Ninja's right shoulder exploded directly. His Qi Gang suit was instantly shattered, blood splashed everywhere, and the whole person flew towards the left side.

"It's not as impressive as you said, is that all?" Linton said calmly, "I thought that by transforming, I could double my combat effectiveness. The strongest defense? It's really impressive."

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