I really can't control myself

Chapter 1539 Showdown

The smoke and dust raised by the spirit pill quickly dissipated, and Linton's figure quickly reappeared. In addition to the additional pits around him, it was obvious that Linton was not harmed. But at this time, Linton did look at Urameshi Yusuke with some surprise.

He had just confirmed Urameshi Yusuke's death, so Linton was really surprised to see him appear again. But he was relieved quickly. After all, this guy is the protagonist. Maybe this is the protagonist's aura. Even if he is really dead, he can be resurrected.

After taking a brief look at Urameshi Yusuke's current situation, he found that there was indeed an obviously strong aura coming from him. Linton recognized it a little and found that it was actually a demonic aura. Before, Yusuke Urameshi had always exuded spiritual power, but now it was completely different. It was almost like he was a different person.

Of course, this didn't surprise Linton for long. After all, Linton bought his own demon power from Urameshi Yusuke, so he knew before that this guy had demon power in his body, and the current situation was connected. Linton still can't remember the plot, but it doesn't delay his understanding. Anyway, it's probably just the feeling that Black Ichigo can't beat White Ichigo.

"Reincarnated in another life?" The Sensui-nin's surprised voice suddenly came from the side, and he quickly understood Urameshi Yusuke's situation.

"Reincarnation in another life?" Kurama must have heard this before, and nodded slightly.

"I don't know the specific situation. In fact, my heart has stopped right now." Urameshi Yusuke touched his head and said.

"Don't worry, if the heart stops, there will be a 'core' to replace it. That is the heart of the demon." Kurama here said.

"I didn't expect you to be a demon." Feiying next to him also said.

"I don't feel much change myself." Yusuke Urameshi looked down at his body and said, "No matter what, leave this guy to me, please."

"Do you know the current situation?" Kurama asked.

"Ah, I've probably heard what the old woman said." Urameshi Yusuke nodded, then looked towards Linton, "Whether you want to provoke a war between the two worlds, or really want to destroy the entire In the demon world, I will never let such a thing happen. Although it is true that most monsters eat people, and I have killed many monsters, I also know many good monsters, such as Shou , Zhen, Dieshi Wakamaru and the others, this is by no means an exception."

Urameshi Yusuke took a breath and continued: "The Demon Realm is their hometown, and I will never allow it to be destroyed. The relationship between the human world and the Demon Realm will never end with one side being completely wiped out, whether it is us or Monsters will definitely find a way to coexist."

"You are worthy of being the protagonist. This is not surprising." Linton was quite indifferent. Anyway, he was not really here to help humans destroy the demon world, he was just here to gain combat points. Therefore, after Urameshi Yusuke's impassioned speech, Linton just spread his hands and said, "Then can you come up with any good solutions now to solve the problem of monsters eating humans?"

"Although I haven't thought of a way yet...but I believe that one day in the future..."

"Shut up!" Before Yusuke Urameshi could finish speaking, Linton shouted directly, "Don't tell me any more about the future. Even if there really is such a day in the future, how long will it take to wait for this future? And to reach you During the course of the day mentioned, how many people were going to become food for monsters? Even if the passage here is closed, low-level monsters can still reach the human world through some methods, right? The ones you mentioned, the formations, etc. Isn’t that the case all the time. I would like to ask you, what reason do you have for letting these people sacrifice their lives to wait for a future that you are not even sure of? "

"..." Yusuke Urameshi was stunned for a moment, indeed he was stunned by Linton.

"What you just said really chilled me. Let me translate the reasons you just mentioned for not destroying the demon world. These humans who were eaten by monsters only lost their lives, while those good monsters you know lost their hometown. Ah. It’s obvious that those people who will be eaten by monsters before the future you promised comes are not even as serious as the monster’s homelessness in your eyes.

"Of course I can understand, after all, you don't know those people. A gentleman is far away from the kitchen. When he sees his life, he can't bear to see his death; when he hears his voice, he can't bear to eat his flesh. As long as you can't see those people, those people are not because of You died because of what you said today, do you think that's the case?" Linton took a breath, pointed at Urameshi Yusuke and said, "Those people you can't see, I'm here to make this decision for them today. Yes, I will destroy this broken place in the Demon Realm!"

What he said was so shocking that even Urameshi Yusuke was confused. But when he thought about it carefully, it really made sense. When he woke up and heard that Linton was going to destroy the demon world, his first reaction was no. How could he do such a thing? But after hearing what Linton said now, he was indeed a little confused. This is really something I don’t know how to refute.

Of course, he didn't think so. He felt that human life was more important than the hometown of the demons, but he really didn't expect this from Linton before. Now he has changed from being aggressive before to being a little confused. Condition.

"Urame, now is not the time to be confused." Kurama next to him said immediately, "What he wants to take away is not only the hometown of the demons, but the lives of all the demons living in this world. With a batch of It cannot be right to exchange one person’s life for another group of people’s life.”

Kurama's brain is much more flexible than Urameshi Yusuke's, and he can immediately see Linton's sophistry. Because Urameshi Yusuke mentioned his hometown before, Linton took advantage of the situation to focus on this area, and downplayed that he wanted to bulldoze this place with all the people and land, which was an obvious rhetorical skill.

Kurama's words actually made Yusuke Urameshi's eyes light up, and his confusion dissipated a lot. Yes, it was indeed the case, and I was also involved. Although he has not yet thought of a way to resolve the conflict between the two worlds, he cannot waver in stopping Linton.

"Let's fight directly..." Urameshi Yusuke decided to take action directly, because it was obvious that he couldn't talk, and he was not here to talk to Linton in the first place. After saying this, Urameshi Yusuke also turned his head, "You and Hiei are both injured, retreat a little, this guy asked me to do it."

Kurama didn't have any objections. After all, he could see that Linton was just playing with them before. He didn't even reach the fighting intensity during previous practice. He was no match for that monster. At this time, the only one who can fight Linton is Yusuke Urameshi in front of him.

Yes, Urameshi Yusuke's current demon power is indeed a bit exaggerated, leaving Kurama and Hiei unable to detect its depth. Not only that, there was something strange about him at this time that made them a little strange. They didn't know what it was, but their instinct as a monster seemed to remind them that Urameshi Yusuke was in danger at this time.

Although Urameshi Yusuke's previous shot of spirit pills did not hurt Linton, it was clear that he had stopped. This was known from the fact that he said "Leave it to me" after he fired the spirit pill. He also knew that he was not prepared to use the previous spirit pill to solve the battle. Kurama could actually guess the reason why he didn't use all his strength. Just now, the Sensui-nin who fell to the ground was lying not far from Linton, so Urameshi Yusuke stopped his hand because he didn't want to It affected the Sensui Ninja next to him.

In short, the current situation Kurama feels that Urameshi Yusuke in front of him and Linton opposite him are at a height that they cannot reach. He, Hiei and Kuwabara may not be able to watch the battle on the battlefield, let alone helping. He didn't care, but looking at Hiei behind him, he had always been very arrogant. Will he accept this?

"Understood." Unexpectedly, Feiying here nodded, "I will catch up with you and that guy soon..."

Kurama breathed a sigh of relief, helped Kuwabara, who was unable to stand up beside him, and quickly stepped back, while Hiei here also followed. On the other side, Shu, who was also slightly injured, helped up the Sensui Ninja next to him. In short, everyone else immediately left the scene, leaving only Linton and Urameshi Yusuke facing each other. Of course, the people who retreated only retreated to a safe distance. Kurama and the others would not really leave Urameshi Yusuke and run away.

"No need to keep arguing." Linton looked at Yusuke Urameshi and waved, "Come on."

Urameshi Yusuke did not answer. At this time, he was sure that he could not defeat Linton, so he simply stopped talking. All his energy was focused on fighting. At the moment Linton waved, he suddenly accelerated and rushed directly in Linton's direction, very suddenly.

The speed was indeed very fast. It seemed that he was preparing to attack Linton with a series of punches, but before the first punch was thrown, he was hit directly on the face and the whole person quickly flew back the way he came. " With a loud bang, Urameshi Yusuke's whole body hit the ground. The ground shattered directly, and a huge crack appeared again on the already riddled ground.

"Been beaten back directly?" At this time, Kuwahara and others were floating in the air relying on the demonic phytoplankton provided by Kurama, looking at the situation below, "Even Urameshi with that kind of demonic power can't defeat Linton's monster. ?”

"Don't worry, it's not over yet, he's fine." Kurama said here.

Indeed, just as he was talking, Urameshi Yusuke turned over the stone on his body and stood up again. After licking the blood on the corner of his mouth for a while, Urameshi Yusuke smiled: "It really... feels good."

"It's durable." Linton also nodded. Urameshi Yusuke, who turned into a monster, seemed to have the ability to recover, and the wound on his chest had completely recovered. I tried my physical strength and found it to be pretty good. "It seems I can move around a little bit."

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