I really can't control myself

Chapter 1514 Calculation

This video looks a bit like a video that someone secretly filmed. The scene in the video is exactly the final scene of the Holy Grail War at that time. From the perspective of the photographer, it was obvious that there were other people at the scene at the time. Not only did they not show up, they actually took pictures.

The person who took the photo obviously had some ulterior motives. Because the other party never showed up, it was basically certain that the other party captured the entire process. However, the footage released by the other party was only a small part of it. Yes, this short scene is exactly the scene where John Walker cuts off the heads of the Flag-Smasher soldiers with his shield.

Once this picture is released, it will undoubtedly cause a huge sensation. This John Walker interview just came out, and the heat hasn’t passed yet. I didn’t expect that there would be another big melon soon. In the picture, John Walker is howling in anger like a wild beast. Facing the fallen enemy, he picks up his shield and smashes it down again and again until the opponent's head is completely chopped off.

This scene was too cruel, even though most people knew that the people lying on the ground were members of the KB organization Flag Breakers, even though everyone also knew that John Walker was being surrounded by enemies at this time, threatening his life. , but... everyone still can't accept it.

If you were an ordinary person, in this situation, you would have no problem killing the opponent like this. But you, John Walker, are Captain America, and you represent the face of the United States. Can you do this? Most netizens obviously don't care about the situation at that time. You just can't do that anyway.

In fact, the anger of netizens was also guided by someone. First of all, when you look at the posted video, the cause and effect are not clearly explained. Why was John Walker so angry? Why was he so angry that he killed someone on the spot? In fact, the big reason is that the war star was killed, but the problem is that the video does not show the picture of the war star whose head was shot over there. This is obviously a directional video, and someone made it like this on purpose. Secondly, it is obvious that someone is also setting the pace online.

Although the John Walker incident is very popular now, this video appeared overnight and was transferred to various platforms. It was obviously deliberately spread by someone, and such a bloody video cannot be spread casually. The website will take care of it, but in fact The situation is indeed true. There is no special response from the website. Most websites seem to simply ignore the reports from netizens.

Of course, Linton also saw this video and guessed that someone was setting the pace. However, this did not have much to do with him, because the other party also cut out his picture, which must have been intentional. Since the other party was present at the time, he should have heard the conversation between himself and John Walker. Linton asked John Walker not to talk about things related to him. Then the person who took the video probably heard it, and he didn't want to provoke him, so he didn't want to provoke him. He didn't show any scenes related to him. This guy was so sensible, so of course Linton wouldn't trouble him. The person who was in trouble now was not him.

In fact, Linton could even guess who the person who shot the video was. Yes, as someone who was present at the time, Linton actually felt that there were other people around him at that time. However, it was normal for people from other forces to notice the movement at that time. There were obviously more than one, and Linton didn't need one. There is no need to find them alone.

However, Linton really didn’t expect to shoot the video and publish it directly on the Internet. However, the result that the person who did this should want is a falling out between John Walker and the ZHENG government. The relationship between the two parties is already a bit tense. This The video is obviously trying to spread the flames. When talking about this purpose, the first person that came to Linton's mind was Countess Valentina, who had previously contacted them as a representative of the ZHENG House.

From the beginning, this John Walker was introduced by Valentina, and Linton felt a little strange at the time. At that time, Linton gave her a quota. Why did the other party introduce John Walker to participate? Didn't the other party say that he was not from the ZHENG government? If John Walker wins in the end, the proud person is not her but the ZHENG government, so what does she want? At a glance, Linton knew that this man was not a peaceful person. He could not work for free without asking for anything. Now, he probably understood a little bit.

Valentina may have been targeting John Walker from the beginning. She probably thought that the second-generation captain was someone she could win over, so she was already prepared to pull him away. Linton also felt some of Valentina's abilities when she helped Linton work before. The energy is quite strong. Maybe everything that is happening now is because she is controlling the field. She probably made a plan after watching the video. After knowing this plan, when the ZHENG government and John Walker completely fall out, she can take the opportunity to win over the other party and let him join her.

Linton vaguely thought he had heard of this name before, but because he had never read the original work, he really couldn't remember who the other party was. Considering the other party's methods, he was probably a villain. And here John Walker has always taken the route of a villain. The plot seems to be arranging for him to take the route of darkness. For this kind of person who has a huge halo from the beginning, most of the plot is arranged. He turned dark, that is, Naruto's kind of guy. I don't know if he was a simple-minded or overly honest guy, but he never turned dark despite the halo of his fourth-generation son. John Walker's character was obviously not that kind of person.

"Hydra?" Linton suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had thought of something. Yes, as he was thinking about it, Linton suddenly thought of Hydra. Although the plot of the other party was eliminated and Alexander was exposed long ago, the organization of Hydra has the same slogan as theirs, cut off a head and give birth to a child. With nine heads, eradication is almost impossible.

The reason why Linton thought of Hydra is because the main villain in Captain's plot is Hydra, and the plot of this second generation of Captain is obviously the plot of Captain America. The villain that appears is likely to be the same as that of Captain America. Hydra is related. And this Valentina's own style is indeed a bit like Hydra's style.

Thinking of this, everything seems to become smoother. What better revenge than turning the second-generation captain into a Hydra captain? This is probably Hydra's plan. It seems that Linton feels that Valentina's name is familiar to him. The other party should be a member of Hydra. He should have heard this name in the comics, but he is not very familiar with it.

The development of the matter was similar to Valentina's plan. Yes, the ZHENG government finally fell out with John Walker. The final result of the hearing here has actually been decided from the beginning. The ZHENG government has decided to give up on the second-generation captain. Of course, no matter how the other party defends it, it is useless. They don't need this disobedient captain.

Of course, John Walker is very aggrieved. He has prepared everything. Now that he is capable, he should officially become the captain. He also wants to seek revenge from the Flag-Smashers and the others. As a result, the hearing here Are you asking him to retire?

The strong contrast made John Walker unable to control his emotions, and he cursed at his hearing on the spot. But the people above just took out this video that someone had released before and asked John Walker why he killed someone. They had obviously subdued him. Even though the other person was a criminal, a bank robber, and maybe a member of the KB organization, they didn't say anything. You can use torture to kill the other person on the spot. Your duty is only to capture the other person for trial, and you are not given the right to lynching him.

John Walker really couldn't resist such questioning. Of course, in fact, he still didn't understand that the fundamental reason why he was given up was just disobedience. If he was obedient, these could be ignored. But now that I have to give up on you, anything can be used to settle the score.

Of course, although he killed someone, because the other party was a criminal after all, and he was threatened to protect himself at the time, John Walker would not be directly arrested and questioned. But in the end, he was ordered to retire directly, give up his identity as Captain America, and return the shield of Captain America.

After John Walker was told the result, he cursed and left. Then, just as Linton expected, John Walker, who didn't know what to do next, met Valentina, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

At this time, John Walker naturally did not know that everything he encountered was actually part of the plan of the woman in front of him, and he did not even know Valentina. Yes, when the qualification to participate in the Holy Grail War was handed over to John Walker, Valentina did not show up, but used some means to let him "naturally" obtain the qualification. And now the two met for the first time.

Valentina didn't make any detours, that is, she said directly, you were abandoned by the ZHENG government, do you want to work with me in the future? I have an organization here, although it is not the ZHENG government, but it takes both black and white. Not only can it help you find those flag-smashers to take revenge, but it may also allow you to become Captain America again. After all, Captain America was not sealed by the ZHENG government in the first place, it was just a symbol.

And she quickly showed off her abilities and handed a piece of information directly to John Walker. The data showed the whereabouts of the Flag-Smashers soldiers who had left with Carly's body. Three of them were killed by a sudden car explosion. The person who caused the explosion was Zemo. The baron's butler's purpose should be to avenge Baron Zemo.

Four others escaped safely and are now seeking asylum with a group. And I’ve heard of this organization before, it’s the ability broker. Yes, in fact, the Flag Breakers were originally a few people who were separated from the Ability Broker. Their super soldier serum also came from the Ability Broker. But now that Carly died, it seems that someone from the Ability Broker came to them and persuaded them. They returned to their original organization.

Then the person John Walker is looking for now is the ability broker, and of course he doesn't care about the name of the organization. After Valentina showed her ability, John Walker didn't think about it for long and nodded directly.

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