The temptation of power, John Walker was able to give up the first time, naturally it is impossible to give up the second time. Besides, the conditions proposed by Linton are not very harsh. They just mean not to hide anything in front of the media. It does not mean that he will directly confront the ZHENG government. If Linton asks him to attack the ZHENG government directly, People like him have to consider whether to listen to Linton, but that's it, he even feels that he has even made a little profit.

Yes, obviously John Walker is just a soldier, not a qualified politician. His political consciousness is just that, and he has no such sensitivity at all. In fact, after the last bank robbery incident and the Kryptonian incident, the ZHENG government was already very dissatisfied with the new Captain America.

The ZHENG government naturally has its own political purpose in electing the new captain, but the first problem is that the new captain must be able to stand up. However, not long after the captain took office, he was beaten by robbers who usually robbed banks. People don't care whether these robbers are super soldiers or not. Anyway, you, a person who represents the spirit of the country, can't even defeat bank robbers. Isn't this too flattering?

Then there was the Kryptonian invasion. The ZHENG government naturally hoped that he would stand up and save the world. However, the actual situation was that although John Walker also participated in the war, his role was really minimal. Under such circumstances, some people in the ZHENG government even wanted to blame him. Didn't I say before that the ZHENG government wants to find an outlet for the people?

Fortunately, although the new Captain America is somewhat ineffective, the only thing that can be said about it is that he is at least obedient. Of course, this obedience is also obedient when compared with the previous captain Steve Rogers. You must know that the previous captain openly opposed the Sokovia Accord proposed by the World Conference, and he was wanted by the world for this. , compared to him, John Walker is indeed much more obedient.

So obviously in the eyes of the ZHENG government, only John Walker, who has the advantage of being "obedient", is left. What will happen if even this last advantage is lost.

The deal between John Walker and Linton was naturally settled quickly, and he naturally got the power he dreamed of very quickly. Linton naturally didn't lie to him in this regard. After all, it was just a bottle of rudimentary genes. The transformation potion is, although the price in the black store is still quite high, Linton bought it before. If he doesn't want it now, he can't return it, and no one will buy it if he resells it.

The potion was completely useless to Linton, but it was a treasure for John Walker. In a moment, he felt what he considered to be infinite power gushing out of his body. In short, from John Walker's point of view, he will be different in the future.

Since it is a deal, John Walker will still abide by the agreement. Although he felt that he was very strong now, he still had some self-awareness. A guy like Linton who could even treat a Kryptonian as his son was definitely incomparable to him. The genetic potion was also provided by the other party. John Walker did not think that Linton would provide him with something that would threaten him. He probably traded with him because it was of no use to him. As for why the Holy Grail War was made public, he didn't know, but he didn't want to know, it wasn't something he cared about.

Pulling the still confused Battle Star Lema, John Walker left. A day later, an exclusive interview appeared on the front page of the newspaper.

The media is naturally willing to help. This is big news after all. John Walker also had many purposes for accepting the interview, and it was not just to simply complete the agreement with Linton.

First of all, John Walker came to take the initiative to declare war this time. The target of his declaration of war is naturally the Flag-Smasher. Although the boss of the Flag-Smashers is now dead, and the battle star killed by them has been resurrected by himself, the hatred between the two parties cannot be resolved in this way. After all, this resurrected war star also used his own wish. This revenge cannot be ignored. Besides, the first time he appeared in front of the public as Captain America was when he was beaten to pieces by the Flag Smasher's bank robbery team. , and now that I have gained new strength, should I get up from where I fell and start from here?

In short, John Walker directly promised in front of everyone that all the flag-smashers would be arrested and brought to justice. Of course, to most people, these flag-smashers are indeed KB elements, and arresting them is nothing. Doubtful, but the problem is, weren’t you beaten to pieces by the other party before?

So John Walker took advantage of the situation and also talked about the second topic, which was his current strength. Yes, I am awesome now, so naturally I want to tell everyone. All in all, it means that I, Captain America, am now the real Captain America. Don’t worry, I have the strength to protect everyone.

John Walker even performed a live performance such as breaking a cement wall with one punch. Hearing the exclamations from other people in the studio, John Walker was quite satisfied. At this time, he was a little complacent and blind. Although I didn't see the reactions of other people, it seemed like the people in these studios would look at me with admiration and trust.

Of course, this raises another question, that is, where does his ability come from? After all, everyone knows that John Walker is only a special soldier and has no superpowers. He was beaten by gangsters before. Could this be the transformation of the ZHENG Mansion? Is the ZHENG Mansion conducting some secret experiments?

Of course, this explanation is very simple. The superpowers naturally come from the Holy Grail War. Didn't they also fulfill the agreement with Linton? Yes, according to the previous agreement with Linton, John Walker did not mention Linton's name. Anyway, he obtained his abilities through the Holy Grail War. He also explained the process of the Holy Grail War in detail. There is no need to make up these things, it was done by him personally. To experience it, just hide the part where Linton appears at the end.

Obviously his words triggered a hot topic again. Are all the things about the Holy Grail War true? People have already known some of the situation before. After all, there are a few arrogant bloggers who have become Masters. But this aspect is true. Unexpectedly, the Holy Grail is also real. Can wishes really come true?

Once this is proven to be true, the people really can't sit still. Although many people heard about the Holy Grail War at first, they did not take it seriously. On the one hand, they were not selected as Masters in the first place, and on the other hand, most people did not believe that the Holy Grail was real. After all, it could Fulfilling all wishes sounds fake at first glance. There is no such thing. Whoever wants to believe it will believe it. Even the few people who have become Masters don't quite believe that the Holy Grail is real.

But now that a ready-made example of John Walker is right in front of them, can they still not believe it? If this is true, it has something to do with them. Who doesn’t have a wish yet? The road to becoming a god is right in front of them. Who can not be moved? Especially at this time, the invasion of Kryptonians has made many people very worried and insecure. So if you get the power of the Holy Grail, don't you no longer need to be afraid?

It’s clear from the reactions. On the day the interview was aired, the number of registrations for the mobile game FGO increased by 100 million. Yes, most people knew about it in advance, and a few people who had been exposed before actually participated. Everyone in the Holy Grail War has registered for FGO, and everyone has assumed that this is the registration channel for the Holy Grail War.

A large number of players called to ask how to participate in the Holy Grail War, and the number of calls from KC Company was overwhelming. Of course, it is impossible for KC Company to admit that the registration matter has something to do with them. They said that they are not very clear about the Holy Grail War. It was not organized by them anyway. This may be just a coincidence.

As Linton expected, the publicity effect was very good. Linton felt that his choice in this regard was good. In today's information age, the dissemination of information is very convenient. All he has to do is speculate on hot topics. You see, not long after the mission started, Linton's promotion progress has reached 60%. Of course, the mission will take 180 cycles to be settled, and now Linton can't get the reward.

Regarding the Holy Grail War, Linton decided to do it again before settling the matter. In the original book, the event can only be held once every 60 years, which is obviously an exaggeration. It would be too troublesome to publicize it. Of course, this time Linton let him run it by himself. Anyway, the module has been set up by himself and the publicity is in place. Just let him run it by himself. There should be no bugs.

Of course, Linton was quite satisfied with the deal with John Walker, and even felt that the other party was somewhat useful. This random thing was given, and the publicity effect was so good. You must know that each of these publicity tasks has several contribution points, and the gene potion is only one point. He has really made a lot of money. Linton feels that he even I need to give the other party some additional dividends, because he is probably in big trouble this time.

Apparently John Walker did not realize that he was in trouble at this time until the people above directly summoned him to attend the hearing. This hearing was naturally aimed at him. To put it nicely, it was a hearing, and to put it worst, it was a trial.

Yes, the military and the ZHENG government took turns to hold him accountable as soon as they started, and John Walker was immediately fooled. He thought that the hearing here was for the ZHENG government to discuss matters with him, such as the plan to encircle and suppress the Flag-Smashers. However, what he didn't expect was that the first request of the other party was for him to retire?

Not only that, the reputation he had just built for himself was completely destroyed by the appearance of a video.

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