Even John Walker himself did not expect that the winner of this battle would be himself. At this time, he was shot in the shoulder and the injury was very serious. He fell to the ground and could not get up. However, although the surrounding black sludge would catch fire if it was sprinkled on the remains of the building, it had no reaction when it was sprinkled on him, and it just looked like ordinary silt to the touch.

At this time, the golden Holy Grail slowly began to fall in the air. It seemed that the winner had been selected. It came to John Walker and floated in the air about one meter in front of him. It stopped, as if waiting for something. look like. Of course John Walker also knew what was waiting for him, his own wish, his own reward as the winner.

This wish was naturally decided by John Walker from the beginning. I want to have strong power, the power to become the real Captain America. In his opinion, the only difference between him and the first-generation captain is his strength. If he had that strength, he would not be insulted by the Flag-Smashers in the first place. When the aliens invaded before, He won't just be beaten around and unable to do anything. He should be the one to stand up and save the world, because he is Captain America.

At this moment, his wish became even stronger. If he was strong enough, Battle Star would not be killed by these guys. He must avenge Battle Star. These flag-shatterers must pay the price. And they are all super soldiers, so to fight them, you must also gain strength.

Thinking of this, John Walker also shouted directly in the direction of the Holy Grail: "Please give me..."

"I see, that's what happened." Just when he was about to speak, a figure suddenly walked over slowly from the side. John Walker was stunned for a moment, because he knew the person who came.

"Is it you... Linton Stark?" John Walker said. The person who came was indeed Linton, and John Walker had met Linton before when he fought against the Kryptonians, and was naturally impressed by him, because he was the "hero" who defeated the Kryptonians, and this was supposed to be It's my own mission, my own glory, but what I'm looking for is that strength. He was probably a little jealous of Linton, but there was no particular conflict.

"Holy Grail War?" Linton looked at the Holy Grail in the sky, mainly to check the operation of the module. "I just noticed the movement here and came to take a look. It turns out that this is what happened. If the Holy Grail has arrived, that is Did you say you were the winner?"

"What do you want to do?" John Walker asked with some vigilance.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in this. To be honest, I don't believe that this thing can really fulfill all wishes. Even if it is really a wishing machine, it should have a limit." Linton said.

John Walker thinks so too. He doesn't believe that the Holy Grail can fulfill all wishes. This is really unreasonable. However, Linton said that there is a limit, which is a more normal idea.

However, John Walker does not want to realize any obviously unattainable wish. World peace and the like are impossible to achieve at first glance. How can there be peace? If all humans are killed, then the world will be peaceful and so on? Or if the Magnesium Kingdom disappears from the earth, then the earth will probably be peaceful for a while.

All he wants is to become stronger, and he doesn't ask for too much. Since the Holy Grail can summon heroic spirits, it's no problem for him to become as strong as the heroic spirits. In his opinion, this is a more realistic situation.

As for what Linton said, he did believe that although he was jealous of this guy, the reason for his jealousy was that this guy was really too strong. He has the most say in Linton's strength. After all, when he was fighting the Kryptonians, he was watching from the side. It is quite normal for a guy who is so strong that it cannot be described in words to look down on this thing. .

I guess I just came here to have a look out of curiosity about what the Holy Grail is like. Besides, the other party couldn't be a contestant. The Holy Grail had already arrived, so he would be the last contestant, so Linton couldn't snatch his wish away, so he wasn't worried.

In this case, John Walker here was ready to continue making wishes, but just as he was about to speak, Linton's next words stopped him again.

"It would be nice if this thing could really grant wishes. In that case, it should be able to resurrect your companions." Linton said.

"Huh?" John Walker was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the battle star lying on the ground next to him. Yes, the Flag-Smashers took all their people away. Naturally, no one took away the body of Battle Star. It is still lying on the ground. At this time, John Walker remembered that if this can fulfill all his wishes, Resurrection seems to be indeed possible.

But the next second, he started to get confused. My original wish was to gain powerful power, and then kill the Flag Breaker to avenge Battle Star, but now I can directly resurrect Battle Star, but by resurrecting him, I lost this opportunity. I only have one wish, this... is a Multiple choice question.

It was obvious that two roads lay before him, one was revenge, and the other was the lives of his companions. John Walker was caught in a tangle, and his eyebrows were twisted into twists.

"What's wrong? Isn't this person your companion?" Linton asked.

Linton's words seemed to awaken John Walker's memories, and the memories related to Lema slowly came to his mind. The two of them were in the army, fighting together, being punished together, and training together. After he became the second generation captain, the other party silently supported him. Of course, the memories are also mixed with his anger, anger towards the flag-smasher who killed Lema. Although Carly who did it is dead, the other people are also involved, and they must pay the price.

After another ten seconds of silence, John Walker here finally sighed and said to Linton: "He... is my brother."

After speaking, John Walker shouted directly in the direction of the Holy Grail: "My wish is to resurrect Lema Hoskins!"

In the end, under the temptation of power, the second-generation American Captain John Walker still kept his bottom line and used his chance to become stronger in exchange for Battle Star's life. Linton next to him was also a little surprised, because he had never read the original work, and he only knew that there was a second-generation American Captain, and according to his memory, this guy should be a villain.

Look at what happened before, isn't this the plot of his darkening? With the title of Captain America on his back, his self-confidence was constantly hit, his desire for power, and then his companions were killed, and he was overwhelmed by the desire for revenge. Just now, Captain America's shield was stained with blood. This situation is as follows Linton's understanding should be completely blackened. However, his choice really surprised Linton. This guy really looks like Captain America now.

At this time, the Holy Grail in the sky flashed with light, as if it heard John Walker's wish, and then suddenly the golden light shone, even dispelling the darkness in the sky. Of course, the movement was a bit loud, and Linton could already feel that the military had sent people towards this direction.

Suddenly, a golden light shot directly at the battle star Laima on the ground. Soon, the injury on the opponent's head began to recover on its own. Yes, Linton's Holy Grail module can really grant wishes, which is different from the original deceptive thing.

After all, Linton is here to promote the module, and only if something can really come true will people pay attention. I don’t know why so many people fell for the original deceptive thing. It really didn’t work. Why do so many people come to deliver it? There are also people who come all the way from the British Clock Tower to deliver it. Who are they trying to do? What?

In short, when setting up the module, Linton had already set the wish to come true. Of course, not all wishes can come true. There are probably two main ones, one is the resurrection of the dead, and the other is eternal life. Anyway, these two The most common one is that it has the same settings as the previous dragon module. As for other wishes, the Holy Grail will either automatically understand or automatically destroy them.

The so-called automatic understanding, for example, if John Walker made a wish for powerful power, is immortality a powerful power? Anyway, if you can put it on, just put it on. If you can't, it will blow up. We can't make our wishes come true, but if we can solve the problem of those who make wishes, we will go on a rampage and take advantage of everyone below.

Because of this, Linton came to take a look. After all, Linton, the first person to make a wish, had better make his wish come true, otherwise, the first one will blow up, and this Holy Grail War will become a trap. Well, that's why Linton took the initiative to control the field.

Of course, John Walker is still cooperative in the current situation. To be honest, there was something that made Linton look at him differently. After thinking about it, Linton took out a syringe.

"What do you want to do?" John Walker was still looking at the situation of the battle star over there. At this time, he was still seriously injured and couldn't get up to look over. At this moment, Linton next to him suddenly took out a needle, which alerted him.

"This thing is called genetic improvement fluid." Linton said, "I believe you are not stupid, and you can probably guess what this thing does."

"This thing...can make me stronger?" John Walker asked.

"It can probably be understood that it has the same effect as the super soldier serum." Linton said, "Do you want it?"

"What... do you want me to do?" Of course John Walker wanted it, but he still asked.

"Well..." Linton originally thought that the other party was a bit talented and wanted to give it to him, but now that the other party mentioned it, he thought about it and said, "I only need you to do one simple thing. If a reporter asks about I hope you can tell the truth about the Holy Grail War. Of course, the ZHENG government should tell you to shut up. This is a clear violation of orders. How do you choose?"

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