I really can't control myself

Chapter 1515 Farewell

"Thank you so much for your help these days." The person who spoke was Yalan. At this time, she was saying goodbye to Potts and the female caregiver she hired earlier who thought she was named Lanni. This female nurse, Lani, is the preschool teacher hired by Tony to specialize in Yalan's courses. Her professional teaching has really helped Yalan understand a lot of things she didn't know before. After all, it is her first time to be a mother. Bian was extremely nervous and serious, and the farewell now was of course also very sincere.

Yes, the reason why we have to say goodbye is because Linton finally plans to go back. The module has been tested, and the construction work here has also been tested, so we almost have to go back. After all, Linton still has detective work to do here.

Some people may have forgotten that this exploration work actually has the option of a mandatory task. If Linton does not explore for 30 cycles at the beginning, the system will force an exploration. It may be a new world, or it may be any unexplored world at hand. However, now that Linton’s job agency has been upgraded, this mandatory exploration time has also been lengthened. Currently, Linton’s job agency has a 90-cycle cycle, which means that an exploration is required every three months. Of course, you can come back immediately after you go. , as long as you can come back.

Linton has been playing here for more than a month. Although he is indeed quite happy, it is obvious that he cannot continue to provide for his old age. It just so happened that I had recently found a suitable exploration mission through missions, so of course Linton was ready to set off. Of course, Linton still planned to send Yalan back before setting off.

Although this is a low-threat plane that has been fully explored, this low-threat may be just a term for the fully explored plane. In fact, of course there is still danger here. But for Linton himself, the threat may really be low, because even if he meets someone he really can't do, in the world he has explored, Linton can leave and come back at any time, and there is no need to stay for a few days. restrictions and so on, so it is almost impossible to really threaten Linton, but Yalan is different. Although she is Linton's team member, it seems that only the captain can operate the plane travel. She herself is No way.

Compared with here, the palace in the main world is naturally slightly safer, so Linton finally decided to go back. Today is the day to say goodbye, but it is obvious that Yalan, Potts and Lanni have some feelings for each other after being together for more than a month, and all three of them seem a little reluctant to leave.

Of course, you still have to say goodbye if you don’t want to leave. The three of them also exchanged gifts. For example, Yalan gave Lanny something that looked like a medal, but it was actually the highest honorary medal given to female knights in the main world. The female knights in the main world say they are knights, but they are not real knights, and no one canonize them. But what if they have really made meritorious service? Generally, the emperor will give a medal of honor, which has no practical effect. It's really an honorary type. After all, this Lani has taught her about baby care. She is considered a half-imperial master. It is reasonable to give her a badge.

What was given to Potts was a ring. Of course, this ring can be said to be ordinary, but it can also be said to be neither ordinary nor ordinary. Ordinary is just ordinary. This ring cannot represent anything in a symbolic sense. Generally, rings given by the emperor represent some rights. For example, many people in the Royal Knights who have made outstanding contributions have received rings given by the emperor. These are things like family heirlooms and status symbols, but this ring is just an ordinary ring.

But it's not ordinary, because this ring is a storage ring. In the main world, this thing is even sold in the magic props shop in the imperial capital, but at least in this world, this thing is still very unusual. Because Yara had already shown off her storage ring when she was buying various baby products before. Of course she couldn't hold all those things, so she habitually put them in her ring.

Potts, who was shopping with her next to her, was naturally shocked when he saw it. Of course, anyone who has read some magic stories can understand what this thing is. After all, Yalan has already performed real magic for her. It doesn’t seem strange to see a magic storage ring now. Potts was surprised and of course accepted it, but said that this thing was really convenient and she wanted one too.

Yalan naturally listened. Although the storage ring was not available to ordinary civilians in the main world, it was not a rare item for the emperor like her. She already had a spare one, so since Potts said he wanted it, he just gave her one as a gift.

Of course, Yalan also received gifts from the two of them. Potts here directly gave Yalan a movie poster framed in a glass frame. Yes, Yalan and she went to see a movie before when they were shopping. Yalan was very interested in movies in this world. It was also amazing, and I was very immersed in watching it. And this movie poster is not an ordinary movie poster. It is an out-of-print poster from the 1927 movie "Metropolis". It is now a collector's item. The auction price is about 700,000 US dollars. This piece of paper is a suite.

Of course, the price is secondary. Potts and the others are not short of money at all. The main thing is their will. This thing is not easy to get. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. After all, there are only three posters confirmed to exist on the market.

Lanny next to her is not that rich. After all, she is just a caregiver, and her job is not even fixed. She is lucky to be hired by Tony this time. Most of the time, she even None of them can get a job, so they can only stay at home and wait for a job. But Yalan liked what she gave her even more, because she recorded the recent lessons in handwriting and gave the notebook to Yalan, who was naturally very happy.

"Next time, you must come to our place. I will definitely entertain you well." Yalan said. Linton next to him was silent for a while, this matter was not easy to handle. Although both sides are low-threat planes, it seems that the connection between the worlds is still impossible. The currently known methods are to set it as a teammate, and the other is to stuff it into your own package.

Yes, as long as you can stuff it into your own package, you can travel across the plane. Linton used this shortcut to make people into meatballs, but this means that this person must die once, so Yalan wants to invite them to their There are still some difficulties there.

"Yes, we were not called during the wedding, but we must be called when the child is baptized. After all, I am his godfather." Tony next to him also said.

Linton had indeed agreed, but it was quite troublesome to think about it carefully. After all, the instantaneous flow speeds in the two worlds were different. Tony here might have to wait several years to become a godfather. Of course, Linton thought about it for a while, but he didn't explain it so clearly, so he nodded in agreement first. He will see the situation at that time. Maybe he will have a better way to travel through the plane.

For example, elf balls and the like. Linton has always wanted to find someone to study this kind of black technology. What is certain is that elf balls can still be stuffed into packages even if they contain elves. Linton has already tried it. , so since it can contain elves, if it can contain humans, it should also be possible to contain humans. Of course, the current elf balls can only capture elves, not people. However, this aspect should be something that can be studied.

However, Linton really doesn’t understand this aspect of research, but don’t we have tools now? Let Asuna study it and see if it can be done, not only this aspect, but also many other aspects. help.

Anyway, after hugging Tony again, Linton left with Yalan and Asuna. By the way, Asuna, the other party probably learned from the last experience this time, so she is not that concerned about the development of the company. Yes, last time she was in DC, she wanted to directly plan the company's ten five-year plans, but this time she really didn't consider any follow-up development issues, and she probably felt that Linton wouldn't care about that at all.

In fact, Linton really doesn't care. The only thing he cares about is the subsequent publicity. After all, the publicity task has not been submitted yet. Although the progress is good now, it should gradually increase a little more. But there is no need to be so concerned about this. After all, those people in KC Company cannot get their salary in vain. Now that Tianhu Kai's stall is handed over to them, there should be no problem in operating it. And Tony has promised not to sell the company and just let it run on its own.

Asuna must have been thinking that Linton was going back recently, and she had been doing little tricks secretly before. These secret little moves are probably ordering some materials or equipment. Yes, they are probably preparing to continue to develop technology after returning, because the technological foundation of the main world is really poor, and some things are really impossible to get. Coming out, so when she came to modern society, Asuna quickly bought everything she needed.

Naturally, she used it in the name of the company, and she made a lot of money for the company anyway. Although the company also found it strange to buy these equipment that she obviously didn't know what they were used for, no one questioned her. After all, no one can shake her position in the company. Everyone made money, not only Tony, but all the company's shareholders were behind her.

Of course, Linton doesn't mind. As I said before, although Asuna is not completely one of her own, he is not afraid of what she will do. Even if it is the whole Skynet, Linton is not worried about anything happening.

With a flash of white light, everyone returned to the palace again.

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