Although the blow just now did not cause too much damage to Poch, it was obviously still a little irritating to the other party, and some of the other party's anger could be detected from Poch's roar. At this time, he seemed to have absorbed the new power in his body, and launched another attack, rushing directly towards You Brigade.

There was a loud "bang", a collision between two giant beasts. What people didn't expect was that Boqi here had the upper hand this time. It seemed that he had surpassed Youlu in terms of strength, probably because he had absorbed the flesh and blood before and increased his strength. This time, Brigade was thrown directly to the ground, and the ground was shaking for a moment.

Suddenly, the floor of the room cracked again. Yes, the two sides fought and smashed the floor of the room again, and several people fell down again. Taking advantage of the gap between falling, Youli found an opportunity again, and directly grabbed Boqi's vital part with a cat's claw, which was around his neck.

Blood spurted out, and Youlu's blow obviously broke through the defense, but Boqi here did not hesitate at all, and immediately lowered his head and bit Youlu's claw again. Youlu screamed in pain, and while screaming, he slapped Pochi's head with his other paw. After two blows, Pochi's head was bleeding, but Pochi refused to let go and bit harder and harder. .

After finally "tearing", half of the right claw of You Brigade here was directly torn off by Boqi. Pochi here didn't hesitate at all, and swallowed the torn off part directly into his stomach. Yes, it was obvious that he also knew that this thing could directly make him stronger. Maybe it was quite delicious? In short, this time it was obviously going to eat and travel.

Seeing the other party eating his own meat again, Matsuri was obviously angry. He opened his mouth and shot a tailed beast jade at Pochi from zero distance. There was a loud "bang", this shot was really strong, and compared to the Tailed Beast Jade just now, this shot was obviously much more powerful. The left side of Boqi's body here was also burnt black, and his body was burnt. It flew out and hit the wall next to it.

"Damn stinking dog!" You Lu looked at his right hand, and a piece of it was bitten off. Of course, it is a tailed beast, so it will not die or be disabled. The claws can be recovered with a little decisiveness, but Pochi's behavior made him very angry.

However, at this time, Pochi was getting bigger and more excited. Although the blow just knocked it away, it obviously didn't suffer much damage. It quickly shook its body, got up from the ground again, and then looked at Youlu in front of it, this time no longer looking at it. It was a warning attitude, but a look as if he had discovered delicious food.

Seeing this look, Youlu became even more angry. The next second, it spit out a small black ball from its mouth, then opened its mouth and swallowed it directly. A large amount of energy was gathered, and the whole head was filled with energy. It began to swell, and it was obviously the tailed beast jade at full strength.

Maybe it felt the power of this blow. Pochi originally planned to eat the opponent directly and was not prepared to release the light bomb and destroy his lunch, but now it still followed its instinct and began to accumulate energy.

There were two "bang bang" sounds, and two beams of light were shot out separately, but this time the color of the beam changed a little, mainly on Pochi's side. Yes, the beam on Pochi's side was originally a bright white beam, but this time there was some cyan flame light added to the beam. This is obviously a slight mutation after eating Youlu's meat before. This may be Can you already use the tailed beast's chakra?

Perhaps for this reason, new results emerged in the duel between the two beams. Originally, the power of the beams on both sides was about the same, but this time, Pochi's beam quickly suppressed Matou's tailed beast jade, directly overwhelming the beam on Matou's side.

"What?" You Brigade here was stunned. The next second, he was directly hit by the beam that was pushed back. With a big explosion, You Brigade here was directly blown away by the attack of the beam. This time, Youlu was really seriously injured. His huge body flew out and was embedded in the wall next to him.

"Damn it..." Gritting his teeth, You Lu pulled out his own head, and then turned around. What he saw was a big mouth rushing towards him. This guy really wanted to eat him. At this time, You Brigade was seriously injured and even had no time to react. Just when it was in danger, Boqi, who was flying in the air, suddenly stopped.

Yes, Poch here stopped strangely in the air. This situation made Poch stunned. After all, his food was right next to his mouth. What was going on?

Turning his head, Pochi saw the person who stopped it, the human he saw before. At this time, Linton was holding Pochi's tail with one hand, and with this pull, he directly grabbed Pochi.

"Although I said I would change my pet if I lost, after all, I have had it for a long time and I still have some feelings for it." Linton said calmly.

"Roar!" Boqi didn't care what Linton said. Anyway, Linton stopping him from eating was definitely a heinous crime. Just when it was about to turn around and prepare to attack, a huge force came from its tail.

The next second, Linton pulled hard and directly picked up the huge black dog. With a loud "bang", Pochi was turned around and hit directly on the floor.

"Woof!" Pochi let out a scream of anger or pain, but it was obviously not over yet. The next second, its body was pulled up again and waved half a circle in the air. "Bang" With a loud bang, it hit the ground again.

"Ugh..." There was another scream, obviously this time it meant more pain, but it was obvious that just screaming like this was of no use. Linton had no intention of stopping. He directly held Boqi and opened the bow from left to right, swinging it to the left and then to the right. After a heavy slam... the ground collapsed again.

Yes, this underground building really couldn't withstand such damage. The ground collapsed again, and one person and two beasts fell to one level again. The collapse of the ground also made Pochi temporarily escape Linton's control and turned his head. He opened his mouth suddenly and prepared to launch a light bomb at Linton.

However, before the light bomb could even come out, Linton went up directly and punched Pochi on the head. Pochi here was hit and closed his mouth. The next second, the light bomb exploded directly in its mouth. With a "bang", Pochi's mouth exploded directly. After spitting out a mouthful of thick smoke, he fell directly to the ground. on the ground.

There was a "bang", and before it could lie down, Linton followed up with a kick and kicked it directly in the abdomen, causing Pochi to wake up from the pain. With this kick, Linton carried Pochi through seven floors, opening a skylight directly inside the headquarters. He did not stop until Pochi smashed into a pile of rubble.

After a combo of attacks, Poch here was completely motionless. He fell belly up in the rubble, completely unresponsive, and his tongue was hanging out. This guy is not dead yet, but has lost consciousness, so of course he can be uploaded.

Linton directly touched the Pochi placed below, clicked to upload, and received 1.12 million points. This made Linton stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Boqi to have quite a lot of points. This dog...

But soon Linton seemed to think of the reason. It was probably because Boqi had devoured the flesh and blood of You Brigade and caused mutations, resulting in more points? It's possible.

"Po...Lord Pochi has been defeated!" Just when Linton finished uploading, a panicked voice came from the side. Linton turned around and looked around, and found that there were a few weirdos in the fallen room. They were weird looking guys, but at first glance they looked like miscellaneous soldiers.

Seeing Linton turning to look at them, the group panicked. Yes, they were confused now. The ceiling suddenly exploded, and a huge thing fell down, which turned out to be Boqi, one of the cadres. Of course they knew how strong Pochi was, but they didn't expect him to be killed. Although they didn't know who the hero was, he was definitely not someone they could deal with. Even Master Pochi was no match for them, so they couldn't beat him at all. .

Seeing Linton's eyes, these weirdos turned around and ran away. Although they belonged to the Weird Association, they had no intention of sacrificing their lives for the association. Of course, their lives were at stake when they encountered such a fierce man who was obviously unbeatable. .

Looking at these scattered soldiers, Linton had no intention of chasing them all. At this moment, another brigade from above also came down on its own.

"Thank you. Without you, I might really have been bitten by this stinky dog." Matariku did not have the arrogant character of Kyuubi or Shukaku, so he thanked Linton directly.

"So what's the use of you? Now that I can't even beat a dog, I can only use it to show off my cuteness." Linton said.

"Ugh..." Although he wanted to say that he was a tailed beast after all, he was almost defeated by the dog in front of him, and Mataburi lowered his head and did not say anything back.

"Forget it, it's just an ornamental pet after all. You can go back and recuperate first." Linton waved his hand.

"Understood." You Brigade here lowered his head and returned with a "bang" sound and a puff of white smoke.

Looking at Pochi lying on the ground, Linton had some ideas about the dog at this time. After thinking for a while, he kicked the opponent directly on the head. With a "bang" and a loud noise, the unconscious Poch hit the wall next to him, and then naturally he was woken up again.

"Uh... woof!" Boqi seemed a little confused by the beating. He didn't understand what was going on at first, but the moment he saw Linton, he suddenly remembered what was going on. His first reaction was to turn around. run.

Yes, this time it was really frightened by Linton. It didn’t care about lunch or dinner, and its first reaction was to run away from this scary guy. However, as soon as he turned around, before running even two steps, his body froze again. The claws are grabbing the ground, but they can't move forward. Turning his head to look, Linton pulled his tail again.

"Well..." Pochi was trembling all over.

"Why are you running? Sit down." Linton said directly.

Without saying anything, Pochi sat down directly, raised his hands, stuck out his tongue and started acting cute.

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