I really can't control myself

Chapter 1266 Cat and Dog War

The interior of the headquarters of the Weird Association is indeed very exaggerated, it is completely an underground city. I don’t know how it was built to what it is now, and how much time it took to develop.

As soon as he entered the underground, Linton used his breath perception to do a little exploration. Yes, the situation below is really too complicated, like a maze. Linton doesn't have time to find someone slowly. Of course, this situation is easiest to detect using breath.

Sure enough, everything around him was densely packed with auras, especially the position below him. A lot of auras were piled together, which showed that there were indeed a lot of weirdos below. Of course, Linton has memorized the auras of the heroes who entered it, so there will be no problem of making mistakes in identification. The remaining auras are all weirdos, but it is troublesome to distinguish which one is the weirdo he is looking for.

Linton had tried it before and found that the aura intensity of different levels of monsters was also different. The aura of the dragon level was stronger than that of the ghost level. It was easy to distinguish, but there happened to be a guy who caused trouble for him. That one This guy is... Saitama.

Yes, the first thing Linton felt now was Saitama's aura. As expected, this guy is now in the headquarters of the Weird Association. To be precise, he is right below Linton. His aura is too obvious. It was so strong that it even hindered Linton's aura detection.

It's like a pile of 5-watt and 10-watt small light bulbs. Linton was looking for the 10-watt one, but a searchlight-level one next to it kept shining in your eyes. Of course, with Linton's current A-level breath perception, which is very sharp, he can still tell the difference in this situation, but it's just a little troublesome.

But Linton had just closed his eyes and prepared to investigate carefully, when suddenly he opened his eyes again. Yes, very close to him, there was a guy with a strong aura who should be a dragon-level guy who came to his door.

Linton had just entered the underground and hadn't gone long before the other party's dragon level came to him directly? After thinking about it, it seems that there is no problem. The other party has a command and knows the deployment of the Heroes Association. It must be that the battle plan has been prepared according to the deployment of the association.

Of course, Linton would not be polite when he delivered it to his door. Let's see what kind of good stuff the other party gave him. After waiting for a moment, a loud voice appeared from the other side of the corridor.

"Uh...is it this guy?" Yes, Linton recognized the huge figure that appeared in front of him at the first sight. Although Linton didn't remember every guy in the Weird Association, the guy in front of him was still very easy to recognize, because... the person who appeared in front of him was a dog.

If I remember correctly, this dog's name seems to be Pochi. He is indeed a dragon-level weirdo, and he seems to be one of the cadres of the Weird Association. In the original book, I remember that this guy was one of the pitiful weirdos who met Saitama, the kind who was knocked down by Saitama with a direct punch. But now Linton looked at this guy, it seemed... not injured I feel like I haven’t met Saitama yet?

Saitama is already inside. If he hadn't met him, would there have been some changes in the plot? Or did the commander on the opposite side let the dog deal with him, so he didn't meet Saitama?

Linton didn't know the actual situation. The only thing he knew was that Boqi here seemed quite irritable at this time, as if he had been provoked by something in advance. The moment he saw Linton, he seemed to have found his target. After roaring, he launched an attack directly.

The person Pochi was looking for before was definitely not Linton, but he probably couldn't tell the difference. Opening his mouth, the energy in Boqi's mouth suddenly gathered, and a huge light cannon was sprayed directly towards Linton.

With a "boom", the huge light cannon directly blew up the entire corridor. It was obvious that Pochi didn't care about destroying everything here. However, just as the light ball approached Linton, Linton waved his left hand and punched the incoming light ball directly away. Yes, it was directly physically knocked away. The seemingly destructive light ball was struck by Linton. It flew away with a slap, and Pochi, who had never seen such a situation before, was stunned for a moment.

"You... reminded me of something." Linton looked at Pochi and said suddenly, "Since it's a dog, then..."

As he spoke, Linton clasped his hands together, and then clapped his right hand on the ground: "Ninja Technique. Psychic Technique!"

There was a "bang", and after a whole cloud of white smoke, another huge monster appeared next to Linton. Of course, it was Linton's tailed beast, and the second tail was on its way again. Of course, the moment Mateo appeared, he noticed Pochi in front of him, and his vicious aura was also very obvious.

"Fight? Is it a stinky dog ​​this time?" Youlu usually speaks in a calm tone, but I don't know why he feels a little irritable this time. Could it be that there is still hatred between cats and dogs?

"The decision is yours. You Brigade, come on." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Hmm... Is this a tailed beast in this world?" Youlu felt that the other party was a bit threatening to itself. Although it could not sense the strength of people in this world, it still had such a feeling, which was considered an animal's intuition. Bar.

"Absolutely..." Linton nodded slightly, which seemed to mean the same thing.

"It's interesting..." Youlv said.

"If I lose, then I will change my pet." Linton said.

"Huh? Does this original pet refer to me?" Youlv asked.

"Aren't you?" Linton asked.

"But I'm a tailed beast... forget it, it seems like I'm just a pet to you." Youlu said.

"Come on!" Linton said with a wave of his hand.

Youli felt that Pochi was in danger. Why didn't Pochi here feel the same way? The sudden appearance of the cat also made him feel a little threatened. However, before the mutation, Pochi was just an ordinary dog. Although he has mutated now, his general thinking is still that of a dog, and he originally liked to fight with cats. As soon as the cat appeared in front of him, Pochi turned his attention to It was completely transferred to the cat. As for Linton next to him who had just shot away his light bullet, it ignored him.

"Ho ho ho..." Standing up, Pochi here began to growl in a warning threat, obviously preparing to attack. Similarly, You Lu on this side also stood up, and both sides were enlarging their size to make themselves look more scary. This is the instinct of living creatures.

"Woof!" Boqi was the first to attack. The attack method was still the same. He opened his mouth and fired a huge light bullet in the direction of You Brigade.

"Is it really a tailed beast? Then I'll come too!" To be honest, Bochi's attack really didn't go beyond Matou's expectations. From its perspective, wasn't this an attack from the tailed beast? In that case, of course the Tailed Beast Jade is the direct one here.

Opening his mouth, Youlu spit out a black ball with cyan flames. This was his special tailed beast jade. After accumulating power, the black ball sprayed directly towards Pochi in front.

With a "boom", two light balls, one black and one white, collided directly in the air. A huge explosion shock wave directly smashed through the entire corridor where they were. The two brigade and Linton fell directly. Below them were A rather large room, the two of them happened to fall in the middle of the room.

In this "Tailed Beast Jade" confrontation, neither side seemed to have gained any advantage, but the corridor collapsed first. You Brigade, who had just stood firm, immediately raised its head, trying to find Boqi's location. As a result, Boqi appeared directly in front of it. Yes, through the smoke, the very agile Boqi actually jumped over.

With a "click", Boqi opened his mouth and bit Youlu's shoulder directly. You Brigade here let out a cry of pain, but his reaction was very fast, and he immediately slapped Pochi's face with his paw. This blow was very strong, and it directly slapped Boqi away.

"It really turned into a cat-and-dog battle." Linton next to him couldn't help but say. Yes, it really felt like an enlarged version of the cat-and-dog battle.

After beating Porchi away, Youli opened his mouth and hit him again with a tailed beast jade. With a "boom", this time the tailed beast jade was very strong and hit Porchi directly. There was another explosion, and smoke filled the air again. However, when the smoke disappeared, something happened that surprised Linton.

Pochi's figure appeared again, and it didn't appear to be much harmed. Of course, this wasn't enough to surprise Linton. What really surprised him was Boqi's current appearance. Yes, Pochi's body has undergone some changes. He was originally a dog monster that was completely black, but now there are some blue stripes on the black body, a bit like flame stripes.

"Is there such a transformation form?" Linton initially thought that the opponent's skills would transform him, but after careful recall, it seemed that such a change did not appear in the original work. Just when he was feeling strange, Youlu suddenly said: "You actually swallowed my chakra?"

"Huh?" Linton suddenly understood something. Yes, Pochi has changed like this now because he just bit Youlu, tore off a piece of Youlu's meat and then ate it, which is why he changed like this. This situation is not unique. There have been cases in the ninja world where people ate the meat of tailed beasts to gain its power (gold horn and silver horn). However, at least they all have chakra in the ninja world. This wave It's impossible for Qi to have chakra, but he can actually absorb the power of Matou?

Maybe it's because Pochi's physique is weird, and it was strengthened unexpectedly? Maybe it was because he absorbed the power of Youlu just now and got some of the same attributes as Youlu, so he could easily resist the damage of Youlu's Tailed Beast Jade.

It may have been a bit stiff due to the chunk of flesh he had just absorbed from You Brigade, but Pochi seemed to have recovered now, and he roared directly at You Brigade again, obviously preparing to attack.

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