Linton turned around and looked around. What was charging towards him was a huge rhinoceros. Of course, it was a rhinoceros monster to be precise. At this time, Linton and Tong Di were standing in the middle of the Hero Association team and speaking, and the rhinoceros had obviously broken through the heroes on the periphery and rushed directly into their formation.

"In the way! Call your strongest guy out!" The rhinoceros monster here shouted as he rushed, knocking away the two heroes who were blocking him. Coupled with the cooperation of other weirdos behind them, the Heroes Association, which was facing the enemy, was in some confusion for a while.

"Oh, you are an S-class hero!" Suddenly the rhinoceros monster here also recognized Linton. Yes, this was one of the people Da Jiongyan, the consultant of the Monster Association, specially told him to pay attention to before setting off. The fifth-ranked S-class Kamen Rider. Of course, when the rhinoceros monster saw Linton, he didn't think about avoiding the edge or anything, but rushed forward very excitedly. The previous heroes were too weak. His body, which had been tempered for many times, could finally compete with the real one. The strong men fought.

"Come here!" The rhinoceros monster shouted as he rushed towards Linton. This was also when Linton first noticed him.

"This guy seems to have some strength, and he actually broke through." The child emperor here said.

"Really?" Linton seemed to have some impression of this rhinoceros. It should have appeared in the original work, but it was just a bit of an impression. I don't really remember what level it was, didn't look like it just by looking at the aura. Dragon level.

There was a "bang", just when Linton was about to deal with the opponent casually, there was a gunshot, and a bullet directly hit the forehead of the charging rhinoceros monster. A very precise sniper shot, directly aimed at the position between the opponent's eyebrows. However, although the attack was on a vital point, the bullet was suddenly bounced away by the rhinoceros monster at the moment it hit. The opponent did not make any blocking action, it was just because the scalp was relatively hard.

"15 points." The rhinoceros monster here stopped slightly and looked behind Linton. Yes, the one who attacked him was the A-class hero not far behind Linton, who was the top sniper in the association.

"Stop him quickly!" Seeing the rhinoceros monster stopped because of the sniper attack, the surrounding heroes also reacted and surrounded him and launched attacks.

"Super Jet Straight Punch!" "Rose Points Tiger!" "Crescent Slash!"

A bunch of moves hit the rhinoceros monster directly, but the opponent just tightened his body and resisted all these moves. Then when these heroes approached, they suddenly turned around, waved their fists, and flew away. All heroes.

"9 points, 12 points, 20 points..." While attacking, the rhinoceros monster was still holding the points, which were probably the scores of these heroes' moves.

"Damn it, this guy has such a hard body!" One move knocked several heroes away. Looking at this unparalleled rhino monster, the heroes around him were also a little timid.

"There is nothing more satisfying than fully enduring the opponent's moves and then convincing them with your strength." Rhinoceros said, "Is this all you heroes can do?"

As he spoke, the rhinoceros monster pointed to Linton again: "You are an S-class hero, right? Master Da Jiongyan has specifically notified everyone to pay attention to you. Just let me see the attacks of an S-class hero."

"Is this a special notification again?" Linton already knew about this. The hero before had also said that he was under special care. It seemed that the other party was really afraid of him. Originally, Linton, the rhinoceros weirdo, was too lazy to pay attention to it, but if the other party took the initiative to provoke him.

There was nothing to say. Linton walked directly in front of the rhinoceros monster. There was no way to compare the sizes of the two sides. The rhinoceros monster here was several times bigger than Linton. It looked like a hill. However, I don’t know why. In the eyes of everyone around him, Linton always seemed older.

This is the so-called suppression of momentum. Linton himself does not have much aura. If ordinary people look at it, they will not be able to tell it at all. But there are heroes around him, and those who can participate in the crusade here are all Considered experts, the situation they see is completely different from ordinary people.

"Completely withstand the opponent's moves?" Linton said looking at the rhinoceros monster in front of him.

"Come on, attack here, let me see your attack. I will give you a good score!" Scoring seems to be this guy's fun, it has scored every person who attacked it before.

"Is there anyone who is so self-conscious about being a sandbag machine?" Linton smiled, but he remembered the scoring machine used in the previous Demon Tail World Demonstration Martial Arts, "Did you know? None of the sandbag machines so far are If you don’t want to be blown away, is it really okay to set a flag for yourself like this?”

"Stop talking nonsense, come and try my hard-tempered body!" The rhinoceros monster didn't understand what Linton meant, but he still provoked him directly.

" ordinary punch." Linton nodded, then took a step forward and struck a blow directly at the rhinoceros monster's stomach. As Linton said himself, this punch really looked like an ordinary punch, with no special effects at all, and it even looked a little light.

However, even though this punch didn't seem to work, the reaction was extremely exaggerated. There was a loud "bang", like the sound of a heavy truck hitting the wall, which made the eardrums of the surrounding heroes hurt. The place where the rhino monster was hit was completely dented.

"How... how is it possible... this kind of attack..." The face of the rhinoceros monster here became distorted, "Master Da Jiongyan clearly said that I can challenge S-level heroes. Are you lying to me? ?"

"How much?" Linton asked suddenly.

"100 points..." The rhinoceros monster here only had time to say this sentence. The next second, his whole body suddenly exploded. Starting from the position where he was hit, his huge body exploded into pieces of meat. Yes, Linton naturally uses the high-level weapon-colored skill Liuying, a move that directly destroys from the inside. Now this is indeed Linton's level A.

"This sandbag machine is not very good. The upper limit is set too low." Linton spread his hands. It is true that this guy is too weak. I don't know where he got the confidence to challenge him.

"Killed that weirdo with one blow?" The heroes around were very surprised. After all, many people had just been knocked away by this rhinoceros monster. Are all S-level heroes monsters?

Linton didn't know why these people were making such a fuss, but he was just a ghost-level weirdo. He uploaded the opponent's score, and it turned out that he was a ghost-level guy, and the score wasn't very high, just 130,000 points.

"The points are so few..." Just as Linton complained, something was thrown in front of him with a "pop". The valuables prompt sounded immediately. Yes, someone actually threw the valuables directly in front of him?

Linton looked down and found a black package on the ground with two hands exposed. This thing should be the evil-eyed monster just now. Sure enough, Linton looked up and found that the battle in the sky was over. Of course, the tornado had won, and the opponent was slowly landing from the sky.

"Your weirdo's corpse." Tatsumaki said with a straight face as before. He didn't feel any joy of victory at all. He probably felt that beating this guy wasn't enough to relieve his anger.

"Well... let me see..." Linton lowered his body and uploaded it directly, earning 490,000 points. "This thing... is useless, there is no way to study it."

Tatsumaki squeezed his hand and sent out a burst of telepathy. The black package on the ground was directly squeezed by the huge telepathy and was completely destroyed in an instant. Tatsumaki pinched a dragon-level weirdo to death, but it was just like a trivial disappearance. What she was more curious about now was what research Linton was talking about: "So what exactly do you want? The corpse of a weirdo?”

"The corpse I want is a bit special. You have to see it in person to tell it apart. In short, try not to break it up when fighting monsters. Just bring it over and let me take a look." Linton said.

"Trouble!" Tatsumaki said with a frown, but that's what he said, and he didn't just do what Linton said. Yes, although he is arrogant as usual, he is still inexplicably obedient.

"Okay, I've taken care of the surrounding surveillance eyes." At this time, the Tong Emperor also fell from the sky. He had just cut off an eye flying in the air. It was obviously used by the Weird Association for investigation. " It seems that the other party really wants to probe our intelligence, and it seems that they have a command, is it the big bright eye that the rhinoceros weirdo mentioned just now?"

"It doesn't matter." Tatsumaki waved his hand and said, "Just kill their leader directly. It seems to be called Monster King Orochi, right? Leave that guy to me."

"The solution above is much worse." Emperor Tong looked around. Yes, the number of weirdos ambushing them this time was indeed quite large, but the strength of the weirdos was obviously not very good, except for Xie Yan, a dragon-level person. In addition, most of the others are tiger-level, and there are not even many ghost-level ones. They are indeed just decoys sent by the opponent to detect them. "The ground team stays here to clean up the remaining things. The combat time cannot be delayed. Everyone is ready to take action.”

Speaking of which, Emperor Tong also projected a map: "The locations of the various entrances that have been found are all nearby. Everyone enters according to the previous allocation."

"Then I'll go first. I must be the one to solve this monster king." Tatsumaki said as he flew away directly. Yes, she and Linton were not together. There was still a competition with Linton. Who will solve the meaning of the Monster King first?

Linton didn't answer. He quickly found the entrance he was responsible for and officially entered the headquarters of the Weird Association.

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