How to please a human is like engraved in its DNA. Before it became a weirdo, it was just like this how to please humans to get food. Now in order to survive, it is still the same process. Yes, Porchi has no shame. , in its view, this is just a survival strategy.

"Get down." Linton said again after seeing that the other party was quite obedient.

"Woof!" Pochi here immediately fell down.

"Play dead."


"So obedient?" Linton finally understood. This was just a relatively big dog. After thinking for a while, Linton said, "Go and bring back that weirdo who just ran away."

"Woof?" Pochi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand Linton's order. Linton pointed to the passage where the weirdos who ran before were walking, and said, "In front, if you were a dog, you should be able to smell it. I'll give you 2 minutes to catch up and pick the person back up. See if it works for you, if not, deal with it directly."

"Woof!" Boqi seemed to think for a moment, then seemed to smell the smell slightly, then nodded and ran directly towards the passage.

Linton didn't follow him. Pochi's breath had been memorized. If this guy dared to run, Linton would catch up and blow his head off.

After waiting for a minute, Pochi came back, and of course it still had a weirdo that ran away in its mouth. Linton was also a little surprised. This guy was really obedient. He really did what he said he was going to do, and he didn't even think about running away. Maybe he was a domestic dog before he became a weirdo?

Since he was quite obedient, Linton continued to try, and said to Pochi: "Now I will set you as a team member, and you will be responsible for uploading and trying."

"Woof?" Pochi looked confused.

"Anyway, you can do whatever I ask you to do, do you understand?" Linton said.

"Woof! Woof woof!" Pochi nodded directly.

So Linton tried to see if he could set Boqi as a team member. Teammates on the system side decided that Linton hadn’t tried it properly yet. The only team members added before were Yalan and Gasain. For people from other worlds, Boqi was the first one. He was not just a human but a dog. Can this be added? ?

However, according to the previous operation, it was actually added. It seems that the members of this system do not have to be individuals, as long as they are conscious creatures, maybe even ghosts.

"Click to upload." The weirdo being held by Boqi was obviously unconscious, and he didn't know whether he was dead or unconscious. Anyway, Linton was informed that there was something valuable. Linton now wants to see if Boqi can upload valuables. The team members can naturally help upload them, but Boqi is a dog. Can this system understand its operation?

Facts have proved that the system can really work. Yes, after Boqi thought about it for a moment, Linton suddenly got the hint and got 60,000 points. The thing it held in its mouth was a tiger-level weirdo, which was indeed the score. Linton didn’t know how Boqi operated it, but it was really uploaded anyway.

"Oh oh oh, not bad, you are really useful, good dog." Linton said with satisfaction.

"Woof!" Although he was still a little confused because Boqi had no idea what was going on and what uploading meant, Linton praised that he still understood. Anyway, now it is determined to listen to Linton, and it is really afraid of being beaten.

"Okay, it's you." Linton said and jumped directly on Boqi's back, "Start arresting people, find one and upload each one."

"Woof!" I still didn't know what was going on, but I probably understood what Linton meant. Pochi here shouted directly in response.

"Just this way, kill me." Linton pointed in a direction and said. The direction he was pointing was naturally the direction where the dragon-level monster was located as detected by his aura. He originally planned to open the door directly, but if someone helped upload it, Linton could just sit and rack up points, and he didn't have to go too far. Go over anxiously, there are still a lot of points left on the way as you fight your way through.

The main reason why he chose this direction was that Linton sensed the auras of two dragon-level weirdos in this direction. Yes, these two dragon-level monsters are fighting one person at the same time. Of course, two at a time is more efficient than one at a time.

After hearing Linton's order, Pochi was naturally very obedient and rushed in the direction Linton pointed. However, to be honest, this dog is not much better than Linton himself. It is also the kind that cannot turn. When it encounters a place where there is really no road, it will also hit directly.

However, they did encounter a lot of weirdos along the way, but they were all at a relatively low level. Poch basically took one bite at a time and swallowed most of them directly. At first, Linton was ready to curse people...not dogs. However, he found that those who were swallowed by Pochi could actually gain points.

After thinking about it, Linton probably understood that those eaten by Pochi were naturally defeated, unconscious or dead, and they could be uploaded directly in its stomach? So even if it is uploaded after eating it, it seems... there is no problem.

It was very fast this time. With a series of killings and collisions, Linton rode Boqi directly to the target location. However, just when he was about to arrive, the auras of the two dragon-level monsters he had locked onto suddenly disappeared.

With a "bang", Porchi crashed through a wall and reached the target location. This is a relatively large space. There seems to be an underground lake below, and there is a broken bridge above the lake. When Linton looked over, he found two people lying upside down on the bridge. Both of them had been chopped into pieces. For several paragraphs, there was a person standing in front of them, who was probably the one who defeated them.

Linton still knew the man standing. After all, he had come with him before he came in, but he had never spoken to him. This is the 14th S-class hero, FLASH. It seems that the two dragon-level monsters lying on the ground were defeated by FLASH.

Of course, at the same time, Flash Flash also noticed Porchi's appearance. Yes, the first thing he noticed was of course Bochi, and he didn't notice Linton above him at all. It was just that Pochi's aura was too strong, and Linton didn't have much aura to begin with.

The flashing Flash slowly tightened his grip on the knife he had just inserted back. At this time, he was also a little nervous. The big black dog in front of him was obviously unusual, exuding a terrifying aura, and he had just defeated two powerful enemies. Of course, his consumption was still very high. If he fought again, he was not sure whether he could solve it. The guy in front of me.

So retreat now? Obviously leaving your back to the enemy is not a good idea. Although he thought a lot, these thoughts only flashed through Flash's mind. The next second he had already made a decision, fight.

Strike first. The big black dog here didn't feel that he had locked his position for the first time. He launched an attack at this moment and used his own speed to chop the opponent directly before he could react.

Just do what you want, the flashing Flash instantly drew his sword, and accelerated directly towards Porchi. Yes, his speed was really amazing, and even Porchi had not reacted. In an instant, he had closed the distance, jumped up suddenly, and slashed directly at Boqi's head.

Yes, the flashy Flash also understood that if the big black dog in front of him allowed him to react, he would be in danger, so he did not hold back in this blow. He used all his strength and hit the vital part of the head.

"Flash Slash!"

The first strike was a sure kill, and the flashing Flash was sure to win. However, the next second, he was stunned. His slash suddenly stopped halfway.

Naturally, he didn't stop himself, but the person in front pinched his sword blade with two fingers and directly suppressed his attack.

The flashing Flash raised his head in surprise, and then noticed that there was another person on the big black dog. Of course he recognized this person, the fifth S-class hero, Kamen Rider.

"Why...are you here?" Flash Flash asked subconsciously.

"Don't cut it randomly, this dog is mine now." Linton pointed at Pochi below and said.

"Yours?" Flash Flash asked.

"You see, this dog is very useful and obedient." Linton said and waved his hand, "Here, sit down."

Although Pochi here didn't know what was going on, he still sat down obediently, spreading his tongue and looking cute. He looked really obedient.

"You see, you must be very obedient." Linton said.

"Uh..." The flashing Flash actually believed it. Indeed, the dog looked like it had really been tamed by Linton. But what he cares about now is not the dog.

His special move was actually caught by Linton, and he caught it very easily. It can be said that he used ten levels of skill in this blow just now, and it was a very serious blow. As for Linton, it seemed that it was resolved without any effort at all, with two fingers. In other words, this guy... was faster than me?

Yes, what Flash Flash cares about is not that Linton is better than him, but that he is faster than him. In terms of strength, the flashy Flash originally thought that Linton's combat power was probably better than him, and Linton was not the only one in the S-class who was better than him, but he couldn't bear it if he was faster than him. He is the fastest man in the world.

"You...can see through my movements?" Flash asked directly.

"Your movements?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Uh... Is there anything you can see in this? Isn't it very ordinary?"

"Very ordinary?" Flash Flash was shocked and angry. Generally speaking, the first comment of those who fought him was how fast he was, but this was the first time he heard the comment "very ordinary."

"I... have a request." Flash Flash thought for a while and said, "Can... let me try again?"

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