I really can't control myself

Chapter 1070 New Features

She felt refreshed and refreshed in the morning. Yalan here was not in a hurry to ask about what happened last night. Maybe she realized that it was a bit difficult for Linton at this time. After all, she had never seen Linton like this since he met her. A depressed look.

It was indeed difficult for Linton. The feeling in his hands seemed to still be there, but when he hugged Yalan, the feeling was indeed much less. To be honest, it was the first time that Linton felt like this, feeling what might be called the power of a bond.

After one night, Linton had indeed calmed down a lot. I quickly realized that if I kept studying the current memory, I might get into trouble. Thank you again for Yalan's sudden interruption. In short, if I think about it now, it is obvious that there is only one way in front of me, and that is to understand more. many.

If you want to know more, of course you can only continue to upgrade. Linton would not follow "his" advice and stop here, although he could probably guess that things might not be good after that. But what the past self couldn't face, the present self should have grown up.

Of course, now that the words have been released, I can't continue to be a scumbag. So if you want to upgrade, you should first take a look at your current situation. I didn't look at Linton last night.

Yalan here has already gone to prepare for the morning meeting. Linton, who stayed in the room, opened the system page and began to check the situation after his promotion.

First, I scanned a lot of system prompts, which were probably some task completion report notifications and upgrade notifications. Opening the exploration page, there were indeed some changes.

His current position has changed from the third level of engineer to the first level of captain. The position of captain sounds a bit special. Linton had thought it was a name like general manager or chief engineer, but it turned out to be captain? Responsible for leading the engineers and investigators below?

Not to mention that Linton actually found the page for the newly added players. Yes, he just said it casually. Can he really add players? So the question is, where do the players come from?

Linton, who knew nothing about it, decided to try to ask System Ji. System Ji here was really very aloof. Normally, she would not show up except for prompts, and she would not respond to inquiries. However, this time it may be related to system issues. , System Ji here gave a rare answer.

Judging from System Ji's answer, she can really allow other investigators to participate in her team. As long as she negotiates with the other party and signs a system contract, the other party can participate in her investigation. Of course, there are benefits for both parties. Yes, the total exploration points are calculated when exploring together, which is naturally much more efficient than one person. Although they have to be divided in the end, the points scored by several people combined are much more than those of one person.

In addition to this system, you can invite people who are not investigators to help you investigate. However, people who are not investigators cannot get points, so they are all earned by you. Yes, the other party is a tool. Of course, a contract must be signed, which means you have to tell the other party that you are a tool and are here to work for free, and you must get the other party's consent.

At Linton's current level, a total of four team members can be recruited, which means that including Linton, it is a five-person team. It is also very troublesome to cancel the team after setting up the team. First of all, it cannot be canceled when there are tasks. You must submit the task first and clear the tasks. Secondly, quitting the team also requires an agreement, which means that Linton must The two agreed in front of the other party that it would not be impossible to force the cancellation otherwise, but the captain would have to pay points.

Of course, the more important point is that after the team is established, the opening of the world gate is controlled by the captain. In other words, when the captain travels through time, the members of the team will gather with the captain to travel together. That means you can take people with you to explore?

Linton was a little excited at first, but when he thought about it...it seemed like it wasn't the first time he had brought people back from other worlds. He had already been exploiting this loophole, and now that he had publicly obtained this ability, it wasn't that great. ah.

But no matter what, it is really good to be able to recruit tool people to help explore this function. Linton said that he has a lot of tool people, and all kinds of nephews have appeared in his mind.

Then System Ji here once again introduced another function of a captain, called squad battle application. Linton was stunned for a moment, this... is a PVP function? After listening carefully, it turned out to be a PVP function. Yes, the captain can directly launch a team battle against another team, and he can directly invade the other team's world. If he wins the battle, he can directly obtain all the other team's existing contribution points.

Contribution points cannot be used to buy things. The only function is to upgrade, which means this is a way to get promoted quickly. However, upon hearing this, Linton's face suddenly darkened. Yes, since there is a way to quickly upgrade, it means that if you want to upgrade again, you should need a lot of contribution points.

Sure enough, I looked at the page and found that the contribution points needed to upgrade myself to the second-level captain were 5,000. Before this, upgrading to level three engineer only required 1,000 points, which increased the value by 5 times.

Considering that there are ways to obtain contribution points other than missions, this setting is relatively normal. After all, as long as the team wins the battle, it can capture all the contribution points of the other team at once, and then share them equally among several people in your own team. This is possible at every turn. It's possible with just a few thousand points, but the question now is, can I participate in any team battles?

Linton quickly asked how to participate in the team battle, and was reminded by System Ji that there was a special partition where you could apply for free battle, where you could hang your team and wait for others to challenge you. Or just find a special team to fight against. This probably allows you to go to a place like the trading area to find other teams to challenge yourself, but the problem is...

Yes, Linton immediately opened the team battle section of the system that Ji mentioned. As expected, there was no team waiting to accept the challenge. System Ji said that this hanging can only be hung for a maximum of 7 cycles. If no one challenges it, it will be automatically canceled and you need to hang again. As a result, there is no team at all at first glance. It is exactly as I guessed. Is there no other team except myself?

Regardless of the special challenges, the situation is the same. Linton has not seen other investigators until now. The previous situation he knew was that these investigators disappeared inexplicably more than a year ago. So let yourself Which team are you going to challenge?

So there is a fast upgrade channel, but Linton can't use it at all. Now the only way he knows to get contribution points is to do tasks, so isn't the condition for high upgrades just a trap for himself?

Linton took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and continued to ask about other things. As a result, I was surprised to find that in addition to gaining other people's contribution points in the team battle, you can also choose to snatch control of a world from each person in the losing team. In other words, only you can explore this world. If you don't care about it, it will be destroyed after a year. It is regarded as giving up to others, but if you rely on this, it will be directly transferred to the winner.

But the question is what's the use of this? The worlds that can be explored may be infinite according to the situation currently understood by Linton, just like the endless worlds of the Three Thousand Worlds. So why rob other people's worlds? Why not just open one yourself? Well? But soon Linton discovered that it was really useful.

Yes, Linton immediately noticed a new situation. The third way to obtain contribution points was to wait. Yes, after you reach the captain level, you can increase your contribution points by doing nothing. The source of this contribution point is the world that you and your team have already explored. Each one will be based on the progress of your exploration. It will give you contribution points every day, as long as you hold it.

This calculation was very complicated. To be honest, System Ji explained it to Linton, but he couldn't quite understand it. First, the world under your own control will receive a 100% bonus, and the people in your team will provide you with a 20% bonus. Then, it will be calculated separately according to the exploration situation of each world, and the situation of each world may be different.

Having said all that, Linton looked at his situation. The points he currently received were 6.84 per cycle. How this value was calculated, he honestly didn't understand, but it was just this value. At first, he was quite happy to see this Linton. After all, he was getting a salary for nothing every day, but suddenly he thought, 6.8 per day? Upgrading requires 5,000 points, so doesn’t it take more than 700 days? You have to do nothing for more than two years before you can upgrade?

After a little calculation, Linton felt like vomiting blood. Although I have found a third way to obtain contribution points, I don’t know why but I feel that it is a drop in the bucket. Sure enough, after reaching this level, has this begun to encourage the concentration of resources? It feels like just investigating on your own may not be enough, this system already lets you grab it directly.

"But the problem is that someone has to rob." Of course Linton agrees with the robbery, but the problem is that there is no one. Aren't you bullying others?

"I also want to play PVP, please give me a chance." Linton said that it was really uncomfortable, but what could be done? I don’t know what went wrong with this system. It’s not clear why the other investigators have disappeared. Anyway, they should have existed before. There is no objection to this. Now Linton is increasingly hoping that they are not forever. Disappeared.

Apart from these, Linton seems to have found nothing else new, that's about it. But apart from this, Linton suddenly thought of another problem, which was a new task.

Yes, after upgrading the engineer, I got the construction tasks. Will there be new tasks after upgrading again? Thinking of this, Linton quickly opened the task page to check it out.

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