"This... I feel like I'm being targeted." Looking at the mission page that popped up, Linton said he felt a little uncomfortable.

To a certain extent, his guess was correct. Yes, there are new tasks, but the question is, what new tasks are these? Participate in a squad battle and win? Conducting a world invasion? If I could participate in team battles, would I still need to worry so much?

It is true that this promotion also unlocks a series of new task options, but Linton looked at the new tasks that were spawned and they were all related to PVP. It seems that after being promoted to this level, the system is really I really want you to participate in PVP battles. Not only can you rob other people's resources, but there are also mission rewards. Various stimulations can really make the exploration troops fight quickly. But now my problem is that I can't find an opponent.

What makes Linton even more headache is that this newly spawned mission also occupies his mission alternative slot. You see, the three missions that were spawned this time all require you to go to PVP, but the problem is that you can't complete any of the PVP missions. Once the time is up for the mission, if the mission fails, you will be directly downgraded. So this is not Is it more difficult for him to complete tasks? So it's obviously more uncomfortable.

The discomfort is indeed quite uncomfortable, but Linton seems to have no good solution. Life still has to go on. Even if there are some pitfalls, Linton must continue to improve his career.

So what to do now? Currently, I don’t have any suitable tasks here, and I don’t have any ideas for the time being. Linton recalled for a while, but he remembered the two things he had arranged before leaving. The first thing is about the World Core. Didn't we arrange an exhibition before to display the core of the flying castle produced by the World Core? It was a fishing operation to see if anyone came over to grab it. Lin Naturally, I can find people who know about this aspect through this.

Linton forgot to ask Yalan how the fishing operation went. Of course, this was also because I was a little distracted due to the impact of yesterday's events.

Another thing that I must ask Yalan about is what I knew before about a mysterious organization that I joined before. There are no clues in this regard. Linton also arranged for people to investigate the previous cases where members of his family were murdered. Let’s see if we can find any connection between several assassination cases. The person in charge of the investigation was also arranged by Yalan, so you have to ask her about this.

But now Yalan has gone to attend the court ceremony. As the queen, she is still very busy, so it is better to wait until she comes back before asking.

So what to do now? Linton thought for a moment and decided to try out the new function he had liberated first. This definitely requires a little research. Although I know what these new functions are for by asking the system, it will definitely not work if I haven't tried them, so I'd better find someone to try them.

Of course, the first thing Linton thought of as the tool for testing was his nephew. Is there any better test subject than this? Of course, the nephew in this main world is Garsain.

There was Linton's mark on Garsain's body. In a flash of white light, Linton appeared directly next to Garsain. What he didn't expect was that Linton appeared directly on a battlefield.

Yes, a very fierce siege battle is going on right in front of Linton. It is obvious that their side is the siege party. Not far in front of Linton, there are various siege vehicles and siege vehicles. The tower was being pushed forward by the soldiers in the direction of an unknown city ahead. Above the city, various arrows rained down, and many arrows even fell near him.

"Why are you here?" A voice next to him said. Linton looked and saw that it was Garsain riding on a war horse. Surrounding him was a very neat guard team. The guard in front was holding up a shield to help block the rain of arrows. It was obvious that Garsain was commanding the siege.

"What about the war?" Linton looked at the city in front of him, "What country are we at war with?"

"It's about countering the rebellion." Gaseon said, "In front of us is the city of Ducedes. A group of rebels occupied this city about a month ago. I didn't expect that it has expanded to this size in one month. It's a little tricky. .”

"Counter rebellion? Is this the Tomlian Empire?" Linton asked.

"So what are you doing here? I thought you were here to help." After listening to Linton's words, Garsain knew that Linton had no idea what was going on here.

"Help, of course," Linton said, "You are my nephew, of course I will help you."

As he spoke, Susanoo appeared directly behind Linton, spread his wings, and flew directly towards the city ahead.

"what is that?"

"Is it a holy-level fighting spirit golden body?"

The appearance of the huge Susanoo made the rebel soldiers on the wall instantly panic. After all, the huge size alone was scary enough.

"Wait..." Gasein, who saw this situation, just said wait, but the next second, there was a loud "boom", and the wall in front was hit by Susanoo's punch, and the whole thing was destroyed in an instant. An explosion occurred, and a large number of huge stones flew up. The cracks spread rapidly along the wall. With a huge collapse sound, the entire wall on the south side of the city collapsed.

At this time, the soldiers here were still pushing forward the siege equipment. As a result, the opponent's city wall suddenly collapsed in the next second. Is this siege still possible? However, the soldiers at this time were not in a hurry to rush in. Instead, they all looked at the position of Garsain in the rear in confusion. After all, this was completely different from what had been arranged before. It was a siege battle as promised.

"It's really..." Gasein said he had a headache. "If that's the case, it's better for me to take action."

"Yeah, why don't you take action." Linton also remembered it. Yes, Garsain has been promoted to the holy level at this time. According to his strength, there is no problem in attacking a city by himself, so why let him If your own soldiers attack, in a siege battle, the losses will still be huge.

"Let's... attack first." Gasein waved his hand and conveyed the order to attack. The adjutant next to him immediately conveyed the order, and soon the order to charge sounded. Some soldiers who didn't know what to do heard the horn and received the order to attack, and began to march towards the city.

Since the city wall had been destroyed by one blow, the siege was obviously much easier now. A large number of soldiers gave up their siege engines directly, and before the other side could react, they began to enter the city through the gaps in the collapsed city wall. In the current situation, It seems that there should be no problem in quickly occupying this city.

There shouldn't be any need for any command for the attack below. Garsain also got off the horse directly and chatted directly with Linton next to him.

"The current political environment in the empire is not very good, and the situation in all aspects is very tense." Gaseon said, "So I tried to take as little action as possible in this counter-rebellion, otherwise it may intensify the situation."

"The situation is tense?" Linton asked, "There is still a country targeting the empire? Who is it?"

"There are enemies everywhere," Gaseon said. "The current power of the Holy Empire of Elan has made all countries fearful. Although no one dares to stand up directly, the news coming back privately is very tense."

"So you don't want to take action because you want to avoid the possibility of Saint-level participation in the war? So that you can find opportunities for other countries?" Linton asked.

"That's probably it." Garsain spread his hands and said.

"This is a counter-insurgency war," Linton said. "Even the Holy Association doesn't care about this kind of thing."

"The current situation in the Tomulian Empire is very complicated, and it's not just a rebellion." Gaseon said.

Garsain briefly explained that the Tomulian Empire is in chaos right now. Although the Human Empire wanted to occupy this place with the slogan of unifying the empire, they did not send troops here at the first time, so this place is now in chaos.

When the First Army Corps led by Gassen arrived here, this place had already been occupied by warlords of all sizes. Some of these forces, large and small, are using the slogans of the previous Tomulian Empire, and some are using the slogans of the rebel army. This is already very chaotic, but behind these forces there are other foreign forces. interference.

Yes, the reason why these forces can develop so fast is because someone is obviously funding them. Just like the rebel army they were attacking earlier, it is said to be an insurrectionary army, but its weapons and equipment are very sophisticated, obviously of military standard. It should have been sold to them by other countries.

The reason why these countries do this is to make money by selling weapons on the one hand, and more importantly on the other hand, it is to prevent the Holy Empire of Elan from unifying this place. Otherwise, the unified Human Empire will be too powerful and everyone will feel it. crisis.

In short, due to the interference of many forces, this area of ​​​​the Tomlian Empire is now in chaos. What Garsain is worried about now is that a little spark will cause a huge reaction and completely ignite this chaotic situation. To be honest, the current situation in the empire is still a bit weak. It is currently unable to even dispatch reinforcements. The Yetis Empire has just stabilized. There are various unstable factors. If a conflict breaks out, Gaseon is worried that the empire will not be able to handle it. live.

"Are you thinking too much?" Linton said.

"You didn't think too much, okay? This bite is really too big for the empire to digest. Now is the most difficult time." Gaseon said, "Anyway, I'm very busy now. Come and find me." What do I do?"

"Oh, uncle, don't I need your help? As my nephew, I will definitely help." Linton said.

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