I looked to the side and saw that the person coming with the people was the clone ZERO I just mentioned. Yes, this clone ZERO is the one who sent the Kusanagi Space Base in a spaceship before. The other party arrived a little later than Linton. He just got off the spacecraft when there was a sudden violent shaking. After discovering that the base was attacked, he also took it with him. The man came over to take a look at the situation. To be honest, he was also a little curious about who the person who attacked their base was. When he came over and saw Linton, he was of course stunned.

"Why are you?" Clone ZERO pointed at Linton. He didn't know where to start. Why did this guy appear here?

"You didn't bring it, idiot!" the real ZERO next to him said directly. After knowing that Linton could survive in space, of course he also knew how the other party discovered the location of their base. It was obviously brought back by this idiot clone.

"Me?" The clone ZERO obviously didn't know what happened. He looked at the original body next to him in confusion, but the real ZERO here didn't seem to want to explain it to him in detail. Perhaps because he felt that the real ZERO here had inexplicably put the blame on himself, the clone ZERO here showed a somewhat resentful expression. But of course this expression only flashed by, and was immediately well hidden.

Yes, just like Linton said before, he doesn't want to clone himself. If these clones really get their bodies, they might do something wrong. Now ZERO is facing this situation. The cloned ZERO already has his own consciousness, so naturally he is not willing to continue to be a tool man. However, he is obviously not yet able to disobey, so now he can only secretly Forbearance.

Of course, the current situation is not the time for internal conflicts. Faced with Linton, who is always wrong, it is naturally more important to clone ZERO to deal with foreign enemies first.

"Be careful, there is something wrong with this guy." The clone ZERO here reminded, "I have read the information about several bases being attacked before. This guy seems to have a clone army..."

"As I said, it's a clone." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"No matter what it is, kill him." The real ZERO here seemed to be too lazy to say anything to Linton. He probably thought that what Linton said was nonsense, so he waved his hand and said directly.

The order was given, and dozens of soldiers around him aimed directly at Linton's position and pulled the trigger. There were a few "ding, ding, ding" sounds, and the sound of firing was a bit strange, not a normal gunshot. Linton looked carefully and found that the opponent should be using a light-type weapon, not an ordinary live ammunition weapon.

Of course, this is normal in space. After all, you have to take into account the possibility of fighting outside. So if you use live ammunition as a weapon, the reaction force alone after the bullet is fired will make you fly back and fly until you are gone. , so the light weapon without a back seat has become the first choice.

It's a pity that they can't let them eat their own bullets. Of course, bullets themselves have no effect on Linton. Whether it's live ammunition or light, just like the current situation, Linton stood still and didn't move. , mainly to see the power of the opponent's light gun.

Of course, it is obvious that these weapons used by individual soldiers cannot pose any threat to Linton. A large number of light bullets hit Linton's body and the surrounding ground, raising some smoke and dust slightly. However, after the dust dispersed, Linton Dun appeared in front of everyone intact.

"How should I put it? The power of technology is really not good. Let's experience magic." Linton said while also forming a seal with his hands, "Immortal magic. Lan Dunguangya."

Linton opened his mouth and spit out a laser beam, sweeping across the fan-shaped area in front. The soldiers here didn't react at all, but the two leading ZEROs reacted very quickly. They both responded in the same way, jumped up suddenly, and directly avoided the light.

Because the move was a bit fast, the soldiers here didn't even realize what was going on. But just when the two ZEROs landed, the slight vibration on the ground suddenly caused a chain reaction. Dozens of soldiers around them were suddenly separated from top to bottom. Many of them only had time to say "Hey", and a large amount of blood spurted out in the next second, staining the entire ground red.

"This is..." The clone ZERO here looked at the fallen soldiers around him in surprise. This was really an exaggeration. What kind of ability could he kill all their subordinates with one shot? However, before he could sigh, there was a sudden "stuck" sound, and a strong wind hit him directly. Looking to the side, he realized that Linton's attack just now not only killed all the soldiers, but also the people in this room. The wall also broke through.

There was space outside. When the room was broken, the air inside flew out. This was also the reason why there was a strong wind blowing around. The two ZEROs had the same reaction. The apron-like things on their bodies suddenly stretched out a few strands and grabbed the ground next to them, temporarily holding them in place.

Looking up at Linton, he was still standing firmly in place, and even the part where the other person was standing was a little crooked. At this time, the two ZEROs deeply felt that something was wrong with Linton. What did he mean? There were too many strange things about this guy. But now they don't seem to care about that, and now they themselves are in danger.

But this is their base after all. The real ZERO here looked up and saw that there was an emergency warehouse not far above. There are still many similar preparations for this space station. After all, they must be taken into consideration when designing. This situation occurs in the cabin.

"This place is really not suitable for fighting." Linton stood on the spot and said. There was still air around at this time, and the two of them could still hear Linton's words. "If I move a little bit, I'm worried that this place will explode. Have you put away the bottled Kusanagi Kyo in the jar? Nothing will happen, I still have some use for that guy."

At this time, the two ZEROs had no time to take care of Linton. They started at the same time, jumped directly towards the emergency warehouse entrance above. Seeing this situation, Linton also speeded up in front of the two of them.

"You looked really handsome when you tried your best to show off just now, but now you look really embarrassed when you run away." Linton was not in a hurry to finish the attack, and looked at the two of them with a smile.

The real ZERO here already knew that something was wrong. The moment he saw Linton, he raised his right hand and made a fist.

Linton didn't know what move the other party used, but he only felt that a powerful force seemed to appear next to the other party, and directly pushed Linton out. This is a bit like the situation of Shinra Tenzheng, except that this power is felt in bursts.

Likewise, this power does not distinguish between friend and foe. Yes, the clone ZERO following behind was also attacked by this power. It was obvious that he did not expect this situation. By the time he reacted, he had already flown out. At this time, the situation in the room below was no longer optimistic. The emergency warehouse entrance above was the only way to survive. This was obviously pushing him towards a dead end.

"ZERO!" The clone ZERO here yelled angrily at the real ZERO, but the real ZERO here ignored him at all and turned over and headed towards the emergency warehouse entrance again.

However, it is a pity that the power of this move is really good, but it is precisely the power that leads to the true ZERO ending. Yes, the power of this move unfortunately directly triggered Linton's automatic combat mechanism. Just as Linton was flying back, Fighting Ji suddenly took over.

As soon as he put his hands together, Linton suddenly froze his body in the air. Don't ask how he did it, because Linton himself didn't know. It might be the use of air dance or something like that. Anyway, Linton had some skills that Combat Ji didn't know. Will make.

"Let's discuss... don't..." I originally wanted to persuade Battle Ji to use less strength, but it was obviously too late. With a hand, a purple lightning-like thing had gathered in Linton's hand. Linton could probably tell that this was the energy of the Power Stone.

Battle Ji rarely used the power of power gems in battle before. Due to the optimization of combat, if the power gem is used too much, the body cannot heal itself. This requires Linton to spend points to repair it, and Battle Ji seems to be He does not have the authority to help Linton use points, so he will avoid such situations in battle. For example, he will not open the eight doors by himself unless Linton actively requests it.

However, not every use of the power gem will cause irreversible damage. It can still heal itself if used lightly. This mainly depends on the strength of the body, and now it is obvious that Linton's physical strength is much higher. Therefore, when it is judged that it will not cause any damage to herself, the battle girl will use the power gem.

The way to use the power of the Power Stone this time is a bit like the Rasengan method. A large number of purple thunder and lightning are concentrated and rotated in the hand. It is really a Rasengan for everything. However, Linton cannot do this skill by himself. The energy of the power gems is really difficult to control. It is a bit troublesome to make them rotate like a rasengan according to Linton's control. However, Battle Girl does not seem to have this aspect at all. barrier.

After the energy was accumulated, Battle Girl threw the homemade Rasengan directly in the direction of the real ZERO in front.

"Wait a minute, at least let me give you a name, otherwise what would you call me?" Linton's words naturally couldn't stop the battle girl, and the purple Rasengan shuriken flew directly in the direction of the real ZERO.

The real ZERO here is still on guard, maybe he sensed the murderous intention coming from behind. At this time, he was already at the door of the warehouse and suddenly turned around. When he saw this thing flying towards him, he directly raised the skirt of his clothes to form a shape similar to a defensive shield, trying to block this skill.

However, once the two sides came into contact, ZERO suddenly realized that his thoughts seemed a bit too naive.

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