Even Linton couldn't control the violent energy of the Power Stone. It is indeed a bit naive for ZERO to rely on his high-tech protective clothing to block such a force.

At this time, an electromagnetic barrier appeared in front of the protective suit. In fact, the defensive effect of this defensive barrier was still very good. Even a missile could not penetrate the barrier. However, Linton's skills were too inferior compared to missiles. At the moment of contact, the electromagnetic barrier was instantly engulfed and decomposed by the violent energy, followed by ZERO's protective suit.

There is no doubt that the protective suit was shattered by the purple energy in an instant, and disappeared like fragments. This scene is really difficult for ZERO to accept. After all, he has always trusted this protective suit that embodies the highest technology. This suit alone gives him power beyond human beings. However, now he is being When a person is broken so easily, his faith is also broken at the same time.

When he came back to his senses, the purple energy here was already eroding his body. At this time, he felt that as a human being, he was still so fragile in the face of this kind of power. However, now he could only make a final sound. The cry: "No..."

Very quickly, the purple ball of light penetrated the real ZERO's entire body, leaving nothing behind. Of course, the light ball did not stop immediately. After penetrating the opponent, it went all the way up and hit the wall of the space capsule behind.

With a "bang", purple energy spread across the surface of the entire space capsule. The violent force shattered the entire space capsule behind in an instant. A large number of fragments flew upwards with the violent energy ball flying forward. At this time, The scene was quite spectacular.

Of course, Linton has now regained control. Faced with the current situation, Linton can only scratch his head. Every time the Battle Girl is defeated, there is such a mess. You can't just use the smart point to earn points. You can just hang up yourself.

So what should we do now? The space capsule above has been completely destroyed, or it should be said that the space capsules nearby are almost destroyed. Linton is really here to demolish his house. After thinking about my purpose, one of them came to see Kusanagi Kyo, and the other wanted to defeat the BOSS and earn some battle points.

Speaking of looking for someone, Linton suddenly noticed the clone ZERO next to him. At this time, the other person seemed to be unconscious and floating in the ruins of space. However, Linton could feel that the other person still had some breath. Although it was a little weak, it was close. Under such circumstances, Linton could still detect this relatively weak aura. This was probably because his protective clothing protected him.

After thinking about it, Linton directly raised his hand, and a Vientiane Sky Guide sucked the clone ZERO into his hand, then opened the portal and came to a space capsule a little further away that seemed to have not been destroyed by himself.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Linton felt the clone ZERO in his hand move. It was obvious that the other person was not really unconscious. As soon as Linton let go, the clone ZERO fell directly to the ground. He pulled off the temporarily extended mask. The clone ZERO took a few breaths of air anxiously. It was obvious that although his protective suit allowed him to stay in the space environment for a while, the time was not long, probably only a few minutes.

"Do you want to live?" Linton's voice suddenly sounded from his ears.

This time, clone ZERO began to seriously consider Linton's problem. Yes, if Linton had told him this before, he would have just thought it was ridiculous. He was the leader of the Sound Nest Organization, a human master, so how could anyone threaten them. But witnessing the death of the real ZERO with his own eyes forced him to recognize Linton's power.

As a clone of True Zero, he is of course the one who knows the strength of his own body best. He has been planning to replace his body from very early on, but the strength of True Zero is stronger than him, so he can only transfer into Secretly planning the preparation stage.

Clone ZERO feels that there is no difference between him and the real ZERO in terms of physical fitness and boxing skills. The most obvious difference is the protective clothing used by both sides. This high-tech protective clothing is ordered by the Sound Nest organization for each boss-level person. There is a difference in strength. ZERO's protective suit is much stronger than his own, which makes him unable to fight against him.

The initial plan to clone ZERO was to secretly develop body modification and find an opportunity to defeat the original body. However, just now, after seeing Linton easily kill his own body with one blow, clone ZERO suddenly found that what he insisted on collapsed. Body modifications and high-tech protective clothing are of no use in the face of absolute power.

"You...what do you want to do?" Looking at Linton in front of him, the clone ZERO here showed a somewhat frightened expression for the first time.

"Can you figure out what I want to do?" Linton said. "Besides, is this the time for you to ask questions? You just need to tell me where the jar of Kusanagi Kyo is and where your boss is. Just the location is fine.”

"Do you want to get the entire Sound Nest Organization?" Clone ZERO asked again anxiously after hearing that Linton's target was their leader.

"Why don't you listen to others?" Linton sighed, then raised a hand and pointed at the clone ZERO here.

This inexplicable pointing at himself made clone ZERO a little confused, but the next moment he immediately understood what was going on. Because his right hand suddenly began to twist crazily at this moment, and the whole thing was twisted into a twist. A severe pain came along with the sound of cracking bones. The protective clothing on his body did not play any protective role. He also did not see how Linton attacked at all. Everything was so weird. .

It was obvious that Linton was not using the power of this world. Linton had already bought the power of the Dark Demon, but when he bought it, he wanted to spend money on the special effects of that guy's appearance. However, after he got it, he didn't know how to get it. I can actually use his abilities, but I always feel a bit shortchanged.

"Have you thought about it?" Linton said again, "I am not particularly in need of a guide."

"I...I'll lead the way." The threat of death made clone ZERO understand the reality. As a clone, his desire for life was even stronger, and of course he didn't want to die here.

Holding on to his broken right hand, clone ZERO stood up and began to lead Linton. Of course, Linton was not worried about the other party's tricks, he was just confident that the other party had nothing to do with him.

The clone ZERO here didn't seem to be planning any tricks at this time. With his guidance, Linton finally didn't have to hit him all the way. At this time, most of the soldiers in the base were probably attracted to the direction of the space station where the accident occurred, and they didn't meet anyone along the way. Soon, clone ZERO took Linton to a laboratory-type space station.

There are still some experimenters in the laboratory. Such a big thing has happened here, the alarm is ringing, and these people are still in the laboratory and have not taken refuge. They were also stunned for a moment when they saw the clone ZERO coming in with his arms covered.

"Sir, are you okay?" an experimenter asked.

"Everyone get out." Clone ZERO said.

Although it was a little strange, the experimenters still obeyed the order of clone ZERO and went out, taking Linton all the way inside. Soon Linton saw the bottled Kyo Kusanagi again.

"Is this the true body?" Linton asked, looking at Kusanagi Kyo in the jar.

"Yes." Clone ZERO said, "Although cloning is already underway, the first batch of clones have not yet been cultivated, and their bases on the earth have been destroyed. This is the main body."

Seeing that the other party did not lie, Linton nodded slightly. He stepped forward and grabbed the entire can, and then pulled it out suddenly. All the wires, pipes and other things connected to the can were forcibly cut off. Linton held up the heavy-looking jar with one hand and threw it casually to the side.

A portal appeared in front of the jar, and the entire jar disappeared in the next second. Obviously, this move made Clone ZERO stunned. Although he had used the portal skill several times before, Clone ZERO really hadn't studied it carefully. It's unbelievable no matter how you look at what kind of ability the other party is using.

At this time on Earth, Kagura Chizuru is waiting for follow-up personnel to follow up on the cleanup of this base. Yes, the sound nest base in front of us has been reduced to ruins, and the clone of Linton, the instigator, turned into a white smoke and disappeared after finishing a lot of things. Of course, she can only do a lot of the remaining things. Dealt with it.

Seeing the tragic situation in front of her, Kagura Chizuru here really didn't know what to say. Through the contact just now, she found that the base in front of her was actually one with a relatively high degree of survival. Yes, the bases swept by Linton are evaluated based on their residual degree. The worse ones are the ones that no longer know the existence of a base there.

Seeing this situation, Kagura Chizuru had to consider who the real threat to the earth was. Judging from the current situation, is Linton really less of a threat than the big snake?

Just as I was thinking about it, there was suddenly a loud "dong" sound next to me. Kagura Chizuru jumped back subconsciously, turned her head and discovered that a huge metal can suddenly appeared next to her. A closer look revealed that there was another person in the can, which was the Kusanagi Kyo they were looking for.

"The courier has arrived, please sign for it." Just when he was wondering what was going on, a voice came from his ear. Kagura Chizuru turned her head again and found Linton half leaning out of the portal, speaking in her ear.

"What's going on?" Kagura Chizuru said subconsciously.

"He's here, go and do that spell to find someone." Linton said, "I'm going to fight the BOSS here and see if I can get some points."

"Huh?" Kagura Chizuru was confused, "Where are you?"

"Look up." Linton pointed to the sky above. "There is a space station nearby. I am visiting it."

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