I really can't control myself

Chapter 1060 Destruction

"Why do you want to sleep?" After hearing Paul's words, a researcher named Temson stood up excitedly. Yes, the two of them belong to the same research laboratory and are working on the same project, but there is a vague sense of competition between them. Temson and Paul were both extremely excited about the blood samples that had been passed on a few days ago. They had also barely slept for three days after studying it, and the two of them were actually secretly competing to see who could sleep first.

At this time, when he heard Paul say that he wanted to sleep, Temson was of course happy. He came over to ridicule: "I just said you are not good. You can't bear it after only three days? Normally..."

Before he finished speaking, Temson here suddenly froze. Yes, he also noticed the situation outside the window now, and of course he froze in place.

"No way." At this time, Paul didn't notice Temson's stunned situation, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and continued: "I'm no longer hearing hallucinations. I feel like I'm hallucinating. Now I see a person actually Floating outside..."

"Uh... I seem to have seen the hallucination you mentioned." Temson said to Paul without looking away.

"Huh? Did you see it too?" Paul was stunned, "There is someone outside the window?"

"Yes." Temson nodded.

"How about it? The Asian face? The one still waving at us?" Paul asked.

"Yes." Temson nodded again.

"FUXK, this...this is an alien, the discovery of the century!" Paul suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Uh...an alien? It seems no different from us..." Temson said, "And it seems like he is knocking on the door and wants to come in. What should we do?"

"Of course, open the door... Wait, where is the door here?" Paul suddenly realized that they were in a space base. There was obviously no such thing as a door. If you wanted to get in or out, you had to go through a special exit cabin.

"It's over, it's over. It seems that this alien friend can't wait any longer and is preparing to open the window with his fist." Temson pointed outside, and Linton was indeed raising his fist at this time.

"This...can't be broken in," Paul said, "This is three layers of super-tempered glass..."

There was a loud "bang", and before he finished speaking, a momentum came from the front. The next second, a huge force directly threw Paul's whole body out, until he flew into space. Paul used the remaining A little bit of consciousness saw the situation on the space station.

Yes, a huge hole has appeared in the outer wall of their laboratory at this time. With the huge suction, the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Everyone and everything in the laboratory is now being blown to the outside of the base due to the huge pressure difference, just like his current situation.

The last thing Paul saw was Temson, who was often against him. He was not far away from him, looking at him with a horrified expression, and his expression also stayed at this moment, because when he saw him, His body had begun to freeze rapidly, just like his own.

Then, Paul's consciousness disappeared. Of course, as a normal human being, this is the result after entering space. With only a few seconds to survive, he couldn't even see where the "alien" who sent him to hell was.

Of course, Linton had already entered the cabin at this time. Although a strong suction force was pulling him out, Linton could easily claw his way through the wall and get inside.

At this time, there was no one in the cabin, and there was a red light. When Linton looked at the door, he found that the door had been locked. He probably detected the negative pressure in the cabin and closed the passage directly. There was nothing Linton could do, he just raised his hand and punched him.

With a "bang", the door broke into a small piece and then flew out completely. The huge iron door directly hit the wall connecting the passage, causing the entire rear laboratory to fall off the passage, and after separation, it directly hit the other side. Direction of the other cabin on one side.

Linton ignored the door at the back and continued to walk into the passage by sucking the wall with chakra. As a result, after walking a few steps, the door of the passage in front suddenly closed. It was probably because the negative pressure in the passage was detected, and the system naturally closed the passage automatically.

"Hey, can you open a door? I really don't want to dismantle the space station with my bare hands." Linton held up his forehead. According to this situation, he would have to dismantle it all the way. After all, if you open a door by yourself, the front will automatically close. A door. This is said to be forced, but I don’t know if anyone believes it.

With a "bang", another gate flew out. At this time, Linton saw the ruins behind him. All kinds of things were flying and bumping in the space. The situation was very bad at first glance. He originally thought I need to find a living person to ask for directions. I don’t know how to find someone in this situation.

Fortunately, Linton is very lucky. Every time he doesn't know what to do, someone always finds a way for him. For example, right now, just when Linton was about to push forward, the door in front suddenly opened by itself.

Linton was stunned for a moment, but of course there was nothing to be afraid of, so he went straight in. After entering, Linton found that the door in front was closed. After Linton entered, the door behind Linton suddenly closed, and then Linton clearly heard the sound of deflation from around him. . There is no sound in a vacuum environment, but the presence of sound means that air has entered the cabin and someone is balancing the air pressure.

Sure enough, Linton soon found that he could breathe normally. Although he had the physique of a thunder god, he could survive in space, but he could not breathe, which was also uncomfortable. Now that he could breathe, he felt much better.

Of course, it was obvious that this was done deliberately. Someone should have noticed the situation here and let him in deliberately. Otherwise, Linton would have really demolished it all the way. The other party obviously didn't want Linton to do this, so it would be a bit helpless to let him in.

Not long after, the door in front of Linton suddenly opened by itself. As soon as the door opened, Linton saw a whole group of people standing in front of him. The soldiers were all wearing simple space suits and holding obviously high-end rifles. They were probably the kind of guns used in space operations. , and at this time all the guns were pointed at Linton.

In addition to ordinary soldiers, Linton also saw an acquaintance. Yes, it was ZERO again, but although the face was similar, Linton realized that it was not the one he had seen before. The previous ZERO was a middle-aged man with an obvious beard above his lips and brown hair.

The ZERO in front of me actually looks a little younger. Not only does he have no beard, his hair is silver, and his overall appearance is quite fashionable.

"Welcome to the City of Iron." While Linton was observing, ZERO here spoke.

"Twice, I welcome you every time I hear you speak. Are you really welcome?" Linton said, "If it's just to show that I'm calm and confident, your men have betrayed you. It's obvious from their expressions that Are you scared to pee?"

ZERO's expression darkened obviously, but he quickly hid it and regained his composure: "I just didn't expect you to be so strange. Ordinary people can't survive in space."

"Do you think I look like an ordinary person?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"I'm a little curious about what's going on with your body. Is it an alien? Or a modified robot? A cyborg? No matter what, your body is worthy of study. Feel honored for it." ZERO said.

"To be honest, I have heard similar lines several times." Linton said, holding his forehead. This is not nonsense. Didn't the previous shadow clones transfer the memories back? The ZEROs I encountered in various bases before were in similar situations, and they said the same things. They looked like they were invincible, and the next second they were kneeling on the ground. Linton's shadow clones had killed ZERO several times, so when he heard such words again, Linton's heart was not disturbed.

"Haha, do you think you can deal with me by getting rid of those defective clones?" ZERO here suddenly said at this time.

"Clone? So you are the original body?" Linton asked.


"No wonder it looks a little different." Linton nodded. The bearded version seems to be a mass-produced version. This is probably true.

"Although our cloning technology is relatively perfect, no matter how we copy it, I am still the strongest, and I am perfect. Even the most advanced DNA technology cannot copy my strength." ZERO said .

"Oh, that's right." Linton nodded, "Isn't that a coincidence? I happen to be the same person."

"Huh?" ZERO was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand what Linton meant.

"Obviously, the people who killed your clones were just my clones," Linton said.

"Clone?" ZERO was stunned for a moment, because he had not received the report from below. He had only thought that Linton had fought with his clone before he said such words. It is not yet known that Linton attacked more than a dozen people. What about the people at the base?

"Similar to your situation, my clone's strength is actually not very good. It's probably... only one-tenth of the strength of my main body. According to this ratio, you should be scared to wet your pants now. Don't tell me you are more than ten times stronger than your clone," Linton said.

"One-tenth?" ZERO frowned. He didn't understand it before, but now he understands it in context. So Linton sent a clone to kill a clone of himself? In other words, this guy is one-tenth stronger than his clone? ZERO's first reaction was disbelief. Yes, he didn't dare to say that he was ten times stronger than his clone.

"You..." ZERO was just about to question, when suddenly there was another burst of footsteps and another group of people arrived.

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