I really can't control myself

Chapter 1059 Space Base

"Huh?" It was obvious that not only Hermione and Anya, but also Lukar didn't understand Linton's words. What does it mean to hitch a ride? Where is there any free ride here? What we should be thinking about now is that this base is going to explode.

Of course, what actually happened was obviously far beyond their expectations. Linton jumped directly onto the space shuttle next to him, stretched out his hand and grabbed the outer shell of the space shuttle.

The space shuttle is already preparing for launch at this time. After all, the base is about to explode. Of course ZERO can't cheat itself, right, so the launch preparation of the aircraft has already been in progress. ZERO has formulated this plan since receiving news that several bases were attacked.

The opponent attacked more than a dozen bases at one time. It was obviously planned. It was not a wise choice to deploy manpower to confront the opponent. As ZERO said, these dozen bases are actually not good for the Sound Nest organization. It’s not that big of a deal, so what if we lose everything? The most important thing now is Kusanagi Kyo's experimental material. He also saw K's previous battle through the camera. Although he lost to Linton, the red flames had been clearly stimulated, proving that the experiment was effective.

As for losing to Linton, ZERO seems to be on the one hand that Linton is really powerful. He hasn't really understood Linton's strength yet, but he already feels that he is very powerful. On the other hand, it is obvious that their transformation is not perfect yet. Once the technology is developed, they will definitely be invincible.

In short, Kusanagi Kyo must be sent back to the headquarters. This plan was originally promoted by him. Once it succeeds, his position in the organization will of course be more stable, so he will choose such a response plan. The intention was to evacuate from the beginning, but K and Maxima, these two experimental materials, could also be given up. Of course, it was impossible for ZERO at this time to imagine that someone was actually outside his space shuttle.

Soon the launch countdown was completed, the top hatch was also opened, a huge flame appeared from the bottom of the space shuttle, and the huge body began to slowly lift off.

At this time, Lukar and others, who had been stunned before, came to their senses. Of course, to be honest, they had no idea what Linton's situation was. Now Linton was still greeting them outside the space shuttle. This guy was What do you want? To be honest, Lukar, who is a plane hunter, can understand it a little bit. This thing is for going to space. You don't want to physically pass through the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for him to think too much. It is obvious that if he is worried about Linton now, it is better to worry more about his own problems. The base is about to explode now, and they are still on the 33rd floor underground. Just like ZERO said, if they don't do something, they will be buried here.

"Boss, what should I do?" Anya asked.

"We still have time." Lukar knew that they still had time. Although the self-destruction program has been started, ZERO will give itself time to launch. Of course, this cannot be accurate to the second, otherwise it will not be a trap for itself, so it is obvious There should be some margin.

Soon Lucal started to give orders, and Hermione went to look for emergency passages and the like. Lucal didn't believe that there was no emergency passage in this base. What if the elevator broke down? Are you just waiting for someone to repair the elevator down there? Then Anya continued to crack the program of this base, preferably to prevent self-destruction. After all, Lukar really wanted the biological science research laboratory in this base. Both the equipment and data in it were what he urgently needed now.

Let's put things aside for the time being on Lukar's side. Linton is now flying into the universe with the space shuttle. I have to say that the technology of the Sound Nest Organization is quite advanced. At least the speed of this space shuttle is quite fast. In the blink of an eye, Linton found that he had reached an altitude of at least 10,000 meters and was still flying straight upward.

There was a "bang", and suddenly there was an explosion from above. Linton suddenly felt his body light up. When he looked up, he found that the space shuttle had separated. It should be a rocket fuel tank that was dropped. In short, he Part of it was just left behind.

Seeing that the fuel tank section was stalling, Linton jumped decisively and climbed onto the space shuttle section above again. At this time, the space shuttle was undergoing a steering operation, and it was estimated that it had begun to adjust its orbit. A wave of heat spread, and the surrounding altitude clearly felt like it was about to pass through the atmosphere. The fuselage of the space shuttle also began to heat up and turn red.

"It's really uncomfortable to hang up." It can only be said that hanging outside the space shuttle is not a good idea. Although things like high temperature and lack of oxygen are really nothing to Linton, the strong wind around him , the various whistling sounds of the air, and the completely unclear vision gave Linton a real headache. Now he can slightly experience the feeling of the little spider on the space ship driven by Thanos.

Just when Linton was thinking about whether to open a hole or use the portal to see if he could get into the cabin, suddenly the surrounding area became obviously quiet. Soon Linton could feel that the temperature around him began to drop rapidly. Yes, the spacecraft It has successfully penetrated the atmosphere and entered the universe.

After leaving the atmosphere, there is almost a vacuum environment in the universe, sound cannot propagate, and there is silence all around. Although this was not Linton's first time in the universe, he was really unable to adapt to such an environment and felt uncomfortable in every sense of the word.

At this time, the space shuttle here did not immediately shut down the engine, but obviously made a second round of direction adjustments. Then after waiting for a while, the engine shut down and began to head towards the destination.

Because there is no air resistance in the universe, when you want to reach a certain target location, don't accelerate all the time, otherwise you will find that you can't stop at all when you reach the target. If you accelerate to a certain speed and don't move, you will enter a state of cruise control, and now the space shuttle has entered this mode.

Obviously it will take some time to reach the target. It is really uncomfortable outside, and Linton is not the same. But when he goes in, Linton is worried that he will alert the enemy. What if the opponent finds out that he has followed them and will not go to the base? After thinking about it, I still had no choice but to humiliate myself and stay outside for now.

Fortunately, Linton didn't wait long, it was only about twenty minutes. During this period, Linton lived quite a fulfilling life. The reason was that during this period, Linton successively received the memories of his shadow clones. Yes, of course his shadow clone disappeared after completing its work, and the memory of the shadow clone also came to his mind. The situation was just like watching a blockbuster movie, which was actually quite interesting.

What made Linton feel strange was that his shadow clone actually encountered several "ZEROs". Yes, it was the guy he just saw. He was also seen in several other bases. Of course, Linton soon figured it out for himself. It was not that the other party would be a clone, but a clone. It's obvious that this ZERO has cloned himself several times, and he seems to be still operating in various bases.

Linton couldn't understand this idea. You see how troublesome your shadow clones are now. If these guys really had bodies, they wouldn't rebel. This ZERO seems to have a big heart. Of course, Linton thinks it may be because his harm is not as serious as his own.

All in all, while watching the memories coming from the shadow clone and waiting, the space shuttle soon arrived at its destination. Since it was facing the sun, there was plenty of light. Linton looked up and saw the super giant space base appearing in front of him.

Yes, this sky base is really beyond Linton's imagination. At first, Linton thought the space base was something like an iron box floating in the air, but now what appeared in front of him was a giant steel city.

This steel city is mainly composed of a circular base in the middle and six small rectangular bases around it. Linton can only describe this exaggerated appearance as spectacular. To be honest, Linton was a little curious. Could such a big thing not be seen on earth? And building this thing must not be done in one go. It probably took a lot of time. During this period, no one noticed it? A very well-informed person like Lukar can't find any trace of this base? They probably used some special means to prevent the base from being discovered, something like stealth technology.

Of course, having seen the base, Linton naturally would not wait any longer. A portal opened, and Linton came directly to the side of the base. There was a window next to where he happened to appear, and there was a man in a white coat looking outside. Of course, it was obvious that he saw Linton at this time. , froze on the spot.

The person on the inside of the window is called Paul Spence, a researcher from the Voice Nest Organization. Just a few days ago, they received a strange blood sample, and the condition of this blood sample shocked Paul. Extremely excited, he immediately started working mode and began endless research. On these three He only rested for a total of more than 2 hours that day, and spent the rest of the time studying.

Of course, even he couldn't handle such intense work. The extreme lack of sleep caused him to even have auditory hallucinations, but the things in front of him made him unable to stop his research work at all, and he had no intention of sleeping. At this time, due to severe auditory hallucinations, he really couldn't bear it, so he walked to the window to see the scenery outside, then repaired it and continued to study, and then he saw something... floating in space. person?

"Um...ok...I think I can really go to bed." Paul rubbed his eyes a little, looked outside again, and then said.

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