113. Letter from a loved one (1)

[Episode 113] – Letter from a loved one (1)

「To my beloved daughter Titania.」

「I finally felt relieved after reading the letter informing me that I had arrived at the academy.」

「After you left for the academy, I felt empty and was having a hard time even though I was doing the same as usual. “I feel like I have a lot of power just because you’re not by my side, so I can’t even focus on my work, so it’s really difficult.”

「…Even if it were my story, it would be difficult because I have nothing to write in the letter. Because I’m doing the same as usual, so much so that I can see you even when I close my eyes. Instead, when it comes to Wang Seong’s story, it seems like there’s something to write about. “I received something nice from Her Majesty the Queen a few days ago.”



“Why are you sighing like the earth is falling apart?”

As I was cutting the fruit that I had received from her maid for her visit, I could not hold back my sighs even in front of her patient, the Queen Mother. That’s right, I’ve been worrying too much lately.

Taking care of state affairs on behalf of the Queen Mother was not an easy task. During meetings, ministers and nobles shouted loudly and even threw punches on the spot. It was so stressful.

I was almost curious as to how the Queen Mother had managed to control such loud-voiced beasts all this time. I glanced up at her and smiled bitterly at the Queen Mother, and she began to complain.

“As each day passes, the respect within me for Her Majesty the Queen rises to the sky. “I don’t know how he led the country with such nobles.”

The Queen Mother laughed at my complaint. She said that now she knows her pain, and that she couldn’t stop laughing because she saw someone who was going through the same pain as her. She was busy smiling as she looked at me.

“Well… There is a good way.”

“Are you sure?”

When I asked out of curiosity, the Queen Mother pointed with her finger to a drawer on her desk in her room. I put down the fruit I was peeling, opened the drawer on the desk that the Queen Mother pointed to, and checked inside.

What is there…

“That will help you.”

“Is this what you mean? This…”

A long pole made of wood. No, woodcarving.

There was also a thin whip next to it.

A whip that looks really painful when hit.

“Those are the things I used to educate current ministers when I was young.”

“With this…?”

“Okay, since you can’t cut them with a knife if they don’t listen, shouldn’t you at least hit them with a stick? There’s no one I haven’t hit with that. So, if you hold it, the ministers will be shaken for a while because they will remember the old days.”

Your Majesty the Queen… How many ministers did you have to beat up when you were young…

It may have been used for a long time, but traces of time remained on each piece. As I grasped the handle, which was wrapped in bandages to make it easier to hold, a feeling of unknown confidence welled up inside me.

I thought I knew why the Queen Mother gave me this. When I held onto her neck tightly and looked at the Queen Mother, the Queen smiled happily and nodded her head. I just received permission from the Queen Mother.

Permission to beat ministers and nobles with this club.


「I can’t tell you what the item I received is yet, but I will take good care of it so that you can use it even after you graduate. I’m sure you’ll wonder what this is at first, but once you actually use it, you’ll realize its merits. “It feels like this object contains the truth of the world.”

「Anyway, after receiving this, my life became a little easier. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Her Majesty the Queen. 」

「Speaking of Her Highness the Queen Mother, please don’t just write a letter to me, but also write a letter to Her Highness the Queen Mother. “His Majesty the Queen misses you very much.”


As the meeting got longer, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Education started fighting like crazy dogs again. Other ministers and nobles were busy sipping the tea in front of them, sighing as if asking if this was the beginning again.

Banshaw frowned at the sound of two crazy dogs facing each other and barking. When I saw that, I thought that the time had finally come to use this item that I had received from the Queen Mother.

Okay, if not now, when should I use it?

“Now, everyone, pay attention.”


Before the meeting, I took out the wood carving I had hidden under my desk and placed it on the table.

At that moment, the ministers began to cause trauma by looking at each tree, making sounds like ‘Hi!’ Or ‘Oh, that!’ Is it because I feel a strange sense of joy every time I hear that sound?

Of course, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Education, who had been fighting like dogs just now, instantly fell silent and sat quietly as they looked at the wooden table on the desk. How on earth did you get hit with this angle?

As a heavy silence fell on the conference hall that had seemed like Dottegi Market until now, I smiled, lifted the wood carving, and slapped it in my palm! Widely! It hit loudly.

“I believe that the smart ministers gathered here know what it means to have this in my hands. No, if you don’t know, I will tell you myself.”


I looked around the conference hall, which was as quiet as a ghost, and continued speaking with a grin.

“I hope I never have to use this on old ministers.”

“”Yes… Her Majesty the Queen…””


「Not only Her Majesty the Queen, but everyone is missing you. “Even when I was reading the letter that came to you, Bangchot came up to me and asked if I had anything of his own.”

「If possible, please send a letter to Bangchot as well. “When I heard that there was no letter from Bangchot, the way my lips were sticking out was so bad that I didn’t want to see them.”

「I’m doing really well. So, don’t worry about me. Rather, I’m worried about you. “I’m really worried about whether I’ll be able to adapt well there.”

「I’ll be fine because Ainsel and Veronica are by my side, but I can’t help but feel worried. If it’s okay, please write about your academy as well.”

「I really miss you. I will wait for your reply.

I miss you very much, Vivian Liliensol.”

Suddenly. I stopped my hand from playing on the letter paper and laughed as I read the letter I had written. This was my first time exchanging letters with Titania, so I wondered if it was right to write like this.

I was confident that I could write a social invitation well, but I had no idea how to write a letter like this, so it seemed like it took too long. I sighed, folded the letter in half, and put it in the envelope I had prepared. Then, he handed the beautifully wrapped letter to the maid next to him and smiled.

“Send it to me as quickly as possible.”

“Yes, Her Majesty the Queen.”

As soon as the maid left her room, Vinchot knocked on her door and stuck out her head. When I asked him to come in, Bang Show approached me with a tired expression. Bank Chaut, who smiled bitterly with an expression not much different from mine, was a co-worker who had been feeling the absence of Her Majesty the Queen the same way as me over the past few days.

“Her Royal Highness, do you have a moment?”

“Okay, come sit here.”

From noble mtl dot com

Since all I had left was time, it wasn’t difficult to give time. I asked the other maid behind her to prepare her new tea and invited Vinchot to sit down. Bangchot, who was sitting in front of me, sighed for a moment, then sighed as if he didn’t know how to get her words out.

Vinchot was sipping the tea the maid had brought her, pursed her lips, and then she spoke to me.

“Her Royal Highness, this is a story about ‘promise’…”

“…Okay, it would be better if we just talk together.”

At my words, the sensible maid slipped out of her room. When only Bangchot and I were left in her room, Bangchot scratched the back of her head and continued her conversation. Without even having a head to scratch.

“… As promised, Her Majesty the Queen is supposed to stay here until Princess Titania graduates from her academy.”

“Yes, I decided to do that.”

“By any chance… if Her Majesty the Queen allows, would you be willing to stay here a little longer…?”

I, who was sipping tea, looked at Vinchot with her eyes wide open. Then, the corners of her eyes curled and she smiled and answered Bang Show.

“Is that just your opinion? Or is this what all the ministers think?”

“…For now, this is just my opinion.”

That’s right.

There were ministers and nobles who did not think it was appropriate for me to work on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. He said he had to quickly bring the remaining royal family, Titania, out of the academy, and that now was not the time to hang out at the academy.

Fortunately, that statement is still buried as it is a minority statement, but it was a situation where it was unknown when it would become a majority statement depending on the health of Her Majesty the Queen Mother. If Her Majesty the Queen were to fall into her coma…

“However, I will do whatever it takes to change the minds of the opposing ministers and nobles. And, I will make a request to Her Majesty the Queen. So, if Her Majesty the Queen allows…”

“Bang Show.”

I carefully put down the teacup I had lifted and made eye contact with Bangchot.

“…Isn’t Her Majesty the King in very good condition?”

“…They said it would be one year at the shortest and three years at the longest. “It may not be exact, but it is clear that time is running out.”


I thought I knew why Bangshow ran to me with a nervous heart. If I leave here and Her Majesty the Queen dies, Titania, who has just graduated from the Academy, will remain in the castle alone.

Titania is left alone with no one to rely on.

It was clear that Bang Chau was also worried about that and asked me for a favor. I also didn’t want to leave this place. I wanted to welcome Titania after she graduated from the academy and watch her become queen. But…

“…What you are asking me to do is no different from asking me to ‘cleanse’ you until Titania becomes queen after Her Majesty the Queen Mother passes away. “Am I wrong?”

“……That’s right. “It is as it is said.”

“Would the nobles just watch that? Since Titania is not young anymore and she has even graduated from the academy, do you think it is possible for her to become the second queen without even receiving a royal family name? You won’t say I’ve forgotten why I have to get out of here, will you? Bang show?”

There was no way Bang Show didn’t know this. There’s no way she didn’t know, but she must have come to see me because she was anxious and anxious about the news about Her Majesty the Queen. She fully understands that feeling, but…

“…Her Majesty the Queen has not passed away yet, so stop thinking about that and go out and do your work. “What you need to do now is not to ask me this favor, but to serve Her Majesty the Queen with all sincerity.”

“…I will keep this in mind.”

“Let’s go out.”

Banchot bowed his head to me and quietly left the room. After Vinchot went out, he sipped the tea and felt that the tea was bitter for some reason.

My appetite was so bitter that I couldn’t drink any more.


Ta-da-da-da-da! Bang!

I thought I heard a running sound outside the door, but then the door slammed! With the sound of the door opening, someone entered the room. Titania sighed and turned her head to see Viola panting at her door, noting that there was only one person who came into her room without knocking.

Viola, who was out of breath with her hair scattered from her running, grinned and took out her letter from her arms and handed it to Titania. Looking at the back of her letter, Titania smiled as she realized it was from the royal castle.

“While I was receiving my dues, I also brought your letter. “Did you do well?”

“Yes, thank you, Viola.”

As Titania was looking at the letter that said it had come from her royal castle, she took out from her arms a book that Viola had hidden as if she were smuggling it, and smiled. As Viola looked at the book she had pulled out, she gave Titania a puzzled look.

“Really, did you sneak it in again? “If I get caught, I’ll be scolded…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. “As long as I don’t get caught, that’s fine, right?”

“I’ve already been caught once…”

Titania sighed and shook her head. I thought it was great that Viola kept secretly bringing in romance novels that were designated as ‘seditious books’ by the Academy. It was clear that if Viola used that passion to study, winning first place at the academy would be a piece of cake.

“If you keep saying that, I won’t lend it to you?”

“That’s a different thing. “If you don’t lend it to me, I won’t help you with your assignments in the future either.”

“Ah! Princess! Sorry! “That’s it…!”

Phew, Titania and Viola burst out laughing at the same time.

After laughing for a while, Viola took her book and returned to her room, saying, ‘I’ll read it first and lend it to you.’ After the storm-like Viola passed, Titania stared at the letter Vivian had sent in a quiet room.

“Really, it takes almost a month just for the letters to come and go.”

Titania giggled as she said that three years would go by quickly as she waited for her mother’s letter. She then stroked her letter and smiled bitterly at her longing to see her mother.

“The next three years…”

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