114. Letter from a Loved One (2)

[Episode 114] – Letter from a loved one (2)

「To my missing mother」

「Mom, can you believe it? It’s already been a year since I entered the academy. By the time this letter reaches my mother, I will be in second grade. Honestly, I still can’t believe it. “It’s already been a year since I came here.”

「In other words, it’s like saying it’s already been a year since I haven’t seen her mother. It’s like she still has two years left before she can see her mother. “Time seems to pass quickly, sometimes it seems slow, I’m not sure.”

「How is your mother? Has it already been a year? Is it still a year? It’s just my greed, but for my mother, I wish the past year was still just one year. Why? It means she missed me a lot, to the point where she feels like it’s already past time. Lol.”

「Do you know that? The fact that Veronica misses her mother more than she thought. Veronica said she wouldn’t write her letter to her mother, but she knew. She said that Veronica had written several letters to her mother during her last year.

「I’m not sure whether the letter was sent or not, but if your mother received a letter from Veronica, please let me know. I should use it to tease her older sister. Oh, you thought you couldn’t make fun of her older sister by being her little brother, right? But, is it Veronica who is teasing me first? 」

「He always gets better grades than me without showing any signs of studying. I hate Veronica, who makes fun of me every time that happens. How on earth can she maintain her top grades without even studying? I just can’t understand it. “Am I secretly using magic?”

「Anyway, I think I have to find even the slightest weakness to relieve this overflowing person. Please, please let me know secretly. I’m sure Veronica’s face will turn bright red if she finds out what kind of letter she sent me. “I’m looking forward to seeing that.”

「… Actually, I can completely understand how Veronica feels. There are times these days when she feels like she’s homesick and is going crazy because she misses her mother. She’s barely holding on, missing her memories with her mother, but it’s not easy. I really miss her mother.”

「It’s finally spring here. The royal garden must already be in full bloom, right? Obviously, it’s time for that. I would like you to enclose a daisy from your garden in your next letter. Only then will this homesickness go away a little. “I really miss her mother that much.”

「With longing, Titania Snow White.」


「To my beloved mother」

「I’m sorry for not sending you a letter for several months. After I entered my third year, I had more to do with my social life than my studies at the academy. When I got home, I didn’t even have the strength to hold a pen. “I was so busy falling into bed and falling asleep… It’s been really hard these past few months.”

「I am holding on just thinking that I will graduate soon and be able to see my mother. If she held on just a little longer, it wouldn’t be long before she could return to her mother. If I just survive the next summer and winter, I can go see her mother. You didn’t forget your promise, right? Do you really have to come pick me up?”

「The person I want to see first is my mother. If her mother came to pick me up, she would feel like she did a good job surviving the three years at the academy. “As soon as she arrives at the royal castle, she will jump out of her carriage and jump straight into her mother’s arms.”

「And I will brag about it. The fact that I am taller than my mother. Now I am tall enough to look down on my mother. Now, rather than being held in my mother’s arms, I will be held by my mother in my arms. “You can look forward to my growth.”

「Oh, come to think of it, Veronica asked me to tell it to her mother. She doesn’t mind if Veronica writes letters herself… But she doesn’t want to write letters to her mother since she teased Veronica with her letters in the past. Sorry. “It’s all my fault.”

「What Veronica asked me to tell you is, ‘I got what I wanted.’ You’re probably referring to the ‘fairy egg’ I got earlier this year. They even held an auction to get it? Perhaps because of the rumor that it will grant wishes, many students participated in the auction. Well, in the end, my sister got it.”

「The reason we were able to win the auction was because of Ainsel’s help. She told Veronica how much the other party would bring to the auction. Ain Sel also tried to dig up her opponent’s secrets and things like that. After that, Veronica and Ainsel also became a little closer. I mean ‘a little’.”

「That’s how well we are doing without any problems. How is your mother doing? She always writes in her letters that she’s doing well, but I feel so anxious not being able to see her in person. “Even if she says my mother is sick, I think she’ll lie to me and tell me she’s not sick.”

「So, I think I will have to see my mother in person. She needs to see with her own eyes whether her mother is really okay and whether she is doing well, but I think she will be relieved. “I think this anxiety will be relieved only when I meet her mother and touch her mother’s skin with my hands.”

「Sorry for being soggy. That’s because she misses her mother so much. If she closes her eyes, she can almost see her mother’s image. Now that I think about how little time is left until graduation, I keep thinking about my mother. On the contrary, don’t you feel sorry for me missing my mother like this?”

「It’s a joke. I believe she misses me as much as I miss her. So, when you graduate and return, please welcome me with a smiling face. Please take away my anxiety by seeing her in good health. “I really miss my mother.”

「Titania Snow White, her mother’s daughter, waiting for the day to see her mother.」


‘This is a letter from two years ago, this is a letter from three months ago, this is…’

Midnight dawn.

I sat down at her desk and started organizing the letters Titania had sent me so far. When she reread the letter Titania had sent her from her academy, she felt so bitter that she was going crazy.

It was as if guilt was squeezing my heart every time I read the letter. The contents of the letters I received every month were full of sad words, such as saying that he wanted to see me and that he missed me.

Every time that happened, I endured the pain of guilt piercing my heart and wrote a lie on my letterhead. I’ll be able to meet you soon, I’m looking forward to seeing you grow up, and I’ll definitely come and meet you.

He sent such letters every month that were full of lies, and lied to Titania every time. It was so unbearably painful that I cried every time I wrote the letter. I’m sorry and I’m sorry again.

As I started reading the letter again, I heard a knock on the door and it opened without my permission! And the door opened. The person who entered the room without my permission was none other than the Queen Mother.

When I went to help the Queen in shock, she frowned.

“Your Highness the Queen Mother…? What’s going on here… Is it okay for you to walk like this?! You’re not feeling well, so where are the maids…! “You’d rather call me…!”

“Don’t make a fuss at night. “The maids came here secretly.”

“…The maids will be shocked if they find out.”

Hmph, either that or not.

The queen exhaled her breath as she entered my room and sat down on the bed. She must have had a hard time walking all the way here. The Queen Mother, who was catching her breath, saw the ‘bag’ on my bed and asked me.

“…Is this all you have?”

“…Yes, what else do I need to take care of? “I only packed a few clothes and the essentials.”

“That greedy kid from when I was young has grown up.”


From noble mtl dot com

I couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at that answer.

Because it was ‘Vivian’ who was greedy, not me.

Besides, there really wasn’t anything worth taking with me. Even if I had a closet full of dresses, I couldn’t wear them outside the castle, and since all the dresses were tailored to my body, there was no point in selling them.

All I needed to take with me was a few accessories that could be sold, simple clothes, and a bag containing gold coins given to me by the Queen Mother. At this rate, I didn’t think I would starve to death even if I went outside.

‘Yes, even if I leave the capital tomorrow, I’ll be fine if I just take this much with me.’

There are about 3 months left until Titania’s graduation.

I finally decided to leave the capital tomorrow.

Originally, Titania had planned to stay here as long as possible until just before graduation, but Her Majesty the Queen’s health, which had lasted three years at most, was not that bad even now, and in fact had gotten better.

Furthermore, Her Majesty the Queen herself told me to leave, so there was no way I could hold on. She decided to think it was a good thing. Because you set a departure date for me who couldn’t decide on a departure date.

As I was smiling bitterly, the Queen Mother took out one of her envelopes from her arms and held it out to me. As I was hesitating and debating whether to accept it or not, the Queen Mother sighed and continued her words.

“Get it quickly.”

“…What is this?”

“It’s an invitation that says you’re invited to my funeral. “With this, even the queen, who is banned from entering the royal castle, will be able to enter the royal castle for that day.”

At that moment, she felt her heart sink.

When I found out the contents of the invitation in my hand, it felt as heavy as a thousand pounds. An invitation to the funeral of Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother? I can’t believe you suddenly gave me something like this…

When I raised her head and looked at the queen dowager, the queen smiled gently and she stroked my cheek. The moment her scratchy hand brushed my cheek, a single teardrop fell down my cheek.

A teardrop formed on the tip of my chin and fell to the floor. The Queen Mother wiped my tears with the back of her hand and smiled at me. Without knowing that that action actually made me cry.

“…You should live a long time. She saw Titania become her queen, and she also saw her great-grandson, who looked exactly like Titania. “You have to live a long time until then…”

“Don’t worry, I plan to live a very long time even if you don’t say so. “I don’t know about her great-grandson, but I have no intention of dying until Titania becomes queen.”


No, then why are you giving me this now? Like I’m going to die soon? When I stopped crying and looked at the Queen in bewilderment, she started pulling my cheeks.

“No, then why are you giving me this now?”

“Since you are leaving here and not telling me where you are going, I have no choice but to give it to you now! “I don’t know if I’ll be able to contact you then or not, so I have no choice but to give it now!”


The Queen Mother grabbed my face and started shaking it wildly, as if she was annoyed. Her head was hurting because her vision was shaking back and forth. The Queen Mother sighed as if she was tired of shaking my face and glared at me angrily.

“I don’t know where you plan on wandering around, but don’t go outside the kingdom. “If you have an accident in a foreign country, the kingdom will not be able to help you.”

“Do you think I’ll go to a foreign country and cause an accident?!”

“Yes, you stupid daughter-in-law! “When I think about your childhood, my head still hurts!”


Visibility shaking back and forth again. Even though my face was shaking back and forth, I somehow managed to smile. The Queen Mother smiled when she saw me smiling, and then she let go of my face. As I cupped her cheek as if in pain, the queen sighed and looked at Titania’s letter.

“…Write at least a letter to Titania and go. “It’s really hard to explain.”

“…I don’t know what to write. “No, even if I write a letter, will Titania forgive me?”

“It would be better than leaving without saying anything. At least, write down the reason why this happened. After that, we’ll do our best to appease you somehow.”


As I smiled bitterly and was lost in thought for a moment, the Queen Mother tapped my arm.

It meant that I was going to get up from my seat now, so please support me.

When I held out my hand to the Queen Mother to support her, the Queen Mother stood up from her seat, hugged me, and patted my back. Feeling like I was going to cry again, I bit her lower lip and held back the tears.

“…Baby, I’m sorry I can only do this to you.”

“…No. “This is enough.”

“If only you really, really received ‘s*x’…”

The Queen Mother stopped patting my back for a moment and let out a deep sigh. Knowing that her sigh contained tens of thousands of emotions, I quietly held her in the arms of the Queen Mother without saying a word.

“…I’m really sorry.”

After that, the Queen Mother did not say anything until she was helped back to her room. It was a short apology, but it was enough for me. Because I knew the feelings he had for me in those words, that was truly enough.

I quietly returned to my seat, picked up the fountain pen and looked at the letter.

「To Titania」


What on earth should I write to Titania? Was it right to write the letter in the first place? Can you explain this situation to Titania with just one letter?

The tip of the fountain pen nib, which had consumed ink for a long time without being able to write, dried out and cracked. Even though I repeated that action once, twice, three times, several times, I could not write a single letter in succession.

Time passed like that, the night passed, and dawn began to break.

Dawn began to break on the day I left the royal castle.

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