112. Relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

[Episode 112] – Relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

“Quick! “Where is Her Majesty the Queen?!”

“This way!”

Really, I ran without stopping until I was completely out of breath.

After possessing this body, I ran so fast that I wondered if I had ever run this fast. She wasn’t dressed properly and was running around in her pajamas, so she pretended not to notice even when the maids came after her with her clothes.

Only when a sweet smell came out of my mouth did I, Vinchot, and all the maids who followed me with blankets to cover my body arrive at the place where the Queen Mother was said to have been brought.

After catching my breath in front of the tightly closed door, I carefully closed my fist and knocked on the door. Then, the Queen Mother’s healthy voice was heard from inside the room.

“Come in.”


When we heard the Queen Mother’s voice, Bangchot and I simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief. When I heard that he had collapsed, I thought he was unconscious or in a serious condition, but fortunately, he seemed to be conscious.

“Excuse me?”

When I entered the room, I saw the Queen Mother sitting on the bed. When she saw the Queen Mother looking quite healthy, she unconsciously let out another sigh of relief. Really, she thought she was going to die from exhaustion.

When Vinchot and I entered the room, the Queen Mother frowned and asked.

“What’s all the fuss?”

“I heard that Her Majesty the Queen has collapsed. Of course there must be an uproar! Look at me! She came running in like she was in her pajamas without any clothes on! “Look at the daughter-in-law who came running all the way here in her pajamas, so shocked by the news that her mother had collapsed!”

I opened her arms and showed myself. When I showed her that she had run all the way here in her pajamas, which she was embarrassed to show to others, she clicked her tongue and turned her head away from me, as if the Queen Mother saw something she couldn’t see.

“Who threatened you to wear only pajamas in broad daylight?”


“At best, don’t make a fuss about the old man falling down once.”

The Queen Mother’s answer was so absurd that she burst out laughing. She was so worried that she ran barefoot in her pajamas, but the way she behaved made me feel like it was unfair for her to run.

When I sighed again, the maid who followed me placed a large blanket on my shoulders. After thanking her maid who covered her with a blanket, she slowly walked to the Queen Mother’s side.

“So, why did you collapse? What did the congressman say? “Where on earth is it hurting?”

“……It’s not a big deal, so don’t worry about it.”

“People don’t fall down over trivial things. Majesty.”

I asked anxiously, but I never expected the Queen Mother to answer. That’s right, the Queen Mother I know has that kind of personality. He wasn’t the type of person to answer even if I asked him questions like this.

After sighing in her frustration, I forcibly grabbed the Queen Mother’s hand that was hiding under her blanket. She yelled at the Queen Mother to stop, but she did her best to ignore it. Because it meant she didn’t even have the strength to push me away.

The Queen Mother’s wrinkled hands were so light, as if only her skin and bones remained. It was as if she didn’t even have the strength to hold her fist, so she just wrapped my hand. When the Queen Mother squeezed her hand, she felt a rush of tears.

“…Since when have you been sick?”

“…It’s been like this for a while.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me…!”

The moment when I burst into tears and was about to scream out of boiling emotions.

“…By any chance, am I the only one here who didn’t know?”

When I turned my head and glared at Bang Chau as if I was going to kill him, Bang Chau turned her head with a pitiful expression and avoided my gaze. I could see that the action was actually an affirmation of my question.

Ha, I couldn’t help but laugh. If I thought about it a little, I could understand why he didn’t just tell me. Because I am leaving the royal castle soon. Because I don’t want you to worry about me leaving soon.

It was definitely a silence filled with good intentions.

However, if it was discovered by the person concerned, it was not in good faith.

Rather, it is an act of sticking a dagger into the chest of the person involved.

I bit my lower lip because of the stabbing pain in my chest.

Is this something to hide? If you’re in pain, you can say it, but what are you going to do if you foolishly hide it until you collapse like this…! When I squeezed the queen’s hand, she sighed and looked at me.

“Don’t be so nervous. I just didn’t tell you because it really wasn’t a big deal. “You’re leaving soon, so it’s nothing worth worrying about, so don’t worry about it any more.”

It was even more heartbreaking to hear the Queen Mother speak so calmly as if it was nothing. It felt like the feeling of not wanting to worry me until the end flowed through the hand she was holding.

“Your Highness, if I didn’t know that you were sick until I left the castle, if I heard that you passed away after I left the castle.”

I held the Queen Mother’s hand tightly and made eye contact with her.

“I will live with regret for the rest of my life. I will live with regret and frustration, blaming myself and wondering why I didn’t know when I was so close to you at the time. “Does Her Majesty the Queen want me to live like that?”

The Queen Mother was speechless. She pursed her lips, trying to decide what to say to me, but all that came out of her mouth was a deep sigh. I smiled bitterly, stroking the back of her scrawny hand.

“…I believe no.”

I gently put down the Queen Mother’s hand that I was holding and made her sigh. Then she turned her head and looked at Bangchot who was standing behind me. Since the Queen Mother won’t tell her, she has no choice but to ask Bang Chau.

“Bang Chau, how long has it been since Her Majesty the Queen became like this?”

Bangchot looked at the Queen Mother sitting on her bed, and eventually she sighed and answered my question. Bank Show also seemed to realize that he could no longer ignore this situation.

“…You’ve been like that since about last year. The lawmakers said it was not an illness, but simply a physical issue with Her Majesty the Queen. Her Royal Highness has continued her practice until this age… So it is only natural.”

“…Okay. “I’m so glad it’s not an illness.”

The Queen Mother was already well over 70 years old, so it was natural for her to do so. Up to this age she took charge of her state affairs almost alone. In the end, it seemed like age had reached its limit.

“…For now, let’s do it like this for the time being. First of all, Her Majesty the Queen is receiving treatment here. In the meantime, it will be up to me and her ministers to take care of her affairs.”

…There was a way for the remaining royal family, Titania, to return from the academy, but I didn’t want to do that. Besides, I’m still a ‘queen.’ I had no choice but to do it on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. It may be difficult, but if Bang Chaut and other ministers help, it will be possible.

“Well, we’re okay, but will Her Majesty the Queen be okay?”

“Why? “Do you think I’m that unreliable?”

“Oh, no, it’s not like that! As you know, Her Majesty the Queen will soon…”

I guess he’s asking if it’s okay to leave the castle soon.

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Even with the help of Vinchot and other ministers, taking care of national affairs will not be an easy task. Even if I had been working as a queen for a while, it would be on a different level from what the queen mother had done.

I turned her head and looked at the Queen Mother again. Normally, she would have said, ‘You’re treating me like an old man in the back room,’ but the Queen Mother didn’t do that. She was just quiet, looking at me and Bangsho.

When she looked at the queen as if asking if it would be okay for me to do that, the queen said there was nothing she could do and folded her hand on the back of my hand. The Queen Mother’s hand, rubbing the back of my hand with her rough hand, felt warmer than usual.

I smiled brightly and asked the Queen Mother.

“…Can I do that?”

“…I’m sorry.”

I just smiled bitterly at the words of apology and permission.

“Don’t be sorry. “When I leave the capital, I will receive everything I worked for.”

“Such a pure thing…”

The Queen Mother and I made eye contact and burst into laughter. As if she was tired of even smiling for a moment, the Queen Mother stopped laughing and sighed heavily, rolling her eyes and looking at me.

“…Don’t tell Titania. “I don’t want to cause unnecessary worry to the baby who has just gone out to see the world.”

“I will. So, for now, just focus on recuperating and recovering your body. “I will visit you every day and monitor you to make sure you are resting well.”

“I guess you won’t be bored.”

I smiled bitterly, got up from my seat, and took Bangsho out of the room. I was going to spend the next three years rolling around in my room and thinking about how I would live after I left the royal castle, but with the situation like this, I couldn’t just sit around and play.

Walking down the hallway, I let out a long sigh and gave an order to Vinchot.

“Please summon all the ministers in the capital to the palace by tomorrow. “We need to discuss what to do next.”

“Yes, Her Majesty the Queen.”


A few days later, Titania’s first letter arrived.

She opened the envelope with joy and asked her maid to take her car. When I opened her letter, I noticed the contents of the letter, which were filled with round and cute letters. I took a bite of the tea and snack her maid had served me, and then began to read her letter from Titania.

「To my beloved mother.」

「I’m sorry for sending you the letter late. A lot has happened since I arrived at the academy. Things like the entrance ceremony and being assigned a room. “I was really hectic for a few days after arriving at the academy.”

「Oh, Veronica arrived first. She was once again taking on the appearance of Princess Fiona. The academy tells me to call her Fiona, but I’m a bit reluctant to see that face. “I remember the old days.”

「They say it takes a week for a letter to go back and forth between the academy and the castle. I really want to send a letter to my mother every week, but Einsel says once a month is enough, so she’ll send me a letter once a month from now on. 」

「I look forward to letters from my mother every month from now on. “In addition to her mother’s story, she also wants to hear Wang Seong’s story.”

As I was sipping tea and reading the letter, I took out the fountain pen, ink, and stationery I had prepared from my desk and started thinking about what to write.

I put ink on a fountain pen nib and placed it on letter paper, but when I tried to write a letter, it didn’t work well. In the end, when the nib that had eaten the ink dried up.

I filled the nib with ink again and started writing on the stationery.

「To my beloved daughter Titania.」

「I finally felt relieved after reading the letter informing me that I had arrived at the academy.」

「After you left for the academy, I…」

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