I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 32: In the Eyes of Everyone

"The Third Tactical Team arrives at the scene!"

"Target. Is the target the creature at the feet of the Son of God? Do you want to attack?"

A group of heavily armed Self-Defense Forces soldiers rushed to the battlefield first. However, they did not see a huge monster. Instead, they saw a dark thing swimming around under the feet of a 'Son of God' from a distance.

The so-called ‘Kamiko’ refers to the female shrine personnel who preside over sacrifices in the island country. They can also be respectfully called ‘Okamiko’.

The girl was dressed in such a rich attire that as an island native, there was no way she could admit her mistake.


There was an angry roar in the earphones, almost making several soldiers stagger.

"All personnel, cancel the attack order!"

"Repeat, everyone, cancel the attack order!"

"Then us"

The Self-Defense Force soldiers who had just arrived at the scene looked at each other, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Previously, artillery fire roared and smoke billowed in the Arakawa district, and the battle was as fierce as if two countries were fighting. The soldiers who were coming just looked at it from a distance, and their hearts sank. Now the superior suddenly ordered to cancel the attack order. Nature couldn't be better.

"Take that 'Royal God Son', wait a minute—"

The orders in the earphones were startled, causing the soldiers who were at the scene but didn't know the full story to frown.

High-rise red deer!

This is not the fault of those ‘big shots’,

Because they clearly saw the center of the incident through the drone.

"Xiao Yiye, your legs."

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of skin damage."

The inexplicable 'fall' just now caused Nagisa Ichiyo's knees to hit the ground hard. A finger-long wound was torn out on his delicate skin, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Normally, this kind of injury would be earth-shattering.

But compared with the time between life and death just now, it seems not worth mentioning.

"Xiaoying, this is."

Pointing to the strange fish at the feet of his 'sister', Nagisa Kazuha, who had just 'escaped from death', didn't know how to ask.

"This is the monster just now,"

"I didn't know what happened, so I conquered it."

Until now, Tiannu Ying, who was dressed in a 'dressy' outfit, was still confused, but there was something more in her mind, as if it was instinctive.

For example, this 'strange fish' will no longer attack, but will obey her orders.

as well as:

"I'll give it a try, that's how it should be."

Jingle bell bell~~

One hand shook the Kagura bell in a 'professional' manner, and the other hand was placed on her sister's knee. As the emerald green light lit up, the blood stopped flowing, the wound healed quickly, and the skin became smooth and new.


The first time I cast the 'divine magic', I succeeded.

This made Tiannu Ying a little more confident about the extra 'knowledge' in her mind.

At the Metropolitan Police Headquarters far away in Chiyoda, Director Zhuya witnessed all this through countless cameras. He threw himself on the monitor and stared at Tiannuying.

Don’t get me wrong, as the boss of the entire Tokyo police system, what beauty has he not seen?

But it can scold extraordinary creatures and heal injuries.

Never seen it before!

"three minutes,"

"I want all the information about this girl!"

Director Zhuya waved his hand and yelled out a classic "boss boss" line.

However, how can an ordinary 'tyrannical president' be compared to the top dignitaries in Tokyo who command 60,000 police officers?

In an instant, commands were sent out from this 'war room' one after another, and countless information was fed back immediately. The convenience of the network was fully demonstrated at this moment!

Not only the 'resurrected' Director Zhuya, but also the other big figures here, whether it was Brigadier General Thomas or senior officials of the Self-Defense Forces, all of them had their eyes shining: through the drone's camera, they could clearly see, The 'Goshenzi' raised his hand and touched the other girl's knee, and the other girl stood up intact.

This is the extraordinary power they desire most!

Flames, thunder and lightning, and strange retributions from ghosts and gods are abhorrent to the big shots.

But no one will refuse the ‘healing’ ability!

Big shots invest hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars in various bioengineering research every year. Is it really to benefit the public?

Stop talking, it’s not about pursuing the ultimate dream of mankind:


Ordinary people do not have this qualification, nor do they have this ability.

But for the great men of the past and present, they are willing to try no matter how absurd or unbelievable the method is.

The eight wonders of the world are either mausoleums or statues of gods.

What you want is self-evident.

"Quickly, arrest that girl. Please. No, I will go and visit you in person!"

Reports from subordinates continued to come from the earphones, and Director Zhuya’s orders changed three times.

He was so excited that he even lost his temper.

The 'Earthquake Catfish' that was about to cause a catastrophe is now walking obediently at the feet of the 'Son of God'; the other party has also shown extraordinary healing abilities, and the girl's information has been reported, which makes it even more frustrating. He was very excited.


The illegitimate daughter of the head of the Nagisa family,

Abandoned since he was a child, he was raised by the Inari God of Toshima Ward and Sugamo Town.

Six years ago, the previous ‘divine master’ passed away, and Tiannu Ying inherited the shrine, and naturally became the shrine’s ‘godly son’.

Inari god

This man is very famous in the island country, and there are more than 9,000 shrines dedicated to him!

After all, the priest in charge of 'fertility' is undoubtedly the top god in any era.

"Wait a moment,"

"Mr. Zhuya, I'm going too."

Brigadier General Thomas' words made Director Zhuya pause in his steps as he was about to reach the door.

"Mr. Thomas, the 'earthquake catfish' is still at the scene. If there is an accident, please go there."

"It doesn't matter,"

"You're not afraid, so what am I afraid of?"


Just as the big shots from the Metropolitan Police Department rushed here, the police and soldiers on the front line also received the order.

"Lord 'Son of God',"

"Ahem, Lord 'Son of God'."


"Did you call me?"

Tiannu Ying, who was treating an injured classmate, turned around.

After looking at the attire he was wearing, he realized: the policeman next to him who was bowing respectfully was calling him.

"Sorry, sorry,"

"I don't notice who I am now."


"I am the one who disturbed the Son of God. I am very sorry."

The policeman bowed again, and it was no longer 90 degrees, but 45 degrees downward.


"Lord 'Son of God', what are your orders?"

"Don't give me such an order. Can you please help rescue the injured?"

Thinking of the power she had just gained, Tiannu Ying added.

"Please inform me if you find a seriously injured person."


After a standard military salute, the policeman immediately turned around and gave the order.

"Everyone, help rescue the wounded!"

"Seriously injured people, gather here -"


Tiannu Ying, who was at a loss for a moment, lowered her head and saw the 'black fish' swimming at her feet. She thought about it and patted its head.

"Xiao Hei, you also go and help save people."

Hearing this, the black fish swung its tail and swam towards the ruins.


Waiting for Director Zhuya,

And when Brigadier Thomas got off the helicopter,

What I saw was the earthquake catfish that opened the ruins and 'snapped' the people below.


Having just commanded the soldiers to fight the opponent, Director Zhuya and Brigadier General Thomas knew very well the power of this extraordinary creature.

Such a violent extraordinary creature behaved like a cat or dog in front of the ‘Tiannu Ying’.


Seeing the 'Royal God Son' stabilizing the seriously injured people with the light in his hands, Director Zhuya became more and more jealous. After adjusting his tie, he walked towards the other party with a smile on his face.

"My dear Takemasaharu, Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"Ah, ah? Ah!"


Tiannu Ying was stunned. To her, officials of this level didn't only exist on TV news?

"Don't be nervous, Tiannu-san."

"On behalf of the government, I would like to thank you for your intervention. If it weren't for you, many people here would not be able to survive the hospital. And thank you -"

His eyes fell on the 'Earthquake Catfish' at the girl's feet. Facing this extraordinary creature that could take on a modern infantry regiment, Director Zhuya spoke with an undiminished smile.

"Destroyed this extraordinary creature."

"No, actually it can't be regarded as my defeat. It should be the power of Master Yu Chuanjin."

Tiannu Ying didn’t even know what the black fish was called, let alone what it meant by ‘retreat’, but she knew the ‘torii’ on the other person’s back: wasn’t it the ‘gate’ of her own shrine?

"Is that so?"

Director Zhuya's face turned solemn.


The resume of this ‘Tiannu Ying’ is so good that there is no flaw in it.

Although she was abandoned by her parents, she has a lively and cheerful personality, good grades, and is self-reliant. She has helped the 'grandpa' who adopted her to host memorial services since she was a child, and later even managed the shrine alone. It is normal for such a person to win the favor of the 'gods' .

"Can we go to your shrine and pay homage to Lord 'Oyukijin'?"


As the manager of the shrine,

Tiannuying has no reason to reject believers.

And ‘Oryojin’ is exactly the name of Inari God!

Who dares to look down upon the son of the 'God of Fertility'?

Especially in this world where extraordinary things suddenly appear, the 'Earthquake Catfish' just taught the Self-Defense Forces a good lesson.

If the demon is like this, what if it is a god?



"too slow."

In Huangying Academy, Qiu Riqiong, who listened to Qiu Ri Yu's words and waited quietly here, spoke a habitual word.

"I can't help it, I encountered some troubles on the way."


"The look on your face."

Qiu Ri Qiong took a few steps forward and looked at his brother carefully. Because he was too close, his breath fell on Qiu Ri Yu's neck.

"Something bad?"

"Ah, maybe--"

With his eyes wandering, Qiu Riyu was thinking about how to talk nonsense, and the squad leader Nao next to him took over the topic.

"The terrorist attacks in Arakawa City have spread here, Yuu is worried about you."

"You don't need to tell me,"

After scolding the other party, Qiu Riqiong's expression softened.

"I'm fine."

The reason why Akira Yuu's face looks ugly is entirely due to excessive mana consumption: a battle with the Self-Defense Forces and moving the 'gate' of the Ame Shrine all consumed a lot of his mana. Fortunately, this 'big drama' finally stabilized. The end.

"If everything's okay, let's go home."

"Where's Xiaoying?"

As they walked, Qiu Riqiong asked.

"She's with Nagisa, so she should have gone home by now, right?"

After turning two streets, the three of them saw a street cut off by the ruins of a building and a lot of luxury cars on the ground. And:

Tenjo Ei, surrounded by a group of big shots!

? !


"Yes, it's Tenjo, but——"

Akihi Yuu raised his hand and pointed to the large number of police and soldiers on guard outside, and said jokingly.

"It seems that there is a sad and thick barrier between us."

At the same time, the gorgeously dressed Tenjo Ei turned around.

What she saw was the three friends leaving in the distance.

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