I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 33 Reactions from all parties

Chiyoda Ward,

Outside the Prime Minister's official residence in Nagata Town, there were crowds of people and numerous "guns and short cannons" standing in the streets.

It is adjacent to Kasumigaseki, where the Metropolitan Police Headquarters is located. Although it is called the 'Prime Minister's Residence, the prime minister of the island country actually spends his days in the Prime Minister's Residence next to it. The official residence is where senior cabinet officials work and release important news.

At this time, in front of the Prime Minister's residence, the government spokesperson and Chief Cabinet Secretary were holding a press conference with a serious expression.

"The above is the entire story of the Arakawa District earthquake and the terrorist attack on the 17th of this month. The prisoner was killed on the spot."

"The injured were sent to the nearest hospital and received proper placement and medical treatment."

"We have arrested the remaining members of the terrorist organization"

The Chief Cabinet Secretary’s words are clear and precise. In his description, it is also reflected in all official notifications:

The heavy casualty accident that occurred in Arakawa Ward and Nishioku Town yesterday was a tragedy caused by the intersection of natural disasters and man-made disasters.

First, a shallow 'subsidence earthquake' occurred in Arakawa District, with a central magnitude of 6.4. Simply speaking, this was just a short-lived 'isolated earthquake', which had no impact on other areas except the Arakawa district at the center of the earthquake.

Earthquakes are not only caused by movement of continental plates, but can also be caused by volcanic eruptions, stratigraphic subsidence, falling meteorites, etc.

There are even man-made earthquakes: underground nuclear explosions, industrial blasting, high-pressure water injection in deep wells, and the accumulation of water in large reservoirs may cause earthquakes.

The reporters were quite convinced by this explanation.

After all, when it comes to research on 'earthquakes', the island nation is second, but who dares to be first?

During this earthquake, instead of participating in the disaster relief, the Yakuza organization "Taoka Group" took advantage of the disaster. It was a heinous crime and was classified as a terrorist attack!

These 'terrorists' had automatic rifles in their hands that were difficult for the islanders to obtain; and in the process of being suppressed, they detonated natural gas pipelines, causing dozens of casualties.

Although dozens of casualties may sound like a lot, in fact:

That's all.

As information becomes more and more developed, you will hear news every ten days that there are hundreds of casualties in a certain earthquake, or dozens of casualties in a certain road collapse. Not to mention that in the Middle East, dead people have become commonplace, and hospitals and schools have been wiped out one by one. In comparison, these casualties were completely insignificant.

It’s not even as good as the Xiba next door, where a stampede caused more than 300 casualties!

After only half a month of mourning, where can we not continue to sing and dance?

It has even become a check-in point for internet celebrities.

"Hello, I am a reporter from XXX agency."

A journalist with curly hair and brown skin raised his hand immediately after the Chief Cabinet Secretary finished his speech.

"Regarding this attack, why are reporters not allowed to enter the scene? Also, about the rumors on the Internet."

Facing the foreign reporters with their arms raised high, the Chief Cabinet Secretary did not answer patiently as usual at a press conference. Instead, he arranged his speech and turned around to leave.

What’s even more interesting is that journalists from America, Canada, England and other countries who usually fear for chaos in the world, all looked closely at the words of the chief cabinet secretary of the island country without a single doubt.

This is an earthquake plus a terrorist attack, nothing more!


"Hey Hey hey,"

"I just went out on a mission, and something so terrible happened?"

After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, Iori Kazuka sat down on the sofa, put his feet up on the glass coffee table, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. He couldn't help but complain.

What was shown on the TV screen was the Chief Cabinet Secretary's press conference, and was even interspersed with footage of "terrorist organizations attacking crowds with guns" captured by surveillance cameras. Although it only lasts for more than ten seconds, it is very real: suit with flowery shirt, scarred face, various long and short firearms. And:

"Aren't these guys just bastards who 'violate' the three subjects?"

Although the terrorists did not show their "faces" and were blurred to a certain extent, Iori Kazuka could still recognize these colleagues based on their figures.

Even those "innocent passers-by" who fled, many of them were old faces of the police.

"It looks pretty decent,"

It is worthy of the power of the government. What it wants the people to know and what they don’t know is clearly arranged.

"Sir, these damages were caused by 'earthquake catfish'!"

Standing upright next to him, with his hands behind his back, Teng Shengzi spoke with a serious look on his face.

As the first police officer to come into contact with the 'earthquake catfish', she still remembers the characteristics of this extraordinary creature; she also knows very well that those fleeting 'huge pits' on the screen are definitely not natural gas pipeline explosions!


"That's the guy."

Regarding this policeman who had just been transferred to his command, Iori Kakka, who was leaning on the sofa with a 'big boss' posture, spoke frankly.

"I heard that it had a fight with the Self-Defense Forces in Nishiokyu Town yesterday. As many as six armored vehicles were completely scrapped, and the damage caused was as high as tens of billions!"

"Damn... extraordinary!"

In response to this, the mature policewoman Teng Shengzi, who stood like a javelin with her chest raised and her head raised, gritted her teeth angrily.

"Ha, the world is like this, the weak eat the strong."

Patting the sofa next to him,

"Don't stand, sit down."


The boss spoke, and Teng Shengzi sat next to him.

Keep your legs together, put your hands on your knees, and keep your back straight.

".You are just too serious."

Regarding his new subordinate, Yiori Ichika shook his head but didn't say much.

"Regarding Mrs. Inoue's experiments, please write a report and I will submit it to you."

"Yes, sir!"


"Terrorist attacks?"

One hand is holding an umbrella, the other hand is scrolling through the phone.

Jun Kishida, a young man walking in the corridor, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth after reading the report.

It's all lies.

What earthquakes and terrorist attacks are actually extraordinary events!

The earthquake catfish fought against the modern army, and the police and self-defense forces could not resist it; in the end, it was a 'son of god' who used magic to defeat them.

Yes, Kishida Jun knows the truth clearly.

Because he was there at the time!

The 'Metropolitan Koishikawa Junior High School' he studied in was also in Bunkyo District. After sensing the smell of the 'killing stone', he came over quietly and mingled with the crowd to witness it with his own eyes:

After the torii gate on his back was destroyed by a high-explosive bomb, the earthquake catfish went on a rampage and killed everyone!

"The torii gate on the back of the earthquake catfish is the barrier that seals it?"

Thinking of this, Kishida Jun secretly said it was a fluke.

He had hunted down the 'Earthquake Catfish' before, but felt that it had no other abilities besides being able to burrow under the ground.

Although it is huge, the house will collapse and the road will collapse when moving; however, it is not a big threat to Kishida Jun who can control the water flow and move quickly.

What I didn't expect was that this was just the other party's 'first form'.

After the torii gate behind it was destroyed, the 'second form' of the earthquake catfish became several times more powerful, beating the Self-Defense Forces to the point where they couldn't even lift their heads.

Of course, this is also because the battlefield is in Tokyo: many heavy weapons cannot be used.


There are a lot of 'killing stones' in the body of that earthquake catfish.

During the previous chase, the opponent had spit out a piece of 'killing stone' and created a flaming skeleton.

But now I have been surrendered by the 'Son of God' of the shrine, and the respectful attitude of the police and soldiers towards the 'Son of God'.

While facing the police and the army, he also had to face the "Son of God" who didn't know what other methods he had. Kishida Jun wisely gave up the plan to obtain the killing stone from the "Earthquake Catfish".

There is no smell of other killing stones nearby, so it seems that the range of ‘hunting’ needs to be expanded.


Just as the boy was thinking about it and walking away, a voice stopped him.

"Teacher Jiuling?"

The person who stopped him was a young female teacher wearing a professional short skirt that covered her hips.

"Kishida-kun, don't play with your phone while walking, and..."

The female teacher's eyes glanced at the umbrella in Kishida Jun's hand.

"People can't always be immersed in sadness,"

The female teacher also sympathized with this student's experience and was even a little envious.

After all, in this era, there are very few people who can remember their girlfriends so affectionately.

"You still have a bright future, and you still have your parents."

"Teacher, what do you mean by a successful life?"

Interrupted by Kishida Jun's question, the female teacher answered without thinking:

"A life without regrets"


You can't say that.

"That's right, teacher."

"I will never regret what I am doing now."

Jun Kishida was not irritated by this sentence, but nodded in agreement.


"Don't worry, teacher."

"My homework won't fall behind. Then——"

The young female teacher was stunned when she looked at the students who had asked for leave today because of 'physical discomfort'.

"I was actually overwhelmed by the students' momentum."

"Jiu Ling, Jiu Ling, you are such an incompetent teacher."



After deliberately circling a few times but not finding anything unusual near the target, Tanimura Watari finally walked into the old Tuandi Building in front of him.

The so-called "Tuandi Houses" are a product of the last century. A large number of rural people moved into cities. The urban population grew rapidly and there was a shortage of housing. Therefore, the government imitated the former residential camps and built countless Tuandi Houses across the country.

‘Tuanchi’ can be understood literally – setting aside a piece of land to live in.

When these tuandi buildings were first built, it was during the time when the island country's economy was booming. They had convenient electricity and running water, and their living habits were more Western-oriented.

At that time, danji represented advancement and civilization, so in many "island art films", labels such as "danji wives" often appeared: that is, the gentle, elegant and highly educated husband went out to work, and the young wife I encountered difficulties in life at home, and happened to meet a plumber who was tall and powerful but had low education.

Then he invited the other party to unblock the channel!

However, that was decades ago. With the development of society, people who once lived here have aged and left. Young people prefer shared apartments.

Although the island government continues to convert old Tuandi buildings into apartments, in the sluggish economy, speed is better than nothing.

So the tuandi building in front of me is as quiet as a haunted house!

Even if a short scream rang out, no one paid attention.

"So that's how it is,"

After walking out of the group building, Tanimura Wataru, who was flipping through a cell phone, finally understood what happened.

Terrorist attacks?

No no no,

What kind of terrorist could make such an alarming move in Tokyo?

As an 'extraordinary person', Tanimura Watari himself once slaughtered an American soldier, and then it was covered up as a 'traffic accident' caused by heavy fog. Using yourself to save others, your first reaction when faced with this situation is to have other extraordinary people take action.

Speaking of extraordinary:

"I don't know what that 'adult' is doing?"

Ever since he slapped the 'Killing Stone' into his forehead, the mysterious man has disappeared. Tanimura Watari has also searched online, but there is no trace of him.

This is quite normal. Today, the streets are still bustling with people, and everyone is living a peaceful daily life. The so-called "extraordinary" was covered up tightly by the government. Even dozens of casualties could turn into natural gas explosions.

Thinking of this, Tanimura Watari couldn't help but sneer.

That’s fine,

The damage caused by the new supernatural appears to be terrifying.

In this case, he can relax a little bit.

Let’s go have a meal~~

Thinking of this, Tanimura Watari shrugged his nose.

Following his favorite 'scent', Tanimura Wataru wandered aimlessly on the streets, and finally stopped in front of a restaurant.

"Welcome. Huh?"


Opening the door, the waiter holding the menu and Tanimura Watari were stunned.

"——It's you?!" X2

"What do you want?"

"Just bring me a signature dish."


The girl sketched the menu, went to the back kitchen to inform the chef about the dishes, then walked back and sat across from Tanimura Wataru. After carefully looking around, she asked in a low voice.

"Is it okay for you to come out like this?"

When they meet for the first time, the other person jumps into his ‘home’;

When they met for the second time, the man in front of him ‘fighted’ to save himself;

No matter which one it is, it is enough to constitute a crime, and the girl's 'sneaky' behavior can be understood.

"What's the problem? It's you,"

Tanimura Watari asked back,

"Is it here?"

"Of course I'm working~~"

"I signed up for a cram school to prepare for a sprint and get into a good university."

The girl answered seriously,

"I don't want to put a burden on my parents, so I earn my own tuition fees."

"now it's right,"

Seeing the girl working hard on her own while studying hard, a smile appeared on Tanimura Watari's face.

If Akemi could do it too


Autumn home,

"Earthquakes, coupled with terrorist attacks."

"Why didn't it happen in Minato, Chuo, or Chiyoda?"

Qiu Riqiong, who was surfing the Internet with his laptop, complained unhappily.

“Even natural disasters avoid rich people?”

"Did you forget that the 'terrorists' rushed near your school in the end?"

In response, Qiu Riyu, who was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and concentrating, answered casually.

The reason why he closed his eyes and rested his mind was because his energy——

Over there with Tiannu Ying!

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