I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 34 The Price of Power

Nakano District,

Under the plaque of "Zuyuan" with flying dragons and phoenixes, two large wooden doors opened.

There were all kinds of high-end cars parked outside the wall. Guests in formal attire filed in and were led by servants into the courtyard inside the manor.

The courtyard has been renovated in a Western style. A variety of exquisite pastries and famous wine glasses are placed on the long white table for everyone to take; maids wearing black dresses and white flower crowns stand around with smiles, waiting to serve the guests.

The people holding wine glasses and socializing quietly in the courtyard were all young handsome men and beauties. Their temperaments were either calm or gentle. Everyone was polite and polite, and there was no trace of the domineering and domineering appearance of the 'rich second generation'.

At the end of the courtyard, wooden doors open to antique buildings on both sides.

A group of middle-aged and elderly people were either kneeling or sitting cross-legged in two rows on the wooden floor, chatting casually. With the kimonos they were wearing, it felt like a period drama.

It can be said to be a true combination of earth and ocean!

However, no one dared to have any objections, not even a hint of contempt.

Because the people sitting on the floor in the hall were either old money from well-established families or newly rich people with a lot of money. Each one of them is a giant in the political and business circles, a kind of existence that can tear tens of thousands of families apart with just one stamp of their feet.

The top figures of these island countries, who are either rich or noble, are all gathered here for one person.

Tiannu Ying!

The illegitimate daughter of the head of the Nagisa family.

Of course, no one can or can say this.

Because today is the day when Tiannu Ying "recognizes her ancestors and returns to her clan".

The reason why it was so grand and most of the aristocrats and plutocrats in Tokyo sent people to watch the ceremony was, of course,

Extraordinary one!

Moreover, he is also the extraordinary ‘gomiko’ of Inari God who relies on the gods.

The big guys chatting in the hall casually glanced at the two people in the main seat, and the envy in their eyes could hardly be concealed.

The very young-looking lady sitting in the main seat had a somewhat dazed look on her face.

it turns out

That Xiaoying’s classmate got it right!

‘Mrs. Nagisa, how about we make a bet? ’

‘It won’t be long before the one in your family will be begging to let Tenni-san come here. ’

Thinking back carefully, the young man used a positive tone, seeming to be describing something that was bound to happen. I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Madam, are you feeling unwell?"

The man next to her, who was clearly only three years older than her, but seemed to be in his fifties or sixties, spoke in a low voice.

"Please hold on,"

In his opinion, his wife would definitely not want to see the 'illegitimate daughter' he gave birth to with another woman entering the family with such fanfare.

But...that's extraordinary! If Tiannu Ying falls out with the Nagisa family, the entire top management of the island country will definitely side with the girl.

Although the chaebol are the actual rulers of the island country, there are many of them, and they are still in competition.

As for extraordinary beings - at least currently, most of them are not in the hands of the island government.

Otherwise, the incident in Arakawa Ward should not be so passive.

"No, I'm fine."

Shaking her head slightly, the young Mrs. Nagisa did not reject Tiannu Ying, but felt uneasy about her classmate.

In fact, she already knew that she could not reveal information about that classmate in any form.

It's not that Madam is a loudmouth, but because she has the habit of writing a diary.

That night, just as she was about to write down a vague reference like 'a certain classmate', her whole body suddenly stiffened and she couldn't move!

At this point, she discovered that as long as she made any move to reveal that information, she would immediately lose control of her body.

Plus the scene in front of me——

Who is that classmate named Qiu Riyu?


"Xiaoying, if you don't want to"

In Nagisa Kazuyo's room, the eldest lady, who had changed into an elegant kimono, was arranging the clothes for her petite sister.

"No, I just feel a little unreal."

Tiannu Ying, who was wearing a red and white witch costume, was also in a trance.

Of course she longs for family affection.

Ever since she learned of her 'father''s existence, the young Tiannu Ying often ran to the opposite side of the manor and looked at the family of three who were out with envy.

However, as she grew older, she gradually understood that it was impossible for an 'illegitimate daughter' who had never lived together for a day to enjoy the doting of her parents: Although she later recognized, got to know, and interacted with her sister Nagisa Kazuyo, their relationship is now harmonious. They are like real sisters, but there is always an inexplicable longing in their hearts.

And now, as long as she nods her head, her parents and her family will all be there!

She and Xiao Yiye will also be upright sisters.

"I feel like everything I am now is like a dream. When I wake up, it will all disappear——"

Two arms hugged Tiannu Ying from behind, and Nagisa Yiye, who held her in his arms, leaned gently on the top of his sister's head.

"No matter how the world changes, you will still have me."

"We will always be good sisters."



In the corner of the room, the huddled black fish raised his head and rolled his eyes.

Ah this,

As soon as I arrived, I saw someone posting.

Qiu Riyu, who transferred his will to this clone, was stunned and his expression became strange.

As the 'mastermind behind the scenes', the reason why Qiu Riyu gives Tiannu Ying power is to fulfill her wish: as Qiu Riyu said, now the entire Nagisa family is begging Tiannu Ying to return to the family.

On the other hand, it is related to the planting of the ‘sacred tree’.

As the most precious treasure of the Datongmu clan, the sacred tree planted can also provide planters with a steady stream of mana, so it should have been planted immediately.

But this is Blue Star in a parallel world! The outer space is surrounded by more than 5,000 satellites, and countless monitoring methods have repeatedly swept across it - once mysterious areas such as the 'Bermuda Triangle' and the 'Loch Ness Monster' have become tourist attractions under the dense density of detectors. A place to check in.

Under satellite mapping, every inch of land is owned!

With the sacred tree’s ‘standing out among the flock’ appearance, it will be discovered as soon as it is planted, and then—it will be penned up for various studies!

Even if Qiu Riyu doesn’t want the reputation of the ‘Datong Tree’, what if the government thinks the tree is weird and plans to destroy it?

Do you want the underdeveloped Ten-Tails to get up and run under the sunset?

The picture is too beautiful, I dare not look at it.


Akira Yu prepares to plant the sacred tree in Tokyo in an honest and upright manner!

If you want the government not to destroy or even protect the sacred tree, you need an offer that the big shots can't refuse.

Medical Ninjutsu is only the first step;

Even the illusory promise of 'immortality' is not impossible.

Of course, these are just plans for the future. For now, let’s fulfill the wishes of the third-eye female classmate.

With this thought in mind, the half-human tall black fish swam toward the two girls who were about to leave.


"Xiao Hei, I can't do it."

"You will scare others if you go out."

Just when Tiannuying waved her hand, the earthquake catfish she named 'Xiao Hei' stayed.

The black fish, half as tall as a man, flapped its tail and leapt directly towards the girl.


The earthquake catfish shrank again in mid-air, and finally turned into the size of a cat. With a snap, it landed in the arms of Tiannu Ying who subconsciously stretched out her hand.

He curled up into a ball and patted the girl's hand with his tail, indicating that the 'shit shovel officer' could leave.

"All right,"

"But you can't run around."

Holding the huddled 'Blackie', Tiannuying, who was wearing a miko uniform, took a deep breath and took a step forward under the encouraging eyes of Nagisa Kazuo as he opened the door.


"Ichizaki, you're here too."

Young people gathered in twos and threes in the courtyard. A handsome young man was holding a wine glass and walked towards another cool man.

"It's Yinchuan,"

The cool man nodded slightly,

They both belong to the elite and wealthy generation. They have already begun to learn to manage the family business. They have met each other a few times and are barely friends.

Of course, what the mall emphasizes is 'business is business.' How deep this friendship is, neither of them can say.

"Do you know where today's 'protagonist' is?"

"you do not know?"

The cool man asked back, and received a helpless shrug.

"You know, I have an ambitious brother in my family, so——"

It’s not easy for the rich second generation either.

Many people think that the rich second generation can just lie down and eat and drink, but how is that possible?

If ambitious partners, shrewd and cunning lawyers, and secretive executives don't have the skills themselves, their wealth will soon be emptied by the people around them in various 'legal' ways. When they come to their senses, By that time, the other party had become a new powerful person.

The so-called "not afraid of the rich second generation losing their ambition with their toys, but afraid of the rich second generation's ambition" mostly falls into the hands of these smart people.

As the saying goes, "If you don't take what God takes, you will suffer the consequences." If you don't have the ability to keep your family property, don't blame us for being rude!

Therefore, big families cultivate elite heirs to inherit, and then give the others a share of the dividends to be raised as pigs.

If there are a few more capable heirs, it will turn into internal fighting.

In general, it is no different from the 'seizing of legitimate children' thousands of years ago.

At best, it's not that bloody. The winner continues to lead the plutocrats, while the loser admits defeat and leaves, and becomes a rich man honestly.

"You don't need to know her background, you just need to know that she is the absolute 'protagonist' today."

The cool man pointed at the other female guests, most of whom were between 14 and 18 years old.


Everyone is dressed in fresh and elegant clothes, not to mention jewelry, and even heavy makeup is not visible.

"That's it, thanks,"

The handsome young man raised his glass thoughtfully and thanked him.

At this moment, a man dressed as a middle-aged driver walked to the lobby.

"let's start."

The middle-aged man sitting at the top nodded.

As he spoke, everyone in the hall and courtyard seemed to have pressed the pause button, and there was no sound.

Tap tap tap tap,

The sound of clogs came from far away, and Tiannuying, who was wearing a white top and a red miko uniform, and Nagisa Ichiyo, who was a little behind, came slowly from the backyard.


Many young rich second-generation people in the garden who didn't know the inside story all looked puzzled.

Miko costume?

This thing is very mysterious and elegant in the eyes of the second dimension and foreigners; but in the mainland of the island country, it is not a good thing.

After all, shrines are the property of the priests. The status of a shrine maiden... ahem, it's hard to say.

Even the shrine maidens in major modern shrines are all working girls.

In that kind of shop, there are many cosplays of miko.


Is that a catfish toy she’s holding in her arms?

Most of the young people in the courtyard were confused about what happened today, but the middle-aged and elderly people in power in the hall.

Seeing Tian Nuying appear, everyone couldn't suppress the desire in their eyes.

Extraordinary healing ability.

When their eyes fell on the 'black fish' in the girl's arms, they all showed fearful eyes.

If they annoyed the girl, she would throw the 'earthquake catfish' in her hand.

That would not be as simple as 'closing the door and beating the dog',

but a river of blood on the spot!

Taking off the clogs, step by step into the hall, stopping in front of the man and woman kneeling in the host's position, Tian Nuying mustered up the courage to look at the man in front of her.

The gray hair was combed back, and the nasolabial folds outlined a serious face. The eyes that were used to looking down on people were densely covered with crow's feet. Wearing a dark kimono, he seemed to be an old-fashioned parent who came out of a period drama.


Moving her lips, Tian Nuying subconsciously hugged the 'Little Black' in her arms.

When the time came, this sentence that had been practiced for more than ten years could not be said.


The serious middle-aged man nodded and raised his hand slightly to the side.

"This is Yiye's mother."

Facing her sister's mother, Tian Nuying was about to speak, but was interrupted by the other party,

"If you don't mind, you can also call me mother."

? !

"Mother mother,"

Compared with the "father" who had never said a word, Tian Nuying was more familiar and close to Yiye's mother.

Under the witness of half of the powerful circle, this drama of "recognizing ancestors and returning to the roots" was completed.

The so-called red tape can only bind the weak.

Tian Nuying. Obviously not a weak person, it can even be said that she has surpassed the heads of most chaebols.


"Tian Nu, thank you for your help that day."

"Tian Nu, I am"


Coming out of the hall, it is the "social" time for young people.

No matter where Tian Nuying went, everyone's eyes followed her. With her as the center, the young dignitaries formed a 'vortex'.

"Hello, hello, hello."

If it weren't for Zhu Yiye introducing and socializing beside her,

Tian Nuying almost had mosquito-repellent eyes when facing greetings from all directions, although it's almost the same now.

All she saw were polite conversations; even from a distance, as long as she glanced at them, they would smile, nod, and raise their glasses to show her.

This feeling of being surrounded by the 'world'

is so tiring!

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