I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 31 The Son of the God

"Stop it!"

"That seismic catfish must be stopped!"

In the war room of the Metropolitan Police Department, Director Zhuya threw himself on the console and roared into the microphone.

Bunkyo District.

This area gathers a large number of top universities, as well as private small, medium and high aristocratic schools. I can’t say that those who go to school here are all ‘rich or noble’, at least they are from middle-class families: most of these families have some social connections, and they are not the kind of ordinary people who can casually deal with them.

Once the 'Earthquake Catfish' is allowed to destroy Bunkyo District, he, the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, will be ready to bow down and retire!

This was with the Prime Minister’s official residence and full support.

Otherwise, just the previous indiscriminate bombing in Arakawa District would be enough to make him step down.

"Can't do it!"

Faced with his orders,

The pilot of the armed helicopter of the 1st Division of the Frontline Self-Defense Force, Aviation Company also responded angrily.

"That monster can sneak into the ground, how can we stop it?!"

"Sir, we need tactical guidance!"

The so-called "tactical guidance" in the island country means calling American soldiers to enter.

America has been at war almost 250 years since its founding: the War of Independence, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq

"The flame of the lighthouse is still shining, the aircraft carrier of the United States is setting sail; the free army is leaving the frontier, and the war is burning in foreign lands" is not just a joke, but also a fact that the corpses are piled up.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhuya."

However, Lord Shangguo was in the conference room, and Brigadier General Thomas shook his head.

"Although the Yokosuka base also has some 'earth-penetrating bombs', when the equipment comes, it will be over"

That's too late.

Moreover, Brigadier General Thomas did not dare to guarantee whether the earth-penetrating bomb could kill the extraordinary creature known as the 'earthquake catfish'.

These ground-penetrating bombs are America's weapons used to deal with underground facilities in the Middle East. However, the opponents in Tokyo have not yet been suppressed to the extent that they need to hide underground, so they are not equipped with many "Spear Bearer" hypersonic earth-penetrating bombs.

"Asshole, bastard!!"

He punched the console, making the staff next to him shrink back.

The flesh and blood of ordinary people is no match for metal, and blood is flowing from the torn finger bones. However, Director Zhuya seems to be completely unaware, just staring at the earthquake catfish that keeps swimming in the earth and heading towards Bunkyo District.

Extraordinary, extraordinary.

If he also has extraordinary power in his hands, why is he so embarrassed?



Among the three people heading towards Huangying School, Tiannu Ying turned to look at the street.

Black limousines whizzed past one after another, like black arrows flying across the street, drawing winding trajectories on the street.

Speeding, running red lights, honking loudly, these cars seem to be going crazy, announcing to other vehicles and pedestrians: Stay away from me!

"What's going on here."

Monitor Nao also felt incredible.

This is Tokyo, and it’s also the core ‘Bunkyo Ward’!

Driving like this will 100% result in your driver's license being revoked.

Maybe a few more years in jail.

Didi, x2

At this moment, Qiu Riyou and Tiannuying's cell phones rang.

"Xiao Yiye. What?"

"Yes, we are not far outside the campus. Positioning? Okay, just wait here?"

Compared to Tiannu Ying, who was made to nod by the hurried words on the phone, Qiu Riyu only had one answer after listening to her sister's words:

"Stay where you are, I'll be here soon."

"Yu-kun, what happened?"

In response to the squad leader Iai Nao's question, Qiuhi Yu turned her head and raised her chin in the west direction.

"Terrorist attacks are spreading here."



A few minutes later, a speeding black car pulled out several scorch marks on the ground and suddenly stopped next to the three of them.

"Ying, get in the car!"

The car door opened, and Nagisa Yiye, who was usually like a flower on a high mountain, anxiously grabbed Tiannu Ying's wrist and dragged her into the car almost in a 'forced' way.

The next second, before the door was even closed, the car suddenly accelerated and sped out, leaving squad leader Nao with a dull look on his face.

what is happening?



The seismic catfish with a "runaway" posture kept walking through the earth, sometimes going left and sometimes right.

There seems to be no pattern at all in the action.

And every time it emerges from the ground, cars, houses, parks, bridges, no matter what kind of building it is, collapse into ruins in front of its huge size, resulting in a mess!

"Don't panic, everyone!"

"Don't crowd, don't run around, follow the instructions——"

A large number of police officers rushed to Wenjing District and were working hard to evacuate the crowd.

Thanks to the frequent natural disasters in the island country, various emergency evacuation drills are available from kindergarten to high school.

The crowd was relatively orderly, but wherever the earthquake catfish went, there was still chaos.


A huge black body 'swims' in the earth,

The car is just duckweed in front of it, and the house is just a bigger 'pebble'. Where it passes, the house collapses and the building collapses. Even the giant black fish doesn't care about those 'ants' at all, but every move has an impact on ordinary people. It is still a fatal crisis for people.

"Report, Earthquake Catfish is approaching the 'Osakura Girls' High School'!"


In the war room of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department,

Director Zhuya staggered back, as if someone had hit him in the head, and his head was buzzing.

Royal Sakura Girls' High School

It was a typical aristocratic girls' school, where most of the students were the daughters of established aristocrats and emerging powerful men. And many of them are only children. If something goes wrong with these wealthy daughters, Director Zhuya can’t even imagine that those crazy parents will tear her alive!

"No matter the cost, stop it."

Halfway through his words, the director stopped.

How to stop?

It is different from other places where the Self-Defense Forces get paid to get by.

The First Division is already considered the elite among the elite, and has a good fighting spirit.

But facing an extraordinary creature that can sneak into the earth at will, how can they stop it?

Jump off the plane, take out the transformer, and pull this earthquake catfish out of the soil——

Like Hercules, lifting the opponent into the sky and strangling him?

His eyes caught a glimpse of the picture sent back from the front line. The earthquake catfish crashed into a building, and its huge body fell on the street, blocking a group of black cars speeding out. Director Zhuya closed his eyes in pain.

It’s over!


"Miss, leave quickly!"

A huge black monster crashed through the building and appeared on the street, blocking the way.

Kicking open the car door suddenly, the middle-aged driver in a suit and sunglasses jumped out of the car, opened the back door, and stared at the 'extraordinary creature' in front of him.

Yes, he knew this was an extraordinary creature!

As the eldest lady's driver and bodyguard, the middle-aged man had already learned about the appearance of the 'extraordinary' from his master, but he did not expect to face the 'extraordinary creature' so soon, nor did he expect that the other party would be so terrifying. .


The road was cut off by collapsed buildings and a large number of high-end cars were blocked.

Faced with danger, the wealthy ladies lost their restraint, screamed and ran away, or were supported or even dragged away by drivers and bodyguards.

"This is"

Nagisa Kazuo who got off the car was also stunned by the scene in front of him. Fortunately:

"Run, little Yiye!"

Tiannuying, who had just gotten out of the car, saw the monster in front of her, grabbed Nagisa Yiye's hand without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

"Monster, look here!"

The middle-aged driver took out his pistol, turned on the safety and pointed it at the giant snakehead fish.

boom! boom! boom!

There were even many such situations, and several drivers also took out their guns and shot.

In an island country where guns are banned, being able to pull out a pistol on the street is enough to show that the people behind these "drivers" have great magical powers.

But it's of no use,


With a sweep of his beard as thick as a bucket, the middle-aged driver flew out.

The whole person hit the glass of the nearby store and fell into it with countless fragments.

Immediately afterwards, the earthquake catfish continued to move forward, and its huge body crushed the abandoned luxury cars. In the metal scream, these luxury goods worth hundreds of millions of dollars turned into a pile of scraps. If they were sent to the scrap station, they would not even need to be compressed. The engine would The glass of the car body was completely fused together and crushed into a discus.

The huge 'earthquake catfish' seemed to have no concept of 'good and evil' at all. It just swam forward and crushed past, causing the rich ladies who were running for their lives to scream the loudest in their lives.

about there


For some reason, a bulge suddenly appeared under Nagisa Yiye's feet, which was being pulled by Tiannuying.

Suddenly losing her balance, the girl fell heavily to the ground.


"Little Yiye?"

Tiannu Ying, who was holding her opponent's wrist firmly, turned around and tried to help Nagisa Yiye up, but:

Although she has been independent and self-reliant since she was a child, she has to run away with a peer.

"Xiaoying, leave me alone and leave quickly!"

Nagisa Ichiyo, who shook off the opponent's hand with force and fell heavily to the ground, felt as if her legs were so weak that they didn't belong to her, but fortunately, she could still speak clearly.

"Let's go,"

"start running!"

"As long as you can survive—"


Tiannu Ying, who was trembling all over, did not turn around and run away, but:

He took a step forward and stood in front of Nagisa Yiye.

"I am the sister!"

"If I run away today, I will regret it for the rest of my life! Living like that"

What's the point?


He opened his arms to stop his fallen sister;

The petite girl bit her lower lip so hard that it even drew blood.

‘Grandpa, everyone else has parents, but where are my parents? ’

‘Hahaha, this is it~~’

The old man in priest uniform scratched his head and tried to make fun of it, but the little girl asked him again and again:

‘Xiaoying’s father is a big shot,’

‘My mother is an infatuated person, but it’s a pity that she meets unkind people. ’

‘.That’s the way it is. Don't worry, Xiaoying, grandpa will always be with you. ’

However, within a few years, the old man who managed the small shrine passed away.

From then on, the little girl often ran near her father's house and secretly looked at the happy family of three.

Envy, jealousy, resentment, unwillingness.

until one day:

‘Want to play together? ’

Facing the hand extended by her 'sister', the little girl hesitated, but finally chose to hold it.

So warm.

"Give me--"

The past scenes flashed through her mind, and the mountain-like shadow in front of her was very close. Tiannu Ying took a deep breath.


A sound wave spread out in circles, resounding throughout the entire block.

? !

The sound was not loud, but it echoed in everyone's ears. Whether it was the young lady, driver, bodyguard who was escaping, or the helicopter pilot who was helpless in the sky, as well as the soldiers and police who came from afar.


The most terrifying thing was, of course, the Metropolitan Police Department's Operations Room, which was watching the battlefield through countless monitoring devices.

Countless large and small speakers simultaneously returned to the same sentence, and the reverberating sound waves made the entire Operations Room turn upside down, and everyone was shaken to the ground and almost lost consciousness.

"What is this?!"

Staggering half-kneeling on the ground, Director Takeya raised his head with all his strength and stared at the monitoring screen.

On the screen, the arrogant 'Earthquake Catfish' stopped!

And opposite it:


A ray of light fell from the sky and landed on Tiannvying.

The white ‘Chihaya’ floated over and covered her body; the red ‘Hikakama’ wrapped around her waist and scattered like a long skirt;

The golden crown fell on her head, shining brightly; on both sides of the crown, branches grew out of thin air, and cherry blossoms bloomed on the branches, swaying with fragrance.


The ‘Kagura Bell’ composed of three layers of bells with a long ribbon fell into her hand, making Tiannuying, who was ready to die, bow her head in confusion.

Is she dead?

She was very familiar with these costumes, because after her grandfather passed away, she was the ‘Goddess’ of the shrine.

During the annual memorial service, her ‘formal dress’ was this.



The monster in front of her, like a small mountain, moved again. Without time to think, Tiannuying raised the Kagura Bell in her hand almost ‘reflexively’.

“Evil demons—get out of the way!”


In the sky, a vermilion torii flew out of thin air.

As everyone stared in amazement, the Torii gate that fell from the sky pierced into the back of the giant black fish with a "pop".

"Woo woo woo~~~"

After the Torii gate fell, the giant black fish's body immediately began to shrink and shrink.

In the end, it turned into a "miniature" catfish that was only half the height of a person. No, compared to a normal catfish, it was still a behemoth.

The "miniature" earthquake catfish swam to the feet of the "dressed" Tian Nuying and rubbed her red hakama like a puppy.


"Good boy~~Good boy~~?"

Tian Nuying patted the other person's forehead, her face was blank, and three philosophical questions emerged in her mind:

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

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