Chapter 649 Ghost Audience

Damalanqi and the others easily found Bailiyuan who was a "guest" in the Ruins of Truth, and nothing happened.

Bailiyuan also took the initiative to apologize to Damalangi and the three heavenly kings.

"Xiaoyuan, what happened to the little Charmander?" Damara asked with a smile.

Bailiyuan shook his head and sighed.

"I've already found the Charmander group, but I don't know how to get the Charmander to go with me. I'm going to try again later."

"Hehe, that's just right. Let's play the game during this period of time." Damarangi said.

"According to the regulations, you can choose one of the three masters as the challenge object to fight with all members, and this battle will be broadcast live."

"Xiao Yuan, do you need to make any preparations?" Damara asked.

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"I'm ready."

Then Bailiyuan looked at the three heavenly kings.

Similarly, the three heavenly kings are also looking at Bailiyuan.

Lihua showed an indifferent attitude. Although she was a little upset with Bailiyuan, she accepted Bailiyuan's apology and looked at Bailiyuan from time to time.

It turns out that sometimes being charismatic can really help.

After seeing Bailiyuan, Lihua, who was initially upset because of Bailiyuan, felt... Bailiyuan didn't seem so bad.

"If he is older, maybe I can solve the problem of being single." Lihua thought secretly.

Kazuki looked at Bailiyuan.

Kazuki was thinking, his previous perception told him that coming here would bring benefits, but for the time being Kazuki has not seen the signs of the so-called benefits, he suspects that the key to the problem lies in Baili Yuan, so he can only wait patiently for the time being , and then make plans.

As for Ah Ju, he was resting with his eyes closed, and he had no objections.

After making some choices, Bailiyuan chose Yishu, and the reason for his choice was...according to the script, he couldn't beat anyone, so he chose randomly~

Moreover, Bailiyuan is also very curious about the fighting methods of superpowers.

Yishu was a little surprised that Bailiyuan would choose him.

"Okay, if there is no objection from both sides, then prepare to fight." Damaranch nodded to Baili Yuan and Kazuki.

Both Bailiyuan and Kazuki had no objection.

"Unfortunately, there is no audience here." Damalanchi murmured.

Baili Yuan's ears moved.

"Audience? Wait for me."

Bailiyuan said something, then turned around and walked into the Ruins of Truth. When Bailiyuan appeared in front of everyone again, Bailiyuan was followed by a group of ghost-type Pokémon...

"Ghost, Ghost Stone, Geng Ghost, Meng Yao..." The commentator swallowed.

"Is this a ghost riot?"

Indeed, a large group of ghost-type Pokémon swaggered through the market, which had a considerable impact on ordinary people.

The three heavenly kings were also a little dazed.

"This is the audience." Baili Yuan waved to the ghost-type Pokmon behind him, and the ghost-type Pokmon flew around, looking like ordinary audiences.

"It's really... amazing." Damarachi said with a smile.

The three heavenly kings looked at Baili Yuan, and then looked at each other.

Even they don't have this dominance over elves, but isn't it only useful for Pokemon with ghost attributes?

"Master Yishu, please give me more advice." Bailiyuan's attitude was very correct, after all the three heavenly kings came all the way to fight him, no matter what the truth was, Bailiyuan was flattered.

You know, in theory, the level of the king of the Pokémon world is equivalent to the level of the great heraldry, that is, Andy's level.

"Please give me more advice." Kazuki also showed a smile.

"The battle begins!" Damalanqi acted as the referee.

"Is that Xiaoyuan?" Yishu looked at Bailiyuan and said, "I used to travel around the world, doing super power Pokémon training day and night. This is what every trainer has to go through. Only when you pay enough, you are eligible to have the corresponding rewards, even for people with superpowers, the road is even more tortuous, are you ready to challenge me?"

Bailiyuan looked at Kazuki and smiled.

"Even if the road is tortuous, you must go to the end, and then create a result called a miracle, at least you are worthy of yourself."

Kazuki also showed a smile.

Lihua looked at Kazuki in surprise, she and Kazuki were the most familiar, after all, they had been competitors, she felt that Kazuki was a bit strange today, no, it should be said that Kazuki’s state has changed since he came to appreciate the Snow Mountain. very strange.

Normally, Kazuki wouldn't say these things to other people.

Aju and Damalan were not very familiar with Kazuki, but after hearing the conversation between Kazuki and Bailiyuan, they were also touched.

Damalan actually saw the spiritual inheritance between two generations of trainers.

But Ah Ju felt that his colleague... was not bad.

"Then the partner I choose is..." Kazuki threw out a Poké Ball.

"Come out, Miss Lips."

Miss Lips is a humanoid Pokémon, she looks a bit like a noble and honest woman, wearing a long red dress that hides her feet, with white arms and purple hands.

With a purple face, pink lips, saucer-shaped eyes, and long blond hair, Miss Lips appears to be modeled after a Norse princess seen in an opera.

It is said that in ancient times, Sister Michun had a black face. With the continuous multiplication, Miss Michun's face has now turned purple. This is considered by scholars to be a natural evolution, and it is also an ongoing research topic in elfology.

And Miss Lips is the only elf discovered so far that has a combination of ice and superpowers.

Although Miss Lip's appearance is a bit ugly to many people, Miss Lip is actually a very kind Pokémon.

"Miss Lips, level 70..."

Hearing Caroline's words, Baili Yuan's eyes showed a clear look.

"Isn't it really the main force?"

Bailiyuan also took out an elf.

"I leave it to you, Giant Pincer Mantis."

……after a while……

Bailiyuan put away the fast-swimming frog that had lost its fighting ability, and the collapse of the fast-swimming frog meant that all six elves of Bailiyuan had lost their fighting ability.

Bailiyuan didn't use elves that exceeded the specifications. The lineup was giant pincer mantis, Chenglong, big tongue shell, Ibrahimovic, Bi Diao in normal state, and fast-swimming frog.

After all, this is just a battle that cannot be won.

Therefore, Bailiyuan's performance in this battle was not even as intense as in the league conference, but it showed more skills and potential.

And even though Kazuki didn't use the main spirit, he still accomplished the feat of three series six.

"Thank you for your advice." Baili Yuan thanked Kazuki.

In the entire battle, Yishu was not in a hurry to defeat Bailiyuan, but also showed a lot of skills in the battle, which benefited Bailiyuan a lot. Although these skills may not be useful to Bailiyuan, after all There is a difference between Bailiyuan's trainer path and the Pokémon world's trainer path.

Kazuki also put away his Hippo King.

But Kazuki was a little disappointed that even if he defeated Baili Yuan, he didn't get anything that could be said to be beneficial.

"Okay, the battle is over, what's Xiaoyuan's plan?" Damarangi asked.

"I plan to stay on the top of the mountain for a while," Baili Yuan said.

"Well, don't forget to register at the Hall of Fame, I will wait for you there, as long as you have time, you can go there at any time, but don't forget!" Damalanki repeatedly urged.

Damalan could imagine that if Bailiyuan forgot to register, and when a champion entered the Hall of Fame to register in the future and found an empty seat, he would definitely ask him what happened, and if he answered truthfully... How embarrassing!

Bailiyuan has black hair, does he seem like the kind of person who easily forgets things?

"I won't forget." Baili Yuan promised.

PS: In the early animation, the face of Sister Milip is black and has thick lips, which is similar to the image of a black woman, and may have something to do with its English name, so it was received overseas by Carole Boston Whitford (Carole Boston) Weatherford) were dissatisfied with this image, and then the Japanese officials decided to change the face of Miss Lips to dark purple after the third generation, and the progress of the game between countries outside Japan and Japan was slightly delayed, so they received it in the second generation. With this message, the color of the face was changed to dark purple in advance in the second generation game. [1]

Also affected by this, in the first animation, the number of episodes in which Miss Lips appeared was deleted.

Later, in the re-release of the overseas version of "Pikachu", Miss Lips was also changed to dark purple because of color optimization. The Japanese version of the re-release "Pikachu" is black and white, so it was changed in the re-release "Gold/Silver".

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