Chapter 648 The Arrival of the Heavenly King

Bailiyuan bid farewell to the kind ghosts and ghost stones, and began to walk towards the location of the small charmander group.

Finally, Bailiyuan came near the little charmander's clan.

Looking at the more than 30 little charmanders in the distance, Baili Yuan was a little excited.

"If you take them all back..."

Soon, Bailiyuan shook his head.

It’s normal to catch Pokémon in the wild outside the no-capture area. It’s okay to catch Pokémon continuously, but the key is to catch them one by one. , that is poaching!

Once discovered, Miss Junsha will warn you with a baton!

In the face of a group of Pokémon, if the trainer wants to tame one or a few, he needs to be cautious.

Generally speaking, however, there are only two outcomes.

One is that there are individuals in the group who want to go with you. In this case, you can follow the normal reining procedure, and you can leave some food for the group when you leave.

As for the other, it is to be chased by the whole group, and then shed tears of youthful remorse!

In order to avoid the second situation, it is necessary to do some preparations.

Pigs can't just go up and supply cabbage if they want to.

The method often used by trainers is to find a single target, and then secretly make a good relationship in advance, and then express their attitude and ideas. In this way, there is a high possibility of being able to fool, bah, successfully conquering Pokémon.

However, for a group of people, not all targets can follow the trainer, and it is not possible to randomly choose an elf to take away.

For example, the leader of the group and the elves with special meaning in the group cannot be subdued. If they are forcibly subdued, it will even cause riots in the entire elf group.

Moreover, those older elves are not subdued.

Therefore, the most suitable targets to subdue are the young and strong elves. It would be even better if they could subdue the offspring of the leader, because the offspring of the group leader are often the most potential.

Bailiyuan roughly observed the situation of the small charmander group. In the small charmander group, the proportion of older small charmanders is not large, and there are relatively few young ones. Most of them are young and strong, and they have been well trained by themselves. good look.

Bailiyuan can see that the purpose of these little charmanders is to evolve into a fire-breathing dragon and then leave Snow Mountain. Those who are older should have successfully evolved and flew away. He estimates that if he comes half a year later, maybe these things will happen. The little charmanders really evolved into charizards and flew away...

However, this proves that the little charmanders all have the heart to leave the Snow Mountain. He might not have as much difficulty as he imagined to subdue the little charmander, and he might be able to invite them directly.

Bailiyuan made a decision.

After figuring things out, Bailiyuan camped where he was, and planned to have sex with the Little Fire Dragon Clan tomorrow morning.

After all, it's not a big deal to go to someone at night, and going there at night is called a night raid... Hey, it seems quite exciting when you think about it.

But Bailiyuan still suppressed the thoughts in his heart, took out the sleeping bag, and then got in, Bailiyuan was going to stay here tonight, not going anywhere.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Bailiyuan tidied himself up, then patted his face, showing a soft smile, and then walked towards the direction of the small fire dragon group.

As Bailiyuan approached, it naturally attracted the attention of the little charmanders.

When Bailiyuan appeared in front of the small fire dragon group, he was greeted by several jets of flames.

Bailiyuan took a breath of cigarettes, wiped the ashes from his face, and then revealed two rows of white teeth.


Charmander: Stare at——

"Ahem." Baili Yuan coughed twice.

"Well, I heard that your life is not very good recently..."

The little Charmanders became vigilant.

"So..." Baili Yuan stretched out a hand, "Come and leave with me, let's go to the top!"

The little fire dragons stared at Baili Yuan, and then the little fire dragon who seemed to be the leader came out and came to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan's expression was a little excited.

Charmander said slowly: "Get lost."

Baili Yuan's smile froze.

"Are you planning to stay here..."






It was another new day, and a group of people embarked on the Snow Mountain.

If there are outsiders, you will find that this group of people is not simple.

The leader is none other than Damarangi, and behind him are the three heavenly kings of the Johto area!

Of course, the four of them travel at public expense, and recently, because they have scheduled a battle with the champion of the tournament, the three heavenly kings all have affluent holidays.

As for the king of Xiba, he is not so lucky. Although he sits on the throne of the king of the two places, the workload is also doubled, and the happiness is naturally...

"Ah, it's really good to enjoy the snow mountain, it's a good place to travel." Lihua sighed.

"Yes, but don't forget the business." Kazuki said.

Ah Ju looked around, and his expression eased.

"But it's a bit cold for an old man like me." Damalanchi rubbed his arms.

"President, don't wear beach clothes when you come here." Lihua complained.

"But don't you also wear cool clothes?" Damalanchi asked with a smile.

"Young man, the firepower is strong."


Everyone looked very happy, as if they were here for a trip.

(Xiba has been crying and fainted in the toilet)

Behind the few people, followed by a commentator and two staff members carrying camera equipment.

They are responsible for broadcasting the battle.

"By the way, I don't know where our championship champion is." Lihua turned her head and said.

"It should be at Shangxue Mountain. We have already greeted him before he came." Damalanqi said.

Damalan sighed a little, dispatching three heavenly kings at once, even if it is a new heavenly king, this is not uncommon, and those forces who noticed this should be nervous again.

"The specifications are really high." Damalanchi sighed.

In fact, if Kazuki hadn't offered to come over, Lihua and Aju wouldn't have come over either.

So, it had nothing to do with Bailiyuan that so many people came this time, but King Yishu wanted to come on his own initiative, and Lihua and Aju also followed for other reasons.

However, even if this is the case, it is enough to make Bailiyuan famous again. Damalan now hopes that Bailiyuan can show enough strength in the future to make this trip worthwhile.

"Alright, let's go find our tournament champion." Kazuki took out the Poké Ball.

"Natural bird, please."

At this time, on the other side, Baili Yuan, the champion of the tournament, had already come down from the top of the mountain.

In the Ruins of the Truth, Baili Yuan patted Ghost Stone on the shoulder.

"You don't even know how they treated me, I'm so miserable, oh..."

Ghost Stone: "..."

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