Chapter 650 Super Power Out of Control Crystal

After bidding farewell to Damarangi and the three heavenly kings, Bailiyuan walked into the Ruins of Truth again, and touched a statue of a big-mouthed bat.

"Huh? Is there a temperature?"

Then Bailiyuan met the eyes of the opened-eyed statue of the big-mouthed bat.

No, this is a real bigmouth bat disguised as a statue.

The two stared at each other for two seconds.

Bailiyuan: "How do you wear the clothes that are as good as they are?"

Bigmouth Bat uses ultrasound.

There is no chaos in Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan used a slap, causing damage to the big-mouthed bat.

The big-mouthed bat lost its ability to fight.

Bailiyuan left.

The battle is over.

Quite intense.


The reason why Bailiyuan touched the big-mouthed bat was not because Bailiyuan owed him a hand, but because an easter egg appeared on that big-mouthed bat.

After the battle between Bailiyuan and Yishu ended, a festive egg appeared on the big-mouthed bat.

Bailiyuan took out the egg and knocked it open.

It is a crystal.

"[Champion Confirmation Special Gift] Super Power Out of Control Crystal: The crystal will release powerful super power radiation, which can be used by people with super powers, please feel it yourself..."

Before Bailiyuan finished reading the explanation, the crystal in his hand began to glow.

"Wait, so fast?"

Bailiyuan hurriedly called out Xanadu, Super Miaomiao and Nine Tails.

Although Kyuubi has no super power attributes, he also possesses a certain degree of super power, which can be called a super power user. However, the growth of Kyuubi's super power is not a result of cultivation, but a natural improvement. This is the difference In terms of Pokémon with superpower attributes.

But before Bailiyuan had time to explain the situation, they were shrouded in the light released from the crystal together. After that, although the light shrouded them, there were special fluctuations spreading to the entire snow appreciation mountain, but only a few existences could Perceiving this special fluctuation and using it, these existences without exception have relatively powerful superpowers.

And among these existences, there is a superpower user who has just walked to the foot of the mountain—— Kazuki!

When this special fluctuation enveloped Kazuki, Kazuki's eyes suddenly became dull, and it took a minute for Kazuki's eyes to recover again.

Others naturally noticed Kazuki's strangeness, and at this time everyone gathered in front of Kazuki.

Rika waved her hands in front of Kazuki's eyes.


"What?" Kazuki who regained his sanity blinked, then looked at Ewha, but felt his nose itchy.

Everyone was stunned.

Lihua hurriedly backed away, feeling a chill all over her body.

"You dare to be angry with my old lady! My old lady tells you that even if my old lady is looking for that kid on the mountain, she won't be able to fall in love with you!" Because of her excitement, Lihua changed her address back to the one she used to call herself when she was a gangster on the street. .

Kazuki wiped his nose, looked down, his hand was bright red - he had a nosebleed.

"No, I'm not, I haven't..."

Kazuki wanted to explain, but Rika had already turned around and left.

Ah Ju reached out and patted Kazuki's shoulder.

"I didn't expect you to like this kind of thing." Ah Ju wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but obviously failed, and the atmosphere became more awkward.

"Kazuki, you have reached your age, but pear blossoms are a bit difficult, and your attributes are not compatible. If you need, I can introduce girls to you. I have a list of girls who are working in the alliance and are waiting to be married. ..." Damara said with a smile.

"..." Kazuki.

Although Kazuki was very embarrassed on the surface, he was actually quite shocked in his heart, because...

He found that his nosebleed was caused by his brain being unable to bear the soaring super power in his body.

"What the hell happened, why did my super power increase so much? And... it seems that there is something more."

Kazuki suddenly thought of the purpose of coming this time.

"Is this the benefit?"

Kazuki wiped off the nosebleed.

The sudden increase of superpowers can only be controlled after training, and Kazuki felt that there was something more in his superpowers, he suspected that he had awakened new abilities.

However, these things can only be discussed later, and, because of superpowers, he has often had nosebleeds recently.

"Looks like I need to buy some blood enriching food." Kazuki felt a little itchy in his nose again.

Then Kazuki stuffed both nostrils with paper, and continued walking down the mountain.

Although Kazuki didn't know the reason, but the benefit was obtained, he was very happy.

Kazuki felt that these were the choices of fate.

He deserves to become stronger!


On the top of the mountain, the light that shrouded Bailiyuan and the elves gradually faded, revealing the figures of the four.


The crystal in Baili Yuan's hand shattered, turned into powder and drifted away with the wind.

Bailiyuan slowly opened his eyes and exhaled.

"It's so powerful..." Bailiyuan felt that his superpower had made a qualitative leap. If we want to compare it in terms of levels, it should be level 80, with the ability of Heavenly King level or Great Emblem Envoy!

What is promoted together with the super power is the Otto mind, and both are equally powerful.

In addition to the improvement of superpowers, Bailiyuan also felt that there were some special superpowers in his body.

But Bailiyuan didn't investigate, but looked at the elf beside him.

However, what appeared next to Baili Yuan was...

Bailiyuan looked at the naked, blemish-free green-haired girl who was smiling at her, and felt her nose itch.

Two snow peaks, two red plums...

The superpower Miaomiao's ears suddenly opened, and Bailiyuan was sent flying by a powerful superpower.

The green-haired girl pointed out her jade finger in reproach and nodded Super Neng Miaomiao's head, then waved her hand, and a white summer dress appeared on her body.

Afterwards, the green-haired girl ran to Baili Yuan's position.

Chao Neng Miao Miao followed up unhappily.

As for Kyuubi, he also slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, a noble and special aura appeared on Kyuubi's body, but it disappeared quickly.

Then Kyuubi also walked towards Bailiyuan.


After some embarrassment, Bailiyuan also figured out the situation.

The green-haired girl is Xanadu, and Xanadu turned into a human directly!

It's not an illusion, but a real adult, and a beautiful girl.

But Xanadu can change back, but even Bailiyuan can't see his flaws when Xanadu becomes an adult!

There may also be reasons why Bailiyuan's super power is not as strong as Xanadu's.

Of course, this is just one of Xanadu's gains.

Both Bailiyuan and the three elves have gained something.

The superpowers of the three elves have been improved, but the improvement of Nine Tails' superpowers is not as high as Xanadu and Super Miaomiao.

Similarly, Bailiyuan and the three elves also gained new abilities. After some trials, they all figured out their new superpowers.

Xanadu's ability to transform into an adult is a superpower that Xanadu has been practicing before. It is a transformation ability, not a new ability. This time, Xanadu has completely mastered this ability because of the improvement of superpowers.

Bailiyuan, Xanadu and Super Miaomiao all got three new types, while Kyuubi got two.

All four have awakened the same ability - consciousness communication.

Similar to telepathy, but consciousness communication is an advanced ability above telepathy.

This ability Bailiyuan made the world understand in the coat of arms too.

Communication of Consciousness: An ability to communicate psychically with others. Unlike mind reading, this communication can be two-way, able to connect to spirits at a distance, talk to each other, and even read memories.

However, it is not absolute, and in some special cases, it may not be possible to read the other party's mind. There may also be distance restrictions. At the same time, if the other party's thoughts are imprisoned, or if they fall into a deep coma, they may not be able to communicate.

In addition, the other two abilities Bailiyuan got are hallucinogenic (causing hallucinations) and fast recovery (quick recovery of injuries on the body, at the cost of consuming a lot of physical strength and energy).

Shanaido's other two abilities are invisibility (hiding the body and breaking through walls) and clone.

The abilities obtained by Super Miaomiao are Tongxin (capturing the thoughts and feelings of people around them) and Disillusionment (breaking hallucinations).

Nine-Tails' ability is more powerful and dangerous-spiritual manipulation: through the spirit, it can control creatures whose mental power is lower than its own.

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