Chapter 3489 It's the smell of ambition!

Xima Nico took the driver, wore it on her waist, and used Huajia Dawo's transformation cassette.

【Bang bang shooting! 】

"Game Start!"

【Who are you? 】

[I am Kamen Rider! 】

The green canned man appears.

Sima Nicole then inserted her own makeshift cassette into the other side and pulled the trigger.

Why do you want to do this?

This is the intuition of a genius player!

【upgrade! 】

Temporary shooting player, lv2!

Kamen Rider Snipe appears!

But unlike before, Snipe's cloak turned into a fan of girls.

Then Sima Nicole turned around and put on her game commemorative hat.

"It's Snipe?!" Baosheng Yongmeng and others exclaimed after seeing this scene.

Nicole Sima squatted slightly, made a cute scissors hand, and said with a smile, "No, it's Nico Snipe!"

Everyone: "..."

Watching Snipe make such a cute pose made me feel complicated for a while.

The Hua family and I tapped my toes in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Sima Nicole didn't waste time, and soon started the battle and joined the battlefield.

"Let's transform too!" Baosheng Yongmeng said to Bailiyuan and Jingfeicai.

"Okay!" Baili Yuan replied.

Jing Feicai nodded.

After a period of recovery, Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai were able to fight again.

Tomorrow that sets patients back.

The Prime Minister and the others looked at Baili Yuan strangely. They couldn't figure out why a child would pull out a drive. He was also a Kamen Rider?

Are Kamen Riders starting from children now?

But none of them said anything.

"Transform!" ×3

Kamen Rider Exaid!

Kamen Rider Brave!

Kamen Rider Lazer!

Three Kamen Riders appear.

"Should I be called Kamen Rider Enn Lazer?" Bailiyuan said suddenly, wanting to learn from Xima Nicole and change his name.

After all, Bailiyuan is not an awesome Lazer.

(Note: The name of Bailiyuan is pronounced enn in Japanese)

"..." The others ignored Baili Yuan.

"Okay, let's go!" Baosheng Yongmeng, whose personality changed, shouted loudly, and rushed out first.

They are the third group present!

Seeing that they also joined the battle, Sima Nico looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and shouted loudly: "M, let's have a showdown and see who can take the head of the final boss!"

"Okay! Watch me pass the level with my life!" Baosheng Yongmeng, whose personality has changed, will not refuse the challenge of the game.

The remaining fourth group was naturally Saiko and Kujo Kiriya who were hiding in the dark.


The internal structure of the machinery factory is intricate, with several roads, each of which is connected, and there are varying numbers of Bengyuan virus bodies wandering in it.

Simani chose a direction away from other players and started the game.

Bang bang bang!

Mai Lin shot a series of bullets, accurately and efficiently destroying the Bengyuan virus body.

Let Sima Nicole's level be improved.

"Sure enough, using the Knight Cassette and the Temporary Cassette at the same time can still increase the level normally." Simani laughed, and she also knew that the level is the most important.

"Huh, it's not bad." I commented on the Hua family.

"Nicole, Nicole~Nicole, Nicole, Nicole~" Sima Nicole laughed strangely.

Hua Jiada, I think I shouldn't praise Sima Nicole.

Snipe's face was lost by Sima Nicole.

On the other hand, although the three of Baosheng Yongmeng could easily eliminate the Bengyuan virus body, they couldn't raise the level at all.

Baosheng Yongmeng noticed this problem and also noticed Xima Nicole's operation.

"Maybe, we also need a temporary cassette?" Baosheng Yongmeng had an idea, and then looked at the patients.

It seems that the ability to increase the level is not only due to the temporary game disease, but also related to the temporary cassette.

It's a pity that the temporary cassette fragments obtained last time did not research anything useful.

"Everyone, I hope to borrow your cassettes." Baosheng Yongmeng shouted.

The patients looked at each other.

If the cassette was given to Baosheng Yongmeng, if the doctor couldn't save them, wouldn't their last hope be gone?

The patients hesitated and began to weigh the gains and losses.

On the contrary, the Prime Minister threw the cassette in his hand at Baosheng Yongmeng first, and said with a smile: "Doctor, come on, I believe in you!"

Baosheng Yongmeng took the temporary cassette and thanked him: "Thank you, Your Excellency Prime Minister. My sense of you has changed."

With the leadership of the prime minister, the other two patients also contributed their temporary cassettes, which were handed over to Bailiyuan and Jingfeicai respectively.

Insert the temporary cassette into the drive.

All three pulled the trigger again at the same time.

New upgrades!

It's still level two.

However, all three of them felt that something was different.

When the three of them eliminated the mechanical collapse virus body, the three of them actually successfully gained experience!

"My guess was right! This is the new strategy plan! Just like that, catch up with the level in one go!" Baosheng Yongmeng was emotional.

Jing Feicai and Tomorrow Na's perception of the Prime Minister has also changed.

The prime minister remained calm, and nodded to the three of them, as if encouraging them.

"Is this the aura of the Prime Minister?" Tomorrow Na couldn't help but ask.

Bailiyuan said that he just smiled and didn't intend to speak.

Although the Prime Minister is now calm and stable, Bailiyuan still likes the way he knelt in front of her and wept bitterly.

When the prime minister was infected with a temporary gaming disease, the first person he looked for was Bailiyuan.

Afraid of being killed by game disease, the prime minister knelt on the ground, crying, begging Bailiyuan to save him.

It's not that the Prime Minister is really that unbearable.

Bailiyuan could tell on the spot that the prime minister did this on purpose.

Naturally, it is because a crying child has milk to drink!

If you don't act a little miserable, but also act like you don't care, how can you ask others for things?

Smart people know how to benefit themselves.

As for face, mature people don't care.

Bailiyuan did give the prime minister something that could save his life.

In addition, Baili Yuan ended up in person, as long as the prime minister doesn't kill himself, nothing will happen in the end.

Bailiyuan rescued the Prime Minister, because the target of the Prime Minister was still needed to hang outside to block the damage.

It's just that after entering the game, the Prime Minister's actions and his inner emotions at the moment.

Let Bailiyuan know, the Prime Minister is not willing to do so.

Smart people have many ideas.

Bailiyuan smelled ambition!

This prime minister wants to devour the Lord!

Simple thinking can understand.

How could the Prime Minister willingly and honestly obey the orders of a Bengyuan Body?

And if there is a chance, the Prime Minister also wants to obtain the power as powerful as the Bengyuan body, and will never let anyone ride on his head again.

Instead, he can do whatever he wants!

In this regard, Bailiyuan chose to wait and see.


Xima Nicole and Baosheng Yongmeng quickly showed their game level as genius player N and genius player M. The two quickly gained a lot of experience, and their level became the second highest among all temporary players.

But that's about it.

Sima Nicole and Baosheng Yongmeng stopped fighting at the same time.

"What's wrong with them?" Tomorrow Na looked at the two suspiciously.

"Because there are not enough Bengyuan virus bodies around me." I explained with a serious expression, "Those Bengyuan virus bodies are gathering in places with a large number of people, that is to say, they have to go and temporarily The knights have gained experience."

Immediately afterwards, everyone rushed towards the direction where the number of Benyuan virions was larger.

That is the area where the temporary knights fought.

However, just after Sima Nicole rushed over, a figure stopped in front of the three of Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Palad?!" Baosheng Yongmeng said in surprise.

It's Palad!

Palade took out his own cassette and said with a smile: "It is forbidden for official knights to help temporary knights!"


Kamen Rider Paradox, here!

Puzzle Player!

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai are facing the enemy.

Palad at level 50 is much more dangerous than the Bengyuan virion.

Nicole was not intercepted because Nicole was a temporary knight.

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