Chapter 3490 Close the bottom! Garton's collapse source body!

Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai and Bailiyuan faced Prade.

"Sa, let me get rid of you fake Kamen Riders." Palad said happily.

"It's you again!" Baosheng Yongmeng was very angry, "What do you think of your life? I will never allow you to continue to use other people's lives as chips in the game!"

"Us? Didn't you see that those people were having fun?" Palad moved away slightly, pointing to the direction where the desirers were fighting.

"But there are more innocent people!" Behind Baosheng Yongmeng was a group of innocent people.

Jing Feicai and Bailiyuan did not speak.

"I'm going to beat you here!"

Without continuing to talk nonsense, the three rushed directly to Palad.

"If you have the ability, come!" Prade just smiled.

Sima Nicole found out that Palad stopped Baosheng Yongmeng and the three, immediately gave up and continued to fight, and stomped angrily.

"Hey, you bastard, what are you doing?" Sima Nico asked Palad, "Why do you stop me from competing with M? I advise you not to mind your own business!"

"What did you say?" Palad heard Sima Nicole's words, took time out during the battle, turned to look at Sima Nicole, and said disdainfully: "I am the one who can fight Baosheng Yongmeng! What level are you? , staring at the same opponent as me?"

Being able to talk to other people during the battle, or in a one-on-three situation, is enough to see that Palad has a lot of room.

At present, as long as Mercy does not appear, Palade is confident that he will not be afraid of any enemies!

"In that case, let's defeat you first!" Sima Nicole turned his head and pointed the gun at Palad.

The paradox of the War of Three Kingdoms became the paradox of the siege of four.

However, Palade is still not afraid.

The abilities of the puzzle players allow Palad to combine various abilities to deal with the four of them.

Looking at Xima Nicole's situation, Hua Jiada couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't help asking loudly: "Xima Nicole, I just want to ask you, what are you guys going to do?!"

This is not a game!

You don't take advantage of this time to upgrade your level, eliminate bosses, and save yourself.

What are you going to do with Palad?

Different from the anger of the Hua family, the desirers are all happy.

"Those weird guys won't come to stop us, let's eliminate more mobs and increase the level!"

"This victory must be mine!"

"When will the BOSS appear? I'm going to destroy the BOSS directly!"

Indeed, until now, only the mechanical collapse virus body appeared and besieged everyone.

The Boss of the Bengyuan body still did not show up.

The innocent people are all worried about Baosheng Yongmeng and the others.

Tomorrow Na also looked anxious.

The Prime Minister's eyes gradually darkened.

He felt he was being careless.

Handing the cassette to Baosheng Yongmeng, Baosheng Yongmeng not only failed to help him upgrade his level, but was also entangled by the enemy at this moment.

Is it really necessary to use the hole card given by Ultra?

No, now is not the time to be exposed!


The desirers continued to kill the mechanical collapse virus body, went deep into the factory, harvested a lot of experience, and the level was quickly raised.

Now the highest level of innocents has been raised to level 15!

When they reached an open space surrounded by iron frames, no new Bengyuan virus bodies appeared around them.

"Why didn't any new Bengyuan virions appear? Don't they scare me?" The person with desire was surprised.

All desirers become wary of each other.

They didn't kill each other just now because they wanted to snatch experience.

Now that there are no mobs to kill, they could break out into civil war at any moment.

"I see!" The person with desire thought of the truth, he obviously understood the game's routines better, "the boss must be about to appear!"

"BOSS?" The nine desirers cheered up one after another.

"Where is the BOSS?! Come out to me the BOSS!" A bold desirer shouted loudly.

As if responding to his words.

Heavy footsteps sounded.

The sound of walking robots echoed in the factory, making people feel uneasy.

The desirers panicked in their hearts, but soon, they were annihilated by their desires.

"The BOSS has come out!" Someone shouted excitedly.

"Great! As long as I defeat the BOSS, I can become a Kamen Rider! As long as I gain the power of the Kamen Rider, I will become the new boss of the gang!"

"I am the one who becomes the Kamen Rider! At that time, I will have inexhaustible wealth!"

"I will be a hero!"

The inner desires of the desirers are even more presumptuous.

"Boss, get out of here, don't play tricks on me!" Someone shouted loudly to the surroundings.

Finally, the BOSS arrives!

The red figure broke through the iron frame, and walked out of the metal factory stiffly, with a powerful aura.

The figure is like a sturdy robot, its movements are not sensitive, its movements are stiff, and its right hand is a huge metal fist.

"Is that the BOSS?" The desirers all stared at the figure that appeared.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya, who were watching everything secretly, also looked at the boss of this game.

They followed secretly.

"Is that the new Bengyuan body?" Saeko asked seriously.

"This image is Garton!" Kujo Kiriya said.

Gardon is the final boss that appeared in the game "Robots". Obviously, this Bengyuan body absorbed Garton's data and appeared based on Garton's image.

The reason Kujo Kiriya was able to recognize the other party's identity was naturally because he had supplemented the information of all the game characters in the cassette, especially the information of the protagonist and the final boss.

The moment they saw the Gatun Bengyuan body, all the desirers rushed towards the Gatun Bengyuan body.

"The head is mine!"

"Get out of the way, I'm the one who killed it!"

The Gadun Bengyuan body didn't make a sound, just quietly waiting for all the desirers to attack it, like an emotionless robot.

Saeko scanned the data of Gatun's source body.

As a new Bengyuan body, Saiko and Kujo Kiriya did not understand Gaton Bengyuan body.

[Name: Gadun Collapsing Source Body/Close Boss

Level: lv30

Features/Powers: Fighting Skills, Gardon Crusher, Mechanical Body, Position Transfer]

[Fighting technique: Has good fighting ability. ]

[Gadon Crusher: The huge device on the right hand can burst out with terrifying power, and can also fly out for long-range attacks. ]

[Mechanical body: a metal body with strong physical resistance, but because of its huge mass, it is stiff and slow to move. ]

[Position transfer: It has the ability to digitally move itself. ]

"Level 30?!" Saeko exclaimed.

At the same time, facing the desirers rushing in front of him, Gardon Bengyuan moved.

It simply raises its arms and sweeps them in a sweeping motion.

The three desirers who rushed to the front were directly swept away, screaming in pain. Then he fell to the ground, and the knight trough fell a big knot, and he didn't get up for a long time.

The few desirers who followed were frightened and hurriedly stopped.

"What a powerful force!"

But not all desirers stopped.

Those with desires held weapons, either from a distance or in close combat, and launched an attack on the Gadun Bengyuan body.

Yet a spark flew.

These attacks failed to penetrate the armor of Gadun's Bengyuan body, and even failed to make Gadun's Bengyuan body retreat.

"What kind of defense is this? Is there a problem with the balance of the game? This game is a hot chicken!" Someone put all the responsibility on the game.

Great defense, great power.

Just the moment of fighting, the desirers felt tremendous pressure.

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