Chapter 3488 The power on the Internet is false

The second round of the game begins!

Participating members—

4 people in the computer rescue center: Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai, Bailiyuan, Tomorrow Na;

Temporary Kamen Riders: 20 people (including Shima Nicole and the Prime Minister);

Others: I am the flower family;

Hidden in the dark: Player S (Saeko), Player K (Kuriya Kujo).

There are 27 people in total.

The screen in front of Tan Lidou was divided into small screens, and the images played on it were the figures of these 27 people.

Includes hidden Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

However, Saiko and Kujo Kiriya kept their disguise carefully, and Tan Rito still didn't know their identities.

But Tan Lidou's goal is not these miscellaneous soldiers, he wants to find out Ultra's identity and defeat Ultra, otherwise his game will still have no way to continue unscrupulously.

The current game mode can only be regarded as a compromise to the current situation.

"However." Tan Lidou smiled slightly, "This time, I won't let you ruin my game again."

As he spoke, Tan Lidou tilted his head slightly.

He looked at Parad, who was hiding behind the computer, breathing heavily, and playing games.

"What's wrong with Palad? Isn't it just playing a game? Why is he blushing and thick-necked?" Tan Lidou complained in his heart.

Seeing that Palade didn't notice his gaze, Tan Lidou had no choice but to call Palade.

"Pallard, it's time for you to act. You are responsible for clearing those illegal items in the game."

Hearing Tan Lidou's voice, Palad turned off the computer with some reluctance, collected his mentality, and looked up with a smile.

"Is it time for me to play? It's another exciting game."

After all, the power on the Internet is false, or a real game, which makes people more excited.

Only by defeating the genius player M in reality can he prove his strength!

When Palade left, Tan Lidou scanned all the people on the screen, and finally landed on the prime minister.

The prime minister is his chosen player.

Dan Rito's real purpose is to test the officially developed Kamen Rider!

Sure enough, at this moment, the prime minister was confident.

"Because, do you know that S and K are secretly protecting him? Hehe, stupid." Tan Lidou let out a sinister laugh.

After so many contacts, Dan Rito has already noticed that S and K are the two weakest among the official Kamen Riders.

How could they protect the prime minister?

If Mercy and Ultra showed up, he might be able to pay more attention to it.

Saiko \u0026 Kujo Kiriya: Huh? Protect the Prime Minister? Haven't heard of it?


in the field of games.

In fact, Saiko and Kujo Kiriya also discovered the Prime Minister, and they all suddenly realized that they were the official Kamen Riders.

The prime minister is their big boss!

However, they have not received any news that the Prime Minister will participate in this game.

"Sure enough, our level is still too low?" Kujo Kiriya laughed.

Saying this on the mouth, but thinking in the heart is another matter.

Is it because you don't trust us that you didn't tell us such an important thing?

Already under suspicion?

You should be cautious in your next actions, and you can't continue to hesitate.

Saeko calmly analyzed, "The Prime Minister is so confident, maybe there is something to rely on, Ultra and Mercy may appear because of the Prime Minister."

"Of course, it doesn't rule out that the Prime Minister is carrying some powerful equipment and transforming himself into battle."

"Who knows." Kujo Kiriya replied, "Let's wait and see what happens."

On the small square.

After Baosheng Yongmeng and others saw the Prime Minister, Baosheng Yongmeng was a little cautious.

But he was the only one who was cautious.

Jing Feicai and Tomorrow Na, on the contrary, developed hostility towards the Prime Minister.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, what about Ultra and the others? Didn't they come to protect you? We still have to protect other patients, so we may not have the extra energy to take care of you." Jing Feicai said in a deep voice.

The words contained guns and sticks, and it was obvious that he did not have a good impression of the Prime Minister.

Especially the two plans revealed by Kyoutaro Hyuga made them feel that the group headed by the prime minister was a villain.

The prime minister and the computer rescue center are not of one mind. It is the doctor's responsibility to protect the prime minister, but they don't have to obey the prime minister's command.

When the prime minister heard this, he was naturally displeased, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Hehe, there may be some misunderstanding." The Prime Minister laughed, and changed the topic directly, with a sincere look, "I just don't like fighting, so I hope to ask you for help. Don't worry, I will be honest. Just follow your orders and act together with other patients."

Hearing the prime minister's sincere words and his cooperation, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This plot is wrong.

Firstly, the Prime Minister did not force them to be recruited, and secondly, he did not run on them.

Why are you so... kind?

Everyone couldn't think of the reason, and finally reluctantly agreed to the prime minister to follow them.

The prime minister is a patient after all.

In this way, there were ten patients who followed them, reaching half of the total number of patients.

A group of people walked to the machinery factory.


in the field of games.

27 people, but divided into four groups.

The first group is the desirers, a total of 9 people. These 9 people all have their own desires, and they all want to gain power and become official Kamen Riders.

Now they have rushed into the machinery factory and started the game first. Although they cooperate, they also have their own secrets and are also competitors.

Nine desirers were fighting against the besieged mechanical collapse virus bodies.

As in the last case, the Bengyuan virus bodies are not the opponents of the temporary Kamen Riders at all, but just the material for the temporary Kamen Riders to upgrade.

However, the desirers soon realized that defeating the mechanical collapse virus body would allow them to upgrade.

As a result, the fragile alliance collapsed directly, and they began to rob each other of experience.

"Get out of the way, it's only mine!"

"Baga, Lu, are you courting death? Give me your experience!"

"Ah! How dare you attack me, you are courting death!"

"Don't fight, everyone, don't fight, why don't we unite!"

"United Nima, I think you want to enjoy the experience alone!"

"Since you have seen through, then you go to die!"

Not only was the alliance broken, and each other robbed each other of experience, even the desirers also started to attack each other.

Their idea is simple - won't they gain more experience by eliminating competitors? Have a better chance of winning the game?

Some people even wonder if they can gain more experience by defeating other temporary Kamen Riders?

In the machinery factory, swords, swords and swords are in chaos.

The second group is the combination of Hua Jiada I and Sima Nicole. The purpose of Huajia Dawo is to save Sima Nicole. Xima Nicole's goal is to become an official Kamen Rider and defeat Baosheng Eternal Dream.

The two also started the game.

"Put this on!" Hua Jiada and I handed over my driver and transformation cassette to Sima Nicole.

"Wow, you bastard, you are actually willing to let me play with your big baby!" Sima Nicole exclaimed.

"Could you please talk to me properly!" I was angry with the Hua family.

Although I can't fight as a Hua family, it's not like I can't give Sima Nicole any help.

Hua Jiada and I explained: "You should also be able to use the drive to fight, and I will temporarily lend you the cassette, which is better than your temporary cassette. If you lose the game, I will definitely let you know what cruelty is! "

I chose to follow the Hua family, but I was worried about Sima Nicole.

"Understood, I understand, uncle, if you keep nagging, you will soon become a grandfather."

Sima Nicole made faces at the Hua family.

The Hua family's blood rage is almost full.

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