I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3392 moved by Kujo Guiliya

In the dim cold light.

Alone, Kujo Kiriya walked through the very familiar corridor - that was the road leading to the morgue.

It is also the place where Kujo Guiliya started his work in the past.

As a forensic doctor, most of the time I deal with corpses.

Now, he was going to see another corpse.

However, this time, Kujo Kiriya only felt that his legs were weak and his footsteps were unstable. He instinctively wanted to escape, but he had to take steps.

He didn't want to believe it, but couldn't help but want to verify it.

Push open the door of the morgue and lift off the white cloth covering the corpse.

Kujo Kiriya completely lost all strength, knelt on the ground, his eyes were darkened, his eyes scanned in a panic, not knowing where to put them.

He hoped it was all fake.

However, the truth is as cold as the temperature of the morgue.

The corpse lying on the bed was his friend.

Unfortunately, his friend was infected with gaming sickness. For his friend, he ventured to obtain information about gaming sickness from the database of the Ministry of Health, and told him the truth about gaming sickness.

His friend died in a car accident because he couldn't bear the blow and was in a trance.

It can be said that his friend's death was caused by him alone.

Just because he told the truth.

Guilt, remorse, panic, confusion... The chaotic emotions of being at a loss erupted from Kujo Kiriya's heart. He didn't know how to face it, what to do, and had no place to rely on.

On this day, Kujo Kiya realized a truth-telling the truth may not always be correct, and the truth sometimes disturbs life.


Kujo Kiriya opened his eyes suddenly, and then gasped violently.

He was lying on the hospital bed, and when he opened his eyes, it was the ceiling of the hospital.

Let Kujo Kiriya recall that he was in the hospital. Since being beaten up by the purple Kamen Rider, he has been in the hospital until now, and he has finally recovered.

What happened just now was all his dream.

He dreamed about his previous experiences.

The past in the dream made it difficult for him to breathe, but the reality of the present made him feel pressured.

The truth about the game sickness and collapse virus has not been investigated clearly.

And discover the true identity of the Purple Kamen Rider, a terrible truth that will hurt everyone...

"Having a nightmare?"

A voice interrupted Kujo Kiriya's thoughts.

Hearing the sound, Kujo Kiriya turned his head.

He remembered that in this double ward, the person living with him was an old man, why did his voice sound so young...

Then Kujo Kiriya saw Bailiyuan sitting beside the hospital bed.

Bailiyuan showed a big smile to Kujo Kiriya.

If Bailiyuan put down a large bag of condolences belonging to Kujo Kiriya, this smile would definitely make Kujo Kiriya feel warm.

Seeing Baili Yuan, a child who belonged to the computer rescue center, Kujo Kiriya still smiled.

"So it's Xiaoyuan, why are you here? Judging by your appearance, you are here to steal my condolences, right?"

"Yes, but it's really pitiful for you to have such a little condolence."


Kujo Kiriya suddenly felt bad.

These condolences were sent by colleagues who had been helped by him before.

He hasn't tasted it yet.

"That's it, it's really sad..." Kujo Kiriya looked a little disappointed.

Suddenly Kujo Kiriya grabbed the condolence item in Bailiyuan's hand.


bring it you!

But it caught an empty one.


Kujo Kiriya was taken aback.

Then he saw Baili Yuan's smiling face with half-moon eyes.

full of sarcasm.

It turned out that Bailiyuan had been prepared for a long time.

"Stupid adults know how to play these little tricks. I'm not a three-year-old."

"Yeah, I've been seen through." Kujo Kiya spread his hands, then smiled, "Okay, let's stop making trouble. Nurse Lan is here, and I'm going to change my medicine."

"Nurse Lan? Where?" Baili Yuan turned her head hastily.

According to Bailiyuan's naked eye scan, Nurse Lan is the best-looking nurse in this hospital. She is not only kind-hearted, but also has an astringent figure under her pure and beautiful face...

Then Baili Yuan felt his hand was empty.

Turning his head again, he saw Kujo Kiriya smiling triumphantly at Bailiyuan, holding those condolence items in his hands.

Kujo Kiriya: I've already made up my mind about this child.

"Despicable adult!" Baili Yuan gave Kujo Kiriya a shot, then turned and ran away.


Kujo Kiriya yelled in his heart what the hell, covered his eyes and yelled out the pain.

"Ah, this brat!" Kujo Guiliya couldn't help scolding, "It's obviously a child, why is it so painful to beat someone?"

Just when Kujo Guili was upset with Bailiyuan, the old man in the next bed suddenly spoke.

"Hehe, young man, sometimes, what you see may not be the truth."

"What?" Kujo Kiriya looked suspiciously at the old man on the bed next door.

"That kid, I've been with you here for a long time, and I planned to play with you when I saw you having nightmares." The old man witnessed everything, "Now you are much more energetic than a few days ago. "

Kujo Kiriya was taken aback.

"Is it all for me? Really or not?"

He didn't expect that there was such a truth in the matter, and that Bailiyuan had such a side.

According to the information collected by Kujo Kiriya, Bailiyuan is a child the size of a kid. He is obviously a child, but he is a bit lecherous and always causes trouble for others.

The clever brat is the label Kujo Kiya put on Bailiyuan.

Being able to sneak into the computer rescue center is also considered his skill.

As for Baili Yuan's identity, Kujo Kiriya had naturally investigated it.

In order to investigate all the truth about the game disease, Kiya Kujo investigated everything related to it through various legal and illegal methods.

This is why he approached Fantasy Game Company three years ago and threatened Tan Lidou.

Similar to me in the Hua family, I gave up everything in the Hua family, so why didn't he give everything.

While investigating the information of everyone in the computer rescue center, he naturally also investigated Bailiyuan.

According to his investigation, the information about Baili Yuan was that the orphan whose parents both died lived in the orphanage for several years, and it seemed that his life was not very good until he was adopted by a kind person last year.

very clean.

He experienced a not-so-good childhood, but he didn't feel from Bailiyuan that he had traces of the influence of this experience.

No, it may be because of such a childhood experience that Baili Yuan has such a strange personality now.

If you don't break out in suffering, you will pervert in suffering.

Maybe the latter.

Bailiyuan did show a precocity that didn't match her age, and she knew her sister was good at a young age.

Kujo Kiriya also doesn't completely treat Baili Yuan like a child.

He didn't expect that Baili Yuan would have such a gentle side.

"Because I have been exposed to the rain, do you want to hold an umbrella for others? I have never been treated with tenderness, but I will show tenderness to others. This pure, really makes people feel uncomfortable."

"Tsk, troublesome brat!"

Kujo Kiriya muttered a few words, and then wanted to eat an apple from the condolences, suppressing his emotions.

However, he found that in the bag of condolences, besides the normal fruit, there were three candies.

Kujo Kiriya didn't think that when his colleagues gave him condolences, they would throw a few candies in.

"The child gave you those candies." The old man smiled and said, "There are five in a bag, and I gave you three."

By the way, the old man also took out a candy and shook it in his hand.

Obviously, the old man also received candy, but only one.

Kujo Kiriya curled his lips, took off the candy wrapper, threw a candy into his mouth, and then lay down on the hospital bed with his back to the old man.

"This candy is too sweet. Children will damage their teeth if they eat it."

The old man looked at Kujo Kiriya's back and smiled.

"Children will only distribute treasures to approved people."

At this time, the door of the ward was opened.

A woman walks in.

"Dad, I'm here to visit you."

The old man's smile disappeared instantly, showing a stubborn look, "Didn't I tell you not to come?"

Kujo Kiriya immediately pricked up his ears.

There is excitement!

Tell the old man to watch him have fun.

Now that old man is also in trouble.

Sure enough, the old man quarreled with his daughter.

Just when Kujo Kiya was wondering if he should help enlighten the old man, the old man suddenly screamed and wailed in pain.

"Do you want to be so exciting? This is the filial piety of a father and a daughter?" Kujo Kiriya hurriedly got up, turned his head to look, his eyes widened immediately, and muttered to himself, "No way..."

Because the old man actually broke out the game sickness!

Are Kamen Rider and game patients in the same ward?

Is there such a coincidence?

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