Chapter 3393 Color-changing Genm

Game patient: Yoshio Okada.

Infected with the Bengyuan virus: Corapos Bengyuan virus.

In other words, he was infected with two viruses at the same time.

Just like last time.

Kujo Kiriya immediately informed Baosheng Yongmeng of the situation.

Yoshio Okada was directly transferred to the ward where he was, and was pushed into the computer rescue center.

Then Kujo Kiriya encountered the same embarrassment as Hosei Yongmeng back then.

That is, he does not belong to the computer rescue center, and the computer rescue center does not allow him to enter, let alone participate in the surgery casually.

"Hey, I discovered the person!"

The implication: I am also one of the players who compete for cassette tapes! There are not many requirements, two cards and one for me is enough!

But no one took care of him.

Kujo Kiya urgently needs to upgrade the cassette now.

Who's got a bit of a problem with his Cavaliers cassette.

Kamen Riders, Snipe and Lazer who are not in the computer rescue center, that is, Hanaka Taiga and Kujo Kiriya, their cassettes are more or less flawed.

The cassette tape of the Hua family is too powerful, it is not easy to control, and it is easy to hurt yourself. But it's nothing to the Hua family, even if it's an injury, as long as it's powerful enough to keep him winning, that's enough.

He didn't care about this flaw at all.

Kujo Kiriya's cassette allows Kujo Kiriya to have a good speed, but it is also a bit difficult to control. The most important thing is that in the state of level 2, there is no way to fight at all. You must cooperate with other Kamen Riders to activate the nirvana.

This made Kujo Guiliya very distressed.

He guessed that if there is an upgrade cassette, after upgrading to level 3, he should have the power to fight alone again.

However, Kujo Kiriya could tell that because he had been deceived by him, Baosheng Yongmeng, who was the easiest to get in touch with, was now on guard against him.

It's impossible for him to use a level 1 canned man to touch his level 3 big brother, right?

That's called Porcelain!

Even if level 1 is used to fight against the separated Bengyuan body, the winning rate is not high.

The level 1 target is the collapse source connector.

Level 2 corresponds to the isolated Bengyuan monster.

Level 3 corresponds to the full body collapse source body.

The difference between one level and the strength gap is huge.

Moreover, the true identity of the Purple Kamen Rider also gave Kujo Kiriya a sense of urgency for power.

That person is helping Bengyuan Body, if that person is left alone, everyone in the computer rescue center may be in crisis in the end.

Including the innocent Baili Yuan.

No, they are already shrouded in crisis!

The computer rescue center does not let Kujo Guili enter.

But Kujo Kiriya is not someone who will honestly obey the request.

Bailiyuan could walk the stairs, so it was not difficult for him to break through the empty door.

Of course, Kujo Kiriya knew that since he was an adult, he couldn't break the law.


When Kujo Guiliya was thinking about how to enter the computer rescue center unreasonably but not illegally.

In the computer rescue center, the separation operation has already begun.

In the isolation room, Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai transformed directly to fight with the Bengyuan connector.

Separation surgery, start!

Bailiyuan lay on the window of the isolation room, looking in.

"Wow, two-headed dragon!"

It was a Bengyuan connector with two dragon heads.

"I'm not happy to say that!" The mirror gray horse hurriedly said, but then he reacted, "Now is not the time to talk about this, get out of the way!"

Then the mirror gray horse was at the window, facing the inside of the isolation room, dancing for a while.

To be honest, seeing Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai start the battle with the Bengyuan Connector directly in the isolation room, Jing Huima's heart was about to break.

That's all money!

Do you know the cost of this isolation room and the equipment inside?

However, the isolation room is worthy of being an isolation room.

The voice of the mirror gray horse could not be heard at all.

It was Baosheng Yongmeng's guessing that he figured out what the mirror gray horse meant.

Even if the game field is opened, they and the Bengyuan connector are transferred to the space.

Looking at the messy isolation room, the mirror gray horse wants to cry but has no tears.

The cost of this isolation room is half that of their hospital, and they apply for funds from above, how do they write an application report?


The separation operation was successful, and the source collapsed.

The two faucets turned into two Bengyuan bodies respectively.

Corapos Bone Source Body——

Ultimate Sword Fighting, sourced from "Extreme Sword Fighting" replay cassette, equipment: Kola Wave Knife.

Jet battle, sourced from "Jet Fighter" replay cassette, equipped with: Corapor Striped Jet.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai directly upgrade to level 3.

The two people who have solved the two Korapos Bengyuan bodies have a better understanding of this type of Bengyuan body.

The IQ of this type of Bengyuan body is obviously lower, and the copied data is not the data of the characters in the game, but the data of some of the props and weapons.

The level of the collapse body is probably only level 2, but it can threaten the level 3 Kamen Rider with special weapons and equipment.

Correspondingly, using the corresponding cassette as an upgrade cassette, they can also obtain similar equipment and armor.

Enrich the attack methods of Kamen Rider and increase the attack power.

Just when Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai were about to solve a Bengyuan body respectively, Genm suddenly appeared again.

Genm has also been upgraded to level 3.

It is still an upgraded armor made from a bicycle with a "Power Sports" cassette.

However, unlike the past pink and green bicycle armor, this time the bicycle armor has a black frame and white tires.

Because this time the cassette is - the prototype "Extraordinary Action X" replay cassette + the prototype "Energetic Sports" replay cassette!

Prototype Sports Action Player Lv3!

"Changed color?" Baosheng Yongmeng noticed that the color of Genm's armor had changed.

Any other changes?

Then Genm suppressed Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai one by one, and told them where the other changes were.

This color matching Genm is more powerful!

But Genm didn't fight for too long, he didn't come this time to defeat Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai.

Moreover, it is not suitable for him to fight for a long time.

Genm seized a gap in the battle and left the game field directly with two Bengyuan bodies.

"Fortunately, you have saved your life."

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai had no choice but to undo the transformation.

Next, Baosheng Eternal Dream judged the source of the pressure of the patient Yoshio Okada to infer the target of the Bengen body, and then went to destroy the Ben Yuan body.


Bailiyuan returned to her secret base.

While Baosheng Yongmeng and the others were busy, he planned to cultivate the newly acquired Bengyuan virus.

Naturally, it is the virus data of Extreme Sword Fighting Bengyuan and Jet Fighting Bengyuan.

Without defeating the Bengyuan body, Bailiyuan can directly collect virus data from patients.

The virus data of the Koraposian body cannot upgrade Bailiyuan's cassette, nor can it add props to Bailiyuan's game field, but it greatly enriches Bailiyuan's weapons and equipment.

Oh, and the number of attacks of the pixel staff will still increase.

This happens, probably because it is a bit nutritious to use one patient to cultivate two viruses.


The enhanced cassette is out.

Bailiyuan looked at the cassette in his hand and turned it upside down.

"This is at least a strengthening +8 equipment. I don't know when Genm will win this card from me."

At this time, the cassette flickered, and Bailiyuan knew that someone had opened the game field.

"Has the battle started? It's time to show off the cassette. Huh~"

I blew the cassette with my mouth.

Push the button.

【Extraordinary Ultra X】

[I am Kamen Rider! 】

"Kamen Rider Ultra, join the room."

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