Chapter 3391 Prototype Cassette

"Kamen Rider Ultra, like the purple Kamen Rider, has unknown identity and unknown purpose. But they can all be upgraded to level 3. It is speculated that there may be a connection between them."

Computer help center, emergency meeting.

Tomorrow that is telling.

Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai, Jinghuima and Bailiyuan sat on chairs.

Of course, everyone was ignoring Baili Yuan.

On the side screen is the video of Hinata Kyoutaro and Tan Rito.

There are photos of Ultra and Genm on the blackboard, including their level 2 appearance and level 3 appearance.

So here comes the question, how many traitors are there.

cough cough.

The meeting discussed information about the two Kamen Riders.

Hua Jiada, I did not participate in the meeting because he is not a member of the computer rescue center.

The same is true for Kujo Kiriya, besides, he was beaten up by Genm before, and now he has just woken up and cannot move freely.

Kyoutaro Hinata showed up again, but he looked a little haggard.

It's too difficult. He didn't find anything about the two high-level plans of "Completion of Human Beings" and "Called Children". As a result, when I turned around, I found that something had happened to the computer rescue center.

Tan Lidou remained serious and did not show any flaws.

In fact, Tan Lidou had no idea about today's meeting. It would be a surprise if information about Ultra could be discussed.

He was beaten by Ultra, and his upgrade cassette was taken away.

But Tan Lidou didn't panic at all.

Because he believes in his own talent, Ultra, in the end, will only serve as food for his game.

Although it made him a little uncomfortable to be linked Genm and Ultra, his reason kept him restrained.

"The cassette used by Ultra needs further research. These two Kamen Riders are obviously hostile to us, so I hope to meet them in the future, and everyone should be more careful." Tan Lidou also reminded "kindly".

"If possible, I hope to defeat them. At least, I can't let them do anything wrong and threaten the safety of patients." Kyoutaro Hyuga said seriously.

Both Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai nodded.

Both Genm and Ultra have grievances with them.

"It would be nice to have more information, maybe we can deduce their origins." Tan Lidou sighed, "It's really inappropriate for a game that should bring joy to people to be used to create havoc. gone."

"Yeah, why do people always touch dangerous things?" Hinata Kyoutaro couldn't help but sighed.

Tan Lidou squinted his eyes without leaving a trace, and thought to himself: "Didn't you find anything out there?"

What Tan Rito wanted was to get information about those two plans from Kyoutaro Hyuga.

Because of the two planning ideas of the high-level, he has something he can use.

But he can't be too active, because he can only be regarded as a helper.

The high-level performance this time is surprisingly reliable.

Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai and Jinghuima all had serious expressions on their faces.

No one said anything of value for a long time.

Now, computer help center speculation is.

The purple Kamen Rider, and Kamen Rider Ultra, may be related.

They might even have something to do with the high-level Human Completion Project.

But not much.

Because if the top management had the technology of drives and cassettes, they would have already taken more actions.

What may be related to the "Human Completion Plan" is suspected to be those knights' collapse virus bodies.

Because the origin of these knights' Bengyuan virus is unknown, they also helped Kamen Rider deal with Bengyuan.

But it may also represent that the plan of “The Chosen Child” of the high level of human beings is being implemented.

Hyuga Kyoutaro contacted many children-related institutions across the country, but found no similar clues.

It's impossible, the high-level people use their own children for experiments, right?

Bailiyuan, as a bystander, just watched everyone's meeting.

Nod and applaud from time to time, trying not to let the leader's words fall to the ground.

"Yes, that's right."

"Makes sense."

"It turned out to be like this."

Then Bailiyuan was kicked out of the meeting room.


Duo Lai Mi beat the source body, and finally Jing Fei Cai cracked it with the frequency of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Well, Bailiyuan thinks it's a bit outrageous.

If Bailiyuan hadn't discovered that Jing Feicai was playing music games frantically in his spare time, he would have almost believed it.

The aloof man, in order not to destroy his personality, really worked hard to find an outrageous reason.

But Baosheng Yongmeng and Tomorrow really believed it.

Bailiyuan had to sigh, people who have hatred in their hearts can't do things even if they break the limit and bear the capacity.

After obtaining the upgrade cassette, Jing Feicai opened level 3.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Feicai relied on level 3 to kill Gu Lafat who came to find trouble.

However, as a complete collapse source body, even if Gu Lafat was defeated, he did not die, but could recover again.

Gulafat, who had returned again, knocked on the table frantically in Tan Lidou's office.

"Damn Kamen Rider!"

"So, this is the fun of the game." Prallard said with a smile while playing the game.

Gullafat looked at Prallad, his eyes widening.

Are you speaking human words?

I was all killed!

Tan Lidou also came with a box, and said with a smile: "Actually, I can help you, but I didn't take action. This is your punishment for acting without authorization."

Tan Lidou had a showdown, he did not save him, he was not careless, he did it on purpose.

From the perspective of Palad and Tan Lidou, Gu Lafat needs to be beaten.

As punishment, Tan Ridou also confiscated Gurafat's malfunctioning drive.

Gullafat banged on the table angrily.

"The faulty drive won't let me use it, do you want to use it?"

The faulty driver is a special transformation device for the Bengyuan body.

In the hands of a human being like Tan Lidou, it was just a decent weapon.

The full functionality of the failed drive simply cannot be utilized.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"What else do you want to do? You have been discovered by Lazer!" Gullafat threatened.

"He has no evidence." Tan Lidou smiled.

"Your upgrade cassette has been robbed!"

Tan Lidou couldn't laugh anymore.

Not to mention this, we are still good friends.

"Hmph, don't worry!"


The box brought by Tan Lidou was opened by Tan Lidou raising his hand.

Inside are neatly arranged cassettes, ten in total.

However, unlike ordinary cassettes, the main body and labels of these cassettes are mostly black.

The name of these cassettes is - Prototype Transfer Cassettes!

The same is the knight cassette.

To be precise, it is the first version of the knight cassette, corresponding to all the knight cassettes and upgrade cassettes developed by Tan Lidou.

Only the "Prototype "Extraordinary Action X" Replay Cassette" is purple.

Because it is the cassette that Dan Lidou is using.

That's right, after Tan Lidou's transformation, the reason why he is so similar to Exaid and has the same transformation as Baosheng Yongmeng is because the cassette he uses is the prototype of Baosheng Yongmeng cassette!

No one knows that five years ago, it was because of the failure of these ten prototype transfer cassettes that a large number of Bengyuan virus was born, which triggered the zero-day incident.

Now, Tan Lidou took out these cassettes again.

Because the game is about to enter the next stage.

At the same time, he also needs a new upgrade cassette.

The strength of these prototype cassettes is stronger than the current cassettes!

Tan Lidou took out a prototype cassette from the box and pressed the button.

【Exercise vigorously! 】

Prototype "Energetic Sports" cassette!

"Ultra, in the next game, I will win!" Tan Lidou said.

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